115 Overjoyed Fun Things to Do with 10-Year-Old Daughter

What are some fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter at home or outside? There are plenty of one or two-day activities, and there are also some that you can plan ahead of time.

Life is unpredictable. And with our children growing up, we want to give them the most memorable experiences — and not just inside the four walls of the home. So whether you are a “Disney family”, or prefer more unexpected surprises, here you’ll find fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter.

If you’re a parent to a 10-year-old girl, then you are well familiar with: what should I do with this child? where is it possible to go with her for fun and so on? I’ve gathered a list of the best things that you can do with a 10-year-old girl at home and outside.

Are you having a hard time entertaining your 10-year-old daughter? I’m sure you are asking yourself what do I do with a 10-year-old daughter or how do I bond with my 10-year-old daughter? When it gets hot outside or we have free time at home.

I have a daughter and I had faced many difficulties with how to be with her so I am writing this article for parents who have children of 10 years or older. I am persuaded that this bucket list of fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter at home or outside is what you need to keep up with their activity and engage them the most.

Fun Things to Do with 10-Year-Old Daughter at Home

How do I bond with my 10-year-old daughter? The best thing to do with a 10-year-old girl is to make her happy. After all, they are known as the best years of their lives (although I was them to say so). Check out this article to find some fun things to do with your 10-year-old daughter at home.

I think you’ll agree that any one of these activities would make any young girl’s day very special indeed! If you are a parent of a 10-year-old and want to know the best activities to do with your daughter, then you have landed.

I and my daughter have also wanted to be able to participate in her favorite activities as well as create new ones together. ​There are so many fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter at home. You can do puzzles, play games, and watch movies together. You can also go shopping or just have fun together. Here are some ideas for fun things to do with your 10-year-old daughter at home:

1. Play board games or card games together: Play games like Jenga or Uno. The best way to start is a game of Guess Who? or Pictionary. After that, try Monopoly, Scrabble, and Operation. Play cards like Uno and Skip-Bo. You can also enjoy board games such as Jenga, chess, and checkers.

A great idea is to play hide-and-seek outside in the backyard or at the park. This is a classic game that kids love because it gets them moving around and exercising their bodies.

2. Bake cookies or cupcakes together and decorate them with frosting and sprinkles!

3. Go to the library and get a new book.

4. Go on a hike.

5. Watch TV shows and movies together.

6. Go swimming or to the beach: If you have a swimming pool or beach nearby, invite your daughter over for swimming lessons. She will be excited to learn how to swim and build confidence in the water.

7. Go shopping: You can also take her shopping at a mall or clothing store where she can pick out new outfits or accessories for herself or her friends at school.

There are tons of fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter at home. If you are looking for ways to bond with your daughter and create memories, this list is for you.

8. Make slime.

9. Play with dolls: This helps develop your 10-year-old-daughter’s imagination as she encounters creative and imagined scenarios with her dolls and her friends.

10. Have a tea party with your little girl and her friends.

10-year-olds are old enough to start going out with their parents, but still young enough for some fun indoor activities. Here are some ideas for things to do with your 10-year-old daughter.

11. Build a fort or playhouse in your living room: You can make the furniture out of cardboard boxes and old sheets, pillows, and blankets. If you don’t have a fort/playhouse yet, try making one out of blankets and pillows on the floor (or use an empty cardboard box).

When playing inside a fort/house, you can pretend that you’re living in a mansion, cottage, treehouse, or cave! Maybe even pretend that there is no outside world (just think about how great it would be if all adults disappeared from this planet!). Sometimes this idea makes her feel at home with you!

12. Go on walks around the neighborhood or go for bike rides together – just remember to keep safety in mind (wear helmets and make sure there are no cars around).

I have a 10-year-old daughter and like to do fun things with her. We love to spend time together. I thought it would be nice to share some fun things that we have done together. I know there are lots of moms out there who are looking for ideas on what to do with their children or grandchildren on those rainy days.

13. Make a homemade slime.

14. Make homemade playdough: Make homemade play dough and let your child sculpt something with it, then bake it in the oven to harden it up (this takes about 45 minutes). You can find dozens of recipes online for making homemade playdough using ingredients that you probably already have at home (e.g., rolled oats, flour, and water).

15. Make paper mache masks (you can make them fancier by adding glitter, jewels, etc.).

16. Bake cookies with your new receipt.

17. Make homemade ice cream.

18. Go bowling (lots of places have fun kid-focused bowling nights).

19. Go swimming in your backyard pool/spa/hot tub (if you have one) or at a local pool/water park (check Groupon for deals)

20. Play board games together – CandyLand is always a hit!

21. Play a card game, like Uno or Skip-Bo.

22. Play indoor kickball or baseball with the family in the backyard.

23. Have a dance party with your daughter and her friends in your living room. If you don’t have music, use YouTube to stream music through your computer or tablet.

