11 Insightful Questions to Ask a Recruiter 2022 Update

– Questions to Ask a Recruiter –

Asking a job recruiter questions is one of the things an applicant must never fail to observe. A job recruiter is an important resource for both organizations and potential employees.

This professional connects each of these parties, working to facilitate a good match that benefits them both.

If you’re contacted by a recruiter, you can learn a great deal about the job opening by knowing what to ask.

In this article, we explore what a recruiter does and provide a list of questions to consider asking when you’re working with one.

Table of Contents

Questions to Ask a Military Recruiter

So you’re thinking about joining one of the branches of the Armed Forces, but you have absolutely no idea where to start.

One of the first things anyone will tell you if you’re thinking about joining the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines is common-sense advice: talk to a recruiter.

Recruiters know the ins and outs of their respective branches and can answer literally any question you may have.

However, what exactly should you ask them when you get there?  You want to be sure you’re getting all the information you need to make an informed decision.

Going into your first meeting with a military recruiter without a list of questions is about as smart as it sounds.

We’ve compiled this complete list of 10 Questions You Should Ask a Military Recruiter”. The questions are:

1. Why should I join the (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines)? 

This is actually one of the most important questions you can ask. After all, you’ll be spending the next 4 – 20 years of your life if you decide to commit to a branch.

Of course, the recruiter will try to paint a very good picture. But prod him or her for the downsides as well.

2. What are the Requirements for Joining?

Every branch has its own unique requirements. Everything from height/weight, age, health condition, and ASVAB scores are taken into consideration, to name just a few.

3. What is the Minimum Length of my Service Commitment?

Most branches require a 4-year commitment to join. With that said, if you’re looking to do a specific job (like be a pilot or Navy SEAL), sometimes they will require you to sign on for longer.

4. How Long is Boot Camp/Basic Training?

The vast majority of boot camps last somewhere in the range of 8 weeks, but it does vary from branch to branch.

5. Can I Choose when to go to Boot Camp?

In some cases, you might want to join up at a specific period of time. For example, you might want to get one more summer in.

Or, you might want to spend Christmas with your family before shipping off to boot camp. 

The military recruiter will let you know if it’s possible to go in at a specific time frame.

6. Where will I be Stationed after Boot Camp?  Do I have a Choice?

Some recruiters will tell you that they can guarantee you a specific location. If this is the case, get it in writing!

Recruiters will say almost anything to get you to join.

7. Will I ever be Deployed?  If so, where to?

Since the war has been winding down for the US the last few years, it’s unlikely that you’ll be deployed to some foreign hotspot in the near future. 

But it’s a good idea to ask this in the event this changes.

8. I Want to be a (Insert whatever Job you’re looking to do). What is the Minimum ASVAB Score I Need?

If you’ve already taken the ASVAB, you should ask what jobs you would qualify for if you’re unsure of what you want to do in the military.

If you have a specific job you’re looking to do, ask if your ASVAB scores qualify for it.

9. Can I talk with someone that does the job I want? 

You may think you want to be a Navy Air Traffic Controller or an Air Force intelligence officer, but do you really know what the job entails? 

Ask if you can get a phone number or email for someone that’s been doing the job for several years.

There’s no way that the recruiter is going to know exactly what it’s like to serve in a specific job, so this is your best bet to find out what it’s really like.

10. What will I be Paid?  Are there any Bonuses or Incentives for Specific Jobs?

Generally speaking, the pay is the same in every branch of the military and is contingent upon your rank and length of service.

With that said, certain in-demand jobs usually offer bonuses.

In some cases, those bonuses can approach upwards of $20,000!

Questions to Ask a Recruiter During a Phone Screen

Phone interviews, also known as phone screens, are used by employers to screen potential candidates and narrow down the pool of applicants before conducting in-person interviews.

Furthermore, they are also a great way of cutting down expenses when interviewing out-of-town candidates.

These interviews are usually short, often lasting between 10 and 30 minutes.

If you just scheduled one and are worried about questions to ask the recruiter or interviewer during the phone interview, fret not!

Here are the best tips to ace your phone-screen interview during the hiring process.

‣ What qualities are you looking for in the person you hire for this job?

‣ What do you think is the most challenging part of this job

‣ Where do you see the company in the next five years?

‣ What did the last person in this position go on to do?

‣ What skills do you not already have in the team that you’re looking for?

