16 Essay Scholarships for Students from any Country: 2023/2024 Update

– 16 Essay Scholarships for Students –

Different foundations have been able to sponsor the essay scholarship for suitably qualified students. However, having the scholarship to further your education is a good thing. This article will inform you about a very unique type of scholarship called ‘Essay Scholarships’. Also, it provides vital information on where to get them.

Top 16 Essay Scholarships for Students

Below are the top 16 essay scholarships for students:

1. ABA Academic Merit Scholarship

This is one of the 16 essay scholarships for students. And it’s open to both ABA and non-ABA Members. However, to be eligible, note.

Candidates must have completed, at a minimum, their first year of an accredited university (4-year university/college or junior college).


Also, must have a declared major or course of study relevant to the transportation, travel, and tourism industry. And must possess a cumulative GPA of 3.4 or higher.
➢ Award Amount: $5,000.
➢ Requirement: Basically, candidates will have completed, at a minimum, their first year of an accredited university.
➢ Deadline: April 06, 2022
➢ Application:

2. ABA Diversity Scholarship

This scholarship focuses on broadening the number of traditionally underrepresented groups. And this is in the management and operation ranks of The transportation, travel, and tourism industry.

However, applicants are required to submit a 500-word essay.

➢ Award Amount: $5,000.
➢ Requirement: Eligible candidates must have completed, at a minimum, their first year of college at an accredited university. Also, must have a declared major or course of study. However, relevant to the transportation, travel, and tourism industry. And must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA.
➢ Deadline: Varies.
➢ Application:

3. ABPA Harrington-Arthur Memorial Scholarship Essay Competition

Also, this is one of the 16 essay scholarships for students. And it was established to reward students. Those that seek to increase their knowledge.

And those who seek understanding of how Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention help ensure safe drinking water.

➢ Award Amount: $1,500.
➢ Requirement: Essays must be between 700 and 1,200 words.
➢ Deadline: January 31, 2022
➢ Application:

4. ACF Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship

This was established by Robby’s family in 2003. Also, this scholarship is awarded annually. And it’s to graduating seniors at La Cueva High School. Those who have a language learning or other reading disability.
➢ Award Amount: Not stated.
➢ Requirement: Visit the link below.
➢ Deadline: April 02, 2022.

5. AFTH Birth Parent Scholarship Fund

Also, this is one of the 16 essay scholarships for students. And it aims at helping birth parents get on their feet and establish a career. Also, it’s for anyone attending trade school.


And those attending Undergraduate studies at universities and colleges. However, the applicant must maintain a 2.5 or higher grade point average (GPA). And provide a copy of your transcript from the previous semester.

➢ Award Amount: Not stated.
➢ Requirement: Applicant must maintain a 2.5 or higher grade point average (GPA). And provide a copy of your transcript from the previous semester.
➢ Deadline: Varies.
➢ Application:

6. Alumnae Panhellenic Association of Washington DC Scholarship

To be eligible for this scholarship, take note. You must be a member in good standing of a fully participating sorority of the National Panhellenic Conference.


Also, must be a rising sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student in the fall. And must come from the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Or attending school in the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
➢ Award Amount: $750.
➢ Requirement: Visit the link below.
➢ Deadline: February 29, 2022.
➢ Application:

7. Amanda Reed Memorial Scholarship

Also, this is one of the 16 essay scholarships for students. And the purpose of this scholarship is to provide educational resources for graduating seniors. However, this is within Boone, Stephenson, and Winnebago County.
➢ Award Amount: Not stated.
➢ Requirement: You must be a graduating senior from a public or private high school located in Boone, Stephenson, or Winnebago County. And must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.
➢ Deadline: March 01, 2022.
➢ Application:

8. America’s 911 Foundation, Inc. Scholarship

The purpose of the foundation is to never forget September 11, 2001. Thus, it’s for children of Active First Responders (EMS, FIRE, POLICE).

Those who each day place their lives on the line for all of the US. Also, the foundation assists Emergency Organizations with funds, materials, equipment, and/or Volunteers when needed.

➢ Award Amount: $2,000.

➢ Requirement: Basically, the applicant’s parent must be an Active Duty First Responder. However, this is either as Paid or Volunteer (EMS, Fire, or Police). See the link below for more info.

➢ Deadline: March 09, 2022.

➢ Application:

9. Americanism Education Leaders Collegiate Essay Contest

Also, this is one of the 16 essay scholarships for students. And the mission of AEL is
in its strong belief. Which is in “American exceptionalism”. And that is:


That America is exceptional in the history of the world. Also, all programs are meant to encourage students to learn about, understand, and appreciate some aspect of the American experience.

