150 Loving You Message for Your Lover

You want to rekindle the fire of your love life and you don’t know how to go about it, right?

Well, there are lots of ways to be romantic and one of such is sending your partner a romantic loving you message.

And that’s why you will agree with me you need these Sweet Loving You Messages to send to your lover.

So here is the collection of best Loving You Messages for your Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Husband or Wife.

Loving You Message for Him – Your Boyfriend

Sweet Romantic Loving You Messages to send to your cute Boyfriend and make him feel special.

1. Whether the sun rises or not, I will always love you until the end of time.

2. I will love you today, I will love you tomorrow, and I will always and forever love you. Yes, you!

3. Loving you is like breathing, I can’t live without you nor your love. To me, you’re my everything and I love you so much.

4. I’m loving you and I will always love you because I asked for a companion and you were given to me. I love you tenderly.

5. I’m blessed to have you, but luckier that you found me and I will love you forever.

6. Like a diamond, your kind is indeed rare and hard to come by, and I want you to know that I’m loving you till the end of the age.

7. I’m loving you forever as you happen to be my everyday inspiration, happiness and joy. I love you beyond words.

8. You’ve changed my whole life from good to better and made it more beautiful than ever before. I love you dearly.

9. Being in love with you make my every day filled with bliss and love. You know I love you right? Well, I do.

10. To keep loving you, there’s nothing too hard to do, I could walk a thousand miles just to tell you how much I love you.

11. You’re always in my heart right where you belong, and I’m loving you so much more than words can describe. I love you beyond the stars.

12. You’re my one of a kind and I’m loving everything about you, my love. I love you to the moon and back.

13. You’re special just the way you are, and I promise to always love you just the way you are. I love you tenderly.

14. What I want to do today, tomorrow, and forever is to keep loving you, handsome. I love you forever.

15. You’re a gift from God to me, and I will never stop cherishing and loving you every day. I love you beyond words.

16. No two person can take your place in my heart, my life, and my world. You see, you’re my everything and I love you forever.

17. I loved you then, I love you now, and as time goes on, I will always and forever cherish and love you.

18. Your charming smile is one of the reasons why I cherish you and I will never stop loving you even if there’s no reason to. I love you so much.

19. Sweet as a honey is what you are to me, and your love for me is as special as you are, my love. I love you dearly.

20. I didn’t choose you, but God me you and I vow to always and forever love you so much more than ever before.

21. You taught me how to love again when I have no reason to. You know I love you right? Well, I do.

22. Stay with me forever, and I will love you forever and till the day after forever. I love you beyond the stars.

23. I feel so much better and beautiful when I’m with you and I want to love you with every breath in me. I love you dearly.

24. You make me gleams with the way you cherish and love me and I want to love you nonstop.

25. Your love keeps me warm during the cold wet night like a fire on a rainy day. I love you forever.

26. We do break up to make up, but can never grow or go apart, because we’re meant for each other and I’m loving you for the rest of my life.

27. You’re the reason why I live and breathe because your love is like the air and I don’t want to go a day without you in my life.

28. Me without someone as caring and loving as you are is like a house without a roof or a car without an engine. You’re the reason I survive, and I’m loving till eternity.

29. Today and forever will you be in my heart, my life, and my world. Why? Because that’s where you belong. I love you forever.

30. Loving you is the best feeling ever and I don’t want to live a moment without you and your love.

31. Thank goodness for being real, my life wouldn’t have been this beautiful and amazing without you. I love you beyond the stars.

32. If people do fall in love in heaven, I’m definitely going to be super duper excited to be in love with you all over again and again.

33. Loving you gives me a reason to live every day with joy, happiness, and love in my heart.

34. You made my dreams come true, because you’re all I ever wanted and needed, and that’s why I love you more every day.

35. I just can’t help it but love you forever, because loving you is like breathing. I love you forever.

36. Your unconditional love for me is the essence of my existence, and I vow to never stop loving you even if there would be a reason not to.

