15 Best Skills To Include on a Resume (With Examples)

– Skills To Put On Resume –

Writing a good resume is a difficult balancing act. Sometimes it can be a challenge to keep your resume length short and sweet while also including enough quality information to make a lasting impression.

Skills are your natural talents and the expertise you develop to perform a task or a job. Life skills help you deal with daily tasks in all areas of life while professional skills allow you to perform specific work duties.

However, there are several key types of skills: soft skills, hard skills, domain-general, and domain-specific skills.

How to Write a Skills Section for Your Resume?

Your skills section is the part of your resume where you list the skills and abilities you have that are necessary for the job you want.

However, at first glance, this part of your resume might seem quite uncomplicated. After all, you probably know of at least some of your skills and abilities. In the end, listing them on a resume is relatively easy.

Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills

There are endless skills that you can include on any resume, and you have to decide which ones will be the most effective.

There are hard, industry-specific technical skills, as well as soft skills that every job demands.

Furthermore, hard skills are technical abilities that are specific to a particular job and are often measurable.

For software developers, their set of hard skills would include specific programming languages.

Soft skills are interpersonal or creative abilities that can come naturally or be strengthened over time. Some examples of soft skills are adaptability, self-motivation, and the ability to work under pressure.

Top Hard Skills for a Resume 

The technical information or training you’ve gained via experience is referred to as hard skills. They are unique and necessary for each work, and they are used to complete your tasks.

Hard skills include (and are exemplified by):

Machinery skills – Operating a road roller, a PoS, a pallet-stacker, a forklift, and other machinery skills

Adobe Creative Suite, Ableton Live Suite are examples of software skills.

SEM Marketing, Stethoscope, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, ERP systems, CRMs are some of the tools available.

Languages – French and Spanish 

Python, C++, C#, Java, Scala, and R are examples of coding languages.

Techniques – Frequency analysis and crystallization 


Bookkeeping and accounting

And pretty much any other task-specific ability.

Top Soft Skills for a Resume 

1. Communication Skills

Whether it’s written or verbal, being able to communicate with your boss, co-workers, and clients/customers in all situations is very valuable. The better you are at it, the better results you will generate.

In addition, the abilities you employ when sending and receiving various types of information are known as communication skills. Communicating ideas, feelings, or what’s going on around you are some examples.

Consequently, listening, speaking, watching, and empathizing are all communication skills. Strong communication skills are necessary for every business and at every level of employment.

The following are some related communication skills:

  • Active listening
  • Constructive criticism
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Public speaking
  • Verbal/nonverbal communication
  • Written communication

2. Management Skills

Management skills are characteristics that contribute to the betterment of both tasks and people. To help a team or project, a good manager is organized, empathic, and communicates well.

To clarify, managers should be well-versed in both soft and technical skills relevant to their sector.

Management abilities that are related:

  • Decision-making
  • Planning a project
  • Delegation of tasks Leadership 
  • Teamwork

3. Skills in Design

You are not a designer just because you can add filters to your Instagram photos.

Knowing the fundamentals of design is no longer sufficient. You must also be able to generate outstanding branded content for the web and social media platforms to get employed as a designer.

The following are some of the most crucial design abilities to have on your resume:

Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop are all part of the Adobe Creative Suite.




Photo editing 

Typography includes spacing, line height, layout, and font selection.


Visual communications for targeting and marketing

Other Skills to Include in Design

Designing a logo

Digital printing

Integration of visual communication in social media platforms


Aesthetics and attention to detail

Designing interactive media

Color theory and perception

Advertising design

Active listening

4. Business Analytics

Businesses are in high demand for BAs right now, and for good cause! Similarly, they conduct a near-magical process of assessing the past and present to foretell the future.

They’ll need some analytical techniques to accomplish their magic:

Business Analytics Examples

SQL is a must-have, as is Hive (optional)

Programming language (R, Python, Scala, Matlab)

STATA, SPSS, and SAS are examples of statistical software

Entity Relationship Diagrams 

Entity Relationship Diagrams 


Other Business Analytics Includes

Big Data software

Microsoft Visio ( is a program that allows you to create diagrams)

Agile Business Analysis

Machine learning

System Context Diagrams

Business Process Modeling

Communication, both technical and non-technical


5. Microsoft Skills

If you’re looking for work, including Microsoft skills on your resume helps show employers that you can handle any data-handling and presentation responsibilities that the position requires.

In other words, these skills are now required for almost all occupations, and they may help you stand out as a highly qualified applicant to employers.

It’s critical to mention any Microsoft Office skills you have to offer a company when customizing your resume skills section.

6. Problem-solving Skills

Problem-solving abilities are skills that enable you to pinpoint the cause of a problem and rapidly devise a viable solution.

Consequently, this ability is highly regarded in any business and in any position.

However, certain industry or job-specific technical skills may be required to solve challenges in your role.

Problem-solving skills that are related:

  • Collaboration and attention to detail
  • Communication
  • Patience
  • Research

7. Active-listening Skills

The ability to focus totally on a speaker, absorb their message, comprehend the information, and answer thoughtfully is known as active listening.