24. Go on a treasure hunt around the house, looking for items that begin with each letter of the alphabet (from A to Z).

25. Play a Musical Instrument.

26. Read Books Together.

27. Cook Together.

28. Make Your Own Pizza.

29. Bake Cookies or Biscuits

30. Practice a Skill Like Sewing or Knitting.

31. Go Camping in Your Backyard (with a tent).

Looking for fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter at home? Here are some great ideas.

32. Have a pillow fight.

33. Play hide and seek.

34. Go bowling or roller skating.

35. Take a walk together, even if it’s just around the block.

36. Have a tea party and invite friends over (or just your sister).

It’s important to spend time together as a family, but it’s also good to be able to have fun together as a family. Here are some ideas for fun things to do with your 10-year-old daughter at home:

37. Go on a nature walk: Take her exploring the woods or meadow near your home. Look for animals and insects, collect leaves and flowers, and enjoy the outdoors together. You can also check out parks in your area that allow hiking or biking.

38. Learn a new skill together: Teach her how to knit or crochet, take up painting or drawing, or learn how to play chess
together. You don’t have to do this every day — just once in awhile will be enough!

39. Have movie nights at home: Rent some movies that both of you want to watch and make popcorn (or other snacks) while you watch them together on the couch or floor of your living room. If she has younger siblings you can invite them over too so they can watch while having fun with their older sister!

40. Take an arts and crafts class together at a local museum or community center (or online!). You might be surprised by how much fun you have making art projects together!

What to Do with a 10-Year-Old Girl?

What to do with a 10-year-old girl? The good news is, that your daughter is now at an age where she can participate in more activities. If you want ideas on what to do with your 10-year-old daughter, here are some fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter inside:

41. Make crafts together.

42. Go to the library and check out books on crafts or cooking.

43. Go swimming or hiking together.

44. Play games like Scrabble or chess together (and sometimes make allow her to win).

45. Take photos of each other doing something fun and print them out for scrapbooks or photo albums (or e-mail them to friends and family).

10-year-old girls love having fun! They want to be active, explore, and learn new things. But sometimes it can be hard for parents to find things that are both fun and educational for their 10-year-old daughters. Here are some fun activities that are good for 10-year-old daughters.

46. Go on a nature walk: Take a walk through the woods or along a stream. You can collect leaves and rocks along the way, or just enjoy being outside and getting some exercise.

47. Go camping in your backyard: Set up a tent in your backyard and pretend you’re camping out. Or use an old sleeping bag and pretend you’re camping under the stars (but don’t forget to put on sunscreen!). You could even have a campfire with s’mores!

48. Have a sleepover at home with friends or cousins: Have everyone bring pillows and blankets so they can sleep on the floor or couch in your living room (or wherever). Play games like Twister or Charades until midnight, then get up early in the morning to make pancakes before school!

49. Make crafts together as a family or with friends and relatives during summer vacation or winter break from school. Make homemade greeting cards using white cardboard boxes.

10-year-old girls are at a fun age. They are old enough to do more things by themselves, but still young enough to be your little girl. Here are some ideas for fun things to do with your 10-year-old daughter.

50. A movie night!

51. Go roller skating or ice skating together!

52. Have a pajama party!

53. Take her to a concert (one she likes).

54. Do something she’s interested in like rock climbing, horseback riding or horseback riding lessons, and so on…

55. Make a scrapbook together.

56. Play with dolls and dress them up, or make a dollhouse.

57. Create a fun craft using felt, fabric, and markers or paints to make picture frames, pillows, bags, and more!

58. Build an obstacle course in the backyard using hula hoops, balance beams, and other items found around the house.

59. Make a “Time Capsule” for your child to open when she turns 21.

60. Make a scrapbook of her life, starting with her birth, and fill it with your memories of her.

61. Write down the things you love about her and put them in a jar or box. Open it when she needs encouragement or is struggling with something.

62. Play games together (board games, cards, etc.), which can be educational as well as fun!

63. Play dress-up (with costumes or clothes you might normally wear). This encourages your daughter to explore different aspects of herself and helps her develop a sense of style (which is so important to girls).

64. Take walks together (you might even get exercise out of this one!). Walking helps build good habits like healthy eating and physical activity that will stay with her throughout her life (and keep those pounds off too!). It also provides time for talking about issues that are important to both of you—schoolwork, friends, family members, and more!

Fun Things to Do with 10-Year-Old Daughter Outside

What can a 10-year-old do when bored at home? There are a lot of fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter outside. But I want to share some fun things you can do with your daughter when the weather allows. And of course, if you asking how do I bond with my 10-year-old daughter? It gives you both a chance to bond and try new activities that you can always say, “remember that time when you asked what do 10-year-olds do for fun?”

