200 Most Romantic Heartwarming Good Night for Lovers Messages (2022)

Welcome to the perfect page that helps you spice your love life. On this page, we have gathered the best and most heart-touching and romantic good night for lovers messages. These messages will make you feel romantic and will help you to fall in love with your lover more each day.

When you notice or sense that your significant one has had a long and stressful day, the only thing that helps them feel at peace, joyful, and rejuvenated is to receive a sweet and loving good night message from you.

Even though the days can be busy, lonely, and stressful, good night for lovers messages can lift your loved one’s spirits. Thank them for their hard work, and make them feel loved and appreciated.

If you want to say goodnight to someone you love, we offer you a list of the most romantic goodnight for lovers messages.

Heart-Melting Good Night Messages for Her

What can I text a girl to make her smile at night? There is nothing more difficult than being away from the woman you love at night. Perhaps you are on an extended business trip, or just away for the weekend.

To show her how much you miss her and want to be with her, we have compiled the best, sweetest, heart-melting good night messages for her to ensure that she is thinking about you as she lays down to sleep.

1. May the angels protect you my queen as you fall asleep. Good night, sweetheart.

2. You mean the world to me sweetheart. Good night my beautiful lady, Sweet dreams.

3. Every night when I think of you, it reminds me how lucky I’m to have you. Good night, my love.

4. If I could list all the things I am grateful for today, you will be at the very top. Have a good night, my precious.

5. Let my love be the one to warm your heart tonight. Sleep well, baby.

6. No matter how dark the night is, the moon of my life will always be shining with the light of a million stars. Good night my love!

7. We may be far away from each other but our souls are always connected with love, darling. Have a good night.

8. My love for you has no end, no boundary. It’s a blessing to have you. Good night, my dear.

9. I think of you every day and every night because you are the one for me. I love you so much! Good Night.

10. Good night my love! I wish to be with you even in my dreams. Because you make them colorful for me!

11. I’m not afraid of turning my lights off as long as you keep coming back in my dreams every night. Goodnight dear!

12. I’m so in love with you that I don’t know anymore when my nights end and when my days begin. Good night sweet dreams my love!

13. My heart misses you too much right now, so please go to sleep early and meet me in my dreams! Sweet dreams I love you!

14. A beautiful night like this should be spent with a beautiful person. I’m happy because I have you. Good night my love!

15. To the sweetest girl in the world who is lying in bed and reading this message: I hope that this good night message will make her smile. Good night my love!

16. Before you go to sleep, know that there’s someone who’s crazily in love with you. Good night, sweetheart.

17. I’m so thankful to you that you choose me and love me unconditionally. Good night, love.

18. You’re the only thing I think about before I fall asleep and when I wake up. Sweet dreams, honey.

19. As I could not be there with you tonight, I asked God to watch over you. So go to sleep without worries! Good night my love!

20. Good night dear. I want you to know that I am praying that you may wake up tomorrow with no sorrow.

21. I wish I were the pillow underneath your head or the blanket that warms your bed. I wish I were everything that you need at night!

22. When I wish you good night it means I am thinking of you right before I go to sleep and I want you to be in my dreams tonight!

23. When I wish you good night it means I am thinking of you right before I go to sleep and I want you to be in my dreams tonight!

24. Missing you more than I can express, thinking of you more than you know. Sleep well!

25. May you sleep peacefully, leaving all tensions behind, my love. Good night and sleep well.

26. You looked so beautiful tonight and I will always cherish the meaningful conversations we had over dinner. I adore you. Sleep well princess.

27. I can’t bear to be far from you anymore. I miss you tons and I can’t wait to be with you again. Good night, baby! Sending plenty of hugs and kisses.

28. Good night, sweetheart, I hope you’ll sleep well. I can’t wait to see your cute face in the morning!

29. There are no words to describe how much I love you. Today was the best day of my life and I can’t wait for more amazing moments with you. Good night, my dear!

30. I long for the night we can fall asleep in each other’s arms under the stars. I hope you think of me as much as I think of you. Sweet dreams, gorgeous.

