200+ Valentine’s Love Messages From The Heart (2022)

Sweet valentine’s love messages help you to express the deep-seated affection in your heart to the people you love and care about. Valentine’s Day is a special day to show love and to express how you feel towards your lovers and your friends, telling them how their love has added colors and flavor to your life.

Valentine’s Day is the perfect day to take a break and spend time with your spouse although this shouldn’t be limited to Valentine’s Day alone, and it is also a good time to bring out the writer in you and to compose a romantic SMS for boyfriend or girlfriend, either they are with you or they are a thousand miles away. Even if your partner is not there with you, you can still write to him or her “I wish you were here quotes” to express your love and desires for them, remember distance should not be a barrier to love.

Maybe you are planning to go out to somewhere serene with your spouse or to drop a present at the doorstep to surprise him or her, adding valentine’s love messages to show how you feel will further interpret your emotions. You may decide to write it as a wish or scribble it on a card.

Don’t kick yourself too hard if you are faced with articulating the right word to express your heart, it happens. Now, finding the right valentine’s love messages cannot be hard or difficult since we have compiled on this post wishes and quotes that can be sent as romantic and lovely SMS to your boyfriend or girlfriend, someone special and soul mate.

Valentine’s Love Messages For Boyfriend

Valentine’s love messages avail you an opportunity to express your deepest and intense feelings to your beloved. Sending a message or a wish to your boyfriend early in the morning for him to wake up to will not only make the day special for him but it will also prepare his heart to look forward to seeing you. This will show him how much he means to you.

If you are thinking of writing a lovely morning text, take a look at these valentine’s love messages for boyfriends and make your beloved heart race for your love.

1. You crept into my heart quietly and stole my heart away, you change my life forever. You are everything I have ever wanted in a soulmate and lover. I am so glad we met, and we bonded so fast. My life is incomplete without you my lover. Happy valentine.

2. Though I felt badly hurt and I thought the world has ended for me when I suffered several heartaches and heartbreaks, but now I know better and I am grateful for every one of those relationships that didn’t work. It gave me the opportunity to meet you, they were all blessings in disguise. I am grateful for all the orchestration of life that made our paths crossed. You were worth waiting for.

3. Right from the start I knew we were meant for each other and destined to be together forever. I am ready to be beside you as your partner forever and your best friend. I love you so much, I can’t wait to see you today. I want to spend the whole day with you. Happy Val, Sweetheart.

4. I know it might sound crazy to say, but I don’t know what I would do without you. You make me feel special and you are very dear to my heart. I am always in need of your love and your touch. Happy valentine my boyfriend.

5. Sweetheart, every time I look at you it feels like the first time we met, my heart always melts and my joy always knows no bounds. I love the way you look at me, it takes me to my cloud 9, I strongly believe we were destined to be and this is not a mere coincidence. So, I count myself lucky to be the right woman you desired.

6. It is sweet to be with you, nothing can be compared with it and no word is enough to quantify this feeling. You are my true soul mate, we were entwined together from heaven. I love you with all of my heart and soul. You are my valentine.

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7. I can’t wait to be yours finally, it is killing not to have you all to myself throughout the night, it feels as though a part of my heart is ripped away and my heart stops pumping blood whenever I drop the call and say goodbye. I can’t wait to see you tonight and hold you tight. I love you my sunshine. Happy valentine.

8. I drop everything at the thought of you because nothing really matters like you. Only you make me feel complete, you have the password to my heart and I am not ready to change the password I am yours forever.

9. You are all shades of newness. There is always something new to discover and to learn about you. You are my adventure and I can never get tired of you. It is incredible to me how one person “you” is responsible for making me laugh and smile all the time.

10. Every time I look into your eyes I see another reason to love you more. Home is where you are, you are my hope and solace. I didn’t fall in love with you by mistake you are my choice. I love you wholeheartedly and it grows deeper every day, every hour, every minute and every second.

11. I love you more today than yesterday and I will love you much more tomorrow. Our love only grows bigger as each day passes. I have no regrets about what didn’t work out in the past, you are my reward and prize.

12. Getting angry at you is getting angry at myself, sometimes I wonder why I can’t stay mad at you for a second then I found out that our heart is already knitted together and our heart now beats as one. Hurting you is hurting myself. I am madly in love with you. Happy Valentine’s Day sweetheart.

