10 Key Differences Between Journal And Newspaper

Difference Between Journal And Newspaper: For many people, newspapers and journals play huge roles in their everyday lives. Many people obtain news and other relevant information from both these media instruments and both of them are issued regularly by different organizations and corporations worldwide.

By definition, a newspaper can be defined as a publication printed on paper issued regularly which gives information about current news and events, while a journal is a publication containing articles written by researchers that focus on specific disciplines and/or fields of study.

Journal And Newspaper

The is your best source for citing as it is usually peer-reviewed by experts in the field. Magazine and newspaper articles are not subject to such rigor and as a result, can be opinions of the author that may not necessarily be supported by scientific literature.

Journals are more focused on scientific studies while newspapers are focused on providing current news or commentaries.

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Notable Differences Between Journal And Newspaper

1. Intended Audience: Newspapers are generally intended for all kinds of people from all walks of life. Journals however are usually intended for academic or technical audiences or people with significant interests in the particular field of study.

2. Authorship: Newspaper contents are authored by journalists while journals aren’t authored by journalists. Rather, they’re authored by researchers, academics, and scholars in distinct fields of study. Also, almost anyone can contribute to a newspaper opinion column, while to contribute to a journal, you need to be intensely versed in the particular discipline or sets of disciplines that comprise the journal’s focus.

3. Publishers: Amongst the publishers of newspapers are commercial and trade publishers aligned to media and institutions or backed/controlled by the state. The publishers of journals on the other hand are research institutes, universities, and other tertiary institutions of learning.

4. Advertisements: Newspapers are mediums for advertising products and services to the general public due to their immense reach and the flexibility of their consumption. Journals on the other hand being far more target and tailored to meet specific audiences rarely feature adverts of any kind.

5. Sources: For newspapers, the sources of their sources and information are often everyday people and events, and the sources are rarely cited in full- sometimes they are even deliberately misrepresented for the sake of protection. Journals feature sources that have to be clearly stated in a detailed manner. They also make use of footnotes and bibliographies.

6. Use: Newspapers are used to obtain information about the secular world and opinions on current events. Newspapers also make provisions for analyses and feature stories. Journals on the other hand are used to obtain in-depth analysis of topics and complex subjects. Journals are excellent sources of statistical information and through journals; one can obtain reports of pristine research.

7. Peer review: This concept pertains only to journals. Scholarly research such as are conducted and articled by researchers have to be peer-reviewed – which is the process where manuscripts intended for publication in an academic journal are reviewed by referees to evaluate the importance, novelty, and accuracy of the manuscript.

8. Bibliography: A bibliography is an indispensable component of a journal’s content, however, it is utterly unnecessary for newspapers. It is a list detailing all the source materials used and cited in the study. This list is necessary to ensure that the academic contribution of past/present researchers are credited and plagiarism is avoided.

9. Publication frequency: while newspapers and publications may both be published as periodicals or serials, the publication of journals is less frequent as compared to newspapers which are mostly published daily or weekly. Journals may be published monthly or quarterly and are sequentially numbered.

10. Issue and Volume: Each copy of a journal is known as an issue. These issues are usually bounded annually into volumes. Newspapers are not arranged in this manner.

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