17th Birthday Captions for Myself

Being a teenager is not only an exciting journey. It is also an interesting period of one’s life that is full of all sorts: passion, questions, and so much more. Clocking 17 however hits differently as you are a mature teenager at this age, you are gradually heading towards adulthood.

It’s your 17th birthday today and you will agree with me that you have a lot to be grateful for; family, friends and more importantly, life. These and many more are reasons why you should always be grateful for everything and everyone in your life.

As you launch into your 17th year, do so with so much joy and faith. This is how to begin a new phase of life. Be rest assured that it is going to be a beautiful new year for you. So, go ahead and go through the 17th birthday captions for myself messages and pick the ones you love.

I’m really joyous to witness this new season of my life and I pray that it turns out to be my best year ever. It’s definitely going to be my year of glowing and doing exploits on every side. Happy 17th birthday to me, myself and I.

1. All thanks be to God really for the beginning of another year of my life. I pray that this is not the last, but the beginning of great manifestations. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

2. Thanks to be the Almighty for another year added to my days on Earth. Wishing myself a prolonged lifetime in goodness and light. Happy 17th birthday to me.

3. I just hope that this 17th birthday I’m celebrating today marks the start of great and mighty things in my life. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

4. God’s grace shall overshadow me and grant me eternal victory. Whoosh! I’m glad to be 17 today, I pray I enjoy the blessings of the new year. Amen.

5. May the blessings of the Lord be mine all the days of my entire life, from today to forevermore. Happy birthday to me today. I hope this is the best yet. Happy I’m 17!

6. Being alive to witness another birthday is one proof of God’s faithfulness. God’s faithful, I really cannot deny. This year, I declare Peace and light. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

7. God’s goodness is really evident in me. All my life, He’s been all faithful. This day starts another year of my life, and I pray it’s the best I have ever lived. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

8. It’s my 17th birthday today. I pray that it’s going to be my best yet. May the peace of God flood my heart and being. Amen. Happy birthday to me today.

9. Happy birthday to me today. I pray that God’s glory be evident in me. Amen. I hope to have a wonderful birthday celebration today. So happy I’m 17 today.

10. This is one new year I have eagerly awaited. I know it’d be better than the former years. May the joy of the Lord be my strength.
Happy 17th birthday to me.

11. It’s of course is the doing of the Lord. He gets the glory. Praise be the Lord’s for His protection and provision. All my life, His grace has been carrying me. Happy 17th birthday celebration to me today.

12. May this birthday open me up to opportunities and impossibilities. May I never grow weary. I am strengthened by the Lord in this new season. Amen. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

13. So excited about this birthday today. Happy 17th birthday to me. I’m so excited and filled with so much joy and gladness. I believe that this year will be that of joy and beautiful beginnings. Happy birthday to once again.

14. Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of this new year. Amen. Happy birthday to me today. I pray that it’ll be my best year yet. Finally 17, eternally thankful!.

15. God has proven to be God. He’s been a loving father and present help in times of trouble and tribulations. All thanks to His name. He keeps me. I know this year, I’ll experience the goodness of God. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

16. I’m so hyped and really excited about this Birthday of mine. Now that I am 17, I see the future ahead and love the beauty. I pray that God will help me through it all. Happy 17th birthday to me.

17. May the peace of God surpasses all human understanding all the days of my years. Amen. Happy 17th birthday to me today. I pray it’s the best yet. Amen

18. May the good Lord cause me to lead a glorious life. My path continues to shine brighter and brighter. Amen. I’m happy I’m 17. Happy birthday to me today.

19. It’s nothing short of miracles that I’m witnessing another birthday this very day. Not taking the love of God for granted. He has helped me throw it all really. Happy 17th birthday to me today. I’m highly favoured.

20. Finally, I’m turning 17 today. Can’t describe how much joy I have within me. I’m really glad about the start of a new season. May this be my best. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

21. God’s light will flood my heart and cause me to triumph above all foes. Amen. Happy happy birthday to me today. I pray this is better than my previous years. Amen.

22. God’s goodness is evident in my life. I’ve got a lot of testimonies to give, God has been good. May this birthday usher in peace and light. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

23. As I’m 17 years of age today, I hope that my shame is rewarded with double recompense. Amen. I pray that I always triumph. Amen

24. In my life, God has been faithful. His name be praised for His goodness and love. I pray that God will keep my heart feel for another family.

25. May this Birthday of mine be the best that I have ever lived. I hope to have a very wonderful birthday celebration today.
Happy 17th birthday to me.

