180 Doing the Right Thing Quotes

– Doing the Right Thing Quotes –

Need some doing the right thing quotes to inspire you? It’s never easy doing the right thing, in fact, sometimes it gets hard – but just remember that doing the right thing is always right and will pay off.

Doing the Right Thing

Just because it’s the right thing to do, doesn’t mean it’s going to feel easy. This quotes will inspire to keep on

1. “Leaders are people who do the right thing; managers are people who do things right.” – Warren Bennis.

2. “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.” – W. Clement Stone

3. “Stay focused on your mission, remain steadfast in your pursuit of excellence, and always do the right thing.” -Mark Esper

4. “Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.” -Victor Hugo

5. “The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.” – Norman Schwarzkopf

6. “I follow three rules: Do the right thing, do the best you can, and always show people you care.” – Lou Holtz

7. “Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” –Mark Twain

8. “That old law about ‘an eye for an eye’ leaves everybody blind. The time is always right to do the right thing.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.

9. “Perfection is impossible; just strive to do your best.” -Angela Watson

10. “If people are informed they will do the right thing. It’s when they are not informed that they become hostages to prejudice.” -Charlayne Hunter- Gault

11. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

12. “Doing the right thing daily, compounds over time.” -John C. Maxwell

13. “If you are making smart decisions and doing the right things in the correct order and dedicating yourself to something, the success is inevitable.” -Matt Snell

14. “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” -Theodore Roosevelt

Do it Right Quotes

15. “It’s not always easy to do the right thing. But, doing the right thing makes you strong, it builds character.” -Queen Latifah

16. “The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.” – Robert H. Schuller

17. “Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.”

18. “Pissing people off doesn’t mean you’re doing the right things, but doing the right things will almost inevitably piss people off.” -Colin Powell.

19. “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” -Mark Twain.

20. “But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?”


21. “We must not allow ourselves to become like the system we oppose.” -Desmond Tutu

22. “Happiness and personal fulfilment are the natural consequences of doing the right thing.” -Epictetus

23. “Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous.”

24. “Doing the right thing is more important than doing the thing right.” -Peter F. Drucker.

25. “Let excellence be your brand… When you are excellent, you become unforgettable. Doing the right thing, even

when nobody knows you’re doing the right thing will always bring the right thing to you.” –Oprah Winfrey

26. “Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.”

Just Do it RIght Quotes

27. “But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing”

28. “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”

29. “People will always try to stop you from doing the right thing if it is unconventional.” -Warren Buffett.

30. “Always do right – this will gratify some and astonish the rest.” -Mark Twain

31. “It is never wrong to do the right thing.” -Mark Twain

32. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

33. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

34. “The Almighty—we cannot find him; he is great in power; justice and abundant righteousness he will not violate.”

35. “Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” -Mark Twain

36. “Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value. Look around at how people want to get more out of life than they put in. A man of value will give more than he receives.”

37. “Be creative, but make sure that what you create is not a curse for mankind.” –Albert Einstein

38. “Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.” -Victor Hugo

39. “Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.” -W. Clement Stone

40. “What is initiative? I’ll tell you: It is doing the right thing without being told.” –Napoleon Hill

Doing Hard things Quotes

41. “The difference between being ordinary and extraordinary is doing the right thing while nobody is watching.” -Jim Rohn

42. “Character is the moral strength to do the right thing even when it costs more than you want to pay.” -Michael Josephson

43. “Better to fail at doing the right thing than to succeed at doing the wrong thing.” -Guy Kawasaki

44. “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”-Peter Drucker

45. “The power of one man or one woman doing the right thing for the right reason, and at the right time, is the greatest influence in our society.” -Jack Kemp

46. “Doing the right thing doesn’t always bring success. But compromising ethics almost always leads to failure.” -Vivek Wadhwa

47. “Every day, I get closer to God. Every day, my will to do the right thing gets stronger.” -DMX

48. “You have to do the right thing- you may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” -Mohandas K. Gandhi

49. “Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.” -Benjamin Franklin

50. “My basic principle is that you don’t make decisions because they are easy; not because they are cheap; neither because they’re popular; you make them because they’re right.” -Theodore Hesburgh

Do What is Right Not What is Easy

51. “The time is always right to do what is right.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.

