120 Most Effective Prayers to Love My Husband (2022)

Is it in the power of prayer to make you love your husband more? Does being loved by your husband have anything to do with prayer? Does it not sound religious to say you’re praying for things such as this? Smiles! You’ll find out the answers to these questions as you walk the lists of prayers to love my husband.

Normally, if you are a believer you’re expected to pray about everything. Worry about nothing but pray about everything. This doesn’t make you relinquish your duty and leave it all to God.

Prayers to love my husband are not structured to make you lazy and indifferent, they are to empower you to do the necessary. As you engage yourself with prayer message for my husband, you will have also love you more

Love was formed and created by God, God knows how best to make love work. Committing your love affairs to the hand of God would never be an offense.

God wants to hear you pray to him concerning your husband. As you offer prayers to love my husband to God, you’ll see His hands in everything.

Have you been very eager to make morning prayers for my husband and you don’t know how to lay hold on any? You must have been in my thoughts last night thinking of how to help someone like you.

That is why prayers to Love my husband are put together for you. Pray them with faith and you’ll be surprised seeing yourself loving your hubby without stress.

Powerful Prayers to Love My Husband

Prayer in itself is powerful and it can achieve anything if done with faith. When you combine prayer with the force of Faith, an instant miracle happens. Powerful prayers to love my husband will make an incredible miracle happen in the life of your husband and your home entirely.

I have allowed you to have interaction with prayers to love my husband on this page free of charge, get ready to make all the difference in your home. Warfare prayer for husband is also included for you. Just pray and you will have the answer

1. Dear God and father, I recognize your faithfulness over my life and my husband. Thank you for establishing us. Your name is praised forevermore.

2. I commit my husband into your hands that you will enable him to be the kind of husband who is loveable and easy to get along with.

3. Help my heart to love my husband so wholly without reservation, I shall grow deeper in loving him in the name of Jesus.

4. Let the love between us be without partiality and selfishness, help us to love each other as you have loved us. We shall grow in loving each other in the name of Jesus.

5. I stand against every force organized to put us apart and make us hate each other in the name of Jesus. No force of hell shall overpower us in the name of Jesus.

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6. Every character or habit that can make love very difficult is corrected by the enabling power of your grace. You will make us perfect by your Spirit.

7. I pray that my husband will love me even you God loves your creatures and gave yourself for them. Amen.

8. You will help me to submit to my husband even as your creation submit themselves to your Lordship and do not argue with your will for their lives.

9. Prosper the work of my husband’s hands so that he can be financially buoyant enough to take care of the family.

10. Open his eyes to viable business opportunities that will make him financially free in the name of Jesus. He shall not be found broke any day of his life.

11. Prosper me too in all that I do so that I can be a support system to him in every way in the name of Jesus. Make him see that I am a help meet that you have made me.

12. You’re the author of love and you know how to best do it. Teach me how to love him, dear Father. Amen.

13. Guide my husband to be a great father to me and my children so that he can guide us in the way of the Lord. He shall be a living example of caring nature to me and our kids.

14. I pray that our love for each other will get deeper, we’ll not grow weary in our duties to each other. Amen.

15. May you help me get more devoted to serving my husband with all that I have got without murmuring and complaint in the name of Jesus.

16. Give me the wisdom to build my house as it is expected of a wise woman of my class. I shall be blessed and virtuous among my equals. Amen.

17. I shall not frustrate the grace that you have given me to assist my husband to fulfill his goals and dreams. His dreams shall become a reality because I’m in his life. Amen.

18. I ask for the spirit of humility that will make me sacrifice my ego and please my husband as you have commanded me in your word in the name of Jesus.

19. The spirit of error and arrogance that makes women insist on their rights and lose their husbands will not engulf my soul. Amen.

20. Your Mercy and favor will be upon me and my home, we shall not be deficient of divine favor in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayers to Love My Husband Again

Love is beautiful and it will remain so if handled as ought to. Love functions better when nothing is left for chance. If the husband or the wife desists from their duties, love is affected. But there is always a hope to love again even the unlovable. Prayers to love my husband again will help to achieve this end.

Prayers to love my husband can be prayed to restore the broken relationship and strengthen the bond of affection among couples. If you pray these prayers in faith, you’ll see yourself love your husband again. These lists of prayers also cover for prayer for my husband to desire me

21. Dear God, you made love into existence, you know how best to run it and you can always fix the issue whenever there is one. I thank you for your intelligence to make all things work well.

22. The wine of the love is running sour, I come unto you for freshness again, father give us fresh wine again in our home by your mercy.