37. To cherish and love you forever, and to be with you till the end of time are all I ask of God every day. I love you dearly.

38. You’re a definition of what true love is, and I’m glad you found me. My life wouldn’t have been this awesome without you.

39. I will do whatever it takes to keep loving you. Loving you is all I need to stay alive and active.

40. You’ve heard that roses are red and violets are blue but hope you’re aware also that I’m loving you forever? Yes, you.

41. You’re mine and I’m yours and I’m loving you till the end of time. I love you forever, my dearest.

42. No matter the circumstances around loving you, I will today and always take my chances. You always give me a reason to smile, live and love.

43. I would never have known how to love you better if you haven’t shown me how to love first without a reason. I love you forever.

44. My love begins and ends with you and if people fall in love in heaven, it will always be with you always. I love you beyond words.

45. I want to be the reason behind your charming smile just as much you’re the reason for the beautiful smile on my face every day. I love you dearly.

46. You’re my everyday joy and happiness, and I want to be your everyday bliss. You know I love you right? Well, I do.

47. You will always be mine just as much as I’m yours till eternity, and I will always love you and that’s all that matters.

48. The feeling of being with you and your love for me is more than what words could describe because I just can’t explain it. I love you beyond words.

49. My love for you will always stay fresh because you keep watering it with your care and love. I love you more than you know.

50. Loving you is a course I’ll start from now and end until the day after forever. You’re my lifetime friend and lover.

Loving You Message for Her – Your Girlfriend

Sweet Romantic Loving You Messages to send to your Girlfriend and make her smile and merry.

1. The thought of you warm my heart just like the blanket warms the body during the winter. I love you tenderly.

2. If all it takes to see you wear your beautiful smile every day is to always cherish and love you, then I’m loving you forever.

3. I don’t think I love you, I know for a fact that I’m in love with a beautiful and special lady,
and that lady is you. I love you so much.

4. The world sees it as I’m insane, and that’s true, because but I’m madly and deeply in love with you. I love you beyond the stars.

5. They said I’m crazy, I told them I’m in love and If they can’t see it, then they don’t know what love is all about. I love you forever.

6. Without you, I’m incomplete, because you and I are like a package. You know I love you right? Well, I do.

7. Wherever I am, there you always be, because your love is the blood running through my arteries. I love you dearly.

8. I love you and you know, but hope you’re aware also that I will never stop loving you? I love you forever.

9. I started living the moment you found me and you came into my life. I love you to the moon and back.

10. When I met you, I found real and true love and I want to stay madly, deeply and completely in love with you. I love you beyond words.

11. Even when we’re far away from each other, it feels like we’re together in each others company. I love you more than you know.

12. My love for you will always and forever stay fresh like the early morning river. I love you tenderly.

13. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t know what my life would have become. Thanks for being real and I love you so much.

14. You make me a better person and I promise to always make you smile even when you’re in tears. I love you forever.

15. To you, I dedicate my life and I vow my last breath. I love you so much more than you can imagine. Always have and always will.

16. Whether in this generation or in the next, I will always choose to fall in love with you all over again and again. I love you so much.

17. If love in a rollercoaster, I would ride it with just one person – you. I love you beyond the stars.

18. Every day I love you more than the previous ones and I will always do as long as there’s breath in me.

19. You’re the reason I go through my day with a heart full of gratitude and love. I love you to the moon and back.

20. You’re my everyday inspiration and motivation and I will always and forever love you.

21. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 4 weeks a month, and 365 or 366 days a year, you’re and will always be in my thoughts, my, heart, and my life. I love you forever.

22. If I were given a chance to come back to this world in another generation, I would choose to fall in love with you again. I love you dearly.

23. For others, I’m insane, but for me, I’m madly in love with the most beautiful and amazing woman ever – you. I love you so much.