52. “The best time to do a thing is when it can be done.” -William Pickens

53. “Character is doing the right thing when nobody’s looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that’s right is to get by, and the only thing that’s wrong is to get caught.” -J. C. Watts

54. “Men do not fail; they give up trying.” -Elihu Root

55. “The power of one man or one woman doing the right thing for the right reason, and at the right time, is the greatest influence in our society.” -Jack Kemp

56. “Better to fail at doing the right thing than to succeed at doing the wrong thing.” -Guy Kawasaki

57. “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” -Peter Drucker

58. “Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” -Mark Twain

59. “You have to do the right thing… You may never know what results come from your actions. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” –Mohandas K. Gandhi

60. “The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.” -Robert H. Schuller

Quotes about Trying

61. “When you know what is right, you don’t get into any sort of dilemma thereafter.”

62. “Happiness and personal fulfilment are the natural consequences of doing the right thing.” – Epictetus

63. “Doing the right thing is more important than doing the thing right.” -Peter F. Drucker

64. “We must not allow ourselves to become like the system we oppose.” -Desmond Tutu

65. “People will always try to stop you from doing the right thing if it is unconventional.” -Warren Buffett.

66. “It is never wrong to do the right thing.” -Mark Twain

67. “I’m not trying to be sexy. It’s just my way of expressing myself when I move around.” -Elvis Presley

68. “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” -Mark Twain

69. ‘Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin.”

70. “It is never wrong to do what is right.” -Gift Gugu Mona.

71. “A little bit is not that much to ask to make things right.” -Jessica Simpson.

I tried Quotes

72. “The task of the prophet is not to smooth things over but make things right.” -Eugene H Peterson

73. “Doing the right thing has power.” -Laura Linney.

74. “Tomorrow is always another day to make things right.” -Lauryn Hill.

75. “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” -Peter F. Drucker

76. “I’ve spent a lot of my life forcing myself to do the right thing.” -Kevin Parker.

77. “Sometimes it’s best to do what feels safe, and sometimes it’s better to do what you know is right, even though the cost may be high.”

78. “Doing the right things for the right reason in the right way is the key to Quality of Life!” -Stephen Covey.


79. “Keep a good attitude and do the right thing even when it’s hard.” -Joel Osteen.

80. “You cannot make yourself feel something you do not feel, but you can make yourself do right in spite of your feelings.” -Pearl S. Buck.

81. “You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” -Mohandas K. Gandhi.

82. “Taking a shortcut isn’t always profitable, doing the right thing may take longer but just trust the process, your reward is sure!” -Hopal Green.

83. “If you’re doing something that terrifies you, most likely you’re doing the right thing.” -Amber Tamblyn.

You Can’t Please Everyone

84. “All of us start from zero. We take the right decision and become a hero.” -Govinda.

85. “If we’re supposed to ignore everything that’s wrong with our lives, then I can’t see how we’ll ever make things right.” -A. S. King.

86. “Always do right–this will gratify some and astonish the rest.” -Mark Twain.

87. “Whatever I do I’ve always done not because I want something but to compensate for a loss, to bring about a balance, to create amends, to make things right.” _Mark Helprin.

88. “To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last-  but eat you he will.” -Ronald Reagan.

89. “When you make the right decision, it doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks.” -Caroline Kennedy.

90. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

91. “I do think the heart can balance out the mind, if your heart is in a good place it can give you the strength to do the right thing and behave the right way and overcome the mind.” -Alexis Arguello

92. “I live my life my way. I try to do the right thing, but I know there are going to be people who aren’t happy with what I do or say no matter what, so I’m not going to worry about it.” -B. J. Penn

93. “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.” -Duke Ellington

94. “I do the right thing on purpose. I don’t do it by accident.” -Herm Edward

95. “I am always prepared to do the right thing regardless of what other people think.” -Bill Ackman

Do What’s Best for you Quotes

96. “Honor your commitments with integrity.”

97. “If you give people the opportunity to do the right thing, you’ll rarely be disappointed.” -Pierre Omidyar

98. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

99. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.”

100. “If you try and lose then it isn’t your fault. But if you don’t try and we lose, then it’s all your fault.”

