120 Highly Effective Prayer Text Messages from the Heart (2022)

Prayer text messages sent to family, friends, and loved ones are not just meant to occupy their phones with unwanted messages but a way of expressing your love to them and give them the impression that you always have them in your mind. This goes a long way in expressing your heart desires concerning each of them to God.

Having someone at heart is only known to you until you communicate it. Prayer text messages are two-way communication; 1. You express your desires to God concerning your friends and loved ones 2. You express your love to them directly through text. This could be prayer text messages for financial breakthroughs, or prayer SMS for success, healing, and others.

Knowing that someone is praying for you makes you feel so loved and cared for. Prayer text messages help in securing the interest of your loved ones before God and give them a sense of security. This is a gesture you must never desist from doing as often as possible. Good evening prayer message for a friend could go a long way in keeping your friendship.

Are you looking for a prayer message for today to make your loved ones feel great or a prayer text for a friend? Below are highly effective prayer text messages to spice up your relationship with family friends and loved ones. And saying good morning with prayer is very essential.

Daily Prayer Text Messages

Do you take daily prayer text messages necessary? Do you need to send a prayer message for today? Of course, Yes! The expression of love is every day. Prayer is every day. Love and prayer are as good as the breath we take. Daily prayer text messages should be seen as the service you owe your friends as often as you can.

Here are some profound prayer text messages you can send across to everyone dare to your heart to keep them connected with you.

1. This is the day the Lord has made, let’s rejoice and be glad in it. I can see you are awake with joy already. May joy fill the rest of your day. Blessing is yours!

2. I pray for you today that the Lord will open great doors of Favor unto you and you shall be blessed in all that you put your hands to do. Amen.

3. May the favor of God find you from every direction both from where you are expecting and where you’re not expecting. Your day shall be filled with pleasant surprises. Amen.

4. Your expectations shall come into reality. You shall not be disappointed. The Lord shall make your heart desires come into reality. You’re blessed!

5. The Lord shall make your way prosperous and give you peace on every side. You shall eat the good of the land and her prosperity. Go and prosper today!

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6. May the awesome power of God assist you in all that you do. You shall not lack divine assistance in the projects of your life. Help shall surround you. Amen.

7. Your sun shall not go down. As the day dawns every morning so shall the Lord give you fresh experiences. Better things shall happen to you in every way. Amen.

8. May the goodness of this day deliver to you without limit. You shall be loaded with benefits and favor from the Lord. Everywhere you turn shall be a blessing.

9. As the sun rises so shall your star rise. The brightness of your light shall not go down. You shall above every darkness. Amen.

10. Before you knock, the door shall be opened. Before you ask you shall receive. Before you seek, you shall find. Disappointment shall be far from you. Amen.

11. May you be accompanied by the goodness and mercy of the Lord all through the day of your life. Pleasantness shall be the order of the day for you. Enjoy His goodness all the way.

12. May God guides your steps and lead you into pleasant places. Everything shall fall in pleasant places for you and surely you shall be fed. Remain prosperous in all that you do.

13. I pray for you that your light shall become brighter and brighter as the day gets brighter. From glory to glory will you go. May Grace of the Lord be with you. Amen.

14. Your going out shall be blessings, your coming in shall be a blessing. Whether you’re away or you’re at home, blessings only shall be your experience. Amen.

15. The Lord Himself will cause His face to shine upon you and make you great. The works of your hands will he prosper and make you fruitful in every good work. Amen.

16. May every good dream of your heart come to pass. May you enjoy peace and tranquility in your endeavors. Everything shall walk together for your good. Amen.

17. You shall be blessed, you shall not be ashamed. Blessing is your portion in the land of the living. Everything that has to do with you shall function properly well.

18. Your day shall be filled with laughter and marvelous surprises. At the close of the day, you shall have a reason to celebrate the goodness of the Lord. Amen.

19. Testimonies shall fill your mouth. You shall praise the Lord exceedingly as a result of the His goodness to you today.

20. As you out now, go into favor, blessing, success, abundance, and wonderful works. Remain favored and lifted in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Prayer Messages for Myself

Should you pray for yourself at the beginning of the day? You wouldn’t need anyone to help you answer that question! Prayer text messages are not only meant to be sent out to your acquaintances, it could be extended to yourself. You do well if you can begin with yourself.

I know you want to pray for yourself. Here some prayer messages for myself you can offer for yourself made available for you. As you read through, connect your heart to God in faith, and you will see Him answer you.

21. I thank you dear God for your goodness and mercy over my life. Indeed you’re a faithful father. You’re wonderful in all that you do. Be praised forevermore.

22. I ask that your face will shine upon me, you will make me shine through your light from this level I am to the next level of my life. I declare I’m lifted by your hands. Amen.