24. No word has been invented yet to describe the feeling of being in love with you. I love you beyond words.

25. Just wanted you to know that I will never ever stop loving you. Yes, you!

26. Because of you, I’m a better person, caring friend, and an amazing lover. I love you so much.

27. We’re a match made in heaven and we’ll always be together forever, just as much as I will always cherish you. I love you forever.

28. I’ve been thinking about how much I’m blessed to have you in my life. You make my life happier and I love you beyond the stars.

29. Having someone as special as you are is one of the best things that ever happened to me. I love you more than you know.

30. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be the man who I am proud to be today, and I want you to know that I will always love you.

31. If loving you will make you glow and feeling better, then, I vow not to stop loving you. I love you more than you know.

32. If my life were to be a chess game, you would be the queen. You know I love you right? Well, I do.

34. You bring me an abundance of happiness and joy, and I promise to love you forever and always.

35. I just can’t wait to spend forever with you, because for you I live and I want to spend every day loving you.

36. With you, beautiful, I will always and forever will be in ecstasy. I love you so much more than you can imagine.

37. You’re my lifetime friend and lover, and I will always and forever love you. I cherish you forever.

38. Every time you’re within reach, my heart leaps for joy unspeakable. I love you beyond the stars.

39. No doubt about it, we’re a perfect match made in heaven, and I will always and forever love you so much more.

40. Your love set my heart and my life on a rollercoaster ride, and I don’t pray it stops. I love you to the moon and back.

41. No matter how hard I try, I can never stop loving you, and I don’t even intend to stop. I love you forever.

42. Bedtime stories have an ending, but our love story will never end. I love you to the moon and back.

43. You and I will always be together forever, and I will always love you until the end of the age. I love you more than you can imagine.

44. With you, each and every day is a special and beautiful day, special and beautiful ,the way you are. I love you beyond words.

45. If I were to be a planet, your unconditional love for me would be the stars that light up my galaxy. I love you so much, sunshine.

46. My life is awesome and fun-filled, and my world a happier and better place to live in and all thanks to you for not leaving me to my ruins. I love you more than love itself.

47. I’m the one for you and you’re the one for me, and that’s what matters. I love you forever and always.

48. I can’t survive without you nor your love just as much as fish can’t survive without water, nor plants without carbon dioxide. I love you dearly.

49. Thanks for not leaving me to my ruins, thanks for everything, but most importantly, thanks for being real. I love you beyond words.

50. I’ve done many things I’m proud of and Loving you is the best and will forever be the best of all. I love you forever.

Loving You Message for Husband

Most Romantic Loving You Messages to send to your Husband.

1. I’m so happy and glad that you’re real because my life without a caring, loving and compassionate man like you is just unimaginable. I love you forever, darling.

2. I’m lost without you, and I want you to know that I’m blessed to have you. You’ve given me a whole new meaning to life and love. I love you more than you can imagine.

3. Words won’t be enough to tell you how much I love you, so I’m going to live the rest of my life showing it to you. I love you beyond the stars.

4. If I ever find myself at the crossroad of choosing between breathing and loving, I would choose loving, because loving you is like breathing. I love you more than love itself.

5. Your unconditional and sweet love is the essential ingredient for my survival. I love you dearly.

6. For me to live in this world is for you, and I will each and every day for you. I love you more than you can imagine.

7. Complete happiness is a life with you, my darling husband, and I will always and forever love you.

8. With you, I can never go wrong, because loving you feels so perfect. I love you beyond words.

9. I love you, and I want to live the rest of my life showing it to you, my love. I love you to the moon and back.

10. With you, I have everything I will ever and always need in life. You know I love you right? Well, I do.

11. Every moment with you is as awesome as your unconditional love for me. I love you more than you know.

12. To stop loving you is something I can’t do and I will never do even if I was given a chance to. I love you forever.

13. If I could live life more than once, I would still never find someone like you. I love you beyond the stars.

14. I will always and forever love you until there is not a single star in the galaxy. I love you to the moon and back.

15. Complete happiness and love starts and ends with you, handsome. I’m loving you till the end of the age.

16. I can and will never stop loving you because not
a day goes by without you on my mind. You’re my everyday thought and happiness.