101. “The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.” -Theodore Roosevelt

102. “What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” -Vincent Van Gogh

103. “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.” –Theodore Roosevelt

104. “Make voyages. Attempt them. There’s nothing else.” -Tennesse Williams

105. “Do more than belong: participate. More than care: help. Do more than believe: practice. more than be fair: be kind. more than forgive: forget. More than dream: work.”

106. “To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” – Joseph Chilton Pearce

107. “Wanting change is step one, but step two is taking it.” -Isaac Marion

108. “I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.” -Herman Melville

109. “It’s a never ending battle of making your cars better and also trying to be better yourself.” -Dale Earnhardt

110. “What is right for one soul may not be right for another.” -Eileen Caddy.

Do Good Quotes

111. ” The wind might cause a kite to rise, but what keeps it up there is the fact that somebody on the ground has a steady hand. You have to hold steady to your values –  your integrity. It’s your anchor. You let go of that. . . well, it isn’t long before your kite comes crashing.”

112. “Do your job. The best you can. make it right, because somebody, sometimes your best friend, is waiting for you to screw up so she can take your place.” -Abby Lee Miller

113. “Always do right – this will gratify some and astonish the rest.” -Mark Twain

114. “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.” -Eddie Guerrero

115. “You have to hold steady to your values –  your integrity. It’s your anchor. You let go of that. . . well, it isn’t long before your kite comes crashing down.”

116. “If you do that, then you can be successful in anything that you put your mind to.’ – Bob Cousy

117. The most important thing is, whatever you do decide to choose, take it seriously and do your best.” -Tom Sturridge

118. “You do the right thing even if it makes you feel bad.”-Tracy Kidder.

119. “Do your best to spread positive messages.” -Stephanie McMahon

120. “We’re here for such a short period of time. Live like you’re already dead, man. Have a good time. Do your best. Let it all come ripping right through you.” -Jeff Bridges

Quotes About Trying

121. “I believe that in life, you have to give things your best shot, do your best.”

122. “Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.” -Og Mandino

123. “People didn’t love all of this when they still had it. If you love something, you do what’s best for it. You don’t destroy it.” -Michael Monroe

124. “Everyone has obstacles, and you’re not going to have the right answer or do the right thing every single time.” -Shannon Miller

125. “You must accept that you might fail; then, if you do your best and still don’t win, at least you can be satisfied that you’ve tried.”

126. “If you don’t accept failure as a possibility, you don’t set high goals, you don’t branch out, you don’t try –  you don’t take the risk.” -Rosalynn Carter

127. “Sometimes the cost of integrity is the loss of a friend.” -Jack McDevitt

128. “Perfection is impossible; just strive to do your best.” -Angela Watson

129. “Things are not going to be easy, things are not going to be fair. Just do your best.” -Patrick Beverley

130. “It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best.” -W. Edwards Deming

131. “You have to focus on what needs to be done, do the right thing, not the popular thing.” -David Cameron

132. “Give it your best shot. Go for it. If it’s what you really want to do”

133. “If you work hard and you do your best, you can do anything.” -Erin Heatherton


Do Good Quotes

134. “Do your best and leave the rest to God.” -Manisha Koirala

135. “Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.” -Lou Holtz

136. “No matter what you do, you can never please everyone. And that was the hardest lesson to learn.”

137. “You stand for what is right, Lina, without the expectation of gratitude or reward.” 

138. “What one thinks is right is not always the same as what others think is right; no one is always right.” -Roy T. Bennett

139. “If your actions don’t live up to your words, you have nothing to say.” -DaShanne Stokes

140. “… what you think is right isn’t the same as knowing what is right.” -E. A. Bucchianeri

141. “If you boil it down, just because someone else does the wrong thing we are not exempt from doing what’s right.” -E. A. Bucchianeri

142. “Doing whats right is never easy … You think you’re right, but you lose track of what you were trying to do all along and then there’s blood and screaming and death. Doing a bad thing for a good end just sours the good.”

143. “I hate to say this, but not everyone seems happy that you’re still alive picking up on the glares coming my way.”