31. Good luck with your presentation tomorrow! You got this… you are beautiful. strong, and intelligent. Have a good night’s rest!

32. Hotel rooms feel empty without you. I miss your incredible energy which can light up even the most boring conferences. Good night, darling! Love you.

33. I miss sleeping next to you and waking up to your beautiful face. I’m counting the days until I can fall back into your arms. Good night my love!

34. Our date night tonight was unforgettable. I hope you’ll have a good night’s slumber and I can’t wait to see you again. Lovely dreams, dear.

35. Sweet dreams to the most beautiful woman in the world. I can’t help but wonder how lucky I am to have you in my life.

36. Nothing in this world can overshadow how much I love you… Good night, my lady.

37. No matter how stressful my day was, I’ll always think of you the moment I go to bed. I want to spend the rest of my life next to you. Have a good rest, angel.

38. Queen of my heart, you are the first thing that I think about in the morning and the last thing that crosses my mind in the evening. You make me feel so special and lucky, more than you can imagine. I hope you’ll dream of us tonight!

39. Before you close your eyes tonight, remember that I care and cherish you like no other. Good night, beautiful.

40. You need to know how grateful I am to have you as my girl. I love you. Have wonderful dreams!

41. Your smile has taken over me. Believe me when I say that you are the love of my life. Sweet dreams, dear.

42. Thinking of you and our sweet memories never fail to relax my mind, body, and soul. Good night, my catharsis.

43. I sleep every night wishing that you will soon be in my reality. Sending you my warm goodnight wishes.

44. Being far from you can’t stop me from loving you and sending you virtual hugs. My pillows and I miss you. Good night, my treasure.

45. Sometimes, I wish that I could be on the moon and watch your graceful sleeping face every night. Have a wonderful night.

46. Good night, my queen. I hope today was as lovely as you are and I hope you will wake up tomorrow morning feeling as special as you made me feel. I love you.

47. On this peaceful night, I’m thinking about how people used to look at stars to guide their paths. I am fortunate as I don’t need to do that… I have you. Goodnight my love.

48. Although we are not physically together, I hope to see you in my dreams so I can hold you tight there.

49. As of this moment, I am laying on my bed wishing I could feel your skin and your lips on mine. Good night, sweetheart. I will be dreaming of you tonight.

50. Trying to sleep without you is pure torture. I can’t fall as
leep for hours. I can’t wait for you to come back. Good night, love!

Hot Good Night Messages for Girlfriend

Good-quality couples kiss themselves on the cheek each evening, say “good night” and fall asleep reflecting on the next day’s challenges. This practice may indeed be acceptable, but you can take full advantage of it if you can pick from this list of good night for lovers and send it to that special one even after kissing her goodnight.

How do you say good night in romantic? How do I wish my girlfriend good night? You can wish your woman a good night send-off message shows how much you care for her. Here are a few examples of Hot good night messages for girlfriend, but consider your own.

51. May God bless and keep you until morning when I get to gaze into those beautiful eyes once more.

52. Every morning I see you after a night separated, you can sense how much I’ve missed you in my eyes. so, for now, the only thing we can do is meet in our dreams. Good night, see you soon.

53. Hey, I know it’s late, and we should probably be heading to bed soon. But before that, I just want to say how much I love you, and how much I miss you. Damn, wish you were here right now. Can’t wait for the night to go away so I can see you tomorrow. Good night.

54. Loving you is what keeps me going and I will always love you. Good night baby.

55. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? No? Well, as you sleep tonight I’ll be sending subliminal messages about tomorrow night’s activities.

56. Everyone else in the world sees how beautiful you are on the outside, but only I know what a tiger you are inside.

57. Here’s a good night message to put a smile on your face, have a lovely night’s rest thinking of me. Good night babe.

58. Whether awake and taking care of business, or sleeping next to me like the angel you are, I can’t believe you’re mine.

59. Let’s meet in the dream world, where I can’t tell you how much you mean to me.

60. I hope you have sweet dreams, my love because you create sweet dreams for me simply by being you.

61. Roses are red, violets float above; let my love for you breath sound sleep upon you. Goodnight.

62. Warm breezes gently blowing, I think of you on a beach. Your beautiful face is glowing, come to bed and relax — within reach.

