12 Supervisor Interview Questions and Answers 2022

– Supervisor Interview Questions –

Supervisor Interview Questions: A supervisor is foremost an overseer whose main responsibility is to ensure that a group of subordinates get out the assigned amount of production. 

As a supervisor, it’s your role to set goals for your team and monitor performance. If there’s a bigger project, you’ll be tasked with making sure you’re hitting all your milestones and staying on track to meet your deadline.


A supervisor handles the productivity and actions of a small group of employees. The supervisor has several manager-like roles, responsibilities, and powers.

Two of the key differences between a supervisor and a manager are (1) the supervisor rarely has “hire and fire” authority, and (2) the supervisor does not have budget authority.

1. What Makes one a Great Supervisor?

Answer: A great supervisor can motivate their subordinates, they go by example, they have good observation skills, and they can utilize the strengths of the people they lead in their teams.

Alternatively, you can say that a great supervisor maintains the highest possible productivity and motivation of the team (or of each team member), and helps the company to achieve its goals on an ongoing basis.

2. Why do you think you would be a good supervisor?

This question tells you more than the skills of a potential employee – it also gives you a window into their management style.

A good candidate will not just describe the qualities they feel they possess. They will also tell you about a specific scenario when they could use skills they feel are valuable for management, and the positive impact that resulted.

3. How would your co-workers describe you?

Empathy is important. This question allows would-be supervisors to reflect on how their co-workers perceive them, and to provide examples of why and how that perception exists.

It also allows them to mention areas they could improve their skill set, describe their strengths, and give you an idea of how they relate to their team.


4. What are the Main Goals of a Supervisor?

Answer: To maintain high motivation and enthusiasm in the workplace, to ensure everyone works to their full potential, and to take care of any problems that arise in the workplace, or between the workers, such as conflict, loss of motivation, and other problems.

You can also opt for another approach, saying that the main goal of a supervisor is to achieve the goals of the company with their team, and say that everything else is secondary, and should arise from the primary goal.

5. How Would you Solve Conflicts Among the People you Supervise?

Answer: You should say that you try to avoid conflicts. But if there is no way to avoid a conflict, or if you fail to avoid it, you will try to understand the perspective of the other person.

Eventually, you will find a solution that will be good for the entire team–and not only for you.

You can also say that you always try to maintain the authority of your position since if you lost it in a conflict with one of your subordinates, other people from the team might not respect you anymore.

6. Describe the Toughest Challenge you’ve faced at work and how you Overcame it

Often, this type of question results in employees reflecting on the conflict in the workplace. A shower focus on the positive outcome and steps to achieve it, as opposed to a focus on the conflict or personal grievances is a very good sign.

7. Is there anything you would change about supervisor roles in our organization?

All processes can be improved–even when they’re already great. A candidate who has actionable ideas that can improve the workflow and cut costs, save time, or streamline processes is a great pick.

A strong candidate will have done their research on your organization and should be able to answer this question. A red flag is a lack of ideas or knowledge of your expectations and the function of supervisors in your organization.

8. Can you Describe your Supervisory Style?

Answer: When answering supervisor interview questions around your personal supervisory style, remember that there is no wrong or right supervisory style.

The only criterion is that it should be appropriate to the situation. Your ability to adapt your style to the demands of the person you are dealing with, the task at hand and the circumstances is key to success as a supervisor.


9. What are the Three factors to Improve Teamwork and Success?

When you ask a question like this, you give the applicant a chance to show critical thinking and analysis skills as well as to provide you an idea of how they would manage a team.

A great candidate will describe clear roles for each team member, the importance of maintaining a positive work environment, the need to listen to feedback from team members, and other factors focusing on regular, clear, and open dialogue and communication.

10. How Would you motivate your team members to produce the best possible results?

Answer: Trying to create a competitive atmosphere, trying to motivate the team organizing team-building events, building good relationships with the workers, ensuring they feel good at work and receive an appropriate reward for their labor, is a great answer to this question.

Show your interviewers that you know how to work with the laborers and understand what motivates them to work hard every day.

11. Do you think starting a relationship with one of your subordinates is right?

Answer: The right answer is yes and no. Good relationships outside of work can help to improve the atmosphere in a team, which nearly always leads to better results.

You should not let your emotions control your decisions at work, and that is hard to achieve if you become emotionally attached to one of your colleagues.


12. How do you plan to go by an example for your subordinates?

Answer: Sticking to the rules, working hard, and even helping with manual labor (if necessary, e.g. when someone did not arrive to work, and you did not have a replacement ready) is a good answer to this question.

Another way of going by example (or another approach to this interview question) is saying that you plan to actively participate in everything the team does, including manual labor.

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