10 Tourism Career Opportunities Available to Graduates 2022 Update

– 10 Tourism Career Opportunities Available to Graduates 2022 Update –

Tourism and travel are two words that go hand in hand, and you would agree that it’s difficult to separate these two.

Finding a career opportunity in tourism will somehow lead you to career opportunities in the travel industry, So just relax and read on, allow this article expose you to the numerous opportunities available to you in these two sectors.

Now if your college degree has many or little to do with travel and tourism and you will be wondering how to make yourself useful and where to do that, take a reading trip and find out the many opportunities available to you:

Available Tourism Career Opportunities

A career is like a plant you sow and nature till it grows into something massive. Best believe that building a career in tourism isn’t peanut, it takes work.

No! don’t be scared, all you need is the right mindset and determination. Take note of the opportunities below and be sure to set your mind on one of them.

1. Flight or Ship Attendant

Flight Attendants basically greet passengers, help with their luggage and direct them to their seats Answer questions, solve emergencies and conflicts, share safety instructions and serve food and drinks.

Whether working in the air or at sea, you’ll be one of the many tourism management graduates employed in operations management, leadership positions, logistics or invoicing and reservations.

You need to help travelers feel safe and comfortable while tackling any unexpected problems they may face. Luxury cruise ship managers have to mix the responsibilities of running a hotel, handling travelers and ensuring top-class entertainment.

2. Restaurant Manager

A restaurant manager sounds like a job that doesn’t appear to be among the Tourism career opportunities but it is an important job role in this industry.

Because good food and relaxation is the core of tourism and travel. As a restaurant manager you hire, guide, and train new restaurant staff Organize schedules and meetings Order inventory, oversee payroll and other administrative tasks

The food services industry involves more than just putting food on the table. Hospitality graduates working in restaurants, bars or cafeterias have to do their best to turn meals into special events, while also ensuring the food looks good and is safe to eat.

Restaurants and bars need to be well-staffed and supplied and respect safety and storage regulations while making a profit. You can check for opportunities here

3. Transport Manager

Traveling involves movement from place to another. But when the trip leads to a wonderful destination for the purpose of relaxing, tourism begins.

So, you would agree that the trip should be as relaxing as the destination and that involves contracting with the right transport companies and understanding the safest and attractive routes.

Having this type of skillset could get you a wonderful career as a transport manager.

4. Forex Consultant

It is fact that money fuels tourism, so if you possess skills in currency exchange, forex statistics and how the economy of a particular country reflects on its currency value, you may be set to offer advice to tourists before the trip begins. Guess what?, that will make you a Forex Consultant.

5. Interpreter

Visiting a country that speaks an entirely different language can be interesting, but it is more interesting when there is an interpreter available to make it less complicating.

So if you have a catalogue of languages you are fluent in, there is a career opportunity for you.

6. Travel Agent

As a Travel Planner, you will deal directly with clients, booking hotels, flights and excursions. You should adopt a customer-centric approach and be willing to answer all questions and queries in a professional manner.

To be successful as a Travel Planner, you should have strong communication skills and be able to make effective recommendations based on the client’s needs. The idea is to be able to make traveling as stress-free as possible.

7. Itinerary Planner

You should have it in mind that this career area is under threat. Because application softwares have been developed to do the journey planning for tourists.

As an Itinerary planner you do a little more. Whether the trip is something to remember depends on you, because you basically tell the tourists what to do, where to visit and when to visit.

In other words you have to be well versed with the environment, its nooks and crannies. Have these at your fingertips then you have a long lasting tourism career in your palm.

8. Tourism officer

Also known as a destination manager, as a tourism officer you’ll work for a range of employers, including public and private destination management organisations, public agencies or partnerships and local authorities.

Key areas of the job include marketing, visitor management and the development of tourism products, services and facilities.

Although open to all graduates, subjects such as journalism, tourism management, business studies, European studies and marketing will be useful.

ALSO SEE: Top Travel and Tourism Courses 2021

9. Tour manager

As Tour director or Manager, organizing and accompanying groups of holidaymakers on tours to overseas locations is the basic part of the job.

You’ll ensure travel arrangements run smoothly and provide practical support throughout the trip.

An in-depth knowledge of a particular area or region is essential and language skills will be incredibly useful.

Self-confidence, energy, stamina and enthusiasm and the ability to get on well with people of all ages and backgrounds. So, I don’t think you will have a wonderful career if you are anti social.

10. Holiday representative

Holiday representatives also deal with groups and less individuals. The responsibility is looking after groups of clients on package holidays and making sure that holiday makers enjoy their break and that everything runs smoothly.

You’ll hold welcome meetings, handle complaints, resolve problems, manage activities and sell excursions and car hire.

A degree in childhood studies, hospitality/tourism management, modern languages or leisure and tourism may prove useful.

You can also opt for vocational courses to get a B-Voc degree which is a skill based certificate course.

Even a short period course like Destination Marketing & Tour Operations is enough to provide a comprehensive overview of the industry.

This is where we draw the curtains. So choose a field in the industry and let your career begin. Don’t forget to share this article with friends and leave a comment below.

StudentsandScholarship Team.

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