14 Best Relieving Letter Samples And Writing Guide 2021 Update

– Relieving Letter Sample –

Employees who have formally quit receive a relieving letter from the company’s HR department. This letter is used by an employer to formally recognize that the employee’s resignation from his former employment has been accepted and usually offers information on the employee’s last days on the job.

The importance of a relieving letter

When a corporation sends out a relieving letter, it’s for a specific reason. Simply put, a relieving letter template acts as recorded proof that the employee completed all of his tasks in the organization during the period he held his position.

If you look at a sample of a relieving letter, you’ll notice how important it is. This letter is necessary in the event that your new employer requests documentation of your past employment.

Most firms are unlikely to take you seriously until you have a letter.

Before you entirely cut ties with your existing employer, you must obtain an appropriate relieving letter format.

The major objective of this letter is to provide physical evidence to anyone who requests that the corporation has formally relieved you of your duties.


In most circumstances, prospective employers will request a relieving letter from you to confirm all of the information you provided in your CV.

They might look into the job title you claimed to have held or the date you formally quit from the organization, for example.

Information to include in the relieving letter

Whether you’re an employer or an employee, it’s critical to learn everything you can about relieving letter formats.

You must know exactly what information to add to the relieving letter template if you are in charge of creating it.

Make sure to include the following details in your sample relieving letter:

Information on the resigning employee

Because this is what employers look for when reading relieving letters, it is the most crucial element of the letter.

As a result, you must include all pertinent information about the retiring employee in your letter, including:

  • the employee’s full name,
  • the job title he or she had, and
  • the start and end dates of the employee’s employment with the company

Information about the business

Any business planning to hire a potential employee, like you, will conduct an extensive investigation to ensure that everything the candidate states is true.

Include details about the company in the letter if you want it to appear more credible:

  • the full name of the business
  • the company’s complete corporate address
  • the company’s contact information

When did you write the letter?

This is another crucial piece of information to add to the letter, particularly if there is a disagreement over when the employee received the paper.

To minimize confusion, specify the precise date, month, and year when writing the letter.

➺ Information on the employee’s resignation

You may include any relevant information in this section, such as all of the employee’s tasks or all of the contributions he has made over his whole tenure.

Such information will have a significant impact on whether the individual is hired at the following business.

The date on which the employee resigned

This information will let any potential employers know that the employee is no longer employed by his previous organization.

Include the exact day, month, and year when the employee resigned from the company, just as you did with the date you wrote the letter.

A thank-you or gratitude note to the staff

After you’ve formally declared that the employee has resigned from your firm and is no longer a part of it, it’s time to thank him for everything he’s done for it.

Include an expression of gratitude or appreciation to accomplish this. This demonstrates to the new employer the employee’s worth.

It also demonstrates that the person contributed positively to the organization while he was still employed there.

Remember that this is an official letter, so use courteous language when composing this statement.

Your full name, work title, and signature are required

Finally, if you drafted the relieving letter, make sure to include all of this information.

This confirms the letter’s authenticity, especially if the potential employer notices that you have a senior position inside the company.


Relieving Letter Sample

A relieving letter from the prior company is one of the most crucial documents that a candidate must present to his or her new employer when changing jobs.

It is documentation that an employee’s duties and responsibilities in the previous organization have been performed.

Let us familiarize ourselves with relieving letter formats, as well as a few templates and samples, in this article.

Sample 1

Relieving Letter

Date: ___________


Mr. _________________________________ 

Sub: Relieving from your employment


Dear ______________________

You worked at _________________________ (“Company”) from _________ to _________ for

____ months/years (“Term”). Pursuant to your cessation of employment with the Company from

_____, the Employment Agreement dated ______ (“Employment Agreement”) also stands terminated.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to remind you that certain of your obligations under your Employment Agreement will continue even if your employment with the Company ends. These obligations may include, but are not limited to, the following:

All developments and works developed by you during your employment with the Company are the Company’s exclusive intellectual property, and the Company owns all copyright and other proprietary interests in them.

With special regards to our operations, you must not share any of the Company’s Confidential Information with anyone else.

At any given point in time, you may not make any comment, complaint, write-up, or post anything about the Company in any type of media or government department.

You have received your full and final payout, returned the Company’s properties/tools, and fulfilled all formalities related to your termination of employment with the Company.

You owe no business dues. In addition, you have received your entire and final salary.

If you have any questions about the information in this letter, please contact the person listed below.

We wish you nothing but success in your future pursuits! 

Yours sincerely,

SIGNED AND DELIVERED BY:                                                                                                                 Signed by the Employee while accepting the relieving letter:

(Name________________________________________)                                                  (Name________________________________________)

Signed for and on behalf of the Company by:                                                                                      


WITNESSED BY:                  

(Name________________________________________)                                                 Address:_______________________________________)    

Sample 2



Date: _________________


______________ (Name of the employee)

______________ (Address of the employee)

Email: ______________


Dear __________,

This is with reference to your resignation dated ___________ from the position of _________________ (position of the employee).

Your resignation has been accepted by the Management, and you are relieved from the services of the Company with immediate effect.