13. I thank God who gave me sight to identify a gold when I saw one, though it was not packaged like one. What would have become of me if I had let you pass me by? I am happy we found each other when we did. You are a rare gem with inestimable value. Cheers to our love. It is forever to go.

14. Though I am not happy that you went through pains and suffered heartbreak. However, I am happy I gained what she lost and placed carelessly. I am very elated that I have become a balm to the heart she broke and it is fully mended. I am glad I am now the recipient of your deep-seated affection. Happy valentine to my man.

15. I have been down this road many times and it has been full of accidents, heartbreaks and lost love but I am not afraid of walking down this path again because I am traveling with you, my sweetheart. I will cross the ocean for you. I love you.

16. If I am to count my blessings I will count you a million times until I get tired of counting or lose sight of the figure. What I don’t have does not really matter, I am grateful and full of appreciation because I have you in my life. I am a blessed woman.

17. I feel like crossing the ocean to meet you, I wish you were here with me tonight. Though we are miles apart I still love you the same. I will hold your picture in my hand and pull it close to my heart until I can feel your presence. Come back soon, there is no valentine without you.

18. You might not be the perfect man on earth but I promise to love you with all your imperfections and shortcomings, I will stand by you through your ups and downs and I will wait for you even when you are not around. I love you so much.

19. My parents had always warned me against addictions and it’s attendant consequences since at a young age, but I can not help but get addicted to you. You are my addiction and I don’t want a rehabilitation.

20. Today is a special day because I have a special person to celebrate it with, you complete my heart and make me blush. You are one of the best things that have ever happened to me. Be my valentine forever and always.

Valentine’s Messages For Girlfriend

Valentine’s love messages help you to make your woman feel the same way you made her feel while you were wooing her, winks. The flowers, the gifts, and the romantic and lovely SMS must never go out of trend, she loves to be appreciated and complimented over and over again. With valentine’s messages for girlfriend, you can tell her how much you love her, and how beautiful she has become as the year passes.

21. I have always wondered why people do give the credit of a beautiful home and a nice interior decoration of the home to the woman, I thought it was over-hyped and it was all
flattering until you came into my life and changed my world. You added colors, beauty, and style to it. You gave my life your lovely touch and make it more meaningful and beautiful. You are the best.

22. Just like yesterday, you walked into my life as a total stranger. I would have bet with my life if someone has told me you will be the one to make the difference, you enter my life out of nowhere and unexpectedly you became a solace to me. I found love in the strangest place and now you mean the world to me.

23. I always remember the day we met, how I felt when I first set my eyes on you, it was as though my heart was set ablaze I couldn’t help burning with love and passions for you. We are lovers now and I still feel the same way about you. I love you, beautiful one.

24. I know sometimes things get busy and we don’t end up having the whole day to ourselves or sometimes it is an impromptu that needs to be attended to urgently but I want you to know this, that no matter what comes up nothing can come between our love and how I feel about you. You are my number one.

25. Growing up I had always learned to live with someone or find someone who could live with you but when I met you I found out that there is something greater than all of those. I met someone I couldn’t live without. You fill my heart with passion. I am crazy about you, my adorable.

26. No matter how stressful and disappointing a day could be, I always have a firm assurance that it will end up lively and beautiful because you are always there waiting for me at the end of the day. You are my game changer, you are simply the best. I love you.

27. You have been with me through thick and thin, always there to help me stand tall in the face of life issues and challenges. You have taken all the space in my heart and you have become my everything. You are my guardian angel sent by God.

28. Every single day is better with you by my side, you are an answer to my silent prayers and groanings. Life with you is far better than when I was alone, I can’t imagine living life all by myself again. I love you dearly.

29. If I was asked to make a wish, I would wish that we never grow old and have a longer life. Every day is different and special because you are in my life, I wake up with hope and joy every day because you are by my side fighting life battles with me. We are an indefatigable team and I am grateful for all you do for us. Happy Valentine.

30. I am tongue-tied and shorts of word to describe you, my baby, you are the reason for my joy and my peace. Thanks for always offering me your shoulder to lean on and allowing me to make mistakes without pushing me away. I am getting better by the day. I love you.

31. I thank God for the word called “love” because if not for that word I would have gone insane not knowing what is happening to me. Love happened to me when I met you. The word “love” sums up the feelings of my heart for you.