To clarify, active listeners utilize both verbal and nonverbal cues to demonstrate and maintain their focus on the speaker.

Active listening abilities can demonstrate to your coworkers that you are involved and interested in the project or assignment at hand.

Listening skills that are related include:

  • Asking questions
  • Note-taking
  • Organization
  • Punctuality
  • Verbal/nonverbal communication

8. Computer Skills

Computer skills include the capacity to study and use different types of technology.

Hardware abilities may be as basic as understanding how to switch gadgets on and off and enable you to physically run a computer.

Software skills enable you to utilize computer programs and applications more effectively.

Some software abilities, such as spreadsheet use or knowledge of a specific coding language, may be considered requirements for employment by companies.

9. Skills in Customer Service

Customer service skills are qualities and behaviors that enable you to meet customer needs and provide a great experience.

Customer service abilities, in general, are primarily reliant on problem-solving and communication.

Customer service is frequently referred to as a “soft skill,” as it entails attributes such as active listening and the ability to understand both verbal and nonverbal signs.

Customer service abilities that are related include:

  • Listening attentively
  • Empathy
  • Personality traits
  • Problem-solving
  • Reliability

10. Web Development Skills

There appears to be new technology every second these days, and web developers are becoming concerned.

However, if you know HTML, CSS, and Java, you’ll have a significant advantage over the competitors.

The three basic programming languages are the foundation for all other abilities on this list. This is a place where you may learn or enhance your web development skills.

11. Interpersonal Skills

When you engage and communicate with others, you rely on interpersonal skills. They cover a wide range of scenarios in which teamwork is required.

Working effectively with others, solving problems, and leading projects or teams necessitates the development of interpersonal skills.

Communication, empathy, flexibility, leadership, and patience are some of the interpersonal skills that are related.


12. Leadership Skills

Leadership abilities are those that enable you to organize others to achieve a common objective.

Leadership skills are required to persuade people to execute a sequence of duties, frequently according to a timetable, whether you’re in a managerial role or heading a project.

Leadership skills that are related:

  • Ability to teach and mentor
  • Flexibility
  • Risk-taking
  • Team building
  • Time management

13. Technical Skills

Almost everyone who works in an office should be familiar with these skills. If you’re searching for a job as a secretary, office clerk, or any other form of an office worker, you should include them on your resume.

The following are some of the most fundamental technical office skills:

Word, Excel, Access, Publisher, Outlook, and Powerpoint are all included in the Microsoft Office Pack.

Filing and paper management

Data entry

Bookkeeping through Excel or TurboTax

Other Technical Skills

Research and data analysis

Basic knowledge of user interface communication

Technical writing

Cloud networking and file sharing

14. Education Skills

How many times have you seen a 50-year-old honorary doctor with three PhDs struggle to play a YouTube video in the undergrad or grad school?

Teaching methods have developed, and so you need to have the skills necessary to work in the education profession.

The following are crucial educational skills:

Updated curriculum knowledge

Research & Data analysis


Educational platforms (software like Elearn)

Stress management

Other Skills in Education

Technological & digital literacy


Critical thinking



15. Sales Skills

Despite technological advancements, the art of selling has remained unchanged.

Humans continue to seek touch with other people. Even though communication methods are becoming more digital, communication and empathy skills are still valued.

A thorough list of must-have skills for salespeople includes the following:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)



Public speaking


Lead generation

Buyer-Responsive selling

Buyer engagement

Other Sales Skills 


Communication skills and sociability


Digital communication/social media


Time management

How Do You Organize Skills on a Resume?

1. Examine the Job Description and Learn about the Organization.

Even if you have many areas of strength, just list those that are appropriate for the job.

When examining resumes, employers typically have limited time, so it’s important to keep your skills section focused and brief.

When you get to the interview stage, you’ll have the chance to comment on any talents that aren’t included in your CV.

Subsequently, you can begin by going through the job description and noting any needed skills or qualities that you possess.

Consider the company’s description and culture in addition to the employment criteria.

2. Tailor Your Skills to the Job

Relevance is crucial. Only include skills that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. Scanning a job vacancy might help you figure out which ones are appropriate.

Also, in most job advertisements, a set of prerequisites or skills that a good candidate should possess are listed.

Make sure you don’t forget to include any of these in your CV.


3. When Switching Careers, use your Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are skills that aren’t directly relevant to the job you’re seeking for but are nevertheless beneficial in other situations.

To clarify, if you’re searching for a position outside of your established field of advertising big data analysis, for example, you may still highlight some of your former financial data analysis talents.

It will demonstrate that you have a solid foundation and prior expertise with the sort of job.

Similarly, you may list writing skills, documentation, and research as previously established skills and abilities if you’re fresh out of college since you’ve already done much of that at university.

These transferrable talents can come in handy if you’re looking for a job as an office clerk or an entry-level position.

