10 Reasons Why Responsive Design is Important in 2022

– Reasons Why Responsive Design is Important –

Reasons Why Responsive Design is Important – Are you wondering what Responsive Design is? Responsive design is the “big thing” in web design right now. But if you are not a designer, you may be wondering what it is.

Owning a website is a great way to provide value added service to your customers and clients. Creating new and engaging content is a good way to keep them coming back to your site.

A lot of your customers will access your website with their mobile phones, so it’s important that the design of your website should be responsive.

Incorporating responsive design on your site will enable clients easily consume the content on your site.

What is Responsive Design?

Responsive design is the designing of a website in a way that all its content, structure and images remain the same on all devices of different sizes. A responsive website differs from a mobile friendly website.

A responsive website is a website design that allows your website to adapt to the size of any screen it is being viewed on. Even as it is compatible with mobile devices, it can be easily accessible on a desktop, laptop, etc.

On that note, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 reasons responsive design is important.

1. It Increases Reach

Increase reach to customers and clients on smaller devices like tablets and smartphones is one of the greatest benefits of having a responsive website.

Display and contents on websites that aren’t responsive are usually distorted. Texts are jumbled, images do not align and information is difficult to find.


2. Increases Sells

The more users’ friendly the website is the more unique visitors and sells its likely to attract.

As customers consistently experience satisfactory services on your website, it will eventually result in sales and conversions.

3. A Responsive Website Improves your SEO Ranking

Responsive websites have a greater likelihood of ranking high on search engines.

The ‘user focused’ experience and high-quality content could increase your dwell time. Making users stick around for the long run.

4. Costumers Satisfaction

When a customer or a potential customer accesses your site to find information or look for something you sell, you want the experience to be nothing short of great.

Satisfied customers will return to your site and tell others about how great it is. Unhappy customers will go elsewhere.


5. Brand Credibility

It helps you build credibility with your customers, your clients, and influencers in your industry.

First time clients who your mobile-friendly website using a mobile device will have a proper experience, and that will encourage them to see you as a credible resource for information, products and services.

These clients will hold you and your brand in high esteem.

6. It’s becoming a Standard Best Practice

Almost all reputable websites on the web makes us of responsive design.

Responsive web design has made mobile optimization more straightforward and accessible to everyone, and that means users have expected this level of functionality to come standard when browsing on their mobile devices.

7. Google Recommends It

Google recommends a responsive website design pattern. Since Google is one of the most used search engines that you have to impress with your website, following what it wants is a smart decision.

Besides recommending responsive web design, Google also favors mobile-friendly sites when ranking search results on mobile devices. This is true especially when mobile users are searching for local services.

8. Decreases the Maintenance Costs

With responsive web design, you don’t need to create two websites for your clients–one accessible to mobile devices and for PC users.

You will only need one website to do everything for all the devices. This eliminates the need to invest in managing and maintaining two different websites.

Having a responsive website isn’t just good for your customers; it is also good for you.

9. It’s A Competitive Advantage

If your competitors haven’t set up responsive websites yet, your business has more competitive advantage over them, showing that you know what it takes to meet the needs of the consumers.

When the non-responsive websites of your competitors frustrate your visitors, they may do another search and experience your services. This can give you an opportunity to swoop in and convert their leads to your customers.


10. Responsive Websites Load Fast

Search engines usually favour sites that load quickly.

Responsive websites rarely require any sort of queries to redirect internet users to another (or a different) URL; as a result, this reduces the webpage’s load time.

We cannot ignore the truth that more and more people are presently using mobile devices to accomplish tasks which were once exclusive to desktop.

Turning a blind eye to that fact is deciding to lose a great load of costumers and stakes in the marketplace.

Responsive design is fast becoming an integral part of how web contents are consumed and we are left with no choice but to embrace it. 


StudentsandScholarship Team.

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