10 Reasons Why Physical Education Remains a Requirement in School

A lot of schools now motivate and encourage students, to maintain a balance between their school work and physical education in school. Physical education is an important part of healthy living for people of all age groups, especially in schools. Keep reading to find out more.

Researches have proved the need for physical activities of students in a school environment. Many schools are now encouraging students to participate in physical education.


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Importance of Physical Education in Schools

1. Improves an Individual’s Ability to Concentrate and Maintain Focus

A 2007 report from Dr. Stewart Trost of Oregon State University found that even short breaks of physical activity can improve concentration, behavior, and memory in elementary school students.

He also points to three other studies that show physical education in school actually helps improve academic performance.

2. Relevant for Growth and Development

Physical education at school helps in stopping obesity and high blood pressure. By doing physical exercises individuals utilize their extra calories to build energy.

In addition, physical education plays an important role in the healthy growth and development of bones and cartilages.

Bone-strengthening exercises such as jumping are specifically important for school children as such activities produce a force onto the bone that helps improve its strength and growth.

The Role of Phys Ed in Growth and Development

Being physically active makes the students energetic and strong which motivates them to take an active part in classroom activities. Exercises that help strengthen muscles include:

➣ Climbing Trees.

➣ Monkey bar exercises.

➣ Bike Riding.

➣ Push-ups.

➣ Hula hooping.

Health Wise…

Studies have it that kids who perform aerobic exercises, two to three times a week for at least twenty minutes, have a healthier heart as compared to those who do not indulge in physical education. Some of these aerobic exercises are:

➣ Playing Basketball.

➣ Playing Soccer.

➣ Jumping rope

3. Prevents Sleep Deprivation

A  complete night’s sleep is an important component of a happy and healthy life. students who take part in physical activities and exercise regularly have a tired and exhausted body that needs a good night’s sleep.

Complete sleep helps to make kids more upright and attentive during lectures in the classroom. Being attentive will prevent them from performing careless mistakes and will provide the energy to assist their teachers and their fellow students.

4. Helps in Relieving Stress and Anxiety

School life is hectic for every individual and as such taking part in physical activities and education allows students to relieve their academic stress and anxiety. 

 By exercising and breathing deeply, we provide extra air to our lungs which in turn produces more oxygen to the brain and this makes the brain feel relaxed and stress-free.

A physically active individual is likely to be happy and healthy more, which makes them a better student in the classroom. They always feel proud and happy about themselves and are good towards their fellow students.

5. Physical Education Increases Flexibility and Happiness

Balancing exercise and stretching helps develop physical balance which reduces the chances of injuries. Those students who make physical education relevant as their school work become more flexible in their routine life. Such activities make the body elastic and flexible.

Many schools have made physical education an important component of the school curriculum and students are advised to maintain a healthy balance between their education and exercise.

This is as a result of the fact that those students who take part in physical activities have been shown to be happier and healthier than those students who spend all their time doing school education work.

6. Teaches Children the Importance of Exercise

As mentioned earlier, Physical education classes typically introduce a wide variety of different types of exercises to children so that they have the opportunity to find a variety of physical activities that they enjoy.

Children learn by example, They need positive role models who encourage them to exercise. When children don’t have the opportunity to indulge in daily exercises, they can take the information they acquired to apply them outside of the classroom.

7. Exercise Helps Keep Children Healthy

The heart is has a huge job ensuring that the body is adequately pumping blood and inactivity during the day leaves them vulnerable to a lifetime of health problems.

kids don’t have to spend time in a gym in order to get the required amount of daily exercise. Instead, kids can spend ample time playing and running around even on the playground.

Physical education introduces your child and children to  varieties of sport, games that involve physical activities, and are able to spend time just playing on the playground

8. Improves Mental Health

Mental Health is another reason why Physical Education Remains a Requirement in School. Children today are more inactive compared to previous generations.

It is proven that children who get the required amounts of exercise are generally happier and don’t suffer from ailments such as depression or anxiety.

Exercise releases natural “feel good” hormones and helps keep off mental illnesses. Parents should realize that untreated depression is not healthy and it can lead to risky behaviors even in children and teens.

9. Helps Prevent Childhood Obesity 

Frequent exercise helps prevent obesity. Children spend a lot of hours sitting during school hours and spending more time at home playing video games or watching hours of television.

Extended time at school for exercise will help and even prevent obesity.

10. Physical Education is Widely Endorsed

Given the fact that physical education programs are sometimes cut based on economic reasons, one might think that public support for physical education is inactive.

Our national show the priority given to physical activity promotion for youths and the need for quality physical education in the schools

We believe the reasons why Physical Education remains a requirement in school, given above is sufficient enough. Please like and share this article.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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