63. Before we go to bed tonight, imagine the most passionate night ever. I’ll meet you there, baby.

64. If I only could have one wish for tonight. It would be to enter your dreams and see if you’re dreaming about us. Because I certainly am. Good night.

65. Even though the time I spend away from you seems like a nightmare, the dreams I have of you throughout the night, are the sweetest a person can have. Good night. I love you.

66. When you’re sleeping tonight, you’ll look so sweet and angelic because that is how you are.

67. It seems like we run, run, run all day long. As we drift off to sleep tonight, let’s think about us, us, us.

68. Just thinking about you, turns all incoming nightmares into the sweetest dreams. Good night!

69. Good night, my love. Have sweet dreams about us growing old together

70. Somehow you manage to do it all, but when you sleep tonight, realize that I appreciate your dedication and hard work, honey.

71. I won’t lie, I’ve missed you already. I know it hasn’t been long. But as every century with you seems like a second, every second away from you seems like a century. So let this night ends fast so I can see you again. Good night, I love you.

72. Wishing the sweetest dream to the sweetest girl. Good night Mi Amor.

73. I can’t wait to slide into bed with you and have your hair laying across my shoulder. That’s heaven to me.

74. Although we’re not, think of us together tonight. Imagine by your side. Sweet dreams, baby.

75. I wish you a sweet night’s sleep, sweet girl of mine. Dream of the perfect man for you — that would be ME!

Romantic Good Night Messages for Him

If the night becomes still and there is nothing left but your thoughts, tell your boyfriend, husband, or guy crush exactly how you feel, with a well written Romantic good night messages for him

A poet may not be included in all couples’ wooing ceremonies, but that does not mean you cannot have some help in the words department. What’s a sweet goodnight message? How do you say good night in romance? Here are some Romantic good night messages for him.

76. While the moon is shining in the sky, you are the brightest star of my night.

77. Sleep tight and good night as I wish you the best of dreams with all of my might.

78. I can feel you whisper in my ear as I drift off and I hope you can feel my love as you sleep tonight.

79. Goodnight my love, for you may be away from me now, but you will be in my heart forever.

80. I know I will have sweet dreams tonight, my only nightmares are when you are away from me.

81. Goodnight to my knight of light, the one who keeps my nightmares far away.

82. Sweet dreams to a special person, I wish you were here holding me tight.

83. I love you more than anyone or anything in the entire world and I wish you sweet dreams.

84. You are the reason I fall asleep with a smile on my face. As you drift off tonight, may you smile thinking of me too.

85. Sleep well and I hope that I’ll be the first thing on your mind when you wake up.

86. Instead of drowning us both in pillow talk, I just want to say thanks for being there for my worst and turning things around. Ι Love you.

87. A perfect world is one where you are the last thing I see each night and the first thing I notice each morning.

88. You may be away in your own little space but sleeping with the selfie we took this day is a fine second place.

89. Separation from you this night brings sorrow, being in your hugs will dispel it tomorrow.

90. It may be a bare new moon but I know our love is brighter than any celestial object.

91. While the stars in Night’s tapestry are scintillating, the way you make me feel resonates so much more deeply.

92. Every night there is a battle in my mind between dreaming I’m with you and nightmares where I lose you. I miss you.

93. I tried to count the stars to help me sleep this night, but all of their lights seem dim without your own star’s light.

94. While everyone else hears nothing this night, the loud beat from this heart you excite will be my lullaby.

95. Mornings may be easy when I know you’ll be around, but nights are harder when your presence can’t be found.

96. You are the reason I wake up in the morning so may we both drift off peacefully only to awaken to each other again for another day and another part of our forever.

97. Let’s rest well so that we can enjoy the next day in each other’s company with all the energy in the world – the world will need it to survive us.

98. Why say good night when we both know the good times come when we get to see each other?

99. Every night is like going out for Chinese. I’m left with a sour taste from leaving you, but it changes to sweet once you show up in my dreams.