26. God’s name be praised for loading me with benefits, which are of course wonderful. Happy 17th birthday to me today. I’m so excited!

27. All my heart sings of today is the goodness of God. I’m now 17 years of age today’s, I’m all thankful to God. I pray that this birthday shall be great. Happy 17tg birthday to me today.

28. I really am proud of so many things and above all, my very self. I commend myself for the years left behind and the most wonderful ones I now look into. They shall be wonderful. Amen. Happy birthday to you today. Happy birthday

29. God’s love is absolutely underserving really. I don’t want to take his love for granted. Lol Happy 17th birthday to me today. I hope to have a blast today.

30. May I always experience the goodness of God all the days of my life. May my joy know no bounds. And may I always have read to celebrate. Amen. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

31. I hope that this birthday will open doors of opportunities and bring a huge turnaround to my life. It’s my birthday too, and I am a lot thankful for many things. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

32. As today marks my birthday, I hope that it’d bring me all the desires of my heart. This year will be better than the former. I’m excellent and greatly prosper. Amen. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

33. I hope this birthday is beautiful and all awesome. I’m so excited about my birthday today. I hope it’d be a prosperous one. Happy 17th birthday to me.

34. May the grace of the Lord be with me now and forevermore. Amen. Happy 17th birthday to me today. I hope this is my best yet. Amen.

35. I hope that the good Lord will favour me on every side in all I do. Amen. God’s good! He’s kept me. I’m excited my birthday is today. I’m more excited to be 17 years of age. Happy birthday to me…

36. As I mark my 17th birthday today, I pray that it’d be my most wonderful birthday celebrated. I’m glad about this new year, hoping for the very best.

37. May this birthday usher me into joy and laughter indescribable. Amen. Glad I’m 17 years old today, really excited about the new age.
Happy birthday to me.

38. I lift my eyes to the Almighty. He’s been my help all through the past years, and I’m now thankful. I pray that I enjoy a very wonderful celebration today. Many happy returns of the day. Happy 17th birthday to me.

39. I’ve got many things to thank God for little, large, big or small… I’ve seen the goodness of God. I’m glad to be 17 today. May I prosper greatly this year.

40. I believe this birthday will be a lot better than the previous one. May my peace and joy continually increase all the days of my life.
Happy 17th birthday to me today. I’m really blessed by God.

41. Thanks be to God for another year added to my years in life. I’m so happy I’m adding another year today. It feels so good to be 17 years of age this very day. I hope for the best in this life.

42. It’s my birthday today and I am indeed glad. This is another new year added to my years on earth, and of course, I’m excited for being alive to celebrate this day. May my years on Earth be long and fruitful. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

43. Today is my 17th birthday and I can’t explain how much joy and gladness I have in my heart. This is another year of great impact and fulfilment I pray. Happy birthday to me today.

44. I’m full of joy and excitement as today marks my 17th year on this planet. Looking back, I see how God has been really faithful. I, therefore, bless Him for His faithfulness. I pray that this year shall be my best yet. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

45. So much joy fills my heart at this moment. It’s one I can easily palpate… it’s so real. I’m so happy because today is my birthday. I’m all thankful to God for the beginning of another year on Earth. May my years be long and full of light. Happy 17th birthday to me.

46. This day, 17 years ago I was given birth to. And years after, I am still here, God be praised. I’ve been through the storm and fire, but all through these, God’s hands have been holding me up. I’m confident that this year will be more glorious. Happy birthday to me today.

47. I pray that the Lord Almighty will bless and establish me this new year. Amen. This year, I shall increase on every side and have good success in life. Amen. Happy 17th Birthday to me today.

48. I hope to have a wonderful celebration today. May this year usher in goodness and huge blessings which cannot be fathomed. Amen. It’s my 17th birthday today, I greatly rejoice. Happy birthday to me today.

49. Happy birthday to me too. I’m so thankful for the newness of life and wellness. I’m of good cheer, I know the days before me are blessed. And I look forward to these beautiful days ahead. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

50. I’m really grateful to God for another new year that starts today. I pray that my path keeps shining brighter. May this year bring about my establishment and advancement in life. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

It’s another period of my life when I launch into a new season and phase. I’m very hopeful this will be my best year yet as I enter into another beautiful phase. Happy 17th birthday to me. I wish myself everything bright and beautiful because I deserve the best only.

51. Blessed be the Almighty’s God, the author of life for keeping me thus far. Today is my birthday, and I’m happy. I wish myself the very best in life. Happy 17th birthday to me today. I’m really blessed.

