125+ Would You Rather Questions for Couples (Including Dirty Ones)

“Would you rather” questions for couples are a perfect game idea for partners, especially if you’re trying to dig into an integral part of their lives.

Have you ever wondered what your partner would rather do or not do?

The answers to these would you rather questions will definitely blow your mind, so brace up and prepare yourself for what’s coming.

125+ Would You Rather Questions for Couples (Including Dirty Ones)

1. Would you rather ask for help or figure it out on your own?

2. Would you rather talk on the phone or text?

3. Would you rather travel back in time, or travel to the future?

4. Would you rather explore the deep sea or outer space?

5. Would you rather be an artist or an athlete?

6. Would you rather have more time or more money?

7. Would you rather be rich or famous?

8. Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?

9. Would you rather have a pet dog or a pet cat?

10.  Would you rather get up early or stay up late?

11.  Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?

12.  Would you rather be vegan or gluten-free?

13.  Would you rather ask your partner for help or figure it out yourself?

14.  Would you rather attend a car race or a baseball game together?

15.  Would you rather argue all night to resolve a conflict or end the argument unresolved before bed?

16.  Would you rather be the couple that everyone is jealous of or the couple everyone wants to be friends with?

17.  Would you rather have your partner tell you what they want as a gift or surprise them?

18.  Would you rather lose all of the money you earned this year or lose all of the memories you made this year?

19.  Would you rather be a good singer or a good dancer?

20.  Would you rather your partner always be late or always be early?

21.  Would you rather give up social media or be an influencer?

22.  Would you rather be bored or busy?

23.  Would you rather die in 10 years with no regrets or live for 30 years with lots of regrets?

24.  Would you rather be your own boss or work for someone else?

25.  Would you rather be feared or loved?

26.  Would you rather know how you die or when you die?

27.  Would you rather be able to see into the future or not?

28.  Would you rather be really funny or really smart?

29.  Would you rather cook for your significant other or cook as a couple?

30.  Would you rather be 25 or 45 for the rest of your life?

31.  Would you rather have children or a dog?

32.  Would you rather have the life of a cat or a beaver?

33.  Would you rather have a public or private proposal?

34.  Would you rather die before or after your partner?

35.  Would you rather go zip lining or bungee jumping together?

36.  Would you rather have a huge wedding or just get a marriage license?

37.  Would you rather swim with dolphins or go whale watching together?

38.  Would you rather go to jail for a crime you didn’t commit, or get away with a crime but be paranoid about being caught for your entire life?

39.  Would you rather attend a dog show or horse race together?

40.  Would you rather go to the theater or the movies as a couple?

41.  Would you rather have 10 children or no children?

42.  Would you rather live in a big city or a small town?

43.  Would you rather know all the people your partner has been with or know known of them?

44.  Would you rather be a powerful business couple or a famous movie star couple?

45.  Would you rather eat only ice cream for the rest of your life, or never eat ice cream again?

46.  Would you rather your partner be rich and cocky or broke and a sweetheart?

47.  Would you rather be able to teleport or have a private plane?

48.  Would you rather look 10 years older from the neck up or down?

49.  Would you rather not brush your teeth for a week or not take a shower for two weeks?

50.  Would you rather be beautiful and dumb or smart and unattractive?

51.  Would you rather have/have had a big wedding or elope?

52.  Would you rather learn sexy couples tango dance or go to a hip-hop club together?

53.  Would you rather be remembered in history books for doing something terrible, or be completely forgotten after you die?

54.  Would you rather be caught cheating or catch your spouse cheating?

55.  Would you rather be embarrassed in front of your in-laws or your partner’s boss?

56.  Would you rather be failures together or become successful apart?

57.  Would you rather be with someone famous or rich?

58.  Would you rather have a personal chef or a chauffeur?

59.  Would you rather be too hot or too cold?

60.  Would you rather spend time at the beach or the ocean?

61.  Would you rather live without movies or live without music?

62.  Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?