100. I want to be the cool night breeze that gives you goosebumps as you sleep. Good night my king.

Lovey-dovey Good Night for Lover

You can be a little affectionate before you go to bed, and sending him or her a Good night for lover message is a nice way to show them you’re thinking about them.

How do you wish a good night to your lover? If you’re feeling lonely for your partner, they’re likely feeling lonely too. Send one of this Lovey-dovey Good night for lover as you go t
o sleep so that you can dream of one another.

101. Finally, the night has come and it is the time when I’m lying on the bed and missing you and just praying for your sweet dreams. Good night my queen.

102. I send you thousands of kisses from here to there. good night my queen. You mean everything to me.

103. You are my queen, inestimable Jewel, priceless princess, and my one and only. Have an uninterrupted Good night’s rest my queen.

104. I’m happy and excited because my day now starts and ends with a message from a special and handsome man like You. Good night my prince charming, I love you.

105. Tonight the moon will continue to witness how much we love each other, although we do not sleep together we are always eternally united, Good night baby!

106. Too bad we could not see each other today. Although I would like to see you in my dreams tonight. Have a lovely good night my heartbeat.

107. I was expecting a huge hug from you, but I realize that you are not here with me, I can’t stay away from you because I miss you a lot. Good night.

108. I am glad am not your blanket in which you snuggle, nor your sheets on which you wriggle but the guy with whom, you can do all those things together and cuddle. Good night my queen.

109. In sleep, we must be apart, my love, but rest assured for I will dream of you till we meet again. Good night my king. Wishing you a sweet night with peaceful sleep and tender dreams.

110. A beautiful good night quote for a beautiful woman and I wish your night been lovely and your dreams beautiful. Good night treasure.

111. I wish I was near you. I would sing a sweet good night song for you every night before you go to sleep. Good night my king.

112. I have never felt this way, all that’s running through my mind is kissing you. Such is the pleasurable influence of our love on me, that all I do is miss you dearly. Good night my king.

113. What are the best words that I can use to say goodnight to you my heart desire? Hmmm, I will say love you are my honey, and have a beautiful night rest. cheers and Sweet Dreams.

114. Every time the sun sets and the moon rises, with the moon my love for you grows stronger as well. Have a good night my king.

115. I am waiting in trepidation for the hours to fly by, because I know I am going to see you soon. Missing you is like I’m missing a larger piece of my heart. You deserve the best and more. Good night my king.

116. I pray that this good night text message wraps you in a hug so tight you’ll feel cocooned in my love till the morning. Pleasant dreams, good night honey!

117. I hope that tonight you are in my dreams and that I am in yours, to keep loving each other so much. I love you, may you rest. Good night honey!

118. You look so innocent when you sleep. Every time I see you sleeping, I fall in love with you. Good night honey. Wish you a tight sleep!

119. I know that it is tough for you to fall asleep without me, let me be the biggest nuisance in your life. Soon we will never be apart, sweet dreams. Good night honey!

120. With you is where I belong, every day and every night I cannot get you off my mind because you’ve captured my heart like no other person. Good night honey.

121. We will be forever together and never really apart. Though you’re far away, you’re right here in my heart. Love you, my sweetheart! Good Night Honey!

122. How I wish we could just spend the night together. But unfortunately, we cannot. You are the one man I always dream of at night and wake up to see early first thing in the morning. Good night honey!

123. Some people will come in and go out of our life but real and true friends will always and forever stay with us and you’re more than a true friend to me. Good night honey I love you.

124. Technically I am asleep but in reality, all I am doing is thinking about you, sweetheart I want you to sleep like the princess you are. Good night honey.

125. The most beautiful thing I have after finishing my workdays is to be able to rest in your arms and spend wonderful nights, Good night honey-sweet dreams, my princess!

Sweet Good Night Messages for Her Long-distance

Whatever may be your feelings – whether you’re in a long-distance relationship with her or if she’s just your crush sending her good night messages always makes sense.

What is the best love message? Sending good night for lover messages at bedtime to your girl lets her know you are thinking of her before you go to sleep and contribute to the growth of your relationship.