32. You are my guiding light, you are the light that shined and showed me the path when I was in gross darkness. You are the compelling force behind my resounding success and a major breakthrough. I could not have come this far without you. I love you dearly, my woman.

33. Sometimes, I lost track of dates and become unaware of seasons, because you are amazing each day and every day just feel perfect with you. I am engrossed in your love and kindness. Thanks for making my life different and perfect.

34. I know I might not be the best man in the world and I may not have the best of things, but I promise to love you the best way I can and give you the best of everything. You have shown me that love is the greatest possession anyone could have and I want to live the rest of my life loving you alone. Happy valentine.

35. Nothing can come between us, I will stand right by you both in plenty and in little. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Though we do fight and argue sometimes, it doesn’t change how I feel about you. I belong to you.

36. The most precious days of my life are the days I get to spend with you, people around me think I am insane because I laugh and talk to myself whenever I recall the memories we created together and maybe those people are correct because you are driving me crazy and I don’t intend to get cured of it. I love you, my darling.

37. You are proof that true love still exists and also that love is the greatest of all things. Sometimes, I wonder how I found happiness, love, and friendship in just one person. You are many things to me and I will show you how much I love you in many ways.

38. I have always been of the opinion that nothing is worth fighting for if it goes another will surely replace it, but when I met you and fell in love with you, I began to see reasons to fight for our love to make it work. You gave me life navigation and gave me a cause to live for. You are my wonder woman.

39. You are the one for me, your love has made me great where would I be without you, my heart belongs to you and nobody can be like you, nobody can do the things you do. I will forever be loving you. It’s a lifetime deal and I am not going to be tired.

40. I was always warned not to trust people because they can backstab you at any point, but when I met you I threw all the caution to dust and I gave out my heart with no fears of betrayal. That is how much I am in love with you. Be my valentine.

Valentine Messages For Husband

February which is the second month of the year is widely known as a month of love because of valentine’s day. Some couples will even go on a tour or go on a date to celebrate love and have fun with each other. Don’t let your husband feel left out in this season, though he is aware that you love him you can still tell him how much you appreciate his sacrifices and selflessness.

Be creative with the Valentine’s love messages, you could send him a funny valentine’s day message to make him laugh and ease out his stress and you can also send a lovely romantic quote that will make his heart beat faster than usual. However, if you can’t find the exact word to write to spice up the day, you can pick from these valentine messages for husband.

41. I am super blessed to have a supportive and caring husband, my life has never been this beautiful. All my days are filled with warmth and wonders of your touch. You make marriage easy and super interesting. I will choose you over a million people. I love you.

42. I still can’t explain how you become a p
ivotal part of my life, all I can say is God loves me so much and He blessed me with a great man. You are my blessing from the Lord. Thanks for all you do. You make it feel like we just got married yesterday, I love you forever.

43. Before I met you, I never see any reason to hold on to something for a long period or say I love you to just one person always, I know better now and I won’t mind saying I love you and thank you to you every single hour. You are my game changer.

44. Everything you do means a lot to me, it doesn’t matter if it is great or small. All that matters is you are the one who is doing these things for me. I can never get tired of you, thanks for being there for me and the kids. I love you, sweetheart.

45. I can’t control my smile when I think of you because I always come to the awareness of how blessed and favored I am, you are a wonderful man and I love you with the whole of my being. Happy Valentine’s Day.

46. I never knew heaven was noting and hearing all my silent desires and prayers. You are everything I wanted in a man, you beat my imagination and desire. I would have been a fool to have let you go away. Cheers to our love.

47. You have never waited for a special occasion to make me feel special and tell me how special I am to you. On this special day, I want to thank you for all your labor over me and the support you always give me regardless of the situation. Thank you for being my number one fan. I love you so much.

48. Happy Valentine ‘s Day to the sailor of my ship, and the captain of my heart. Every day is worth living with you. I look forward to growing old with you, I can’t think of anyone else. You have captured my heart with your love.

49. It’s another valentine again, I can count how many Valentine ‘s Day we have spent together, yet my heart keeps skipping as the day was approaching. I am super elated again this year. You make every year different and special, making me feel like the only one in the world.

50. You are the definition of true love, your sacrifices and care are not quantifiable. You allowed me to be myself and you never judged me by the things that I am not. Thanks for reaching compromises for me. I am very grateful.

