1 Year Breastfeeding Quotes – Motivation and Love

Can you believe that your baby is already one year old? After all the sleepless nights, spit-up incidents and dirty diapers and all. Wow! Congratulations on making it this far. You shouldn’t mind taking the chance to capture this precious moment and commemorate this milestone of breastfeeding that child for a year. I guess it was an awesome experience. It feels wonderful! It must look like you’ve come a long way when you look back at what you had gone through in the first months of your baby’s life.

This is because bringing a baby into this world is such an empowering feeling, and it seems to inspire curiosity about all things done for the baby which includes breastfeeding. And as mothers all over the globe, including me and you, we all share that sense of joy and happiness once we are done breastfeeding our babies for at least 1 year.

So, why don’t you check out this collection of 1 year breastfeeding quotes to further see the various experiences and advantages of breastfeeding your child for that period of time? Enjoy.

Breastfeeding is a beautiful experience. It helps to create a bond between mother and child. While every child is different, there are a lot of lovely benefits that accompany breastfeeding a child especially for a whole year. The benefits are so much.

1. It feels great to have breastfed a child for a whole year. There were times when it was difficult but you overcame them. Keep up the good work.

2. It feels great when you breastfeed your child for a whole year. You know that you gave good nutrition to your baby and were able to bond with the child.

3. It’s been a year since I started breastfeeding my baby, and it’s been a journey full of learning experiences and challenges. But with each challenge comes joy and happiness.

4. I started breastfeeding my baby a year ago and it has been a huge learning experience. It’s filled with challenges, challenges I’ve conquered. But with each challenge comes joy and happiness.

5. It is so good for your baby, it’s good for the mother and of course, it is good for the baby. After one year of breastfeeding, a baby’s immune system has been properly developed and its teeth are beginning to appear in its mouth.

6. It is an amazing feeling to have been breastfeeding a child for a whole year. You must be so proud of yourself.

7. It’s been a year since I started breastfeeding my baby. It has been full of learning experiences, challenges and joys.

8. It’s been a year since I started breastfeeding my baby and it has been the best journey of my life. Every challenge that I’ve faced, every new experience and discovery has made me stronger. And with each joy comes a new hope for the future.

9. Breastfeeding my baby was one of the toughest challenges I’ve faced in life, but through it all there was joy and happiness. With our little girl, we’ve seen growth together and made a memory that will last a lifetime.

10. Breastfeeding my baby is like a full body massage, with so many ups and downs, it’s been a journey. But for me, the joy of breastfeeding outweighs all the challenges.

11. Breastfeeding after a year can be difficult. From soreness to milk supply and all breastfeeding brings.

12. It’s been a year since I  started breastfeeding my baby, and while it has been challenging at times, it has also been full of everything good.

13. I’ve been nursing my baby for 1 year now and it’s an experience that I would never trade for the world. It’s incredibly satisfying for both me and my baby to bond and  as well feed.

14. After a year of breastfeeding, your body will have experienced a miracle. You will have given all the nutrition your baby needs during this time. Your body has created a bond that is irreplaceable and breastfeeding after a year will bring you both such happiness.

15. It’s been a year since I started breastfeeding my baby boy and I have so much joy about giving him breast milk.

16. It’s 1 year since I started breastfeeding my baby and it’s been a journey, full of learning experiences and challenges. But with each challenge comes joy and happiness.

17. After a year of breastfeeding, the initial moment of the first suckling may not be as intense as the first time but you still experience happiness and a feeling of warmth in your heart.

18. It is a great feeling to breastfeed your child for a year. It allows you to bond even more with your child and it teaches patience, responsibility and discipline.

19. I’m so grateful for breastfeeding because it has given me the opportunity to see my baby’s first year through a totally different lens.

20. It’s been a year since I started breastfeeding my son. It’s been a journey full of learning experiences and challenges. But with each challenge comes more bonding.

21. It’s been a year and we are still breastfeeding. I have enjoyed this journey and the experience has

22. In the first year of breastfeeding, it’s a discovery of what your body can make. It changes the way you look at yourself, and how you see others. It has brought so much joy to our family.