We want to state on records that you had served the company from 12th February 2018 till ________.

An amount of # _________ towards full and final settlement of all dues to you is paid vide cheque _______ Dated ________ drawn on ________.

We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


Human Resources

_________________________ (the Company Name)

Sample 3



The Director

FGC-DF, Cramitos University

Ebod, Unam, Afaha Ikot-345 091

Sub:     Relieve order of Mr/Ms/Dr…………………………………………………………………………………

for joining the Orientation program/Refresher course/Short term course. Ref. Your letter No………..…dated……………….…… and DHE letter No……….., dated…………


With reference to the above, I am to inform you that Mr/Ms/Dr……………………………………… 

is hereby relieved today the …………… day of ……………….., 20……FN/AN to enable him to join

the Orientation program/Refresher course/Short term course being conducted by

FGC-DF, Cramitos University from…………………………..….to………………………………………….

He/She shall attend the classes full time and shall not avail any kind of leave during the

program and his/her period of absence shall be treated as per rule.


Signature & Seal of


of the relieving institute


Sample 4

To Whomsoever It May Concern

Date …………………………….



With reference to your transfer order ……………………………………………….. dated

……………………………………….., I am relieving you from ………………………………… in the afternoon

on ……………………………………………. During your employment with me, I found you to be

hardworking, diligent, and honest in performing your duties.

I would like to thank you for your service with ………….……………………………………………… and wish you all the best in your future



Attached: A copy of work done from ………………………….. to ………………………………


Veterinary Surgeon                                                     (Name)………………………………………………………

Sample 5


Name of Employee
Code of Employee

Dear ______________

Subject: Relieving Order

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your resignation letter dated ___________

While accepting the same, we thank you very much for the close association you had with us during the tenure from _________ to ______.

You have been relieved from your service with effect from the closing working hours of ___________________

We wish you all the best in your future career.

Yours Sincerely,


For ________________

Sample 6

Date: _________ 


Mr. /Ms. ______________

Designation ____________

Sub: Letter of relieving 


Dear Mr. / Mrs. 

Ref.: 1. Your resignation letter-dated

  1. This Office letter dated

As intimated to you vide our letter 2nd cited above, you are hereby relieved on _______________ AN. We wish you all success in your future endeavors.

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully,

For GFDH Limited,

Manager (P&A)


Cc. 1. Vice President (F)

  1. Sr. Manager (Purchase)
  2. Accounts Dept.

Sample 7

Mr. John Smith
23/4, Park Avenue,
New York- 555-888

Greetings, John

 I’m writing in response to your resignation letter. Our management has agreed to accept your departure. Since 05/09/05, you have been an important part of our firm and have helped us achieve our objectives.

Please get a Clearance Certificate from your Department Head, which will be transmitted to the Accounts Department so that your dues can be paid.

I am confident that your dedication and hard work will serve you well in your new organization, and I wish you the best of luck in your future responsibilities. At the end of this date, you will be released from your duties.

Best regards,

(Patrick Idungafa)
Authorized Signatory
(Maguar company. Ltd)

Related documents:
Experience letter


Sample 8


(Name of Employee)

Sub: Relieving Letter.

Dear Mr./Ms. (Name of Employee),

This is with reference to your resignation letter, dated Date of Application, wherein you expressed your desire to be relieved from the services of our company on Proposed Date.

We would like to inform you that you have served the notice period and your resignation has been accepted.

You are being relieved from all the duties and services of the company, and the relieving date is the same as your Proposed Date.

Your salary, perks, and other benefits have been settled with the organization and you can collect the same on the day of relieving, after office hours.

Your contribution to the organization toward its growth and success will always be appreciated. Wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Authorized Signatory,

(Name of the Company)

Sample 9

15th April 2018


Employee Name
Address Line 1,
Address Line 2,
City, State, PIN

Subject: Relieving Letter

Dear Employee Name,

This is in furtherance to your resignation letter dated 15th March 2018 wherein you had requested to be relieved from your services on 15th April, 2018.

We wish to inform you that your resignation has been accepted and you are being relieved from your position of Senior Associate with Company Name with effect from 15th April 2018.

Your full and final settlement would be processed and credited in the next 45 days to the account provided during your employment.

We appreciate your contributions to Company Name and wish you all the best for your future endeavors.


HR Manager

Sample 10

Relieving Order


Employee’s Address


Dear Sir/Madam,


Relieving Order This has reference to your resignation letter dated ___________ .

This is to inform you that your resignation has been accepted and you are relieved from the services of Name of the Company on the close of working hours on Date.

You are requested to deposit the company Id and any other company property entrusted to you during your employment with us.

We wish you success in your all future endeavors.


Best regards,

Company Name

Sample 11

[Company Letterhead]


[Name of Recipient or Employee]

[Job Role or Position]

[Address of Employee]


Dear [Name of Employee],


This letter is in response to your resignation letter dated [date of resignation letter], in which you requested release from your duties on [effective date].

We would like to tell you that your resignation has been accepted, and as a result, you will be relieved of your obligations as [name of post] as of [date of effectivity] at the close of business hours.