51. You are one of the best things that have ever happened to me in life. I feel so blessed to be your woman. I will never get tired of loving you, getting tired of loving you is as good as getting tired of loving myself. You are my world.

52. I am not asking for designers and roses this valentine, I just want you to know how much I love you and crazy about you. You are the greatest gift anyone could ask for, no material things can be compared to your worth. I love you dearly.

53. I always thank God when I wake up in the morning and before I go to bed at night, that you are my husband. Life is fun and easy with you in it. You are my joy and obsession. You make me glow effortlessly.

54. Now, I have come to understand that you don’t need to be in love with a poet to go speechless at his words, all you just need is the right man. I am happy I found you my Mr.Right. You make me blush and go speechless.

55. Your shoulder has been there for me to lean on, your arms were receptive to me in my weakest state. You have seen me in my worst and lowest state but you love and adore me more in this phase of life. Believe me when I say I treasure everything you do for me. You are very important to me, life would have been hell without you. I love you.

56. I want to say thank you for everything. Thank you for believing in me and my dreams, thank you for making me your queen and treating me in such a manner. You are everything I have always wished and prayed for. Happy valentine to you my love.

57. Your big arm is the most welcoming place to be, your heart is as large as a seashore condoling my excesses and flaws, you know the right word to say to ease me of my pain and
bring joy to my face. You know me completely, I am yours forever.

58. Happy Valentine’s Day to my best friend, I think of you every passing day. I can’t seem to get enough of you, your thoughts have consumed my heart. You have made me lost in love and I don’t want to be found. You are my source of happiness.

59. I always thought since there are no perfect people, then the relationship will be full of mess and pains. I thought a beautiful relationship only existed in movies and romance novels until I met you. Sometimes, you make me wonder if I am in love with an angel or a man. You are my perfect man.

60. Sometimes, I wish I could stop the clock from ticking, and stop the day from changing into the night. No matter how much time I spend with you, it still feels like a split second. You are all shades of amazement. I love you.

Valentine Messages For Wife

Are you aware that with these romantic valentine’s love messages you will leave a smile on your wife’s face and make her sing with delight throughout the day? According to Gary Chapman, one of the five love languages is the word of affirmation but aside from being a love language, every woman loves to be admired and acknowledged by their husband.

Have you ever wondered why a woman will want to hear the phrase “I love you” from the husband a million times? Sometimes, she might ask the husband if she loves her. This is not because she is suspecting the husband she just wants reassurance and hear him say those words to her.

No matter what you are buying for her on this day, don’t forget to add cute valentine messages for wife to make her day complete and emphasize how much you love her.

61. Many goodies have been added to my life since you came into my life. My life has been filled with fulfillment and joy and you are the source of my joy. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, sweetheart.

62. We have been through a lot during these years of our marriage, we would have gone our separate ways if you were not committed to making things work. You believed in me and stayed with me when nothing was working out, and so we are here, still together because you made it happen. I don’t know what would have happened to me if you were not my wife. I love you so much.

63. Everything you do makes me love you more. Whenever people ask me about the secret behind my successful marriage, I smile and tell them the secret is my wife. I couldn’t have done it without you. You are the best and I am happy I am the one that found you.

64. My dearest wife, no word can express how I feel about you, if I decide to write my feelings for you in a card, it would have become soggy with my feelings before I finish writing. You make me shed tears of joy, I don’t have any regrets choosing you over other things.

65. I gave you my heart knowing well that I might lose in the process, well I am lost in love with you now, and I feel really good about it. My life can never be the same again. Happy Valentine ‘s Day my wonder woman.

66. From friendship to dating, from courtship to marriage, life has been amazing with you even during the ups and downs of life. Every day with you is better than before, you are magic. I love you every day and always.

67. It seems like I lost the strength to get angry since the day you walked into my life, every time you look at me I always lose strength for holding grudges or any negativity. Your smiles melt on the inside. Happy Valentine, my beautiful wife.

68. I knew the importance of a soulmate when I met you, I understood the meaning of wife when you said yes to me. You have changed me completely into a better version of myself. I could not have come this far without you by my side.

69. You walked into my life, just-just when ought I was done with falling in love and experiencing heartbreak and disappointment. You make up for every disappointment and shame and turned me into a loving advocate. You are simply

70. I love you is the summation of my heart, the word is defeated and there is no perfect word to express how I feel about you, you have added color and brightness to my life. Thanks
for all you do. I love you dearly.