23. Just one year ago I set out to breastfeed my baby, and I have never looked back. Breastfeeding has truly been a journey full of learning experiences and challenges, but with each challenge comes joy, love and happiness.

24. A year ago, my daughter was born, and it’s been a journey full of learning experiences and challenges while nursing her. With each challenge, I become better.

25. Breastfeeding was a little hard at first and I wasn’t sure I could do it, but after a couple of months, it became quite normal. We worked together to breastfeed and it was definitely worth the effort.

26. Breastfeeding beyond a year isn’t always easy, but I haven’t felt weird about it at all. It comes naturally to me, so it’s just part of my everyday life.

27. The idea of breastfeeding for a year may seem crazy. It really shouldn’t. The benefits of doing so are huge. If you are able to breastfeed your child for at least one year, it will be a hot commodity in your parenting arsenal—and it’s important to know how that feels.

28. I got my first chance to feed my baby breast milk last year and it’s a year now. I never thought it will be so great, but after I tried it, I started loving it and taught myself how to do the job properly.

29. It’s been a year, but I still remember the first time I gave my baby breast milk. It was something very special and it is one of the best moments of my life.

30. Just after one year of breastfeeding the bond between mother and child is stronger than ever. It feels like she has one extra arm to hold her. Breastfeeding after 1 year is especially important for the health of the mother and baby.

31. You may feel like your baby was born yesterday, but it’s been 1 year since you started breastfeeding, and there are a lot of wonderful things to say about this time in your life.

32. The 1st year of breastfeeding is a big accomplishment. 

33. Breastfeeding a child for more than a year is an amazing thing. It brings together mother and child in an intimate way that is hard to describe. The bond that develops during this time can be special, but breastfeeding long-term can be challenging. 

34. You can feel the special bond between you and your child when you breastfeed. It is a joy to nurse your baby until they are one year old and beyond.

35. As I look back on breastfeeding and my baby’s first year, I am so grateful for how easy it has been to give him breast milk.

36. I’m so glad we chose to breastfeed for the first year of my baby’s life. It’s been an amazing experience that I treasure every day.

37. After a year, you can see the change in your baby. The little nuggets have become smart and independent. They’re even growing their own teeth! And it’s amazing that after all this time, they are still willing to be latched on to the only person who has ever been there for them. It’s good to stop and take stock of this special bond between you two while you still can.

38. Breastfeeding after a year is a lot like breathing. At first, it’s shallow and hard. But eventually, it becomes more natural as you’ve always been doing this.

39. Breastfeeding after a year is a milestone in itself and can be a source of pride or embarrassment, depending on how you handle it.

40. Breastfeeding after one year is an incredible experience. Feeling the bond between mother and child, being able to form a close relationship with your baby, and knowing that you have done everything you could to help them grow into healthy adults all adds up to something truly special.

41. Breastfeeding has been a life-changing experience for me. I am so grateful for the time I’ve spent nursing my daughter, and for the love that comes with it.

42. Breastfeeding is not a race or a competition. It’s a personal journey to try something new and different with your body, and as long as you are happy and healthy, then that’s all that matters.

43. I breastfed my baby for one year. It feels like a dream so far. 

44. It’s a little over a year since I started breastfeeding my baby and every day, I am amazed at how much joy giving my little one breast milk has brought to my life.

45. Yesterday was my baby’s first birthday! What an amazing year it has been. I’ve learned so much about motherhood, grace, and myself. I am grateful for these moments with my daughter and the time we’ll have together in the future.

46. I can’t even express how amazing it feels to be a mom. To see my baby’s first smile and get their first tooth is something I will never forget. Breastfeeding is truly an incredible way to bond with your children and be there for them throughout all of their milestones.

47. It’s a blur. I can’t even tell you how much I love this little human and these moments with him. I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my life together.

48. Breastfeeding after a year has changed my life. It’s not as hard as I thought it would be and I feel more connected with my baby than ever before.

49. Breastfeeding after a year. It’s hard and rewarding, but it’s also tough. 

50. Breastfeeding is truly a miracle of nature and there are so many wonderful things to love about it. Breastfeeding after one year is so special and it’s an incredible feeling.