23. As I go out today, let your blessings be upon my life. Everyone that sees me today shall bless me. I shall attract divine favor both from the people that I know and the people I don’t know. Amen.

24. I declare that the fortune of this life is my portion. I shall not partake of the misfortune that imposes itself on men. I’m marked for favor and divine blessings only. Amen.

25. Dear father, I asked that you protect me from the hazards peculiar to this day. Let your eyes keep me with your jealousy and prevent me from entering into evil. Amen.

26. No weapon wielded against me shall prevail. The plans of the wicked ones shall be proven abortive by the hand of the Lord. I’m shielded from all disasters. Amen.

27. The Lord shall give His angels charge over me to keep me in the way so that I do not step into trouble. I’m protected by the angels of the Lord. Amen.

28. I declare that I’m indomitable, I cannot be overpowered by the situations of life. I shall win every challenge I’m faced with. I’m strengthened by the hand of God to prevail always.

29. I have all-around success in all that I put my hands to do. I shall not fa
il neither will I falter. The Lord is with me and I shall prevail only. Amen.

30. The Lord shall go before me and make my way prosperous. Every crooked thing along my path shall be made smooth by the Lord’s hands. Amen.

31. Every mountain and valley shall be made plain for my good. Nothing shall be able to stop or prevent me from realizing my desires today. Amen.

32. I ask that the Lord will make my life glorious. I shall be productive in all my endeavors. Everything shall work for my good, nothing shall work against me. Amen.

33. My sun shall not go down. The brighter the sun, the brighter my life. I’m fully funded, supported, and aided by the hand of the Lord Almighty. Amen.

34. I ask that you will deliver me from every matter that gives me heartache. I shall overcome worries and anxieties that steal my productivities.

35. I declare that I’m fruitful in all my ways. Nothing shall be barren in my life. Everything that is connected to me shall result in standing success in the name of the Lord.

36. The mercy of the Lord shall be with me and give me peace in all the areas of my life. I shall not be deprived of God’s mercy at any point in my life. Let your goodness and mercy be my lifetime companion in Jesus’ name.

37. God’s blessing shall be evident in me. God’s goodness and favor shall be evident in my life and I shall flourish like a palm tree without limits.

38. God shall bless me, He shall make me great. My life shall become enviable, I shall not be pitied. Every area of my life shall give expression to the goodness and glory of God. Amen.

39. This day shall the Lord do well unto me than at my former time. My head shall be lifted above those that rise against me. Nothing shall overpower me, I shall prevail always. Amen.

40. I declare that I’m anointed of the Lord. His spirit is within me. He shall guide and teach me in the way that I should go. I shall not miss my steps because I have the Lord as my shepherd.

Prayer Text Messages for Him

I know you want to show your love to your precious boyfriend or husband through prayer text messages for him. Praying for the love of your life is a reasonable thing you will always want to do.

Thinking of how I could help you show your love to your partner has made me put these prayer text messages together. You don’t have to do much to pass your love across. Just copy, paste and send. And there you have him smiling.

41. Hey my Love, I thank God for your life and peaceful coexistence with me. It’s been a great experience being with you. I pray that we shall get better together. Amen.

42. It’s my sincere prayer for you that you shall be blessed by the Lord in all that you do and set to do. You shall not labor in vain, you shall be found productive in every way. Amen.

43. May my God protects you from evil and shield you from disasters. You shall be guided by His mercy and His name shall be glorified in your life. Amen.

44. As you are stepping out today, your ways shall be made successful. You shall have an encounter with great and mighty opportunities. Blessed are you for my sake. Amen.

45. Your activities shall be productive today. Your efforts shall not be proven futile. Fruitfulness is your portion concerning every effort you make. Amen.

46. My God shall guide you into success and fruitful places. You shall not wander before you find a way. His jealousy shall guide you into a profitable adventure. Blessings are yours now and ever.

47. The name of the Lord shall be magnified in your life and you shall not be disappointed. He will make your expectations come through and fulfill your heart’s desires.

48. May all things be made beautiful and smooth for you. You shall not be stressed before you make it. You shall find ease in the adventures of your life. Amen.

49. Your life shall be filled with abundance. You shall not know scarcity. Your life shall not be hard but shall flourish like trees planted by rivers of water. Amen.

50. God’s will for you is prosperity and sound health. May you enjoy prosperity in your pocket and sound health in your body. Amen.

51. The angels assigned to help your shall life shall go ahead of you and make everything needed for your success ready for you. Amen.

52. May the Lord open the door of great opportunities for you and give you connections that will change your stories. Enjoy the goodness of the Lord, Dear.

53. You shall be courageous, you shall not be afraid. The boldness you need to dare great things you’ve been dreaming of shall be impacted on you. My King, I love you.

54. The Lord shall single you out to do you good. You shall be favored beyond measure. God shall exceed your imagination in Jesus’ name.

