120+ Birthday Prayers for a Brother You Cherish in 2022

A brotherly bond is indeed a very special bond of love and friendship. It’s even a bond of family cordiality.

Celebrating your brother on his special day is a very unique thing to do even to wish him good and beautiful things throughout the year is indeed a special blessing to pour out on him from a very prayerful and loving heart of yours.

Therefore don’t hesitate to select from these awesome and cute birthday prayers for that handsome brother of yours this throughout this year.

Isn’t that cool?

He is your brother and you want some prayers for brother on his birthday? He’s mine today!
Brothers are so precious and worth to be celebrated and pray for. These happy birthday prayers will be the best to send to him on his birthday. You can also say the prayers as you send them.

1. Hello lovely brother, I am really grateful to God for your life and having you as my brother. It’s your day today, bro, may you be filled with so much grace and mercy from above and abundance of blessings shall be bestowed on you throughout the year, 2022. I love you so much, bro. Happy Birthday to you.

2. As this wonderful and divinely blessed year, 2022 unfolds, so also shall all the lost and due treasures and beneficiaries of you be unfolded, restored and replenished in hundreds and thousands folds. Age with grace and peace, lovely brother. I love you so much. Happy birthday to you.

3. As a new year is added to your year this day, may you experience newness all round and greater heights for you throughout the year 2022. This year shall be a year great profit for you in all food things. I shall not lose you in Jesus Name. Happy Birthday, my cute brother!!!.

4. All thanks to God for His Mercies over our lives and His protection. Hello brother, as you celebrate your birthday today, may you be celebrated all through for greater achievements and successes in this year, 2022. May the light of God dawn upon your life. Goodness will follow you throughout your life this year. Happy birthday, brother.

5. May the goodness and mercy of God locate you and grace you with new things. New grounds shall you break into. Grace for great exploits in the year, 2022 shall be made available to you. I pray that your life this year shall be of a remarkable experience for you. Age gracefully, my lovely brother.

6. As you grow in age, so also shall you grow in the light and grace of God. May you increase in all sides and ramifications of your life. May I not lose you in this year, 2022 and more years to come. Wishing you longevity of life and wealth in good health. Happy birthday to you.

7. All praise to the Lord for His goodness and mercy over our lives, His grace to witness another year in good conditions. Hello, my cute bro. It’s your day today, may your life be filled with joy and gladness all through your life even throughout this year 2022. More life and wealth for you in this year. Happy Birthday.

8. May you gray in newness and greatness, you shall soar higher greater heights in this new age of yours and even this year, 2022, favours from God and man shall come your way. I love so much, bro. Happy birthday to you.

9. Hello my handsome brother, how was your night? As you wake up to celebrate another age of your life, goodness shall find you and mercy shall make her abode with you. May you experience fruitfulness in your life all through this year, 2022. No barrenness for you in this new age and even this year. Lots of love from me to you, my lovely brother. Happy Birthday.

10. As you celebrate this new age of yours today, brother, may your life never be cut short and no evil shall befall you in this year, 2022, but more life with more graces and favours for you in this year. Have a great day, cute bro. Happy birthday to you.

11. New things will encounter with you and unspeakable joy shall abode with you as you celebrate this new age of yours even all through this year, 2022, liveliness shall come upon every sleeping or dead things in your life. Enjoy your day, dear bro. {‘Lots of cakes on the go” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5O4rWmSuOGY}!!! Happy birthday.

12. You shall grow in grace and in the love of God in this year, 2022, lovely brother. Everything you lay your hand on this year shall prosper and the favour of God shall come upon all your labours abundantly. Age gracefully dear. Happy birthday.

13. Happy birthday to you brother, may you live long on the face of the earth. The blessing of the Lord shall be with you all through this year, 2022 and ever more. Happy Birthday to you.

14. Hello brother, today marks the day you were brought to this world by God through mother and its another inevitable celebration for us. May your shine brighter in this year, 2022 and your shining shall be as the strength of the sun. Greater heights shall be yours this year. Have fun bro!!! Happy birthday to you.

15. All praises to the Most High God for His boundless love and Mercies towards us all. I pray for you my handsome and cute brother that as you clock another age this year, may every good thing you have been aspiring for be made available and at ease for you this year, 2022. Age with grace and ease in all your endeavours. Happy Birthday.

16. Nothing shall be of hindrance to your success and your ladder of greater heights shall not be broken. Strength and grace are supplied to you to excel all round in this year. Happy Birthday to you, my ever handsome looking brother. Can’t love you less!!!

