14 Zoology Study Abroad Programs for Students from All Countries

– Zoology Study Abroad Programs –

Zoology abroad, programs will offer you a diverse range of opportunities to observe and work with wildlife in various situations. We have listed 14 study abroad Zoology programs for international students below.

Zoology is the scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.

Studying abroad in this discipline allows students to expand their understanding on a global level while gaining hands-on experience with a variety of plant and animal life exclusive to their region of choice.

1. CEA: Study Abroad in Dublin, Ireland

In Dublin, the programs offered to allow you to learn about Dublin’s culture and history through firsthand experience.

There are five programs offered in Dublin, including Contemporary Perspectives on Ireland, International Business, Service Learning, Full Curriculum, and Engineering.

They will include a variety of electives for you to choose from, including Irish Language & Literature, Music, Sociology, and many more.


2. USAC Ireland: Cork – University College Cork Undergraduate Courses (Semester or Year)

The Cork program offers students the opportunity to enroll in a range of courses in a variety of disciplines at the University College Cork, one of the oldest universities in Ireland.

You may stay for a semester or a full year. Ireland remains a unique country with its own traditions, values, and views of the world.

The University College Cork has an international reputation for its research work, particularly in the areas of fundamental and technological science.


3. Perth Australia, Biology and Ecology Field Studies

If you want to work in the field in either marine or conservation biology, undertaking an independent research project, then the CIEE Biology and Ecology Field Studies program in Western Australia is for you.

What’s it like to explore a 260 kilometer-long reef home to 250 different types of coral? Explore the fascinating environment that is Australia on CIEE’s Biology and Ecology Field Studies program.

Conduct marine research at Ningaloo Reef and contribute to ongoing research on endangered marsupials in the forests of the southwest of Western Australia.

Unique coursework, extensive fieldwork with local scientists, and exciting excursions challenge you to examine environmental issues and start coming up with real-world solutions.



4. CCIS: Dundee, Scotland—University of Dundee

CCIS students enroll in three classes for 15 credits. Students can choose courses from the following academic faculties: Arts and Social Sciences, Art and Design, Life Sciences and Engineering and Physical Sciences.

The University of Dundee offers an excellent academic program with two-thirds of its departments or schools have

received “excellent” or “highly satisfactory” teaching quality assessment ratings.


5. Tropical Marine Ecology and Biology

Live and work on a real-life aboard a research vessel in the Florida Keys. Get hands-on experience and career-focused training in marine science field research skills.

Learn from real field scientists and work on real ongoing research projects. This course is ideal for students looking to cover a wide breadth of topics and ecosystems in a short amount of time.

It includes visits to mangrove and sea-grass habitats, lectures on coral reef biology and ecology (including reef snorkels), instruction on tropical fish ecology and biology, including training in fish identification, and a hands-on shark tagging trip.


6. Wildlife Conservation Expedition

Experience the world of wildlife conservation in Southern Africa, up close and personal. Meet and interact with conservationists and wildlife veterinarians in the field.

Learn about the crucial balance of people and wildlife in conservation today. Gain hands-on experience by taking part in game capture operations. Earn university credits for this program.

Students interact with rangers, veterinarians, and researchers working in the field, giving them an insight into life, successes, and problems associated with conservation in Africa today.

Additional Information

Participants will also meet and learn from pioneers in-game capture and those actively involved in wildlife conservation on a day-to-day basis.

This program includes a Capture and Care course where students participate in actual game capture operations.


7. Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates: Jordan

The Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates (SEE-U) program provides undergraduate students of all majors from all accredited colleges or universities with a global understanding of ecology and environmental sustainability.

It provides students with the opportunity to conduct fieldwork in unique natural settings besides participation in a combination of classroom lectures and lab work.


8. Safari Field Guide

You will study on-site in a Big 5 game reserve and obtain an FGASA 1 qualification that allows you to be a Field Guide.

Working with Africa’s Big 5 and much other wildlife. You will also do work in the bush on foot and in open game viewers.

You will have to attend lectures etc. Mondays to Friday and have weekends for your own time to discover South Africa.


9. Volunteer with Elephants India

If you want to work with elephants then you are in the right place. VWI gives you the possibility to do an elephant care program in the Heritage City Jaipur, India.

