10 Cool Ways to Engage with Customers on Social Media Platforms

– 10 Cool Ways to Engage with Customers on Social Media Platforms –

Engaging with customers is certainly important to businesses for several reasons. Those reasons are why many businesses create and operate public relations and the media team or department unit headed by the Public Relations Officer (PRO).


One of the best ways and the most chosen ways by companies and businesses are engaging customers on social media by taking advantage of the broad reach of social media across every sphere of life.

Engaging with customers on social media gives the business or company the opportunity to publicize their products, services and business, the opportunity to get feedback on products and services rendered which could be in the form of criticisms or commendations which would help the business improve on its weaknesses and maintain its strengths.

Customers are vital to the survival of any business and the rendering of services or selling of products are the core reasons for going into business since making money is of the essence, hence, making the customers’ satisfaction a priority is paramount. Customer satisfaction, spicing up the way you relate with customers, and how to get them interested in your business are what we would be addressing in this article.

First, let’s look out the most used social media platforms by customers.

Most Used Social Media Platforms to Reach out to Customers

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. YouTube
  5. LinkedIn
  6. Google+
  7. Yelp
  8. Foursquare

Of the many ways to engage with customers on social media platforms, we would be picking the top 10 cool ways to do so, ways that are tested and trusted.

  1. Organize competitions

Everyone loves competitions, if not for any other reason, it’s because it is fun and there’s a reward if you successful complete the task given.  The competition would generate a buzz on social media which would mean more persons participating in the competition and subsequently, more publicity for your business services and products.

For example, if you own a beauty salon or a fashion store, you could organize a competition online where persons even in male and female categories where they compete to be the face of your brand or they get complete makeovers from your beauty salon free of charge.

Most businesses tend to get more social media followers during contests and competitions and these social media followers tend to patronize the business even after the competitions so make your competitions timely, regularly, and as engaging as possible.

Organize promos

Organize timed promos. Everyone loves not just freebies but getting things for less than the value of the products or services being rendered. Organize not just giveaways but services or products at a discount. Even as little as 5% discounts with limited offers would get your customers interested when informed especially on social media and would generate the buzz you need.

Be on call to keep reminding them and even explaining the terms and conditions to those who do not understand or might have questions to ask.

Create polls

Creating polls, especially opinion polls is a great way to get feedback from customers especially on social media which gives you the opportunity to get a sense of the general opinion of your customers since you might not be able to reach out to them all at the same time.

With opinion polls, you get a sense of how your products are faring and how receptive the customers are of your products and services. Twitter is the best social media platform that has the poll feature which is pretty easy to use.

To create polls on Twitter, you need to click on the posting button with which comes amongst other options, the option of creating polls and you can input the things you want to poll or compare.

Create questions and answers sessions frequently

This is actually very important. Create question and answer sessions where your brand handlers can be asked anything about your business. Be as honest with your replies and respectful as possible. While there seems to be a daily increase of troll social media handles attacking known handles and brand on the internet, the way you handle this would even earn you more respect from the public.

Partner with social media influencers

There are so many social media influencers whose influence from the huge following they attract and how unique people find their posts appealing. Do well to partner with these persons. Some charge certain fees but it isn’t the same as making them brand ambassadors.

Share tips on how-tos

Share tips on how-tos not just about your products and services but on general issues. If you own a beauty salon for example, you could share tips on how to manage freckles on young persons’ faces, how to cleanse the face properly after makeup application before going to bed, and other beauty tips that would come in handy. Subsequently, you could advertise your products which appeal to that regard.

Post testimonials

Post verifiable testimonials and reviews from persons who have used your products and services to boost the trust of other persons. Research has proven that people are more likely to patronize products, services, and businesses which have good review; so if your customers have given you good reviews of their freewill, do well to post it.

Take note that depending of the services or the persons involved, some customers prefer their privacy so if you seek to use their reviews, do contact them to get their permission. In some cases, the customers give their great reviews online and you could use this.

Participate in trending issues

Take part in trending issues but take note not to go political as it is too divisive and would hurt your business. Keep your political affiliations to yourself.

Use a lot of graphics

Need I explain this? A picture says a thousand ones so use a lot of graphics and get interactive!

Make funny comments

People tend to do more business with brands they connect with. Make your social media accounts fun and lively across all platforms but do well to maintain ethics and professionalism while at it.

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StudentsandScholarship Team.

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