17. The sky shall not be your limit this year but it shall be the beginning of the height of your success this year and more. Happy birthday, bro. Make sure you have fun!

18. It’s a great time to celebrate a very unique person of mine, that’s you my handsome and gentle brother. May this new age of yours be the beginning of greater and awesome experiences in your life, may you never be a victim of evil circumstances in this year, 2022. Safety all through. God be with you. I love you, bro. Happy Birthday to you.

19. New age comes with new grace, new goals and new strength. May this be apportioned to you as you mark your new age in this year, 2022. Age gracefully. Happy Birthday.

20. As the morning dawns today with the dawning of a new and fresh start, may your life undergo new lease of freshness and newness in all you do this year, 2022. Happy Birthday, brother.

21. Dear brother, as you clock another year today, may you never be an experiencer of bad occurrences but a receiver of good news all through this wonderful year, 2022. Blessings all around you, amen. Happy birthday.

22. Hello lovely brother, may your day be filled with so much love, kindness from both God and man. Solemn tranquility shall be yours all through the year, 2022. Love you more and more, bro. Happy birthday to you.

23. Age in peace and a trouble-free life this year, 2022. Unmerited and merited benefits shall be bestowed upon you this year. Happy birthday, brother.

24. You are so dear to my heart always and you’ve been of so much support to me, I can’t forget you even when I have you so close to me as my family. May this new age of yours be of the bringing of good tidings to you. You shall prosper in God’s will all through this glorious year, 2022 and many more years to come. Happy birthday, cute brother!!!

25. I am so grateful to God for giving me a brother like you. You are such a blessing. As you celebrate another new age today, may great blessings from God descend upon you even more than your imaginations this year.

26. The celebration of birthdays is once in a year, but my love for you is forever and prayers are lasting when done by faith. I pray for you my beloved brother that as you celebrate your new age today, may this year be a year, 2022, to remember for good all through your life. I love you so much, bro!!!

27. Happy birthday to you, may long life and prosperity abode with you in this year and more to come. Have a very fun-filled day. Cakes and drinks in the air!!!!!

28. This new season of your life shall be filled with so many blessings and mercies even throughout this year, 2022. Happy birthday to you! Cute brother

29. I’ll let everyone know how much I cherish you, my brother, and let people know that God really blessed me with a brother like you. May this year be full of wonderful things in your life Thank you for being there! Happy birthday to you, my handsome bro.

30. Today being your birthday celebration is of gracious witnessing for you. May you never be denied of the goodness and favours of this year, 2022. Have a very wonderful birthday celebration. Love you brother.

31. May you be enlightened the more in your pursuit of becoming great in life this year, 2022. I cherish you so much, and I’m so confident to let the whole world know. I have a lovely and special brother like you. Happy birthday.

32. Hurray! It’s a special someone birthday today and that’s my beloved brother. I’m so glad to be related to you. May your life be filled with so much joy and tranquility in this year. Amen. Can’t love you less. Happy birthday, brother.

33. The birthday of a very special person of mine today and by the special grace of God, special things are on top of the prayer list. Receive them by God’s grace. Remain blessed, dear brother. God bless you. Happy birthday.

34. It’s an awesome day for a handsome person like you, brother. On this awesome note, I celebrate you and pray that abundance of blessings shall come upon you in all sides in this year, 2022. Happy birthday.

35. After giving all thanks to God and praying other spirit led prayers, my prayer and supplication this morning was another hearty prayer for such an awesome brother like you. May you continue gray and dwell in goodness and good health in this year, 2022 and all the days of your life. Happy birthday to you.

36. Hello brother, I can’t tell of the extent at which I value you as a brother. You’re such a blessing to me and the family. May all your heart desires be granted to you throughout this year, 2022 and more. I love you, brother. Happy Birthday to you!!!

37. Brothers are referred to as dears but I call you a valuable asset. May you never be devalued in your worth. No good thing shall be denied you. Happy Birthday, bro!!!

38. As the dew descends on the leaves on of the tree in the morning so also shall your life this year be made to flourish so well and your leaves shall continue to grow tender in all things you do this year. Happy Birthday, brother.

39. I pray for you, my lovely brother that as you celebrate your birthday today, new spring of life and blessings upon all your endeavours in the year, 2022 and even many more years to come. Happy Birthday beloved brother.

40. As you clock another year this year, 2022, may you experience new settings of success stories all through the year. Enjoy your day, brother. I love you so much. Happy Birthday.

41. May goodness and mercies be as a cord around your neck, they shall follow you all through your life this year. Happy Birthday to you, cute brother.