The list of Sweet good night messages for her long-distance we have compiled is comprehensive, but you still need to decide what kind of message you want to send your girlfriend, one that she will cherish and appreciate.

126. Every day before sleeping I think of ways to make you smile the next day. Your smile makes my days and nights perfect. I’ve got you and only you in my heart.

127. You mean the world to me and I can’t wait to see you again.

128. I miss you with every passing second. I miss the way everything feels alright with you. Have a pleasant dream.

129. You are always on my mind, even when it is preoccupied. It only goes to show how much I want you here with me.

130. Even after spending the entire day with you, I just can’t seem to get enough of you. See you in my dreams

131. You have successfully stolen my heart and I just want to tell you to keep it with care.

132. Hey. I know it’s late, but I can’t stop thinking of you. I hope that you have an amazing night.

133. Hold your phone tightly because this text message is a hug in disguise. Good night.

134. I wish I could have you in my arms and fall asleep staring at your face. Sleep tight honey.

135. I have no idea what you are doing to me but I will say keep it up. See you in the morning

136. Every day you give me more reasons to fall in love with you, Looking forward to another reason tomorrow.

137. I can promise to dream of you every night, as it’s really easy to sleep with you always on my mind.

138. All snuggled up in bed with my cat. There’s still plenty of room for you though. Just saying!

139. My bed is so comfy tonight. I wish you were here so I could hold you. Now that would be even comfier. Have a sweet night’s rest babe.

140. This text message is an official invitation for you to join me in my dreams.

141. Are you going to think about me before you fall asleep tonight? I hope so because I will be thinking of you. Good night Desire.

142. Sleep well tonight because tomorrow will be another love-filled day for us. Good night!

143. I’d give anything to be able to fall asleep next to you right now, but I will wish you a blessed night all the same.

144. Makes sure you look breathtaking as you sleep tonight cause, I will be waiting for you in your dream. Sleep well Sugar.

145. I am so happy to be with you. I wish I didn’t have to sleep so we could keep talking. But you need your beauty sleep. Good night Princess.

146. As you go to sleep tonight, forget counting sheep. Count the ways I love you.

147. You’ll be the last thing I think of before I fall asleep and the first thing I think of when I wake up.

148. I love you like roses love rain, like walking together down memory lane. Sleep tight, my love.

149. I wish that all of our dreams about you and me come true. Good night, sweetheart.

150. Hurry to sleep, and you’ll find me… because I will dream of your kisses and soft caresses.

Good Night Wishes for Lover

There is nothing better than spending your night letting all your worries and problems go. Good night for lover messages is a good way of wishing peace and happiness to your loved ones. They’re a good way to end the day on a positive note, no matter what the circumstances.

How do yo
u specially say good night? What is the sweetest thing to say to your wife? Just send romantic Good night wishes for lover to your sweetheart for a healthy relationship. Make some memorable romantic moments with romantic love messages for your partner.

151. When the night breeze blows my hair, I imagine they’re your kisses. I am missing you this much. Goodnight!

152. Do not fear the blanket at night, I will still be by your side like the morning’s rising light. Goodnight!

153. Goodnight, sweet angel, I hope you have a splendid night that’s meant for a queen like you.

154. In sleep, we must be apart, my love, but be rest assured I will dream of you till we meet again. Goodnight, darling.

155. Can’t wait to be in your arms again. Good Night my love.

156. I want to be the cool night breeze that gives you goosebumps as you sleep. Good night girl.

157. As long as they are about me and you, I wish that all your dreams come true. Good night.

158. Thinking about you is the tipping point where my nightmares end and sweet dreams begin. I love you.

159. Finally, the night has come and it is the time when I’m lying on the bed and missing you and just praying for your sweet dreams. Good Night.

160. I don’t care about nightmares because thinking about you makes my dream sweet. Good Night Baby!

161. One day I wish my dream would come true, And I’d wake up next to you. Till then Good Night!

162. I know that every nightmare is free from my mind when I go to bed at night. The thought of you can bring me nothing but heavenly dreams.

163. Just checking in to say Hi, hoping that you had a fruitful day and wishing for a very comfortable night’s sleep ahead, goodnight.