4. Speak with Experts in the Field

If you’re having trouble figuring out what talents an employer is looking for, talk to someone who works in the field or in a job comparable to the one you’re applying for.

Find out which abilities they value the most and which ones correspond to your own.

However, only include skills that you know are your strengths when making a list of skills for your Résumé. If you’re still learning something, don’t feel obligated to include it just because it’s included in the job description.

If the employer brings up a talent you didn’t mention during the interview, you may explain how you’re learning or improving for the job.

5. Other Resume Sections Can Help You Back Up Your Skills

If you choose Food Preparation – Professional as one of your abilities, you should be able to back it up with examples of food preparation duties or other organizations from your work history.

Put your money where your mouth is and do what you say. You can get a better understanding of how to integrate your resume parts by looking at our advice on how to write a resume.

6. Mention Two or Three Universal Abilities.

These are primarily soft skills that are required for practically any career.

They can be soft talents like problem-solving ability, efficient communication, or time management, or they can be hard skills like rapid typing, PowerPoint, or Excel.

Even if they aren’t officially required or listed in the job description, feel free to provide any universal skills.

However, don’t stuff your resume with them because it will appear generic. If you have the room and don’t have any more sophisticated job-specific talents, include them.

Choose a Format for the Skills Section

When it comes to determining where to mention talents on your resume, you have a few options:

1. On a Functional Resume, List Your Skills

This is a fantastic alternative for folks who are changing careers or have little or no professional experience.

2. In a Separate Section, List Your Skills

This is a good alternative for folks with a lot of experience who wish to emphasize certain abilities or qualifications that set them unique.

3. Include Your Skills into the Section about Working Experience

When adding previous experience, you should incorporate keywords from the job description, regardless of how you describe skills on your resume.

Skills to Put in Your Resume if You Have No Work Experience

You should put soft skills on your resume if you have no work experience. For example:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Positive attitude
  • Assertiveness
  • Time management

Additionally, listing language skills on your resume, if you have any, is a great way to set yourself apart from other more experienced applicants.

So, there you have it.

Once you get your skills to put on your resume straightened out, you should make sure that the rest of your resume is congruent with the skills you just selected, namely;

That your experience shows that you both used those skills in a work environment and developed the skill with on-the-job tasks.


Should Microsoft Office be included as a Skill on your resume?

Yes! If you are searching for a job, including Microsoft skills on your resume can tell employers that you have the ability to perform any data-handling and presentation tasks required for the job.

As you customize your resume skills section, it’s important to include any Microsoft Office skills you have to offer a company.

What do you list Microsoft skills as on a resume?

Relevant skills: Advanced experience with using Excel formulas, functions and pivot tables, advanced experience with Word mail merge functionality, intermediate experience with MS Access.


How do I put Microsoft Office on a resume?

Generated Excel pivot tables to compile key company data and reports.

Designed a set of useful Excel macros that automated manual processes and increased the team’s productivity by 20%.

Used Excel formulas to add necessary formatting to report spreadsheets and gained 25% reduction of overages.

Designed shop management routine in Excel that automated income analysis process.


Why do people put Microsoft Office on their Resume?

Professional papers and communications are routinely created using Microsoft Word. If you’re comfortable writing letters, reports, and memos with Microsoft Word, you should mention it on your Resume.

Can I add Microsoft Word and PowerPoint as skills in my resume?

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook are quite straightforward to use, and any employer would expect you to know how to use them.

Include skills that demonstrate to your employer that you have what it takes to do the job.

Including relevant hard skills on your resume can also help you get past ATS systems, which are used by the majority of companies nowadays.

What are some good computer skills to include on your CV?

Typing – Word Processing.

Hardware – Cabling. Servers

Software – Software Development.

Graphic Design & Word Processing – Graphic Manipulation.

Spreadsheets & Databases – MS Excel.

IT Support – Client Server Management

Marketing – Digital Marketing.

What are the most desired technical skills on a resume?

Data Management. As more businesses move online, candidates with great data management skills will only become higher in demand.

Business Analysis.


Project Management.




Coding or Programming.

On your resume, how do you say you’re good with computers?

Proficient in HTML coding.

Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Thorough understanding of social media and social media analytics.

Knowledge of SEO techniques.

Skilled in website troubleshooting.

How important are Microsoft Office skills?

Knowing how to use Microsoft Office makes you a better employee and worker.

You will boost your productivity by learning Microsoft Office 2019 applications beyond merely performing fundamental functionalities.

High productivity is necessary for long-term job success.

Is Excel generally a good skill to have on a resume?

Yes! It includes a spreadsheet that can automatically input, calculate, and analyze data, making it a useful job skills.

Because Excel is capable of performing a wide range of tasks, prospective employers will benefit from seeing extensive explanations of each Excel skill included on your Resume.

How do I mention Excel skills in a resume?

Excel skills may be listed almost anywhere on a resume, although the majority of individuals add them in the skills section.

However, we recommend that you make your own Excel Projects and include it in your experience, education, or project sections. Even with necessary Excel Certificates in the certificate section.

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