42. Gracious things shall be known of you and greater heights shall you be blessed within the year, 2022 and all through your lifetime.

43. I can’t thank God enough for giving a brother like you, all glory to His Name on high. Hey, my handsome brother, it’s your special day today, may the light of God shine on you and illuminate your life that every form of darkness shall be dealt with even from this year, 2022 onward. God bless, brother. Happy Birthday to you!!!

44. Greater things shall be known of you and the favour of God shall uplift you all round and in all sides, throughout this year, 2022. Brother, you are blessed. Happy Birthday!!!

45. Dear brother, your life is truly a good exemplary life. I am so bold enough to shout it to the world that I have a very outstanding brother. May the Lord be gracious unto you and shine His countenance upon you throughout this year, 2022 and above. Happy Birthday!

46. Hello dear brother, as you mark your birthday today, I pray that all through this year, 2022 even beyond, you shall experience joyous moments and countless blessed times in your life. Can’t love you less, brother. Happy Birthday to you.

47. There are lots of things to say and lots on the mind to pour out but here’s a portion of the prayers and wishes of my heart. May your life be so much blessed with gracious and awesome things to the extent that you shall become more of a blessing to many people around throughout this year. Happy Birthday, cute bro.

48. No good thing shall be withheld for on you but you shall be in abundance all through your life this year, 2022 and more years to come. Happy Birthday, brother.

49. Dear brother, you have always been very supportive and caring to me and many others. So also shall you receive support and care from God and man all through your lifetime this year. Remain blessed, handsome brother. Happy Birthday!

50. May this year bring more of favours and kindness to you and lead you to a very blessed year ahead. Happy Birthday to my lovely and cute brother.

51. Dear brother, this year shall be of a remarkable year for you. Blessings and goodly valuables shall be yours through the year, 2022 and more. Happy Birthday, brother!

52. I thank God for all His grace and mercy towards us, even life. May the landmark of your life be graciously blessed in this year 2022 and ahead. Happy Birthday to you.

53. May all your prayers be answered and you be granted mercy over all your desires according to God’s will in this year and many more to come. Happy Birthday.

54. Light shall come upon everything you lay your hand on this year and ahead. Happy Birthday to you.

55. Happy Birthday to you dear brother. May this year spring forth new this for you. Happy Birthday. Have a blessed day ahead.

56. Your day shall be abundantly blessed and your life throughout this year shall be a fulfillment of greater things in your life. Happy Birthday to you, beloved brother.

57. Being of your family is so precious and having you as a brother is truly a blessing. May you be granted access to all places of impossibilities of greater things in this year, 2022. Age gracefully, brother. Lots of love!!!.

58. Happy Birthday to you cute brother, happy indeed shall you be all through the phases of your life. Remain blessed. Happy and splendorous birthday to you.

59. I pray for you, dear brother that your life shall be kept from all evils in the year. Protection from God on you shall be certain in Jesus name. Happy Birthday to you.

60. May you arise and shine all through this year. No casting down for you throughout this year, 2022 and more. Happy Birthday to you dear brother.

61. May all your expectations not be cut short in this year. All your desires shall be met with by the special grace of God. It’s your special day, bro, have fun! Happy Birthday to you.

62. May the peace from God overwhelm your heart all through and cause every high thing that is against you to be brought low throughout this year, 2022 and ahead. Happy Birthday sweet brother.

63. Gracious and merciful occurrences shall visit you and you shall be a custodian of goodly things from heaven as you celebrate your birthday even through this year, 2022 and more. Age gracefully, dear brother.

64. May you have a highly remarkable celebration of a new age today, and favourable conditions shall be your portion throughout the year. Amen. Happy Birthday, my cute brother.

65. As you clock another new age of your life, brother, may your life be a centre of attraction for the grace, mercy and peace from God in the year, 2022 and ahead. Age with abundance of grace.

66. Happiness and joy shall make their abode with you as you enter into a new season of your life. Throughout this year you shall know no sorrow that will overcome you. I love you brother. Happy Birthday.

67. At the instance, I knew it was going to be your birthday soon, I was unspeakably joyous brother. You are such a wonderful person, bro. May you be graciously blessed in all sides of your life through the space of the year, 2022 and more. Stay blessed, brother. Happy Birthday to you.

68. May you have a life full of love, favour and kindness from God this year. Enjoy your day, brother. Much love!!!! Happy Birthday!

69. Every hindrance and obstacle in the way of your success and aspirations shall be destroyed as you continue in this year, 2022 and beyond. Happy Birthday to you dear brother.

70. Bright and gloomy shall your life be from this time forth even this year and ahead, lovely brother. I love you so much, brother. Happy Birthday!!!