After 30 days from your effective date, you will receive your final and complete clearance.

We appreciate your efforts to the organization and wish you well in your future endeavors.



[Name of Sender]

[Job role or position]

[Name of Company]

[Address of Company]

Sample 12


[Name of the Human Resource Manager]


[Name of the Company]





[Name of the Employee]


[Name of the Company]



Dear Mr./Ms. [Last Name of the Employee],

With regard to your resignation letter dated on [Date], we hereby accept your resignation and we agree to relieve you from the duties on [Date].

We also confirm that you have worked in our company as [Position] for [N] years.

During your employment with us, we found you to be very hardworking, honest, and very professional with the performance of your job.

The company would like to thank you for your services and we wish you all the best in your future plans.


[Name and Signature]

[Job Position]

[Company Name]

Sample 13

Date: 24-06-2010






Subject: Relieving Order

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your resignation letter dated 24-June-2010

While accepting the award, we want to express our gratitude for your close cooperation with us from August 2, 2008, to June 24, 2010.

With effect from the 24-June-2010 ending working hours, you have been released of your duties.

We wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Yours Sincerely,

Patrick Idungafa

Mgr. HR

Sample 14

Email Resignation Message Sample

If you’re emailing your resignation letter, your subject line should make clear what the contents of the email are. “Resignation – Patrick John” or “Patrick John Resignation” as the subject will ensure that your manager will recognize the importance of the message.

The body of the letter should be the same as any formal resignation

Email Resignation Message

Subject: Firstname Lastname Resignation

Dear Mr./Ms. Supervisor,

Accept this letter as official notice of my departure from Capitol Company. The 25th of January, 2022, will be my last day of employment.

I value the experience and possibilities for growth I’ve had while working with you, and my successor, like me, will be lucky to be a member of your dynamic and supportive team.

Please let me know if I can assist in any way to make the transfer easier. I wish you and your company [Insert Company Name] great success.


Firstname Lastname
[email protected]

Resignation Do’s and Don’ts

There are several important resignation do’s and don’ts, so think things over carefully before contacting your boss and handing in your resignation.


➺ Maintain an optimistic attitude.

When you quit a job, your resignation is your final impression, and it’s always a good idea to depart on a good note—to make your superiors and peers sorry to see you go.

➺ Please send a formal letter.

A written letter is vital since it closes your HR file, whether it is emailed or mailed. It also ensures that all relevant supervisors and management have access to the necessary information.

Whatever the reason for your departure, remember to remain kind and humble.

➺ Make an offer to assist with the changeover.

During a personnel transition, it’s polite to offer your aid. That could entail assisting with the interviewing and training of your replacement, or just recording your projects and the processes involved in their completion.


➺ Make a big deal about your new employment.

It’s pointless to rub it in because you’re leaving. Furthermore, there’s always the possibility that your new employment will not work out.

If this happens, you may wish you had kept in touch with your former coworkers, either for a reference or to inquire about returning to your previous position.

➺ During your exit interview, tell the complete truth.

Perhaps you’re leaving because you despise your boss, don’t fit in with the company culture, or don’t see how your work contributes to the firm’s wider objectives.

Now is not the time to be completely open about those details.

➺ Maintain a pleasant attitude.

View the ensuing meeting as an opportunity to strengthen your networking relationship rather than a chance to gripe.

➺ Quit on the spur of the moment.

Most industries are small worlds; leaving without adequate notice or on bad terms will almost certainly come back to haunt you in due course.


FAQs about Relieving Letter

Q1.  What is the definition of a relieving letter?

A relieving letter is a document given to an employee by their employer that comprises information such as the notice period served when the employee quits the organization.

It confirms the employee’s resignation from the company and includes the employee’s last day of work. It is normally given out on the employee’s last day of work.

Q2. What’s the difference between a relieving letter and a letter of experience?

A relieving letter states that the employer has acknowledged the employee’s decision to resign from the company as well as the employee’s last day of employment.

An experience letter, on the other hand, is a document that details the employee’s service history, including titles. 

Q3. When should the employee receive his or her release letter from the employer?

On the employee’s last day of work, the employer should provide him or her with the relieving letter.

Q4. Is it necessary to write a relieving letter?

Although it is not required, many employers require them as confirmation that you are no longer linked with your previous employer and that you have finished all necessary paperwork with them.

In some companies, you’ll be required to submit your resignation letter to the human resources department.

If you don’t, the years you worked for your former firm will not be included as experience years.

Q5. Do employers have the right to refuse relief letters?

Employers refuse to send relieving letters for employees who have gone missing, whose service is subpar, or who have only worked for the company for less than six months.

If you’ve followed all procedures and formalities and still haven’t received your relieving letter, you can encourage the person in charge to send it to you as soon as possible via email, phone, or face-to-face interaction.

The bottom line is that if you’re preparing to resign, be sure you’ve completed all of your responsibilities and that you have no outstanding work.

They won’t have an excuse not to accept your resignation if you do this. That is unless they don’t want to let go of you!

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