51. Don’t get discouraged if you’re still breastfeeding after a year. Breastfeeding doesn’t come easy for everyone and it takes time to develop your own feeding style. Keep at it!

52. It’s hard to believe it has been a year since we started breastfeeding. It feels like we’ve had a baby for years, but in reality, it’s only been a few months.

53. This past year has been a full circle of emotions; a rollercoaster of ups and downs, joys and struggles. But one thing I’ve learned is that my baby will be okay no matter what as long as I’m there for him.

54. Breastfeeding after a year is nothing short of miraculous. For new moms, it can be a steep learning curve, but for many women, the rewards are well worth the challenges. 

55. Breastfeeding after a year is an indescribable experience. Breastfeeding will never be amazing—all the hard work, all the sacrifice, it’s all worth it when you see your child thriving.

56. Breastfeeding after a year is still new to me. I’m learning with each feeding how much my body has changed, and how I still get to feel connected to my baby every day.

57. Breastfeeding after a year is a rollercoaster. It’s amazing, challenging and everything in between. Breastfeeding is an experience that all moms should feel proud of.

58. Breastfeeding after a year can be a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be.

59. Breastfeeding after a year is a special milestone because it means you’ve made it through the challenges and triumphs of nursing. It’s also a reminder that the road to motherhood is never ending—breastfeeding may be the most significant achievement so far, but getting there was just one small step in an endless journey.

60. Breastfeeding has never been an easy road for me. It wasn’t until a year ago that I finally got over my personal struggle and gave in to the urge to breastfeed my daughter.

61. It’s important to know that your baby will get the highest quality nutrition when breastfed on demand and can continue this way until she is two years old or longer.

62. Breastfeeding your baby should be one of the easiest decisions you make. The benefits it has on both you and your baby are unsurpassed although, it requires dedication, commitment and persistence.

63. While many people believe that breastfeeding should stop after six months or even two, some people believe that the longer you breastfeed, the greater your child’s long-term health could be.

64. After a year of breastfeeding, remember that you are doing something wonderful for your baby. They are now open to foods from all cultures and ethnicities. The milk that you have been giving them has taught them how to eat everything, which will help them avoid pickiness later on in life.

65. Breastfeeding after a year means your child has the added benefit of receiving antibodies and immune-modulating help. Breast milk also provides children with many years of protection against acute respiratory infections, diarrhoea, ear infections, wheezing and asthma.

66. Breastfeeding beyond a year is one of the best things you can do for your baby. It provides many well-documented health benefits, such as increasing their intelligence and helping them to build up their immunity. Also, bonding with a growing child and boosting your confidence as a parent is part of the benefits.

67. It’s one year after I started breastfeeding my baby. See how big he’s grown. 

68. I’m so grateful to have experienced 1 year of breastfeeding. It has been an adventure, both with my kids and with myself.

69. The memories, the smiles and the joys are etched in my heart. Happy 1-year breastfeeding.

70. I was so grateful to be able to breastfeed my newborn for a year. I feel so lucky to have been able to experience that with him for that long.

71. Breastfeeding is not just a one-time event. It’s an adventure that continues with each feed, moment by moment.

72. I’m not going to pretend that breastfeeding is always easy, but it is worth it.

73. Breastfeeding is a journey, and I have learned so much along the way in the last one year.

74. Breastfeeding has given me the freedom to do so many things, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have the ability to provide for our family through breastfeeding in the last one year.

75. I’ve been breastfeeding for a year now, and I feel great about what I’ve experienced.

76. Breastfeeding is a beautiful journey that all new moms embark on. It’s a time to remember and reflect on now that it’s a year of breastfeeding already.

77. The memories that you make with your little one are priceless. We say it all the time, but it’s true: breastfeeding is a journey full of love.

78. The first year is the hardest. But if you stick with it, and with your little ones, it gets easier.

79. It’s been a year since I gave birth and I can’t believe how much my body has changed.

80. I’ve been breastfeeding my baby for one year. I have learned a lot through this journey and the experience has made me stronger and stronger.