71. I don’t know how long I have left to live, what does it matter? All I care about is every moment that I get to spend with you, every moment I spend with you count and to me, it’s an equivalent of a lifetime. You are all that matters.

72. I can never be sad when I am around you, you know how to make me happy and laugh uncontrollably, there is nothing sweeter than having you in my arms throughout the night and watch you sleep. I love you, sweetheart.

73. You are my answers to prayers, you are my special gift from God. Your counsel has opened many doors for, your body gives me warmth and joy. I am happy I chose my forever with you, babe. I love you come what may.

74. Many years have passed in our marriage but I still feel the same way I felt when I first met you. You are mine forever and always. May our wine never go wane and our spark never go dim. I can’t get tired of you.

75. If I am asked to choose between the ages of the world all by myself or a lifetime with you, I would choose a life with you without thinking twice. What is life without you? You complete me.

76. Sometimes I ask myself if I did something special for God, for Him to have given me a wonderful and priceless gift. You have been a great addition to my life, your resilience is daring. I love all of you.

77. You made me do the things I will not do on a normal day, I can go any length for you. My heart is full of passion for you, I am lucky to be your husband. Happy Valentine’s Day to us.

78. I can’t imagine a day without you, since the day I met you I always thank God for His love and benevolence towards me. I am crazy about you and I am deeply in love with you. You are priced over pearls, sweetheart.

79. No one has a definition for true love, when you see one you will know it, the day I met you I just knew I have found my true love and I found the right one that I want to squander and lavish my love upon. I love you that much.

80. You are the secret to my happiness and success, you are my backbone. Thanks for listening to my lame ideas and breathing on them. Thanks for believing in my dreams and making marriage easy and fun. I love you.

Valentine Messages For Him

This day “February 14” provides a perfect opportunity to celebrate the men in your life. Whether it is your boyfriend or husband, your father or a close relative that is a male. With these valentine’s love messages, you can reach out to them and let them know how special they are in your life. We have compiled a list of amazing valentine messages for him, for your use.

81. No word can express how much you mean to me and how much I value you, you are my inestimable jewel. I am so lucky that you didn’t come with a price tag because I don’t know what would have been my fate. You beat my imagination every time and I am grateful to God that our path crossed. Happy Valentine’s Day.

82. I am a recipient of God’s kindness, love, and benevolence. You know why? He looked upon me and bestowed me with love, joy, and peace coupled with a guardian angel in human form. I doubt you are human sometimes, you are just so cool and amazing. You are one in a million, darling. I love you.

83. I have heard that love and marriage get cold and boring with time, I believed that truth for a long period of time, hence I was not ready to love and get married until I met you, every day with you is better than the day before. It can only be sweeter and better with you. I won’t be wrong to say you are perfect. Happy Valentine’s Day.

84. Life becomes sweeter when we have some people in our lives. You are one of those people. You taught me how to live with people, and now I can’t live without you. I tasted companionship when I met you, there is nothing to be compared to having you in my life. I love you forever.

85. Happy Valentine’s Day to the one who believes in me completely, you love me completely with all my flaws and imperfections. You have never stopped loving me despite my shortcomings and failures. Thanks for always seeing the good in me when others were seeing otherwise. I am lucky to be your woman.

86. I am left in awe of your love and newness. There is always something new to love about you every passing day. Just when I think I have seen the end of your love, you proved me wrong and beat my imagination. You are my superhero.

87. When the music fades, and the night comes I will tell you just one thing “I love you” when my heart is overwhelmed and I am speechless, I will whisper ” I love you” to your ears.
I won’t get tired of telling you how much I love you, and if I eventually find a word that is better than I love you, I will learn it and adopt it. You mean that much to me and I love you so much.

88. My love for you grows deeper and stronger each day. Thank you for watering and tending for our love. I love what we have, nothing can come between us. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, I never knew there is anyone who could love till it hurts aside our parents until I met you and you gave me your heart. I love you, darling.

89. To be your woman was something I have always anticipated since the first time we met, I knew it was happening too fast and maybe the idea was crazy but I was sure of what my heart desired and wanted. I didn’t regret making this decision to be by your side forever. I love you massively.

90. I have no fears facing the world because I know I am not facing it alone, you give me hope in times of trouble, and you give me the strength to fight in the day of battles. You have never allowed me to face the world alone. You are my support and cheerleader. Happy Valentine’s Day to you.