‣ What are the opportunities for progress in the company?

‣ Could you describe a typical day in this position?

‣ Does the company provide training opportunities for its employees?

Good Questions to Ask a Recruiter

So, if you are contacted by a recruiter, consider asking the following:

1. Why is the Position Open?

Find out whether it’s a newly-created role or an existing position that has become vacant.

If the latter, ask why the person who occupied the position previously left and how long the position has been open.

2. What are the Skills and Experiences the Hiring Manager is Prioritizing?

 Ask the recruiter to list the desired skills and experiences for the position.

Having such a list will make it a lot easier for you to compare the employer’s requirements to your own skillset and decide whether it is worth pursuing the opportunity.

3. What does the Day-to-Day of the Job look Like?

Asking this is a great way to get beyond the boilerplate of a job description and to really start to understand what the role entails.

Is it a meeting-heavy position?

Does it require research and/or writing? How much? How closely supervised is the position?

Ask questions that will help you understand how you would be spending most of your time.

4. What can you tell me about the person to whom I would Report?

Research shows that the biggest reason people leave their jobs is their manager, not the work itself. Your manager is critical to your success and level of satisfaction.

Ask the recruiter to tell you what the person who will be managing you is like, what she values, and how she prefers to operate.

5. Why did you Reach out to me? What is my Background Suggests I’d be a good fit for the Position?

The answer to this question can help you understand how people outside your organization view your work and accomplishments, as well as how diligently the recruiter did her homework, which might also be an indication of how well they understand the position they’ve been hired for to fill.

6. Is there anything in my Resume or Background that could be a Concern?

This is a great way to get a sense of how competitive you are for the role, and it will also provide information you can use to map out a strategy for addressing any perceived gaps in your cover letter, resume, and during the interview process.

7. What is the Compensation Range for the Position?

Asking about compensation upfront shouldn’t impact your candidacy in any way. Indeed, the recruiter should be ready for this question and have no qualms about sharing a range.

And remember, in many states it’s illegal to ask a candidate for a job what her current salary is, so don’t feel you have to share it if asked.

8. What kind of Flexible Work Arrangements does the Job Offer?

This is especially important information in the era of COVID when many people have gotten used to working from home and may want to continue to do so.

Understanding the range of benefits that come with a position more generally is also a good way to learn about the organization’s culture and values.

9. Tell me about the Organization’s Culture? What are its Values and how do they Show up in the Organization’s Work?

For most people, organizational culture and values are critical factors in deciding whether to accept a position at a new organization.

Ask the recruiter to provide details that go beyond what’s on the organization’s website or in a handbook and show how its values actually manifest themselves in its day-to-day activities.

Ask, too, about professional development opportunities, its human resources practices, and all the other things that go into creating a vibrant organizational culture.

10. What Work has the Organization done to Become more Diverse, Inclusive, and Equitable?

This is deeply important in 2021 to candidates who are seeking workplaces that are inclusive and equitable.

Feel free to ask about the diversity of the staff, senior leadership team, and board of directors.

Ask about diversity and equity-focused training and development opportunities.

And don’t be hesitant to ask how the organization has responded to external events that have put a spotlight on racial injustice and equity.

11. What are the Steps and Timeline for the Interview Process? 

The answer to this question should give you a sense of how much of a time commitment you’ll be asked to make if you want to pursue the opportunity, and whether it is something that’s worth the investment of your time and energy.

The questions above are meant to be a starting point for determining whether a potential role may be a good fit and deciding whether you want to pursue an opportunity that a recruiter puts in front of you.

Be creative and come up with some of your own. Moving to a new organization can be scary, but it’s also a great way — maybe the best way — to advance your career.

Gather as much information as you can before making a decision and act accordingly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are questions that often form users’ search intents:

What Questions can we ask a Recruiter about the Company?

Here is a list of insightful questions to ask a job recruiter:
‣ How long has the position been open?
‣ How quickly are you looking to fill the position?
‣ How did this position become available?
‣ Why have other candidates been passed up?
‣ What is the job description?

What are the Important Recruiting Questions?

Here are some of the important questions recruiters ask candidates as they assess whether you may be the right candidate to pitch to their clients.
‣ Can you tell me about yourself?
‣ What are your current responsibilities?
‣ What’s your biggest accomplishment?
‣ Why are you interested in moving on?
‣ What’s your ideal next role?

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