81. It’s been a year since I started breastfeeding my 1-year-old. From the moment she latched on to my breast, she seemed to ask for more at every feeding. She laughed and cooed, she screamed and cried. I loved seeing her take in each bite of food and getting used to the sensations of getting milk from my body.

82. The first year of breastfeeding is a journey. But as you walk through it, remember that breastfeeding is not just breastmilk, formula or baby food. It’s a way to connect with your baby and feel closer to them.

83. The experience of breastfeeding is beautiful. It brings joy, it brings love and it has a wonderful way of connecting you to your child in a more physical way than you may have experienced with your other children before them.

84. My first year of breastfeeding has been one that I would never have imagined. It is thrilling, it is challenging, and it is rewarding. It is also an experience that I am still processing.

85. One year ago today, I began breastfeeding my baby. In that short time, I’ve learned a lot about my body making for some of the best years together.

86. Breastfeeding has changed my life in so many ways! It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year. I’m so thankful for all of the support I’ve received along the way, especially from other nursing mamas who have shared their stories with me.

87. Many mothers have expressed their experiences of breastfeeding their children for one year. These mothers have felt great satisfaction in teaching their children to breastfeed.

88. Breastfeeding is one of the most natural things a mother can do, but it is also one of the most challenging. It brings with it so many worries and apprehensions as well as joys and rewards.

89. The first year of a child’s life happens in a blur as most parents are too busy or tired from staying up late to count the days. When your child reaches the ripe age of one, it might be hard for you to believe that you’ve been breastfeeding for an entire year. You may begin to wonder if you should continue.

90. Breastfeeding your baby for a year is an accomplishment. It can be challenging, rewarding, and sometimes difficult. These experiences might help you with your journey.

91. Breastfeeding your child for one year is a milestone in your child’s life and your own. Breastfeeding can help strengthen the bond between you and your baby while providing him with nutrition that meets his growing needs. As he gets closer to one year old, certain physical changes occur that could affect how long and well you breastfeed.

92. Breastfeeding a child was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I am so proud to say my baby is now 12 months. This experience has helped me come out of my shell.

93. Being a breastfeeding mother is a tough job. When I look back at the past year, it wasn’t easy but it was worth it.

94. Feeding a child is the most pleasurable experience on earth. It’s been one year now.

95. The journey of breastfeeding is full of learning, growing and gaining self-awareness. But it’s also a journey to happiness and joy.

96. It’s been a year and I am still breastfeeding my baby. It’s been hard, and it’s been challenging but here we are bouncing in good health.

97. Breastfeeding my baby has been one of the most exciting and challenging experiences in my life. It’s like constantly learning new things, but with each challenge comes joy and happiness.

98. It’s been a year since I started breastfeeding my daughter and it’s been the most challenging year of my life. But on the other hand, it’s also been one of the happiest years of my life.

99. I’ve been breastfeeding my baby for a year, and it’s been an interesting and exciting journey thus far. Each challenge has brought me joy and happiness, because I’ve learned so much about myself, as a mother and as a person.

100. 1 year ago, I was a new mom and I was scared. Scared of getting the best milk for my baby, scared of how to support my little one through the early days and scared of taking care of her during the night. But I’m so happy that I did all those things, even if it took me time and patience to get there.

101. I have learned so much about breastfeeding and most importantly, myself. There have been many challenges along the way but I just keep pushing forward and I have never been happier.

102. 1 year ago, I started breastfeeding my baby and it’s been a journey. Full of challenges and happiness. But with each challenge comes growth and joy.

103. It’s been a year. I’m so thankful for the challenges breastfeeding has brought me. It’s all about finding time for nourishment and rest, as well as putting your baby first in every decision you make.

104. My journey with breastfeeding is one of the most rewarding and beautiful experiences a mom can have. It’s not easy, it takes time, but I wouldn’t do it any other way.

We hope these wonderful 1 year breastfeeding quotes helped you celebrate your little one’s first birthday in style, Feel free to share and leave comments on your favourite comments below.

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