23. Forgive us whatever we might have done wrong to affect the flow of love between us, we ask for your mercy through Jesus our King.

24. Now that love between us is faded, father, I ask that you give us freshness in our love affairs again as it was in the beginning.

25. Work in my heart so that I may love my husband again as it was when I met him. Amen, I receive!

26. Renew the right spirit and mind within me so that I could know what I ought to know and do what is right even when it’s not convenient. Amen.

27. Love is like flame, it burns. The flame of our love is gone out, father, rekindle it again by your mercy. Amen.

28. Whatever that has been lost in the process of the crisis that we have experienced in our relationship, father, let your mercy restore them.

29. Restore the passion and admiration that I once had for my husband as at first, let them come back in 100 folds in the name of Jesus.

30. Help us to rediscover each other so th
at we can see new and beautiful things in each other and cherish ourselves in the same manner.

31. Strengthen me to fill every gap that has been created between us over time, I declare every gap closed in the name of Jesus.

32. Quicken and revive my weary heart to return to its first place of affection and begin to love genuinely as before.

33. Break every silence that has become predominant between us and return the sound of love among us. Amen.

34. Help my heart to find new words to express my love to my husband, new passion to fuel the fire, and new commitment to serve him as my Lord.

35. Open my eyes, help me to see newness in my husband as it has been before. Make him look fresh every morning.

36. Fix our gaze on the strengths of each other and celebrate them, take our eyes off our weaknesses that inspire complaint.

37. We receive grace and stamina to weather every storm that faces our beautiful union. We shall overcome them all in the name of Jesus.

38. Give us new hope and fresh dreams to pursue, keep up too busy with important things to have time to fight each other. Amen.

39. Give us the ability to love each other unconditionally. We receive perfect love that overlooks faults and celebrates each other always. Amen.

40. Nothing can be done without you, dear father, we submit ourselves under your leadership and guidance. Lead us in the way that we should go in the name of Jesus Christ.

Good Morning Love Prayers for My Husband

Are you in search of the good morning love prayers for my husband and you don’t know where to get them from? That’s exactly why this site exists.

It’s very thoughtful of you to consider showering your husband with prayers at the dawn of the new morning. I got you covered on this page, stick to your screen and you will have an amazing moment with these prayers!

Praying for your husband is the true show of love. When you pray for him, you put him in the safest hands he could ever be.

You may not be protective enough to keep your husband from hazards but God always can. Prayers to love my husband are very essential. What if you include prayer for my husband protection from temptation? I think that will be nice!

41. I’m glad the one I love has made it to another day. It’s indeed a day where he will make all the difference in this world. May I seize this moment to say a lovely morning to you as I pray for you from the heart of love?

42. I pray that today will be a wonderful day for you, dear husband, may you succeed today in all that you put your hands to do in the name of Jesus.

43. Oh God, guide him wherever he goes, watch over my lovely prince with your caring eyes. Keep my darling husband for me.

44. I pronounce fruitfulness upon you and yours. You shall not be barren of good works in the name of Jesus. I love you, my King, good morning.

45. I pray that his day will make me love you more and express it to you fully as I have always desired. Much love for you, sweetest Husband.

46. May goodness, peace, success, satisfaction, and fulfillment be all yours this day and forever. Amen.

47. Every new day comes with its special packages, may the blessings meant for today find their way to you in the name of Jesus.

48. As each day has its blessings so there are challenges that come with each one. May you escape the challenges of this day by the mercy of God. Amen.

49. My darling husband, it pleased me to call you by this name because you’re indeed a darling. May God bless you for me massively.

50. I believe you are awake and looking fresh this beautiful morning. May the freshness of heaven be upon you and make you productive.

51. Sweetheart, I have told God to bless you on my behalf which I know for sure that you’ll not miss. The blessing of today shall not miss in the name of Jesus.

52. My King, Just look up to God for everything and He will surely be there for you. I told him to grant you favor, be expectant, you’ll get it.

53. May the Lord enrich your heart and your pocket so that you can catch up with the responsibilities peculiar to men both at home and in society.

54. May all the heavenly blessings meant for you reach you. You shall not miss out on the benefits with which today is loaded.

55. Look up, your better days are here. I have long waited for it, and now they are here waiting to stay with you. Have a glorious day!

56. I declare that sorrows and anguish are rebuked for your sake. Every minute of the day shall be filled with endless joy. Have a joyful day!

57. I’m certain you have expectations for today being the goal-driven person that you are. May all your expectations come through. Amen.

