10 Common Difference Between Frame And Panel

Difference Between Frame And Panel: The primary difference between these Java programming languages is that the Panel is an internal region to a frame or another panel that helps to group multiple components together while a Frame is a resizable, movable independent window with a title bar which contains all other components.

Thus, it is a platform-independent language. One main advantage of Java is that it provides APIs to develop powerful Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). AWT, which stands for Abstract Window Toolkit, is one such API. Panel and Frame are two components in AWT.

Java is a general-purpose, high-level programming language that is designed to have a minimum amount of dependencies as possible. The Java source code is converted into an intermediate code called bytecode. Any platform that has a JVM can execute the bytecode.

What is a Frame?

The frame is a component that works as the main top-level window of the GUI application. It is created using the Frame class. For any GUI application, the first step is to create a frame. There are two methods to create a frame: by extending the Frame class or by creating an object of Frame class.

The frame is a resizable and movable window. It has the title bar. The default visibility of a Frame is hidden. The programmer has to make it visible by using the set Visible method and providing the value “true” to it.

What is a Panel?

The panel actually serves as a general-purpose container. It is where more complex, or bigger operations, are usually put. It is opaque by default, but you can change its background color. You can also customize its components using the Layout Managers.

The Layout Managers such as Flow Layout, Grid Layout, Border Layout, etc. It helps you to control the sizes, positions, and alignment of your components in JPanel. Component colors can also be customized using setColor(color_obj), setForeGround(color_obj), and setBackgroundColor(color_obj) constructors.

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Notable Differences Between Frame And Panel

1. Panel requires a Frame to display it. A frame can consist of a panel or a set of panels.

2. A-frame is a top-level window. It has a title bar, menu bar, borders, and resizing corners.

3. A Panel is a subclass of Container while Frame is a subclass of Window.

4. Frame is used for standalone desktop applications.

5. Panel is a component object containing another component object.

6. Panel represents an area used for more complex operations or applications.

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