52. May this birthday be that which will unleash me unto greatness. Many happy returns of the day. God bless my years in life. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

53. Thankful for the newness of life and the good life which I now enjoy. God be praised. May this birthday bring me joy and great happiness. Happy 17th birthday celebration to me today.

54. My future looks really bright and great. It’s all I’ve envisioned and I’m on the path of living it. Today, being my birthday, I have the pictures placed before me again, and I’m confident, ready to win. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

55. Happy 17th birthday to me this very day. May this year be filled with love, peace and light. May I not live a worthy life in my course in life. Many happy returns of the day.

56. I’m really grateful to God for the beginning of another new year today. I pray that it’d be better than the former years, and open me up to greater manifestations. Happy 17th birthday to me today. I count myself blessed.

57. I’m really excited to see this day. God’s power is really at work in me. Being alive is one proof of this. I’m grateful for the privilege to be here today. And I pray that God will bless and uphold me through life. Amen. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

58. My heart leaps for joy. It’s another birthday today, it’s the beginning of many mighty happenings. I rejoice, and my heart is full of rejoicing. I pray that this birthday is my best yet. Amen. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

59. I hope that this birthday will be my best ever celebrated. I don’t know how to express the kind of joy I have on the inside of me. I’m overjoyed, and happy for the beginning of a new life. Happy birthday to me today. I’m really glad to be 17.

60. Glad about life. No doubt, there have been a lot of challenges and pains, but God has been pulling me all through the storms. Happy 17th birthday to me. May I be blessed among my contemporaries. Amen

61. Waking up to this beautiful morning, appreciating its brilliance. It’s my birthday, one reason for the brightness of the day. I’m really glad that it’s my birthday, I wish myself long life. Happy 17th birthday to me.

62. Grateful to God I’m privileged to see the new dawn which is of my special day. I know this year shall bring beauty to my soul and fill my heart with great joy. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

63. I’m happy to begin this morning with songs in my heart. It’s my birthday, and I’ve got a lot of reasons to rejoice. So many times, I planned to give up, so other times, I lost hope…but amidst all, I saw the beauty in all of the circumstances. Happy birthday to me today. I’m happy to be 17.

64. I pray that this birthday will bring me answers to all of my heart desires. Amen. I’m so happy I’m 17 years of age today, it’s been a year I had always looked forward to. I pray only the best happens to me. Happy birthday to me today.

65. I’m above all thankful to God for the breaking of the dawn today. I feel privileged to be alive to witness another day, being my birthday. I’d not want to take God’s grace for granted. I pray that I live long and prosper. Happy 17th birthday to me.

66. Today is my 17th birthday, really happy about this very day. May I continue to grow in strength and wisdom. Amen. Happy birthday to me today.

67. Happy 17th birthday to me. Woah! The day is finally here. Looking back, I’ve seen a lot of things to give thanks for. All through the years, can’t deny I’ve been helped by God. I pray that this new year is blessed. Amen

67. With so much joy in my heart, I wish myself a very fabulous birthday today. I hope that this birthday will bring a massive turnaround to my life. Amen. I feel so happy to be 17, I pray my new age is blessed.

68. Finally, I’m 17… I’m super excited. I feel alive and I’m really thankful for the growth and my progress in life so far. I look forward to another year of greater accomplishments. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

69. Praised be the Lord Almighty for His endless love which He has bestowed upon me. I’m really excited about this new year I’m starting today. I pray that I enjoy long life and prosperity in it. Amen. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

70. It’s my 17th birthday today and I’ve got many things to bless God for. Life hasn’t been all easy, no doubt, but I’ve seen God in the midst of every challenging moment. Happy birthday to me.

71. I hope that this birthday brings me joy and peace which cannot be uttered. My 17th birthday is one I’ve always awaited. I’m really glad it’s my day today. I pray that all my days are blessed. Happy birthday to me.

72. May this birthday bring me the answers to all of my heart cries. I hope this year is better than the one I have ever lived. Amen
Many happy returns of the day. So glad to be 17 today. Happy birthday to me.

73. As I continue to grow over the years, I pray that my steps are ordered and my path flooded with light. Happy 17th birthday to me, grateful to God for the beginning of another year. I hope to have a fabulous year ahead.

74. Happy 17th birthday to me today. I know that this year shall be better than the ones before. Amen. I pray that I consistently advance in all of my life endeavours. Amen. It feels really good to be 17.

