100 Best Emotional Friendship Messages and Quotes 2022 Update

– Best Emotional Friendship Messages –

Best Emotional Friendship Messages – When talking about friendship, the first thing that gets into our minds is mutual affection. Friendship is a relationship of mutual warmness between two people. Friendship is an interpersonal relationship.

Friendship is not all about giving and taking, they are more to it. Friendship is all about being grounded in a feeling that you know who will be there for you in times of trouble and when needed, not minding the nature of the situation.

Friendship has numerous forms; it varies from place to place. Friendship has several characteristics which include: understanding, compassion, kindness, love, sympathy, honesty, and loyalty. Friendship consists of enjoyment of each other’s company and the ability to be able to express oneself to another.

In fact, the greatest gift of life is friendship, and I guess I have received it. The best quality of friendship is to understand and be understood. In case you may be looking for good friendship quotes or messages to send to your friends, I have a lot of them for you.

100 Best Emotional Friendship Messages and Quotes

1. My Friendship is just like a rubber band, it is flexible; stretch it as you can, but if you let go, it’ll really hurt you.

2. Store me as a best friend and I will preserve you in my heart and lock it up. I’ll throw away the key so that no one else can take you away from me.

3. Treat life as a sea your heart as a sea-shore and friends as waves, It doesn’t matter how many there are, what matters is which one touches the shore.

4. Thank you so much for touching my life in ways you may never know. My riches do not lie in material things but in having friends like you.

5. Love is overwhelming, love is emotional, love is unimaginable, love is desire, love is destiny, but friendship is a single percent more than love.

6. Bee always remembers flowers, fish always remember water, the trees always remember the rain, at this moment I remember you, my dear friend!

7. A hundred words don’t give pain when a teacher takes a class but, true friend’s silence hurts so much in an exam hall.

8. We can always lose something great for someone, But we should not lose someone great for something, because life can return that something but not that someone!

9. Friendship is not a game that one should toil with, it is not an ordinary word to say, it doesn’t start today and end tomorrow, it is tomorrow, yesterday, today and every day.

10. A faithful friend is just like a night lamp which gives light at night when there is no sun. We cannot tell which is very important.

11. A friend gives love, a very good friend gives protection, a best friend gives life, but a really good friend gives a heart full of love.


12. I was never tired of this life and it is not going to matter if I fall down twice, because I know each time I fall you won’t let me hit the ground.

13. People say friends are made in heaven and they come once in your life, but I made you my friend in this world and; made my life heaven for you.

14. I’m not wealthy but I have a very rich heart, I’m not best but I will always try my best, I may not be right every time but I’m sure, I’m not wrong to choose you as my lovely Friend!

15. I will never stop loving you, dear friend. I can’t.

16. I can never betray your trust in me, my dear friend. I will never ever let you down.

17. Thank you for accepting me the very way I am. Thank you for loving me despite all my flaws.

18. Thank you for not giving up on me when everyone person did. Thank you for always believing in me. I promise not to let you down.

19. You bring with you an atmosphere of peace. I’m completely in love with you.

20. You mean the world to me. You’re my best.

21. Distance means nothing at all to me. I love you just as if you were here with me. I can’t wait to see you soon.

22. I’m very grateful for this one-in-a-million friendship I share with you. Thank you for always being there.

23. If you didn’t come into my life, I don’t know where I would have been by now. I value your friendship very much dear and I love you so much.

24. I so love your frankness, your sense of humor, in fact, I love everything about you and won’t have you any other way. Keep on being you, darling.

25. This is just to check on you my friend, to know how your day is going and also to let you know you’re in my thoughts always.

26. You’re one of the people I wish to see every day. Without you, my day is not complete. That’s how important you are to me lovely friend.

27. Friends like you are like the milk of the earth. You make living meaningfully. I cherish you my best friend.

28. You are so different from the pack. You are very special!

29. You have never betrayed my trust. You’re the best friend ever in the world.

30. I trust you’re okay darling. Couldn’t just get you off my mind and that’s why I’m texting to find out how you are doing.

31. I carry you deep in my heart, everywhere I go you are there. I love you dearly.

32. Have fun, dear. Don’t let anyone bring you down. Life is very short for regrets. I Love you.

33. Friendship is born the moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You as well? I thought I was alone.

34.  A true friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.

35. Wishing to be friends is very quick to work, but friendship is like slow ripening fruit.

36. What I value most in you my friend is your continued existence.

37. Without friends, no one would want to be alive, even if he/she had all other goods.

38. No man with a good friend is a failure.

39. True friendship is not all about being inseparable; it’s about being disjointed and nothing changes.

40. The best mirror is a good old friend.

41. We all need friends with whom we can speak of our deepest worries, and who do not fear to tell the truth in love to us.

42. I always felt that the great high honor, relief, and comfort of friendship were the one’s  that I had to explain nothing.

