10 Best Psychological Thrillers of All Time: August, 2023 New Update

Browsing through a streaming platform as extensive as Netflix can be a daunting task when looking for something to watch. Even after narrowing down the genres, the sheer volume of options can be overwhelming.

To assist you in maneuvering through Netflix’s expansive movie collection, particularly if you’re seeking a new psychological thriller, we’ve compiled a selection of excellent choices for your next cozy evening on the couch.

1. Title: I Care A Lot

Release Year: 2020
Director: J Blakeson
Runtime: 1h 58m

Seldom does a female antihero emerge who elicits conflicted emotions while supporting her schemes. This dynamic is vividly evident in the black comedy thriller “I Care A Lot.” Here, a con artist sustains her livelihood by assuming the role of a court-appointed guardian for vulnerable seniors. Manipulating the legal system into believing these elders are incapable of self-care, she cunningly seizes control of their assets.

2. Title: Missing

Release Year: 2023
Director: Will Merrick, Nicholas D. Johnson
Runtime: 1h 51m

For anyone who has experienced the unsettling anticipation of not hearing from someone for a longer period than anticipated, the anxiety and unease are all too familiar. “Missing,” under the direction of Will Merrick and Nicholas D. Johnson, remarkably encapsulates that sensation within a single film, much like capturing lightning in a bottle.

3. Title: Intrusion

Release Year: 2021
Director: Adam Salky
Runtime: 1h 32m

“Intrusion,” under the guidance of director Adam Salky, takes audiences on a captivating journey. Freida Pinto and Logan Marshall-Green (known for “Big Sky”) assume the roles of Meera and Henry. This couple’s pursuit of a tranquil existence in a quaint town takes a harrowing turn when they fall prey to a fatal home intrusion.

4. Title: The Strays

Release Year: 2023
Director: Nathaniel Martello-White
Runtime: 1h 40m

The saying goes that the past is bound to resurface sooner or later, and now a woman finds her history resurfacing with intentions of burying her. Portrayed by Ashley Madekwe (known for “Revenge”), Neve is a Black woman who diligently sculpts her existence to seamlessly blend into the predominantly white suburbs. She distances herself from her Black heritage, embracing the lifestyle of an upper-middle-class housewife.

5. Title: The Good Nurse

Release Year: 2022
Director: Tobias Lindholm
Runtime: 2h 1m

“The Good Nurse” delves into the narrative of an ICU nurse (Chastain) who becomes increasingly suspicious of her coworker (Redmayne) for potentially causing fatalities within their workplace hospital. Penned by Krysty Wilson-Cairns, the movie retains a basis in real events, maintaining authenticity even as the high stakes for these medical practitioners escalate to a matter of life and death.

6. Title: Side Effects

Release Year: 2013
Director: Steven Soderbergh
Runtime: 1h 46m

“Side Effects” marked Steven Soderbergh’s final film before his reported “retirement” from filmmaking, a hiatus that he ultimately ended almost a year later. Soderbergh’s reputation for meticulously crafting thrillers is well-established, and his partnerships with screenwriter Scott Z. Burns have consistently stood out.

7. Title: The Weekend Away

Release Year: 2022
Director: Kim Farrant
Runtime: 1h 29m

“The Weekend Away” tracks the journey of Beth (portrayed by Meester) as she endeavors to unravel the mysteries surrounding her friend Kate’s (Christina Wolfe) disappearance during their Croatian weekend getaway. Meester and Wolfe shine in their performances, contributing to the heart-racing expedition filled with unexpected turns and enigmatic, dubious characters.

8. Title: The Platform

Release Year: 2019
Director: Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia
Runtime: 1h 34m

“The Platform” stands as a distinctive and profoundly chilling thriller that delivers pointed societal critique regarding class dynamics, akin to the approach taken by “Squid Game.” The narrative centers on individuals residing within a concrete tower, placed there either as a penal consequence for their actions or by choice as volunteers.

9. Title: Hypnotic

Release Year: 2021
Director: Matt Angel, Suzanne Coote
Runtime: 1h 28m

Jenn (Siegel), a young woman, is dedicated to enhancing her life and embarks on a journey that involves sessions with a hypnotherapist (Jason O’Mara). As she undergoes multiple sessions, unsettling outcomes start to emerge, posing potential peril to both herself and those in her vicinity.

10. Title: The Devil All The Time

Release Year: 2020
Director: Antonio Campos
Runtime: 2h 19m

Director Antonio Campos’ “The Devil All The Time” paints a grim portrayal of life in America spanning from the 1950s to the mid-1960s. This film is possibly one of the most persistently agonizing cinematic experiences one could envision. Anchored by a formidable ensemble cast, the movie intricately weaves the lives of its characters together, all set against a backdrop of increasing darkness.

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