Summer is finally here – and perhaps you’re desperate to find some fun outdoor things to do with your ten-year-old daughter. Well, look no further. You’ve come to the right place. I’ve written a complete guide that will teach you all about the best fun outside things to do with a ten-year-old daughter. This way, you’ll never have to worry about what to do outdoors with her again!

I remember the first day of Summer with my daughter. She was 10 years old, and we had been stuck in the house most of the Winter. We were both itching to go outside and have some fun, but it can be hard finding things to do with her if she is a bit shy like my daughter is, and also needs me nearby for encouragement.

As a parent, you want the best for your kid. And that means ensuring she has opportunities to try out new things and expose herself to experiences outside her norm. This not only gives you many opportunities to bond with your girls, but allows you to learn some super simple, yet fun things to do with 10-year-old daughters outside.

It’s time to get your kids out of the house and into the great outdoors. With a little planning and preparation, you can create an afternoon of fun for your entire family. Here are some ideas to get you started:

65. Make your own sidewalk chalk paint: Mix equal parts water and tempera paint in a plastic container. Add a little drop of food coloring, if you like. Mix thoroughly using an old spoon or spatula to avoid introducing air bubbles into the mixture. Apply paint with a paintbrush or roller to clean concrete sidewalks (apply several coats for best results). Let dry completely before using, then fill in cracks with sand or dirt.

66. Build a fort using sheets and chairs from around the house, then decorate it with paper streamers, balloons, and other colorful materials found around the house or yard. If you live near woods or fields, bring along flashlights so that your kids can play inside their fort at night too!

67. Go hiking on local trails, stopping along the way to search for rocks and flowers, then bring home some nature souvenirs as memories of your day together as a family.

There are so many fun things to do with a 10-year-old daughter outside. Here are some of our favorites:

68. Go on a nature walk: This is a great way to get your daughter to enjoy the outdoors and learn about nature and wildlife.

69. Bird watching: There are lots of birds that live in your backyard, but if you’re not sure what they are, grab a field guide and start looking for them!

70. Go on a bike ride together: Take turns riding on the handlebars or in the child seat. If your child is older, she may even want to ride her own bike!

71. Play hide and seek in your yard: This is a great game for older kids because it gets them off the couch and moving around!

What can 10 girls do when bored? 10-year-olds are in a great place to
enjoy being young. They can be funny, yet they’re also able to be responsible and independent. Here are some ideas for fun things you can do with your 10-year-old daughter outside:

10-year-old girls are a little bit more mature than they used to be. They’re still young enough that you can take them to the park and have fun, but old enough that you can show them some of your favorite things and share a new experience with them. If your daughter is 10-years-old, here are some fun things to do with her outside:

72. Go on an educational nature walk: Take your daughter on a nature walk through your neighborhood, or even through the woods behind your house. You can bring along a book about local plants and animals, so she’ll learn something new while you’re enjoying the beautiful scenery around you.

73. Go camping: If you haven’t gone camping in awhile, now is the perfect time to pack up everything you need for an overnight trip and spend some quality time together outdoors as mother and daughter!

74. Go swimming at the pool or beach: There’s nothing like playing in the water on a hot summer day! A dip in the pool or ocean will keep both of your spirits high while keeping cool on those sweltering days when it’s hard to stay outside too long without feeling overheated from all the sunshine beating down on you all day long.

Fun Activities for 10-Year-Olds

I have a 10-year-old daughter, and she is the most incredible person I’ve ever known. She’s beautiful, kind, and so much fun to spend time with!

I know that she’s still young, but I want her to have the best experiences possible so that she can grow into a well-rounded adult.

I want to make sure that she has fun times outside. The outdoors is such an important part of life, and it can be difficult when you live in an urban environment or a busy suburb.

One of the best things about having a 10-year-old daughter is that she’s old enough to go on some pretty fun adventures. But if you’re feeling at a loss for ideas, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered for fun activities for 10-year-olds. So here are some fun things that you can do together.

75. Bike riding, Hopscotch, hopscotch, jump rope, scavenger hunt, Sports day, Playground time, etc.

76. Making slime.

77. Drawing together.

78. Playing board games

79. Building with Legos.

80. Going to the zoo (or aquarium)

81. Trying out new foods together (and maybe even cooking them).

82. Visiting an art museum or art class together for inspiration and learning new skills (with or without painting!).

83. Doing whatever else she wants!

10-year-olds have a lot of energy and it’s important to find ways to channel that energy into fun activities. Here are some great ideas for fun activities for 10-year-old girls:

84. Go swimming: Swimming is a great way to keep your 10-year-old active while having fun. Swimming pools are open year-round, so you can take advantage of this in the summer when it’s hot outside.