91. I am glad you are my man, I am glad you love me in return, I am glad we are together, I am glad I mean so much to you. Your thoughts alone make my heart leap for joy, your touch sends me to my cloud 9. On this day, I just want to sleep in your arms and inhale your cologne till I am lost in your world. Winks.

92. I don’t have to pretend when I am with you, I can be myself and not be scared of getting judged and crucified. What else could I have asked for? I feel safe and complete when I am with you. Thanks for all you do.

93. I will do anything in the world to be with you, no sacrifice is too much to make for you. Your heart is full of love and warmth, your mouth is filled with positive words that push me to do more, your hand does magic that is unspeakable. I am lucky to be your queen.

94. You fill the space in my life, my soul calls your name and my body longs for your touch. Leaving you is leaving the world because I will be left empty. You are the melody in my heart. I love you more than words can say.

95. Whenever I want to describe to people how wonderful and beautiful life is, I describe us and what we share. You became life to me the day I gave you my heart. You are my world, my inspiration and my source of joy.

96. My life is more than amazing with you in it, I don’t need to apply the cream to my body so that my skin can glow, your love and smile alone do the magic and I glow effortlessly. You have become everything to me. Happy Valentine’s Day.

97. I was afraid I was never going to fall in love again after my last heartbreak, my dear heart was shattered into pieces, you came into my life, picked up the pieces and loved every fragment of it. I love you with everything in me, I have fallen in love a thousand times with you and that is still not enough.

98. What would I do if I was not the woman by your side, you are always there for me before I call to you, you are my sunshine and warmth. Today, I celebrate your heart and your effort, thanks for making me the
happiest woman in the world.

99. You don’t need to go to war before I call you my soldier, you are my soldier always fighting battles for me and the kids. Your love is chaste, sincere and selfless. You love us regardless of the arrows shot at you because of us. You are our superhero and captain.

100. Before I met you, I have always thought love was a fairy-tale that only exists in movies and books. I never knew I could find someone who will love me in a million ways and adore me every single day. I love the way you make me feel. You are the captain of my heart. I love you and happy Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Messages For Her

Are you thinking about the perfect time to express your love to her and the perfect way to achieve it? Well, I have good news for you. The perfect day is on Valentine’s Day and every other day, while the perfect way is to pour your love into words.

You can also regard those words as these valentine’s love messages. No matter what your plan is for valentine, don’t forget to add a major ingredient “words” it could be in the form of a note, wishes or quotes. Hence, these Valentine’s messages for her are designed for your use and ease.

101. You are beautiful, amazing and special. You make me look forward to each new day that we are to spend together. You are constantly on my mind and there is no moment that I don’t think about you and how much you mean to me. I love you.

102. You are the special woman in my life, you hold the key to my life and I hope you know that you are the perfect match for me and I would not have been complete if you were not a part of it. Happy Valentine’s Day.

103. I love you on this special day and every other day. My life has been filled with joy, laughter, and goodness since you came into it. You are the reason I have come this far. I am happy you are a part of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day.

104. My entire life changed the day you walked into it, you taught me new things and open me up to a new phase of life. You added flavor and brightness to my life, you made me do things that I never thought matters. You gave my life a new course. I cherish you greatly.

105. I know I’m not the perfect man on earth, I am very far from it, yet you love me perfectly with my imperfections and flaws. You refurbished me and sees the best in me. I am grateful.

106. You are the only flower in my garden. The flower that will forever bloom in my heart. I pray I will have the right words to explain how important you are to me, my life would be empty and nothing without you to share it with. You are my soul mate.

107. I can only hope to make today special for you as special you make me feel. My love for you is deep and endless, you are the music in me and the melody of my heart. I am grateful our paths crossed.

108. I love you in the night and in the day, I love you in the summer and in the winter, I love you in thick and thin, I love you in plenty and in lack, I love you 365days in a year. I want to spend the whole of my life loving you and expressing it.

109. A perfect woman like you should be appreciated every day of the week. You are my source of strength, hope, and courage. You add a touch of excellence to everything you come in contact with including I. You are my lucky charm.

110. You are all shades of amazing, there is nothing as sweet as you, not even the chocolates, I can’t wait to have you in my arms tonight, to look into your cute eyes and tell you how much I love you and how much you mean to me.