55. As the Lord has counted you worthy to witness this day. Indeed, the Lord has made the day. Step into it rejoicing, my Man. The joy shall not cease in your life. Amen.

56. The eyes of the Lord shall watch over you and keep you safe wherever you’re found. God who keeps you doesn’t slumber nor sleep. Rest in His Love.

57. May the Lord preserve you from the danger that kills men prematurely. You shall not fall victim to evil in the name of Jesus. Amen.

58. The Lord shall put your enemies to shame and crown you with glory and honor. Your head shall be lifted above your enemies. Amen.

59. The plans of the wicked ones shall be frustrated and truncated over your life. You shall prevail over every force that lifts its head against you. Amen.

60. The Lord be with you. May He bless you and cause His face to shine upon you. May He give you peace and prosperity as a gift in the journey of this life. Amen.

Prayer Messages for Her

One of the ways you keep your girlfriend or wife excited is through a continual expression of your love for her. This could be through a call or text messages. Whichever way you choose to express your love to your spouse, prayer messages for her are equally very important.

Below are some well-structured prayer text messages for your woman to keep her excited and secured under God’s watch.

61. Dear girlfriend, I must not cease to give thanks for the goodness of God over your life. God has been good over your life, and I’m grateful for that!

62. The goodness of the Lord will not cease over your life. He will be with you everywhere you go and keep watch over you. May you enjoy more of His goodness in the land of the living.

63. The light of God shall shine brightly in your life and expose every darkness. This light shall make your way plain and clear for you. Amen.

64. Everyone look for your downfall shall fall in your place. Your enemies shall be a victim of their schemes. Stay safe in God’s arm.

65. May the Lord defend you and protect your interest. Your portion shall be delivered to you and you shall be favored by all men. Amen.

66. Everything that is required to be a woman, the Lord shall grant you. No deficiency shall be seen in your life. You’re complete and made perfect.

67. The Lord shall make you fruitful and flourishing. You will not be barren of any good work, goodness shall encompass you, my Girl.

68. It doesn’t matter how your present moment is, the Lord will make the coming days better for you. You shall not know a better yesterday. Amen.

69. Your future shall be amazing. Our future shall be glorious together. We shall be settled by the Lord with all heavenly and
earthly blessings. Amen.

70. No matter what you are faced with, you shall come out victoriously with the benefits of the Lord in Jesus’ name. Amen.

71. May you get the best out of life. You shall enjoy the goodness of the land without limit. God has blessed you and you shall not be ashamed. Amen.

72. May my God give you rest from everything that gives you stress. May He carry all your burden and bear it for you. Amen.

73. I pray that the Lord will help you to recover everything you have lost in the time past in hundred folds. Your lost years and resources shall be restored to you. Amen.

74. You shall find peace among all the turbulent situations of this world. You shall experience, and peace without in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

75. The success that exceeds the understanding and efforts of men shall be given to you by the hand of the Lord. Receive grace to have outstanding success. Amen.

76. You shall possess your aspiration. The desires of your heart shall be fulfilled. Every dream of yours shall become a reality. Amen.

77. The Lord will give you peace on every side. You shall enjoy the comfort of the Spirit and you shall be great in the hand of the Lord. Amen.

78. Something miraculous that will make everyone celebrate with you shall happen for you at this particular point of your life. Amen.

79. The hand of God shall rest upon you and give you speed that human efforts cannot catch up with. Your lifting shall be quicker in the name of Jesus.

80. May you be found by the favor of the Lord. May you be fully supported and funded by His fingers. You’re blessed and not disadvantaged, my Queen!

Sending Prayer Messages for Healing

It’s popularly known that health is wealth. Sending prayer messages for healing to your family and friends helps you pray for them to walk in sound health. You desire that no one among your loved ones has a health crisis. You cannot enjoy your relationship with your friends who is always sick.

Prayer text messages regarding their healings will get God committed to keeping them in sound health and at the same time prove to your loved ones how much you care about their wellness. Below are some Prayer text messages you can send across.

81. Dear Lord, we thank you for paying the price for our healing several years ago. Thank you for healing my body through the price paid by Christ. Be praised forevermore!

82. I pray that you shall not spend your days in sickness. Sicknesses and diseases are rebuked for your sake. No disease shall afflict your life in the name of Jesus. Amen.

83. Your healing shall spring forth like the noonday. You shall walk in perfect peace, health, and a sound mind. You shall be healthy both in the spirit, soul, and body. Amen.

84. May your righteousness in Christ go before you and rebuke everything causing diseases on your behalf. No virus or bacteria shall have access to your body.

85. May the hand of God be stretched forth at you and heal your body speedily. Be healed and recover fast in the name of Jesus. Amen.

86. God’s healing power shall overshadow you and deliver health to your body quickly. As you get healed, your healing shall be permanent. Amen.