58. As you awake this morning, may this day be the most awesome moment you have ever had in the name of Jesus Christ.

59. Mercy will wake you from bed, joy will usher you out, the favor will protect you on the way and prosperity will accompany you back home.

60. Be joyful all through the day, Dear husband. I settle the day before you began it at all. I have stuck in the best for you, walk into the day and take them.

Love Declarations Over My Husband

Declarations are very powerful and if anyone knows the importance of words, such will stop making careless speech. Love declarations over my husband allows you to pronounce your desire over him which you will see come to pass.they will come to pass in his life

Prayers to love my husband are declarative, as you engage with them, . Do not utter anything negative words about your husband, whatever you say about him will be what your experience of him will be. Join your faith with me as you make pronouncement upon your man.

61. I declare over you, my king that mercy will find you, the favor will serve you, abundance will be your partner all through your days on earth.

62. This day shall be itch-free for you, you shall not struggle nor labor in vain in the name of Jesus Christ.

63. Whatever your efforts cannot accomplish, the favor will do for you. May you begin to enjoy benefits that are higher than your efforts henceforth.

64. I rebuke devourers for your sake, every force that makes the effort of men lie waste are destroyed for your sake. Amen.

65. Wake up with strength and hope, you have the goodness of the Lord as your companion today in the name of Jesus.

66. You will never labor in vain, your efforts shall not be proven futile, you will enjoy the works of your hands.

67. The Lord shall open countless doors of blessings and glory upon you and he will enable you to make the most of them in the name of Jesus.

68. May you live to witness the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living both today and days to come.

69. Your life is blessed, your efforts are crowned, your labor is compensated, you shall walk in glory in the name of Jesus.

70. My sweet and amazing husband, good morning. I said good morning because everything shall turn out to be good for you this week and more.

71. Amazing and sweet stories will be told concerning you. No more sorrow for you. You shall rejoice exceedingly and the world shall rejoice with you too.

72. I declare that your better days are here, yesterday shall not be better than today. You will shine brighter and brighter unto better days.

73. As you advance in age so will your strength be. Your life shall advance in an upward and forward order in the name of Jesus.

74. This new day shall bring you good news, new opportunities, new open doors, a breakthrough in
the name of Jesus.

75. The grace of God who has brought you this far in life shall see you through life with amazing prosperity and outstanding success.

76. You have always been a loving and caring husband to me. I deeply appreciate it. May the Lord himself pay you back in the name of Jesus.

77. For everything a man does, there is a commensurate reward. May you get rewarded for all your good works towards and humanity in the name of Jesus.

78. You’re a king and I mean to say so. Your kingship shall be made manifest, you shall reign on earth among great rulers. I rebuke obscurity for your sake.

79. The oil of gladness that makes men enjoy ease is poured upon you. You shall enjoy the ease in all the affairs of your life, My sweetest husband.

80. I decree that you are lifted, you’re blessed, you’re favored, you’re graced. Rejoice because better days are here for you. I love you, good morning, great King.

Prayers for My Husband in Difficult Times

Life happens, challenges are normal. We may not be able to stop them but we can always pray our ways through them. Prayers for my husband in difficult times are very essential to lift your husband in the hand of God. Your husband stays in the safest hand when you commit him into the hand of God.

If your husband is in difficult situations and things ain’t going smoothly as expected, it can hurt your relationship. Your husband may not be able to concentrate on loving you which can also affect you. Prayers to love my husband are the right prayers in times of challenges.

81. Thank you Dear Lord for being a refuge and strength for my husband in the time of need. I appreciate you dear father, be praised.

82. My friend and husband, may I let you know that you are not alone at this time. Be rest assured that God is with you and so do I.

83. Father, help my man to cleave to you the only true God and move closer to you in these peculiar times of difficulties.

84. I pray that you will keep my husband from being swallowed by these challenges, he shall see the end of them all in the name of Jesus.

85. Dear father, you have not ordained any storm to blow off life out of my husband. This storm shall not blow him away in the name of Jesus.

86. Let the truth of your word be my shield and buckler in this time. He shall not be afraid in the evil time because his eyes are fixed on you.

87. Dear Lord, you’re an all-powerful God and no difficulty exists with you. You can do all things, father, see him through for me in the name of Jesus.

88. Energizer the spirit of my husband to bear through these circumstances in the name of Jesus Christ.

89. Give him the strength to face today’s hardship and fortitude to bear for tomorrow as each day bring. No matter what may come his way, my husband will always win.