164. There is no distance that I might not go tonight just to be with you and to wish you a very warm night rest.

165. The sweetest kiss and coziest hug, the cutest cuddle, and warmest snuggle. Good night, I love you.

166. Looking at the moon always makes me smile because seeing the moon, I think of you. Good Night Baby!

167. My loneliness gets a divine light when I just see your face. Good Night!

168. I was pessimistic before I met you, you taught me how to love things. Thank you for being in my life. Good Night.

169. Your thought fills my heart during the day and it soothes my body for the night. Goodnight.

170. Did you know there are 86400 seconds in a day? I have missed you for every one of those. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

171. Just like how the sun rises no matter what, I too can’t stay away from you because I miss you a lot. Good night my love.

172. I Googled… What are the best words I can use in a good night message for my girlfriend? Google replied… Ask your heart.

173. I hope the night brings sweet and pleasant dreams for you baby. Goodnight.

174. Sweetheart, I wish we could be together, but until our next meeting, I send you loving thoughts for a peaceful night’s sleep.

175. As you lay your head on your pillow, may my love cover you like a blanket. Good night, my love!

Good Night Honey I Love You

As it is nighttime, you should make sure your lover knows how much they mean to you before they go to bed. It would make their nights better if you sent Good night for lover message from your heart before he or she closed his or her eyes to sleep, telling them that you love them and saying “good night.”

What’s the best goodnight text? You are welcome to send the following Good night honey I love you messages to your loved one. Make sure you show it to every member of your family and friends. I can assure you that this will work! Thank me later.

176. I love you tonight and every other night. Thanks for always making me smile. Goodnight, babe.

177. You’re more special to me than you can imagine. You’re my best. Have an awesome night!

178. Honey, I want to let you know I love and appreciate your presence in my life. Have a great night dear.

179. You’re right by my side and still, I’ll love to send you a good night message. I love you always.

180. One thing you should never forget is that I love you and I always will. Goodnight my angel.

181. You have stuck closer to my heart than anyone else, and I love you for that. Good night beautiful!

182. I love you more than you know. Maybe more than you will ever know. Have an awesome sleep tonight.

183. You’re sweeter than honey my honey bunny. I love you big. Have a lovely night.

184. You’re always beautiful my Queen. And that’s why I will always love you. Good night Sleeping Beauty.

185. My Best, I’m checking on you and wishing you a beautiful night. Love you big.

186. Tonight and every night. I am going to dream of you only. Love you, deep baby, I love you more every day than I did the day before. You always give me more reasons to love you more. Thanks to my dearest. Good night.

187. Just want to wish you a happy night’s rest, my love. You are the best and you deserve only the best.

188. I’ve not been able to fall asleep and now I know why. It’s because I’ve not told you how much I love you. Have a great night my love!

189. You are the fiber that fills the whole of my heart. You occupy all the space there. Good night sweet.

190. I wish you could be right by my side every morning and night. I miss you. Good night honey, I love you.

191. Make sure you think about me and us before you sleep tonight. I do that all the time! Good night honey, I love you

192. Man of my dreams have a lovely night’s rest. And I’ll be in your dreams tonight and always. I miss your warmth around me.

193. It’s cold in here, I need your warmth, wish you are here. Miss you love

194. I had a very hectic day today and I didn’t see you all through. I dedicate my whole night to you. I’ll see you in my dreams. Love you more.

195. My day isn’t complete until I say “goodnight” to my one and only. Have a great night dearie.

196. If I don’t send a “good night” message to you, I probably would have bad dreams. Smiles. You are my only dream baby.

197. I’m sending you this good night text today that I love you. Kisses!

198. Sweetheart, I miss you so much that I can’t explain how much. The night should pass quickly so I would see your beautiful face tomorrow!

199. I‘m holding my pillow so tightly right now and I do wish it was you. Goodnight my only. Miss your handsome face.

Everyone wants to build a sweet union and one of the ways to achieve this is by sending from this list of good night for lover messages to the love of your life. We urge you to put these messages to test and thank us for it later. Kindly do well do like, share, and most importantly leave a comment.

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