63.  Would you rather always be underdressed or always be overdressed?

64.  Would you rather be 45 minutes late or 45 minutes early to every event or engagement?

65.  Would you rather have a picnic with your partner or go to a fancy dinner?

66.  Would you rather be in lust forever or be in love forever?

67.  Would you rather be invisible or be able to read your lover’s mind?

68.  Would you rather be dumped or do the dumping?

69.  Would you rather be an attractive adult or intelligent?

70.  Would you rather your partner be besties with your boss or your best friend?

71.  Would you rather know every language, but never be able to travel to another country, or would you rather travel, but never be able to speak another language?

72.  Would you rather have a photographic memory or a perfect pitch?

73.  Would you rather get stranded by yourself on a desert island, or stranded on a snow mountain?

74.  Would you rather be on a dating show (like The Bachelor or Love Island) or a survival show?

75.  Would you rather be in a relationship with someone who never says “I Love You” or who never hugs you?

76.  Would you rather go out on a double date or have a romantic dinner for two at home?

77.  Would you rather your partner be very active on social media or not have any social media accounts?

78.  Would you rather live the life of a dog or a cat?

79.  Would you rather live in a haunted house for a month or eat 12 wasps?

80.  Would you rather be able to speak any language or be able to speak to animals?

81.  Would you rather have your least favorite song played on a constant loop, or never listen to music ever again?

82.  Would you rather always have a runny rose or always have a cough?

83.  Would you rather be serenaded by Snoop Dog or Mariah Carey?

84.  Would you rather have yours forever home in a tiny town or a big city?

85.  Would you rather live with your partner’s parents or siblings?

86.  Would you rather be proposed to on the jumbotron at a baseball game or in a parking lot?

87.  Would you rather be trapped together in the jungle or in a haunted house?

88.  Would you rather be in a bad relationship or alone for the rest of your life?

89.  Would you rather be too hot or too cold forever?

90.  Would you rather go on Love Island or The Circle?

91.  Would you rather not brush your teeth for a week or not shower for a week?

92.  Would you rather smell like burnt rubber for the rest of your life or have the taste of burnt toast in your mouth?

93.  Would you rather end every sentence with ‘I love you or start every sentence with ‘hey mum’?

94.  Would you rather be itchy for the rest of your life or sticky?

95. Would you rather have to speak in rhymes for the rest of your life or only be able to use four-word sentences?

96.  Would you rather faint while giving a work presentation or during your wedding?

97.  Would you rather eat takeout every night of the week, or have to cook for your partner every night of the week?

98.  Would you rather be the funniest person in the room or the most attractive?

99.  Would you rather your home be infested with cockroaches or rats?

100. Would you rather have no internet for a year or no texting for a year?

101. Would you rather always be busy or always be bored?

102. Would you rather be with someone who snores loudly or chews with their mouth open?

103. Would you rather your significant other have constant bad breath or constant body odor?

104. Would you rather have spinach stuck in your teeth or really need to fart on a first date?

105. Would you rather have to wear pajamas for the rest of your life, or a suit jacket for the rest of your life?

106. Would you rather be extravagantly wealthy, or famous worldwide?

107. Would you rather explore a gorgeous mountain landscape, or an exciting, lively city?

108. Would you rather be with a nerdy bookworm or an adventurous athletic type?

109. Would you rather live in a small town or a massive city?

110. Would you rather have to wear your partner’s underwear or use their toothbrush?

111. Would you rather your partner have a tattoo of their ex, or be stuck with a tattoo of your ex?

112. Would you rather be really funny or really smart?

113. Would you rather not brush your teeth for a month or not shower for a month?

114. Would you rather spend an entire day totally alone or surrounded by a crowd of people?

115. Would you rather your partner outlive you or you outlive your partner?

116. Would you rather live ten years longer with regrets or die ten years early with no regrets?

117. Would you rather give up sex or give up food?

118. Would you rather be able to change the future or the past?

119. Would you rather be 80 years old forever or five years old forever?

120. Would you rather achieve all of your career goals but have no time for family or have all the time for family but not achieve everything you want to at work?