71. No part of your life shall be darkened and brought under siege of calamities but lightened and mad free from all forms of troubles and problems. Happy Birthday, brother. Hurray!!!

72. As you grow in age so also shall you grow in wisdom and more strength to continue to soar higher in every aspect of your life throughout this year, 2022 and beyond. I’m so blessed I have you as a brother. Happy and glorious birthday to you! Cutie bro.

73. May you be richly blessed and abundantly showered with favours from heaven above in this year and beyond. Splendid birthday to you, brother!

74. Hurray! Happy birthday to you brother. Congratulations to you. Greater things shall be known of you from this year, 2022 and henceforth. Age with grace brother. Happy birthday.

75. Grace and peace shall be multiplied unto you all through this year. Lots of love brother. Happy birthday!

76. May you constantly be blessed with love and pleasures of good things as you grow in age even from this year, 2022 and henceforth. Happy and glorious birthday celebration, lovely bro.

77. As you age increasingly this year, may you be graced so much to run the race of your life with pace and tranquility. Happy birthday, brother.

78. May your happiness be filled up to the brim this day and henceforth even throughout the year. Happy birthday my lovely brother.

79. As you mark your special day today, may you be bestowed with strength and vigour to explore new opportunities that shall come your way in this year, 2022 and many more years to come. Happy birthday, brother.

80. Smiles in place of sorrow and happiness in place of troubles for you, cute brother even in this year and beyond. Have a glorious birthday celebration!

81. The Lord bless you and keep you. May you never experience dryness in your life.

82. Goodness and mercy shall follow you and you shall be a blessing indeed.

83. No sickness or diseases shall be found in your abode even in your family. Sound health is yours.

84. Jobs shall not be scarce for you but good jobs shall find and locate you. Amen.

85. As from the day on, good things shall not be far from you. New things will enjoin with you.

86. More than you ever expect friend, may the blessings of God visit you and even stay with you.

87. May your joy overflow and the cup of your gladness shall run over.

88. No evil shall come your way and every assault against you shall be a thing of the past. The Lord is with you.

89. Every sorrow that will overwhelm you shall not come your doorstep.

90. May you call ten and thousand shall answer, hundreds and ten thousand shall respond to you.

91. The peace of God that flows like a river shall flood your heart.

92. May you grow in the grace of God and His presence shall be with always.

93. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ shall abide with you always and in all phase of your life.

94. May the restoration of the Lord come over you and may you recover all your lost possessions.

95. Hallelujah for the Lord God the Almighty reigns forever. May the reign of the kingdom of God be in your soul. And you shall reign with Him in His Kingdom.

96. May the Lord give His angels charge over not one hair of your head shall be lost.

97. “The Lord sent His Word and their disease” O Lord please send Your Word this minute to my friend and heal her diseases. Restore her health back to normal.

98. Gracious Father, I give all praise to Your on high. I commit my friends to you, that doors of opportunities be opened unto them. And graces to explore them shall be given to them all.

99. Regardless of the tightness and stiffness of issues arising and surrounding, may the Lord path a divine breakthrough for you, dear friend.

100. Heavenly Father I bring my friend before you this hour asking for the good of every situation will not elude him and he will receive great grace to be successful in all ramifications.

101. Everlasting Father of all grace I at this hour bring an intercession for my friends that both her and her family shall never lack any good thing. May she be so blessed even to become a blessing to others.

102. All glory and power to You God of all flesh. I put my dearly beloved friend before You this day that her heart shall totally be free from all forms of sorrows and may she experience the peace of God. Lots of love!

103. Hello cute friend, listen to this faithful words of Christ. You shall never be shortened of the bountiful mercies of God, you shall gracefully enjoy the love and loving kindness of God. Blessings shall fall on you always. Remain blessed.

104. Lord Jesus, I commit both I and my friends to You. May our hearts be made purified from all forms of evil thoughts and wickedness. Help us to be praise, honour and glory to Your Name.

105. Dear God our heavenly Father, I bring my friends and myself into your throne of mercy that we might obtain grace and mercy to overcome throughout our journeys in life. Amen.

Everything that is good needs prayer and that which is bad also needs prayer. It’s my belief that prayer is one of the ways we can communicate with God. It’s for sure and also of God’s desire that we intercede for our friends in prayers even our enemies as His Word has said it.
God is always so pleased seeing our faith and love towards ourselves. I believe that sending these prayers to that friend of yours will not only make them happy but also tell of the extent of your love and mindfulness of them. Have a very wonderful day!

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