10 Significant Differences Between Love And Lust

Difference Between Love And Lust: Love and lust are distinct emotions. Love is a far more complex, deeper, and wholesome emotional experience than lust – which goes hand in hand with infatuation in most cases. Concurrently with the feeling of lust are fantasies and the desire to fulfill them.

The object of this lust is most often merely a means to an anticipated pleasurable experience. Love on the other hand is deeply emotional which is an end in itself and finds exultation in the sharing of this experience with a person or group of persons who can return the feeling.

Notable Differences Between Love And Lust

1. Appearance drives lust:  People who experience lust do so because the feeling has been triggered by the outward appearance f the other in a sexual manner. The process of loving a person, however, takes much longer and goes way beyond appearances. For love to occur there needs to be a connection, and the communion of voice, personality, heart, and potentiality.

2. Person or Pleasure: A lusting person’s head is swarmed with wild cravings for pleasure and the lusted-after is merely a means to achieving that pleasure. On the contrary, the object and culmination of love are personhood and communion.

3. Love lasts a long time: dissipates right after the pleasure is gained and the sexual beast is satisfied. The experience of love on the other hand is known to grow intense with time.

4. Object or Partner: A lover is one who loves another – and in this relationship, a formidable partnership is potentially formed and sustained. Lusting over a person only carries such purports as objectification for the purpose of sexual gratification.

5. Consequences/ Aftermaths: In love, there is often a desire to build, and where that love finds a partner and the communions of passion are shared, the building is an inevitability. The consequential aftermaths of acting on lust are gaining disdain and repudiation.

6. Gives and Takes: “Dare to take!” popular Nigerian novelist, said. Where love is sown, love is reaped. Where lust is sown, lust is reaped. Lust is essentially more concerned with the taking of pleasure. The grabbing and running away. Love is conversely based on the giving of affection. The watering of a flower for as long as a person humanly can.

7. Momentary thrills: It is not farfetched to say that acting on lust can produce a thrilling experience. Now while no one can say that the experience of love does not produce thrilling experiences, a major differentiating factor between the two concepts is the nature and duration of the thrills. While lusting offers one a temporary high, loving has the capacity to sustain thrill and transform it into lasting joy.

8. Sacrifices: Perfect examples come from the institution of the family. Family members sacrifice a lot to see their loved ones excel. A loving man or woman may sacrifice much to see their significant other happy. In lust, all one cares about is sexual gratification, and the only sacrifices possible are those that may one to achieve this goal.

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9. Love is Patient: are strong and possessive. Those possessed by lust must act immediately to gain relief and satisfaction. In love, there is an accounting for time, and for that at least, patience is granted the lover

10. Security: Persons in love have security. They can count on the unity of passions they have and weave strong fibers of trust for themselves. Relationships built around lust are always beset by doubts and unending circles of jealousy and insecurity.

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