87. The Spirit of Christ that lives in you will give you a quick recovery from this health challenge and you shall be sick no more. My prayers are with you.

88. Since I have heard of your health challenge, I have not ceased to pray for you trusting the Lord to touch your body and evict sickness from you by His power. Amen.

89. May the blood of Jesus gain entrance to your body and flush out every foreign agent causing you pains and troubles in your body in the name of Jesus. Amen.

90. It’s God’s desire for you never to fall sick any day of your life. I decree that you are made healed now and prosper in your health by His blood. Amen.

91. I declare peace in your bone, in your body, in your blood, in your cells, tissues, organs, and system of your body. Peace is still. Amen.
92. Every arrow fired against you to trouble your life and your health shall be nullified by the power in the blood of Jesus. Amen.

93. No terminal disease shall find a place in your body. You shall not die young but you shall fulfill the number of your days on earth in sound health and great prosperity. Amen.

94. Every plan of the enemies to make you spend your living on your health is disappointed by the power of God. Your money shall not be spent on health challenges. Amen.

95. Every doctor that is involved in helping you out from this sickbed shall receive divine intelligence to use the right drugs and injections for you. They will be influenced by God to make the relevant decisions that will fast-track your healing.

96. From the ages past, God has been a miracle-working God. He has always healed every disease. Yours will not be an exception, He shall heal you too. Amen.

97. I know what it means to be in pain in your body. I want to assure you that the Lord is with you, bringing healing to your body without delays. Keep believing, you’re healed. Amen.

98. I’m very confident of the faithfulness of the Lord to bring His word to pass. He has promised to give you sound health, expect it to happen to you. You’re healed in Jesus’ name.

99. You shall recover from this sickness with all your body parts complete. Nothing shall go wrong with any part of your body. You are made whole by God’s healing power. Amen.

100. May you have reasons to glorify the name of the Lord after this challenging season of your life. Your mouth shall be filled with the songs of thanksgiving. Stay healed dear esteemed one.

Prayer Messages from the Bible

Nothing cheers the heart like the word of God. God has the best answers to the questions of life. If you want to send prayer text messages to either your friends or family, it’s very good to take advantage of what’s already written in the bible and send it across to them. The word of God cannot fail.

At the tips of your fingers are some key prayer messages from the bible to send across to everyone in your life. They are very short but very powerful to deliver the results you expected.

101. “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift His countenance upon you, And give you peace” (Number 6:24-26). The Lord will give you peace as pronounced in this scripture. Amen.

102. “The young lions lack and suffer hunger, But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing” (Psalms 34:10). You shall never lack in the name of the Lord. Amen.

103. “Therefore may God give you Of the dew of heaven, Of the fatness of the earth, And plenty of grain and wine” (Genesis 27:28). The dews of heaven shall flow ceaselessly over your life. Amen.

104. “And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

105. “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you” (Isaiah 43:2). The Lord shall be with you in every situation in the name of Jesus.

106. “I will go before you And make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel” ( Isaiah 45:2-3).

107. “The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom sh
all I be afraid?” (Psalms 27:1). The Lord shall be a light to you every day of your existence. Amen.

109. “Wait on the LORD; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the LORD!” (Psalms 27:14). Receive strength to wait upon the Lord. Amen.

110. “Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you” (Isaiah 60:1). The glory of God shall not cease in your life.

111. “He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper” (Psalms 1:3). You shall be prosperous in your endeavors. Amen.

112. “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). Receive grace to be more than conquerors in this life. Amen.

113. “If they obey and serve Him, They shall spend their days in prosperity, And their years in pleasures” (Job 36:11). May you live all the days of your life in prosperity and pleasure. Amen.

114. “You shall increase my greatness, And comfort me on every side” (Psalms 71:21). Receive increase and comfort on every side. Amen.

115. “The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous” (Genesis26:13). May you greatly increase until you are very great. Amen.

116. “When the LORD brought back the captivity of Zion, We were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” (Psalms 126:1-2). Your mouth shall be filled with laughter in the name of Jesus. Amen.

117. “But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18). Your light will keep shinning until you gain perfection. Amen.

118. Deut.28.3 – “Blessed shall you be in the city and blessed shall you be in the country. Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks” (Deuteronomy 28:3-4). Amen.

119. “The LORD will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways” (Deuteronomy 28:7). Your enemies shall flee before you in the name of Jesus. Amen.

120. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). The plans of the Lord shall come to pass in your life. Amen.

I cannot doubt the fact you have just read through the highly effective prayer text messages to bless yourself and be a blessing to someone. You may not have realized how you have just lifted the soul of someone with little or no cost. Just an SMS! Their testimonies will convince you how you have blessed them.

Having been blessed by this volume of prayers, you must share with friends, family, and loved ones. You can also engage your social media handles with this. Do not hesitate to leave a comment.

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