➢ Award Amount: $2,500.
➢ Requirement: Applicants must be U.S. citizens. And a current undergraduate college or university student. Also, this should be in an accredited four-year U.S. university.
➢ Deadline: June 30, 2022.
➢ Application:

10. Amos & Edith Wallace Scholarship

This scholarship was founded to reward young, bright African-American students. Those who have demonstrated an exemplary commitment to service and education. However, to apply, note.


You must be a Female African- American High School senior graduating from Kanakekee High School in Kankakee, IL.

Also, you must possess a minimum 2.8 GPA. And plan to attend a four-year accredited college or university in the fall.

➢ Award Amount: $1,000.
➢ Requirement: Basically, you must be a Female African- American High School senior graduating from Kanakekee High School in Kankakee, IL. Also, a 400-600 word essay must also be included with the application.
➢ Deadline: April 12, 2022.
➢ Application:

11. ANS Incoming Freshman Scholarship

Also, this is one of the 16 essay scholarships for students. Furthermore, this scholarship is awarded to graduating high-school seniors. Those who have enrolled, full-time, in college courses.


And are pursuing a degree in, or have the intent to pursue a degree in nuclear engineering. Also, the scholarships will be awarded based on an applicant’s high school academic achievement.

For more information or to apply, please visit the link below.

➢ Award Amount: $1,000.
➢ Requirement: Visit the link below.
➢ Deadline: April 01, 2022.
➢ Application:

12. Apprentice Ecologist Scholarship

The Apprentice Ecologist Initiative awards three scholarships to the authors of the three best Apprentice Ecologist essays. However, applicants should embody the spirit of the Apprentice Ecologist Initiative.

And this is by demonstrating personal leadership.


Also, with environmental stewardship in their project. Furthermore, middle school, high school, or undergraduate college/university students (ages 13-21) are eligible to apply.

➢ Award Amount: $1,750.
➢ Requirement: Visit the link below.
➢ Deadline: December 31, 2022.
➢ Application:

13. ASNT Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship

Also, this is one of the 16 essay scholarships for students. And the purpose of this scholarship is to provide an incentive to engineering undergraduates.


Those enrolled in ABET-accredited engineering programs. And it’s to help them choose nondestructive testing and evaluation as their field of specialization.

➢ Award Amount: $3,000.
➢ Requirement: Visit the link below.
➢ Deadline: December 14, 2022.
➢ Application:

14. Association for Iron & Steel Technology Scholarships

These scholarships are to students majoring in the following programs: metallurgy, materials science, and electrical engineering. Also, it’s for those in mechanical engineering.


And chemical engineering. Also, for those in industrial engineering. And environmental science/engineering. Additionally, it’s for those studying computer science. Please visit the link below for more information.

➢ Award Amount: $3,000.
➢ Requirement: Visit the link below.
➢ Deadline: October 15, 2022.
➢ Application:

15. WSC Graduating High School Senior Scholarship

Also, this is one of the 16 essay scholarships for students. And this scholarship is for high school graduating seniors. Those who are actively involved in snowmobiling. For more information, please visit the link below.

➢ Award Amount: $1,500.
➢ Requirement: Applicant must be an individual member. Or son, daughter, or legal ward of a family. Also, must be one with a current membership in an AWSC club. Thus, having two consecutive years prior membership.
➢ Deadline: January 11, 2022.
➢ Application:

16. Bethesda Lutheran Communities Lutheran Student Scholastic & Service Scholarship

Bethesda Lutheran Communities offers two scholarships. And these are to Lutheran students. Those pursuing undergraduate degrees in any area of service to people with developmental disabilities. However, to be eligible, please note.


You must be an active, communicant member of a Lutheran congregation. Also, must be freshmen, sophomore, or junior at an accredited college/university. And have a minimum 3.0 GPA.

➢ Award Amount: $30,000.
➢ Requirement: You must be an active, communicant member of a Lutheran congregation. Also, must be freshmen, sophomore, or junior at an accredited college/university. And have a minimum 3.0 GPA.
➢ Deadline: May 18, 2022.
➢ Application:
The above are the top 16 essay for students. Thus, your dreams are in your hands. Feel free to research more. Also, feel free to apply. However, make sure you meet the requirements.
Thus you can always visit this page for the latest updates on scholarships. Also, you’re free to share this post. As such, you can share with friends. Also, you can share on your social media platforms. Good luck.
StudentsandScholarship Team.

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