43. A true friend is one before whom I may think aloud.”

44.  A true friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself.

45. Any love without friendship for it’s base is just like a mansion built upon the sand.

46. If you live to be a hundred years, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so that I never have to live without you.

47. I like the fact that our friendship is never decayed. We always pick up from where we left off as if there was never a breakdown. I guess that’s because our hearts are always coupled no matter where life takes us each. I love you, friend.

48. Many drops of rain, many sunshine, ups, and downs, we’ve seen it all and we’re still here. Cheers to a good friendship.

49. Thank you for always being there to share my burdens. You make them so light, they’re almost negligible. Your friendship is worth more than words can say.

50. When you’re close, my mind is always at peace. That’s to show you how much I have come to trust and love you.

51. Adoring you is as easy as ABC. Who wouldn’t love an awesome soul like you?

52. Most of the credit for the wonderful friendship we share goes to you.

53. You have the capacity to make me smile in my worst moments. You have the loveliest heart ever.

54. Thank you for always strengthening the positive in me. Thank you for seeing the food in me always.

55. Friendship is just like standing on wet cement. The longer you stay, the harder it is to leave, and you can’t go without leaving your footprints behind.

56. One of the most beautiful markings of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.

57. Each true friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they reach, and it is only by this gathering that a new world is born.

58. You’ve got a very large heart, a truly lovely one.

59. You have no faults, so have I. I love you the way you are.

60. You are rare honey. I love you, my dear.

61. There’s no one who I’d fairly share my secrets with than you. With you all my darkest secrets are safe. You’re indeed a best friend.

62. I don’t want this bond of true friendship to ever break. You’re a pal like no other.


63. You’re more than a family friend to me. You are a friend that sticks closer than a brother.

64. Worry less! Pray extra, God’s got you. I love you, my dear friend.

65. Thank you very much for your constant support and help. You’re the best ever.

66. May this bond between us never break! May our friendship last till eternity!

67. A friend is one that knows you the way you are, understands where you were, admits what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.

68. A good friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

69. True friendship comes the moment the silence between two people is comfortable.

70. Sweetened is the memory of distant friends! Like the mellow rays of the passing sun, it falls tenderly, yet dejectedly, on the heart.

71. In the end, we will remember not the words of our adversaries, but the silence of our friends.

72. Wishing to be good friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow developing fruit.

73. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for those who are really my true friends. I have no notion of loving people by shares; it is not just my nature.

74. Don’t make friends who are relaxed to be with. Make friends who will strengthen you to lever yourself up.

75. You can always tell a true friend: when you’ve made a fool of yourself he doesn’t feel you’ve done a lifelong job.

76. No person is your friend who needs your silence or rejects your right to grow.

77. True friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

78. True friends are those rare people who ask how we are and then wait to hear the answer.

79. I’ve got your back constantly just as I know you’ve got mine. True friends forever, that’s what we are.

80. You’re the only one who understands my deepest fears even without me having to voice them out. You’re my true friend.

81. Your friendship is the best thing that has ever happened to me in life. I love you dearly.

82. You are an incredibly dear friend and I’m always so proud of you.

83. The enemy’s plan against you will never succeed. I pray for you always.

84. You can always count on me; I’ll always be your true friend. I’ll stand by your side, no matter the situation.

85. Hope you had a splendid night. Here’s wishing you a super amazing day. God bless you.

86. I trust in your wonderful capabilities. If there’s anyone who can supply on that job, it is you. Go ahead and show them the real stuff you’re made of.

87. No one can contest for your space in my heart. No one is allowed to love me the way you do. You are so special.

88. Thank you for always giving the very best of you, in your words and in your deeds.

89. Real friends are evergreen, friendship is standard with evergreen friends, and something is possible with friends and friendship, so make real friends.

90. A real friend cares for you if she says nasty things to your face instead of behind your back.

91. True friendship means a little heart that never hates, a cute smile that never fades a smooth touch that never hurts and a strong relationship that never breaks.

92. True friendship is about bringing out the positive when everything seems negative, being acknowledged for who you are. Being able to pick up right.

93. I would like to thank the Lord Almighty for bringing you to life. And I would like to ask God to give you as many years to live on earth.

94. Love is like a perfume, spread it. Feelings are just like the flood, flow it. True friendship is like an umbrella, come let’s share it.

95. A lot of people will walk in and out of your life but only real friends will leave footprints in your heart, so value them.

96. The secret of friendship isn’t finding a perfect friend but loving imperfect friend perfectly true friendship doesn’t have an end.

97. True friends are one in a million. True friends are stories to share. True friends know the path to your happiness and they walk with you.

98. Magnificent people are carefully created by God, magnificent moments are carefully planned by God, and magnificent friends like you are carefully gifted God.

99. Do you still recall the first day we met? Our first word, the day we became friends? Well, I do and I will never forget.

100. The glory of true friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship. It is the spiritual inspiration.

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