12 Tips on How to Keep Wasp Away from Your Homes and Garden

– How to Keep Wasp Away –

As the weather starts to brighten up you’ll be hearing that unpleasant buzz flitting around your ear–Glimpsing a skinny yellow-and-black body! It can mean only one thing- Wasp. Are you thinking on how to keep wasp away? 

Think no further because we have got tips for you. Not only are they noisy and annoying, but for most of us it’s the little sting in their tail that sends us screaming.

If you are looking for how to keep wasps away, you’ll be thrilled to know that there are some natural wasp repellents that actually work in ridding your home of the unwanted pests. No one wants wasps stinging them this season.

Tips on How to Keep Wasp Away

1. Grow Scented Plants:

Instead of planting flowers around the areas in which you enjoy relaxing, consider placing wasp deterring plants to add a natural border of protection.

Smells that can discourage wasps from certain areas include tomato stems, fresh mint, ground coffee and cloves.

2. Keep Your Food and Drinks Covered:

Get rid of any food scraps or crumbs that are in the area outside of your home. Wasps love protein, so your grill is an area that they love to visit. Keep it thoroughly cleaned to keep the wasps away. Wasps also love sugary drinks too so keep them covered and away.

3. Seal and Empty Trash Can Regularly:

What do trash cans have in them? Well, besides trash, they often have old food scraps. Wasps aren’t picky and they love old rotting food just as much as freshly cooked meals. 


4. Seal Patches and Holes:

You’ll have to seal up any cracks in your home or foundation, as wasps like to nest in cracks and hollows on the ground. Keep these patched up and filled to avoid wasps making nests or getting into your home.

5. Use a Soap and Water Solution:

Soap and water are a great defense against small wasp nests. Get a spray bottle, add 2 tablespoons of dish soap, and fill the rest of the bottle with water.

After shaking well, liberally spray the soap and water mixture on the nest. The soap will clog up their breathing pores, causing them to die instantly.

6. Check for nests:

It is important to locate nests before they develop and grow into larger ones. Check sheds, garages, and wall cavities in early spring while they are still golf ball size or smaller and can be treated quickly.

7. Keep The Outside Lights Off:

Try to not leave your outside lights on any longer than necessary. Lights will attract insects and that includes wasps who prey on them.

8. Use a Peppermint Oil Solution:

Peppermint oil has also been shown to be a natural wasp repellent. Take a few drops of peppermint oil along with a few tablespoons of dish soap, put them together in a spray bottle, and fill the rest of the bottle with water.

Shake well, and then spray the mixture on any established nests or places where you’ve seen nests before.


9. Sugar and Water Traps:

Place either a solution of sugar and water inside an open bottle. The sticky mixture will attract the wasp, who will crawl inside and likely become trapped and die.

You can buy a variety of wasps traps that perform this function with more easily removable tops so you could release the wasp after it becomes trapped if you wish.

But please remember that the wasp will not be in the best mood if you choose to do this, so please be extremely careful and avoid if you have an allergy to wasp stings.

10. Burn citronella candles:

This is a great tip for keeping not just wasps but all other insects away while you have a relaxing meal outside. You can find citronella candles in most supermarkets and hardware stores.

They often already come in pretty containers, but you can also buy them as tea lights and use your own candle holders.

If you find the scent is a little too strong to have on the table, why not try popping some of the tea lights in small terracotta plant pots around the dining area, just remember to blow them out before you go inside.

11. Distract Them:

Consider placing a small glass of orange juice in a remote corner of their garden to draw wasps away from an occupied area.

This tip works best if you have a large garden space, and want to keep wasps away if you’re planning to have dinner in the garden.

If you don’t have any orange juice to spare, the tip will also work with overripe fruit, sugar water and banana skins too.

If you don’t have any orange juice to spare, the tip will also work with overripe fruit, sugar water and banana skins too.


12. Seek Professionals:

If you have an active nest in your garden in a hard to reach place call in a professional to remove it. Dealing with a nest yourself can cause many dangers.

If you attempt to destroy or dislodge the nest yourself, the wasps might swarm to defend its home. 

Wasps are so much more aggressive than bees because they are predatory and very protective of their young. They are aggressive during the last months of summer.

Wasps can be solitary or social, and there are even wasps that don’t sting at all. The best way to prevent unpleasant encounters with social wasps is to avoid them. If you know where they are, try not to go near their nesting places.

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