17. You’re the light at the end of the tunnel during the ups and downs of my life and my world. I love you forever.

18. You’re my guardian angel, as you always lead and guide me on the path that leads to bliss. I love you beyond words.

19. My darling husband, the love I have for you has no expiring date, it’s here for eternity. I love you more than love itself.

20. Can’t wait to see you soon, so I can continue to show you how much I love you so much. I cherish you forever.

21. There’s nothing I enjoyed as much as loving you because to me, loving you is like breathing. I love you dearly.

21. To have a man as caring and loving as you are in this world is rare, but I’m glad you found me. I love you so much.

22. Without you, my world is like a void, but with you, my world is full of bliss, joy, and love. I love you more than you know.

23. As long as there’s breath in me, I will always and forever cherish and love you. I love you beyond the stars.

24. You make me feel like a woman and a baby all at the same time, and I don’t want to get over this ecstasy. I love you tenderly.

25. It took me so many years to finally find true and real love, and now that I do, I’m never going to let go of it. I love you forever.

Loving You Message for Wife

Sweetest and Most Romantic Loving You Messages to send to your Wife.

1. No risk would be too great or hard to take, as long as it boils down to loving you. I love you more than love itself.

2. I would walk a thousand miles to see you glow every day, even in the midst of the ups and downs of life. I love you dearly.

3. If loving you was a crime, I would love to be jailed in the prison of your heart for eternity. I love you so much.

4. I will not only always be with you, but also I will be loving you for as long as there’s breath in me. I love you more than you can imagine.

5. Life itself is meaningless without you in it, just as much as my life without you. I love you forever.

6. You’re the reason for everything great and small in my life and I’m blessed to have you, and I want you to know that I will always love you.

7. Words aren’t enough to describe you completely, just as it won’t be enough to tell you how much I love you. I cherish you forever.

8. You make my heart leap for joy whenever I hear your sweet voice, even if it is a thousand miles away. I love you to the moon and back.

9. Thanks to you for making me a better man, I love you so much more than you can imagine. Always have and always will.

10. If I had to, I would walk many miles to show you how much I love you, but I don’t need to because you already know that I love you more than love itself.

11. My beautiful wife, I want you to know that I will never stop loving you, and I will love you forever and until the end of time.

12. You’re my everything, my number one woman, my everyday happiness, and I will always and forever love you.

13. Every moment with you is another avenue to love you more than ever before. I love you tenderly.

14. You took my breath away the moment I saw you, and you still do with your glowing smiling face. I love you so much.

15. Everything feels perfect, beautiful and right whenever I’m with you. I will love you forever and always.

16. I love you more than love itself, and I will spend each and every day proving that to you. I love you dearly.

17. Waking up next to you every day gives me more reasons to love you more than ever before. I love you to the moon and back.

18. My heart, my life, and my world are loaded with bliss and that’s all thanks to you. I love you beyond the stars.

19. All I need is you, and with you, nothing else matters, because I’ve got all that matters – you. I love you forever.

20. I will never let go of you just as much as I will never stop loving you. You know I love you right? Well, I do.

21. A moment with you is far better than a thousand days without you or your love. I love you so much.

22. You’re the reason why I feel so happy and I want to be the reason for your beautiful smile every day. I love you beyond words.

23. With you, there’s no heartburn or heartache, because, with you, my heart is filled with gaiety and bliss. I love you so much more than you can imagine.

24. You’re my woman and my everything and I love you, I cherish you, I admire you, and I will forever and always love you.

25. I’m so blessed and highly favoured to have you in my life, and I vow to never stop loving you. I love you forever.

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