10 Best Films on Netflix UK of All Time: August, 2023 New Update

Netflix offers a wide array of movies for your viewing pleasure, although the selection varies greatly. At times, discovering the perfect film can feel like an elusive quest.

That’s where we come in. Presented below is a compilation of our preferred choices currently available on the streaming platform, encompassing genres ranging from drama and comedy to thrilling experiences.

1. Title: Rebecca

Release Year: 2020
Director: Ben Wheatley
Runtime: 2h 3m

Remaking an Alfred Hitchcock masterpiece might appear audacious, especially one that earned the Best Picture accolade. Nevertheless, Ben Wheatley’s take on the cherished Daphne du Maurier tale charts a distinct course for the troubled romance. Hitchcock’s rendition held an eerie restraint, whereas Wheatley infuses a relentless unease through amplified melodrama.

2. Title: To Leslie

Release Year: 2022
Director: Michael Morris
Runtime: 1h 59m

In his inaugural venture into feature filmmaking, director Michael Morris brings us a small-town narrative drawn from the real-life account of a Texan woman who clinches over $100,000 in a lottery win, only to squander it on substances and alcohol. Andrea Riseborough (known for “What Remains”) delivers a remarkable, Academy Award-nominated portrayal as the central figure, Leslie.

3. Title: A Man Called Otto

Release Year: 2022
Director: Marc Forster
Runtime: 2h 6m

Derived from Fredrik Backman’s novel, “A Man Called Otto” traces the journey of a grumpy widower, portrayed by Tom Hanks (renowned for “Apollo 13”), who contemplates ending his life to reunite with his departed spouse. Nevertheless, his persistent neighbors possess an equal share of obstinacy, compelling him to engage with them and encouraging Otto to once more embrace the essence of living.

4. Title: RRR

Release Year: 2022
Director: S.S. Rajamouli
Runtime: 3h 7m

A prize-winning movie backed by a substantial budget that enables a lavish spectacle, “RRR” offers a musical action escapade bound to ignite foot-tapping excitement. Helmed by S.S. Rajamouli, the film crafts an emotionally resonant fictional tale, drawing inspiration from real historical occurrences.

5. Title: The Strays

Release Year: 2023
Director: Nathaniel Martello-White
Runtime: 1h 40m

In recent years, there has been a surge in socially conscious Black horror, exemplified by pioneering works like Jordan Peele’s Get Out. The Strays firmly belongs to this genre. Writer/director Nathaniel Martello-White crafts a narrative centered on privilege from a Black standpoint, delving into the concept of forsaking one’s community to align with the oppressor.

6. Title: All Quiet on the Western Front

Release Year: 2022
Director: Edward Berger
Runtime: 2h 23m

Derived from Erich Maria Remarque’s novel, “All Quiet on the Western Front” is a powerful war movie reimagined by director Edward Berger. Unfolding in the waning moments of World War I, the film tracks a youthful, idealistic soldier grappling with the grim truths of combat. In a departure from the novel, it weaves an additional narrative to unveil the armistice discussions culminating the war.

7. Title: Horse Girl

Release Year: 2020
Director: Jeff Baena
Runtime: 1h 44m

Centered around a gentle outsider named Sarah (Brie), the movie portrays her social isolation and intense dedication to her passions, such as arts, crafts, and horses. With the backing of Molly Shannon (from “I Love That For You”) and Paul Reiser (from “Reboot”), “Horse Girl” takes an unforeseen dark turn under Brie’s direction.

8. Title: Emily the Criminal

Release Year: 2022
Director: John Patton Ford
Runtime: 1h 33m

Penned and helmed by John Patton Ford, “Emily the Criminal” showcases Aubrey Plaza (known for “The White Lotus”) in a remarkably unforeseen portrayal. Plaza takes on Emily, the central character facing hardships, who becomes ensnared in a perilous scheme due to her dire circumstances, plunging her further into the realm of criminal activity.

9. Title: The Swimmers

Release Year: 2022
Director: Sally El Hosaini
Runtime: 2h 14m

Derived from an incredible real-life account, “The Swimmers” narrates the harrowing odyssey of two siblings, Sara and Yusra Mardini, portrayed by Manal Issa and Nathalie Issa. As guided by director Sally El Hosaini, the film delves into the courageous and resilient journey these young women undertook to attain freedom.

10. Title: The Good Nurse

Release Year: 2022
Director: Tobias Lindholm
Runtime: 2h 1m

Helmed by Tobias Lindholm (known for “Mindhunter”), “The Good Nurse” unites a pair of Oscar winners in a gripping scenario. Jessica Chastain (from “The Eyes of Tammy Faye”) takes on the role of an ICU nurse who grows suspicious when her co-worker (Eddie Redmayne) comes under scrutiny for alleged involvement in the deaths of patients at their workplace hospital.

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