Get involved in everyday care work for Elephants like feeding the elephants, bathing them, cleaning the area, bringing water, go for a ride with an elephant, and make bundles of hay and chapatti for elephants in a mud stove to eat.


10. Independent Research Intern – Biology/Conservation

Explore little known ecosystems & design your own research. The condors share their páramo habitat with spectacled bears, pumas, páramo foxes and a wide variety of other animals and birdlife.

In order to save the condor, the páramo, the Andean forest must be safe and ensure that there are healthy populations of other wildlife. Zoology Study Abroad Programs.

As Zuleta is located in the Andean Páramo and in the Andean Forest, both of which still require a great deal of exploration, the Foundation is interested in promoting research and investigation of the local ecosystems.



11. Gap Year and Service Trips in Fiji

Fiji is the perfect paradise location for your gap year or volunteering service trip.

With a great range of placements from conservation to community projects and internships, Frontier can find you the perfect meaningful adventure in exotic Fiji.

You can experience this paradise island while expanding your horizons and giving some of your time to help the environment or the people of Fiji.

You can also earn qualifications including a TEFL teaching certificate, PADI scuba diving qualifications, or a diploma in Tropical Habitat Conservation. Zoology Study Abroad Programs


12. Coral Reef Ecology: Reef Response to Environmental Change

This course explores the responses of coral reefs to environmental change and focuses on reef ecology from two fundamental perspectives:

1) Reef bio-geochemistry: This emphasizes the ecosystem processes of metabolism (primary production and respiration) and calcification.

2) Reef resilience emphasizes the processes of reproduction and recruitment. Lectures will be complemented with field and laboratory exercises.

Students will gain experience in field techniques measuring metabolism and calcification, assessing recruitment recovery, monitoring bleaching, disease, and invasive species.

Laboratory experiments include coral fertilization, symbiosis and bleaching, and the use of a flume mesocosm to investigate the effects of temperature and acidification on metabolism and calcification of different types of reef communities.


13. ACM Tanzania – Ecology & Human Origins

The ACM Tanzania program is offered each fall semester, and the focus of the program is paleontology, cultural anthropology, and savannah ecology.

It combines rigorous classroom instruction at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) with six weeks of field courses and fieldwork in northern Tanzania.

The Tanzania Program is a fall semester program for well-prepared, motivated students seeking to study and conduct fieldwork in the natural and social sciences.

The program is both physically and academically challenging and is intended for well-qualified students with strong recommendations from faculty.


14. Drexel in Equatorial Guinea: Biodiversity on Bioko Island

This Bioko Island Study Abroad Program takes place in the Spanish-speaking central African country of Equatorial Guinea 

This is built upon the long term academic partnership between Drexel University, the Bioko Biodiversity Protection Program (BBPP), and the National University of Equatorial Guinea (UNGE).

The format of the program includes individual field research projects at the Moka Wildlife Center in the southern highlands of Bioko.

Also, coursework at UNGE in the capital city of Malabo, and additional fieldwork in the tropical forests, mountains, lakes, and beaches of Bioko Island. Zoology Study Abroad Programs

More Details

To maintain a high level of individualized study, the program is offered twice a year (September – December & January – March) to a class of six to ten students.

The courses offered in this program have been specifically designed to reflect the realities of biodiversity conservation and sustainability in developing countries.

Now is the time to further academic studies while also satisfying your interest in the diversity of the animal world by getting out there and exposing yourself to the many wonders that nature has to offer.



FAQs on Zoology Study Abroad Programs

Below are the frequently asked questions on Zoology Study Abroad Programs

1. Which country is best for studying zoology?


2. Can you study abroad for zoology?

Studying wildlife and zoology abroad is ideal since every region in the world has its own local species of plant and animal life.

3. Where is the best university for zoology?


4. Where do zoologists get paid the most in the world?

A zoology career with the federal government is the most lucrative, paying an average income of $81,490.

5. What is the future of zoology?

Candidates find jobs as Animal Behaviourist, Conservationist, Wildlife Biologist, Zoo Curator, Wildlife Educator.

6. Does Harvard teach zoology?

The Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) at Harvard University is a center for research and education focused on the comparative relationships of animal life.

7. Does Cambridge have a zoology program?

Yes they do.

8. What consists of zoology?

Zoology is the branch of biology that studies the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, and classification.

9. Is zoology a good career?

It is a good career option for those who have a zeal to explore biodiversity and ready to accept challenges

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