10 Scholarships for High School Seniors 2023/2024 See Application Portal

– Scholarships for High School Seniors –

Scholarships for High School Seniors aims at providing financial support for students. This support is to help high school students facing financial challenges to achieve their academic dreams. Also, it will address some FAQs about them. So let’s get down to it. 

Scholarships for High School Seniors 2022

These scholarships are to help you achieve your goals. And, there are a lot of them. But, this article will provide information on some.

Below are some scholarships for high school seniors:

1. Brandon Goodman Scholarship

This is one of the scholarships for high school seniors in 2020. To be eligible please take note of these: You must have a 2.0 GPA.

Also, you must complete a 250-word essay. This should be about your academic goals. And contributions to your community.

Also, this scholarship is open to high school students. As such, a high school senior can gain from it.

And the Award amount is $300. Also, the deadline is Monthly.

To apply, please click HERE.

2. The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program

This is one of the scholarships for high school seniors in 2022. If you’re accepted into this program, please pay attention. The U.S. State Department will provide full scholarships for you.

And, this is to help you study abroad in Germany. Also, there is no previous language required. And, this is a competitive but great opportunity for high school students.

Also, it is sponsored by Germany. And, Germany is a top country for studying abroad.

Furthermore, the award amount varies. Also, you’re required to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

And the deadline is December 2022.

To get more information on the application process: CLICK HERE.

3. Define Yourself Scholarship

This is one of the scholarships for high school seniors in 2022. As a high school senior you can apply for this. Also, it is an ongoing monthly scholarship. And it’s awarded to students just for Being You.

Also, it is not a merit-based scholarship. But applicants have to create a profile on GoEnnounce about themselves. To be considered for this scholarship, please take note. You have to keep an updated profile.

Also, the award is $500. While the deadline is the 30th of every month.

To get more information on the application: CLICK HERE.

4. Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Abroad Program (YES Program)

The YES Program is perfect for international students. And those who want to spend their high school career in the U.S. Also, it invites students from countries with significant Muslim populations.

These students are to live with a host family. Also, they’re to attend up to one year of high school U.S. Students from over 40 countries are eligible. Furthermore, the award amount varies by country.

To be eligible, please take note of this. You must be a high school student. And, you must be currently living in one of the eligible countries.

Additionally, the deadline for this program varies by country.

For more information please visit HERE.

5. The National Langue Security Initiative

This is one of the scholarships for high school seniors in 2021. Also, it is a program sponsored by the U.S. State Department. And it is to encourage language learning. This is in specific languages the U.S. has identified as high importance.

Also, it covers language immersion programs. This is for the following languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), and Hindi.

Also, for Indonesian, Korean, and Persian (Tajik). And for Russian and Turkish. And, this is through one of their programs.

Additionally, it’s important to know that the award varies. Some of the requirements for these scholarships are A GPA higher than 2.5. Also, you must be learning one of the target languages.

The deadline has not been released.

And you can apply HERE.

6. Sol Abroad Scholarships

Sol Abroad offers five scholarships. These are for their summer programs. However, it is great for increasing your odds of winning.

Also, the scholarships range from $100-$500. This is to they can help reduce costs. And to make the programs more affordable.

Also, to get these scholarships, please take note. You’ll need to be in good academic standing. And, must meet some other requirements to apply.

Additionally, please note that the award amount is $100 to $500. Also, the scholarship is restricted to Sol Abroad participants only.

And the deadline is April 1, 2022.

You can check the website for the full details HERE.

7. CIEE Program Scholarships

This is one of the scholarships for high school seniors in 2020. If you want to go overseas with CIEE during your high school career, please note.

They offer partial scholarships. And it’s to qualified students. And the offer is to help cover the cost.

Also, they offer scholarships for their programs in Australia. Also, in Brazil, Chile, China, and Denmark. And in France, Germany, Ireland, and Italy.

Furthermore, in Japan, New Zealand, and Norway. And in Spain and Swede. As such, you have many options to choose from.

Additionally, the amount of the award varies. And it is for CIEE program participants only.

Deadline is rolling, on a first-come, first-serve basis.

For application information please CLICK HERE.

8. Greenheart Travel Scholarship

This is one of the scholarships for high school seniors in 2021. Greenheart Travel Scholarship is offered by Greenheart Travel.

This is a company that offers programs for high school abroad. Also, they offer programs for language learning. And volunteering abroad.

However, currently, they have a new scholarship. And this year it is for first-time travellers. This scholarship may be a great option. Also, it can help you realize your high school abroad dreams.

Also, the award varies by program. And, it is for first-time travellers. Those participating in a Greenheart Travel program.

The deadline is February 15th, 2022.

And for the application CLICK HERE.

9. SYA Program Scholarships

This is one of the scholarships for high school seniors in 2020. SYA is another high school abroad, provider. Also, it offers scholarships for students enrolled in their programs.

The SYA merit scholarships are a great starting point. Also, they offer additional special scholarships. However, this depends on your academic performance. And on what program you want to attend.

The award amount varies; $5,000 – $25,000. And it is restricted to SYA participants only.

The deadline is February 12, 2022.

To apply, please CLICK HERE.

10. YFU Financial Aid Fund

This is one of the scholarships for high school seniors in 2022. Are you an active member of your high school’s key club? If yes, then this scholarship is for you. Also, it is applicable for travel in nearly 40 countries.

Also, some previous language studies may be required to be eligible. And the award amount varies.

However, it also depends on financial needs.

The deadline is March 15, 2022.

For application details please CLICK HERE.



Below are some FAQs about scholarships for high school seniors in 2022:

QUES 1. Are There Scholarships for High School Juniors?

Yes. There are.

QUES 2. Can High School Juniors also Benefit from the Above Listed Scholarships?

They can benefit from some of them. Because, there are some that are specifically for seniors. While some are for both seniors and juniors.

QUES 3. Who are the Sponsors of these Scholarships?

These scholarships have a lot of sponsors.  They can be sponsored by government. Also, they’re sponsored by individuals. And by private organizations. Also, by religious bodies. And other bodies.

QUES 4. Are Scholarships Money Refundable?

They are not.

QUES 5. What Can I Use the Money for?

You can use it for many things. For instance, you can use it for tuition fee. Also, you can use it for accommodation. And you can use it for books. And many more.


In summary, please take note. High school seniors, please take note. Don’t let the long lists of Undergrad only Scholarships get you down. Keep your feelers out, use your program as a starting point.

And talk to local organizations that support students in your area. You may be surprised by what you’ll get.

Also, please feel free to share this article. As such, you can share it on your social media platforms. Also, you can share with friends. It might be of help to someone out there. Thank you.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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