If you don’t have a swimming pool in your area, many public pools offer lessons for children as well as adults. You can also look into joining a swim team or club near your home if you want more structure with training and competitions.

84. Play basketball or another sport: Basketball is one of the most popular sports among boys and girls alike because it’s easy to pick up, but hard to master; there’s always something new to learn!

Basketball is also a great way to exercise without getting too tired out by running around too much (like soccer). If there isn’t a basketball court near your home, consider joining an organized league that plays in parks or local gyms. Or maybe just shoot some hoops at home!

What can 10 girls do when bored?  10-year-olds are great to be around. They are fun, energetic, and full of life. But the problem is that they can get bored easily. You want to spend some quality time with your daughter but you don’t know what to do. So here is a list of fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter outside:

85. Go for a walk or hike.

86. Bowling.

87. Playground or Playroom.

88. Swimming Pool.

There’s no doubt that spending time with your daughter is important, but it’s also important to make sure that she gets out and enjoys some of the fun things that life has to offer. As a parent, there are many fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter outside that you can take her on. Here are just a few of them:

89. . Go fishing: One of the best things about fishing is that it doesn’t require anything but a rod, line, and bait (and maybe a tackle box). You can take your daughter out on the lake or river and teach her how to catch fish. This can be done from shore or by boat, depending on where you’re located in the country.

90. Go camping together: Camping offers an opportunity for families to enjoy nature together without having to go too far from the home base if they have issues with leaving their pets behind or their children are afraid of the dark at night time.

It’s also great for bonding because you’ll have time alone with each other while enjoying nature’s beauty around you as well as sharing stories around the campfire at night time when all lights are turned off so no one can see who they’re talking too!

You don’t have to spend all your time indoors. If you’ve got a 10-year-old girl, get her outside and enjoy these fun things to do with a 10-year-old girl outside.

91. Go Swimming: Swimming is one of the best ways to get exercise and enjoy the water. You can do this in your own backyard by putting up a kiddie pool or taking your daughter to an indoor or outdoor pool. If you have access to a pool at your apartment complex, make sure she wears her bathing suit when she goes out for walks or bike rides.

92. Have a Picnic in the Park: Picnics are perfect for families with little children because they’re easy to pack and clean up afterward. Pack sandwiches or wraps, fruit, chips, and drinks before heading out for an afternoon of fun in the sun! Don’t forget bug spray — especially if you live in an area where mosquitoes are common during the summer months.

10-year-old daughters are at a fun age. They’re old enough to start doing some things on their own, but they still need you there to help them along. Here are some fun activities and ideas that will keep your 10-year-old daughter outside with you.

93. Go swimming or play in the water.

94. Take a walk in the woods or park.

95. Go on a nature scavenger hunt.

96. Make bird feeders out of pinecones and peanut butter or suet cakes (see instructions below).

97. Plant seeds and watch them grow over time (or just have fun digging in the dirt with your hands).

10-year-old daughters are very active and curious, so they love to be outside. You can make a lot of fun activities with your 10-year-old daughter in the park, near home or somewhere else. Here are some ideas that you can do together:

98. Have an American-style breakfast – pancakes and syrup, waffles and ice cream – or even just cereal!

99. Make a bird feeder with peanut butter, birdseed, and string.

100. Plant seeds in pots and grow flowers or vegetables.

101. Walk around the neighborhood looking for animals like birds, squirrels, dogs, cats, and more.

102. Play tag at night when it’s dark outside.

When it comes to entertaining your 10-year-old daughter, there are many options. Here are some of the b
est for this age group.

103. Go on a scavenger hunt.

104. Make a treasure map.

105. Have a scavenger hunt party with friends.

106. Make a fort or tent in your backyard.

107. Go on a hike or walk in nature

108. Play a game like hide-and-seek or freeze tag.

109. Have a water fight with balloons or squirt guns.

110. Make up your own games that incorporate running, jumping, and trying new things (like parkour).

Here are some ideas for things to do with your daughter when you want to make a fun day out of it.

111. Go to a museum or art gallery.

112. Have a picnic in the park.

113. Go for a ride on a bike or scooter.

114. Take photos together using your phone’s camera or digital camera (if you have one). Post them on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, so that other people can see what you did together and comment on them.

115. Play games at home – board games, card games, and video games (if she’s allowed).

Hopefully, you’ve found a little inspiration. If nothing else, if you have a daughter of a similar age, these fun things to do with 10-year-old daughter are all definitely worth trying at some point—and who knows? You might see some unexpected sides to your relationship growing up too. And that’s pretty fun in itself.

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