90. I look up to hills on behalf of my king, this is the only source where my help comes from the Lord. Father, I shall not be ashamed looking up to you in Jesus’ name.

91. Give him strength for today and bright hope for the future. In every way that his future looks bleak, make his hope come alive again. I come to you on behalf of my lovely husband, my heart doesn’t know where else to turn but you. Father, help me in this hour.

93. Thank you for always being there for him in the past years. I call you faithful because you have always been there for him. This one shall not be an exception in the name of Jesus.

94. Let your help locate your son, let him not be found without divine assistance any day of his life. Have mercy upon your son whose trust is in you.

95. Keep him from fears that hunt his soul and anxiety that may catch up with him. Give him hope of victory amid all these challenges in the name of Jesus.

96. Everything that he will ever need in this season, father, supply them. Let him not be found stranded no matter what come may.

97. The wonderful promises of your word are worth holding unto, bring your word to pass in his life so that he may rejoice all his days.

98. Make his soul find his rest in you, let him not be lost in the wilderness of challenges. Keep this one with the jealousy of your eyes.

99. Indeed, you’re the Lord our shepherd. We have seen you shepherded over our lives. Keep your good works in our lives, dear father.

100. I give you thanks because I’m persuaded that you are faithful to your God and you will do wondrous works in our lives. Thank you, Jesus. I receive all the requests made in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Prayers for Forgiveness to My Husband

You’re only ready for marriage when you’re ready to forgive your intending spouse forever. A marital relationship is for somebody who is a giant in forgiveness as often as the situations call for it. If forgiveness is too expensive for you, do not attempt to get married.

Your husband cannot be so perfect that he won’t offend you, prayer for forgiveness to my husband will help forgive you to him easily.

Love is about forgiveness, how best to show that you are in love with someone is not by how many gifts you buy for him/her but by how much you can forgive him/her. Prayers to love my husband will give make you become a giant forgiver as you pray them heartily.

101. Father, you have always forgiven our sins and it’s in your pleasure that we forgive everyone who offends us. Thank you for forgiving all my sins through your Mercy.

102. I ask that you will give me a large heart to forgive my husband as many times as is required. My forgiveness bank shall not run dry in the name of Jesus.

103. I ask that you will not allow my husband’s back to be turned against me, we shall not become an enemy to each other.

104. Heal my heart in every way he has offended me. Give me the strength to let go of the past and face the future that you have for me.

105. Deliver me from an unforgiven spirit that tends to keep me attached to the past. Give me the grace to let go and let God.

106. Give me the depth of love that covers the multitude of sins my husband may have committed. I walk in forgiveness towards my husband in the name of Jesus.

107. Make me love my husband again so that I can always forgive him each time he offends me. Show me mercy and also my husband.

108. In every way that I have lost trust in him, help me to trust him. Deliver me from every sense of distrust.

109. Teach my husband to learn how to behave himself in such a way that he can command respect and love from me.

110. Touch my heart in such a way that anger and bitterness will vanish from my heart towards him. I ask that my heart will be too beautiful to host unforgiveness.

111. My husband will be a good example of the good father being the head of the home in the sight of all our children. They shall all learn the love of God through Him.

112. I cast out every lying spirit from him that has attacked the trust in our relationship. You’ll educate him to truthful and sincere in all his ways and every of his speech.

113. Let your holy spirit work upon our hearts so that we can think and behave as God who made us in the name of Jesus.

114. Teach my husband humility to be able to realize his wrongs and apologize when needed. The ego that is common to men shall consume his soul.

115. Empower my husband’s mouth with simple language; I’m sorry. Teach him how to say; I’m sorry whenever he needs to

116. I declare that there is healing in our home, there is healing in our hearts. There is healing in our businesses. We walk in forgiveness towards each other.

117. I shut the door against every intruder that has found their way into our life, work, business. We keep the enemies out of our union in the name of Jesus.

118. I rebuke the works of Sat
an in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Satan gets out of this home and enters it no more. Amen.

119. Every plan of the wicked to separate us shall not stand. We frustrate the wicked ones from find expression among us in the name of Jesus.

120. It’s certain that when we call on your name, you hear us. Thank you for hearing me from your holy throne from where all of us are forgiven.

How interesting have you found prayers to love my husband so far? I can see the joy in your face because you can see the effect of these prayers you have prayed in faith. I’m glad for you, you have your home back and yourself back in love with your husband.

Sharing this kind of prayer with your family, friends and loved ones will also help them enjoy their husbands again as they pray the same prayers. LEAVE A COMMENT so that I can know how I have been of help to you. See you again

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