144. “You can’t please everyone,” I drawled. “And you know how much I hate to disappoint our dear friends in the underworld.” -Jennifer Estep

145. “You can’t write something actively trying to please everyone –  you’re going to end up with watery soup that way. You just have to write stories you would want to read and hope that people like them.” -Kelly Sue DeConnick

146. “Reference points for ethical leaders to make decisions, especially hard decisions in which there is no easy or good option.”

Doing the Right Thing Quotes on Integrity

147. “It’s easy to have principles when you’re rich. The important thing is to have principles when you’re poor.” -Ray Kroc

148. “Integrity is telling myself the truth. And honesty telling the truth to other people.” -Spencer Johnson

149.  “Our core values and business ethics will always be paramount in all that we do, and we are always looking to do the right thing and settle claims fairly and accurately.”

150. “When it comes to our own behavior, we sometimes display an integrity gap between what we believe and how we behave.” -Bob Stone

151. “The qualities of a great man are “vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation, and profundity of character.” -Dwight Eisenhower

152. “Integrity is the ingredient that will enable you to forge rapidly ahead on the highway that leads to success. It advertises you as being an individual who will always come through. Whatever you say you will do, do it even if you have to move heaven and earth.” -Mary Kay

153. “Integrity is about how our actions match our words. In fact, actions trump words.” -Susan V. Vogt

154. Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity. W. Clement Stone

155. “To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” -Donald A. Adams

Being Taken Advantage of Quotes

156. “The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty.” -Zig Ziglar

157. “As I have said, the first thing is to be honest with yourself. You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself. Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.”

158. “As you experience changes and breakthroughs, know that integrity, honesty and truth are the highest vibrating energies to guide you forward. Everything else will fall away.” -Molly McCord

159. “Live so that when your children think of fairness, caring, and integrity, they think of you.” -H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

160. “Leading with integrity and empathy requires vision and a connection to your deepest self.” – Karla McLaren

161. “Trust, family and integrity are always going to be at the core of my leadership plan.” -Kristina Diviny

162. “One of your most prized possessions is integrity; … you should never compromise it.” -Byron Pulsif

163. We live with Integrity when there is no separation between our feelings and our actions, our thoughts and our words.” -Human Angels

164. “It takes courage to say “I was wrong”, to say “I don’t know”, to say “Let’s find out”, to take enough time to seek better answers instead of quick fixes, to give yourself fully to try making a difference when the outcome is not guaranteed.”

Integrity Quotes for Work

When you show integrity, it reflects all around and also guides you in doing right.

165. “Supporting the truth, even when it is unpopular, shows the capacity for honesty and integrity.” -Steve Brunkhorst

166. “Integrity isn’t a destination. It is a way of life. It is an internal guidance system that will never guide you astray!” -Kelley Kosow

167. ‘If you want to influence others, the most important thing you can do is be a living example of the principles, ideals, and faith that you advocate.” -Nick Vujicii

168. “With many overhead schemes for the world’s salvation, everything rests back on integrity and driving power in personal character.” -Harry Emerson

169. “My mother’s love has always been a sustaining force for our family, and one of my greatest joys is seeing her integrity.”

170. “Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.” -Miguel Angel Ruiz

You Can Do it Right Quotes

More extension on doing the right thing quotes, to let you know that you can always do it well.

171. “The support of truth takes integrity.” -Byron Pulsifer

172. “Values—like truth, integrity, and respect for others … Serve as external compassion, her intelligence reflected in my daughters.” –Michelle Obama

173. “Moral authority comes from following universal and timeless principles like honesty, integrity, treating people with respect.” -Stephen Covey

174. “Integrity involves both the uniqueness of who I am as a person and the integration of the values and wisdom that guide me.” -Ronald J. Greer

175. “When you make a commitment to yourself, do so with the clear understanding that you’re pledging your integrity.” -Stephen Covey

176. “I don’t know a more dignified and effective workforce than one operating from a position of worth, integrity, and confidence, as well as one that excels in language of appreciation.”

177. “There are three constants in life, change, choice and principles.” -Stephen Covvey

178. “The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 per cent.”

179. “Keep a good attitude and do the right thing even when it’s hard.” -Joel Osteen.

180. “You do the right thing even if it makes you feel bad.” -Tracy Kidder.

What one thinks is right is not always the same as what others think is right. It is important not to forget that no one can be always right. Just do you.

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