75. God’s blessings and peace will fill my heart and my entire being. May my years be full and my days be eternally blessed. Happy 17th birthday to me, I wish I have a wonderful celebration today.

76. God be praised, it’s my 17th birthday today. Happy birthday to me. May this year be filled with laughter and great joy. Amen.
I hope all my plans for the new year come into reality. May I not settle for less.

77. I’m glad to celebrate this day, it’s my birthday. Thankful for the blessings I see every day. I pray this year causes me to advance in all I do. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

78. God’s grace has kept me this far. I’m a testimony of the goodness of God. I pray that every day of my year is blessed and full of light. Happy 17th birthday to me today. I hope to have a fabulous one today.

79. May my days on Earth be filled with light, joy and happiness. I hope that this birthday is the best I have ever celebrated. Happy 17th birthday to me today. I’m blessed and highly favoured this new year.

80. Happy birthday to me today. I pray that the goodness and mercy of the Lord continue to follow me all the days of my life. Amen. I’m so excited it’s my 17th birthday today, I look forward to beautiful days ahead.

81. I’m so glad my birthday is today. I pray that this birthday will open up doors of opportunities and cause me to triumph over my enemies. Happy 17th birthday to me today. Cheers to the beautiful days in it.

82. God’s blessing is one I can’t describe. Grateful for a new year added to my years on Earth. I pray that I am always blessed and favoured in all I do. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

83. May the joy of the Lord continue to be my strength. May my joy know no bounds, and my life be flooded with light. Happy birthday to me today. I pray I’m blessed in many folds. I’m glad to be 17 today.

84. Happy birthday to me. I pray that the Lord will cause me to overcome and continually triumph in all I do. Amen. May this 17th birthday be my best birthday yet. Really happy to be celebrating my birthday today.

85. God’s love is true and undeniable. I can say this over and over again, I’m proof of His love and mercy. I pray that this year will be smooth and wonderful for me. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

86. In my life, God has been faithful. I thank God for His mighty deeds which he has wrought in my life. I believe it’s all just starting, I’m experiencing more of it. Amen. Happy 17th birthday to me today, I’m thankful for the start of another year.

87. As today marks my 17th birthday, I pray that my days are forever blessed and wonderful. May my path continue to shine bright. Amen. Happy birthday to me today. Thanks be to God for this amazing day.

88. I pray that this birthday will be full of joy and peace. May this birthday be that which will unleash me to greatness and joy indescribable. Happy 17th birthday to me.

89. A lot of times, I feel like I’m undeserving of the goodness of God. God’s good to me, I hereby return all glory and praise on this day.
Happy 17th birthday to me today, I pray that my days are blessed.

90. I’m glad I’m 17 years of age today. This day is one I’ve long anticipated, I couldn’t wait to start this new year. As I begin this year, I pray that God’s hand be upon me and all I venture into. Amen. Happy birthday to me.

91. I’m so happy it’s my 17th birthday today. I pray that it will be better than my past years and my ashes are replaced with beauty. I’m grateful for the beginning of a new year. Long life and prosperity for me this year and forevermore. Amen

92. My prayer is that my years are going to be impactful and glammed with beauty. Amen. Happy birthday to me today. I pray I enjoy a long life in wellness and wealth. Happy birthday to me once again.

93. I hope this birthday is wonderful and I have a fabulous celebration today. I’m so happy for the start of another year of my years, I wish myself the very best in life. Happy 17th birthday to me.

94. Thankful for good health, life, protection amidst many things. Today, my heart is full of gratitude to God for all He has been to me. I believe this year holds many wonderful things, and I look forward to them. Happy 17th birthday to me.

95. Happy birthday to me today. I’m so excited about this birthday because it’s one I’ve long anticipated. It’s my 17th birthday today, and I hope I have a fabulous celebration. Happy birthday to me.

96. Happy 17th birthday to me too. I hope to have a very happy celebration today. May this year be better than the last, and the next better than this. I’m glad about today. Happy birthday to me

97. I pray for a wonderful celebration on this day. I feel really overjoyed about this new year and I’m confident that it’s gonna be a beautiful one. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

98. My 17th birthday is today and I’m really excited. I’ve got a lot of plans for this new year and I pray they’re all achieved. Happy birthday to me today. This year is surely great.

99. May my years on Earth be greatly blessed. I pray that I continue to prosper in life and I have good success. Happy 17th birthday to me today.

100. I’m so excited it’s my 17th birthday today. My prayer is that my joy would know no bounds and my testimony be full. Happy birthday to me today.

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