121. Would you rather have a trusting significant other or a jealous one?

122. Would you rather be with someone who eats with their hands or constantly burps and farts at the table?

123. Would you rather be with someone who is the life of the party or who is shy?

124. Would you rather live together in the penthouse suite or beachfront?

125. Would you rather date a comedian or a classical pianist?

126. Would you rather kiss a person with bad BO or bad breath?

127. Would you rather go on a blind date or a speed date?

128. Would you rather have three great friends or 20 average friends?

129. Would you rather publish your search history across your social media or see your parent’s search history?

130. Would you rather have a major pay rise or move to the place of your dreams?

131. Would you rather be with a chef or a doctor?

132. Would you rather be with a sweet computer geek or a sexy sports star?

133. Would you rather be with an ex-convict or a recovering drug addict?

134. Would you rather deal with your partner taking a sudden vow of silence, or a sudden vow of celibacy?

135. Would you rather be with someone who is totally covered in body hair or has no hair at all?

136. Would you rather be with someone who’s always on their phone or someone who’s always going through your phone?

137. Would you rather be with someone who has a loud, piercing voice or a lisp when they talk?

138. Would you rather your partner have only one arm or only one leg?

139. Would you rather moon a stranger or flash your old boss?

140. Would you rather write your own autobiography or have a stranger turn your life story into a movie?

141. Would you rather travel 100 years into the past or 100 years into the future?

142. Would you rather give up caffeine or alcohol forever?

143. Would you rather eat only salty food for the rest of your life or only sweet food?

144. Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world or talk to animals?       

145. Would you rather have your browsing history checked or your text messages?

146. Would you rather clean up your partner’s vomit or blood?

147. Would you rather come home to a homemade dinner on the table or restaurant plans with another couple

148. Would you rather commit a crime with your partner or turn them in for a crime they committed?

149. Would you rather your significant other be a zombie or an alien?

150. Would you rather be with someone who likes to go out every night or someone who likes to stay home every night?

151. Would you rather euthanize your spouse yourself or have them live longer but die in pain?

152. Would you rather get a professional couple’s massage or a massage by your partner?

153. Would you rather give or receive?

154. Would you rather spank or be spanked?

155. Would you rather have to announce whenever you’re feeling horny or never be able to tell your partner your horny again?

156. Would you rather have date night be dinner and the movies or bowling?

157. Would you rather earn more money than your partner or have them earn more than you?

158. Would you rather be submissive or dominating?

159. Would you rather orgasm once a month or 70 times a day?

160. Would you rather always have sex in the dark or never be able to have sex in the dark again?

161. Would you rather your significant other always be late or always be early?

162. Would you rather be with someone who only talks to you over text, or only calls you?

163. Would you rather receive a thoughtful gift or an expensive one from your partner?

164. Would you rather be kissed on the lips or the neck?

165. Would you rather be on top or bottom?

166. Would you rather splurge on a couple’s vacation to tropical Cancun or historical Italy?

167. Would you rather get an expensive gift from your lover or a thoughtful one?

168. Would you rather date someone who wants to bar-hop with you or cafe-hop with you?

169. Would you rather be kissed or hugged every day?

170. Would you rather go to your high school reunion alone or together?

171. Would you rather have a baby at 16 or 60?

172. Would you rather get matching onesies, or matching piercings?

173. Would you rather get the silent treatment or be yelled at when you are angry with each other?

174. Would you rather go on a couple’s vacation to Africa for a safari or to a fancy resort in Paris?

175. Would you rather give up the internet for three months or not see each other for three months?

176. Would you rather go on a date with your ex or go on a blind date?

177. Would you rather have a happy marriage for 10 years and then die or have a miserable marriage for 30?

We hope you found the This or That questions for couples interesting.

If you and your partner want to have some fun together, this is a great game to play because it will get you talking about what’s important in life and how each of you reacts differently not just on things like food preferences, but also on work ethic, family dynamics, and other aspects of life.

It’s simple enough for anyone who wants to give it a shot, so start playing with these questions right away.

Did you learn something new from would you rather questions, sure you did! You sure did have fun answering them!

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