111. I love the look on your face when you are in my arms, I know it makes you feel safe and I want to make you feel that way every time. I promise to live the rest of my days on earth loving you and to cherish you. You are my wonder woman.

112. When you are beside me I become a poet and a prolific writer by default, I don’t need to go somewhere serene to find expression. You are my expression and inspiration. I love you, sweetheart.

113. They say you will never know someone true color until you marry them, you beat them to their lies, you have not changed since we have gotten married, you have only gotten better and I am very pleased with your evolvement. I love you, baby.

114. I thought Valentine’s Day was overrated before I met you, to me, it was just a mere celebration, but today I know better. It is one of those opportunities to show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me.

115. I am not scared even when you are in silence and not uttering any word, you have demonstrated your love to me so much that I know you can’t stay mad at me instead you will let me know what I have done wrong. I don’t take this for granted, dear. I am glad you are selfless.

116. A big house will make no difference to me if you are not there with me. A million-dollar might do many things to me but it can never be the peace and love you bring to my life, what is riches void of love? I will choose you over everything.

117. I always thought love was a temporary thing, it stays for a while and then it flies out of the window, you have proven me wrong. Our love goes stronger by the day and it is now bigger than the window. Happy Valentine’s Day to the custodian of my heart.

118. There is no drafted card that can perfectly express how I feel about you, I am crazy about you and you make me go speechless. You are my darling and I love you very much.

119. I found the permanent residence of peace and love the day I met you, my life has become sweeter and better because you are by my side. You are the one who makes me happy and makes every single minute of my life count.

120. I can’t recount my success story without you popping up in every chapter, you are a core believer of me, you saw into the future and accepted what I will become, you didn’t give up when everything was looking cloudy. You are my strength and backbone. I love you.

Valentine’s Day Quotes For Fiance

Valentine’s Day which is a special day to celebrate love and relationships is not meant for couples alone. It is a day set aside to spend quality time with the one you love. You can travel to meet your Fiance if you are not together in a state or a geographical location, and if you didn’t plan for that due to work or tight schedules you can still allow your thoughts to travel far to meet him via quotes and wishes.

With Valentine’s Day quotes for fiance, you can express yourself and keep your relationship alive. So, why not pick one or two of these valentine’s love messages to convey your affection.

121. When you asked me out, I knew I wanted to love you in return. I saw the sincerity in your face and love in your eyes, if you had proposed to me without a ring I would have still said yes because I know your intentions are the same regardless of the situation. I love you, my soon to be spouse.

122. You are my sunshine and inspiration, my heart is already knitted to yours and I can’t stop thinking about you. If you know how much I think about you, you will blush and would be full of passion. I can’t wait to be in your arms forever. I love you.

123. I love the way you make me feel wanted, loved and special. I am looking forward to walking down the aisle with you and be yours forever. Happy Valentine’s Day.

124. I can’t explain how eager I feel to spend the rest of my life with you, the euphoria of waking up in your arms and by your side has consumed me. You mean so much to me than you can imagine. You are my prince in shining armor.

125. All I can think of is how excited I am going to be on our big day, how I will look at you and make you burn with passion. You are worth waiting
for, you are worth every single delay. I love you more, every day.

126. I can’t wait to be joined to you in holy matrimony, I will walk with my head high and unshaken resolve knowing I am making one of the best decision in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day to you.

127. When you asked me out it was as though I hit a jackpot, when you took me to see your parent it felt like heaven was smiling on me. Your love is intoxicating than wine, I am high on your love and I love you in return.

128. Of a truth, perfect love cast out all fears, I knew there was no fear in love when I met you. I am not afraid of going on this ride with you. You make me feel eager to get married to you. I love you my best friend.

129. When I wake up in the morning and see the sun, it reminds me of you, when the bird sings at night, it reminds me of how your heartbeat fast whenever you are with me. Everything seems to point you to me. You are my world, dear.

130. Even though I am filled with some uncertainties, I won’t cower away or shy away from my heart. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and this is my decision. I am not afraid of you by my side.

131. Ever since you propose to me, every night I climb into my bed with a smile on my face and the gold ring with full assurance that soon I won’t have to sleep all by myself. I look forward to living with you for the rest of my life.

132. Every sound I hear around me reminds me of choir singing at a wedding ceremony. I can’t wait to walk down the aisle with you and take up your last name. Happy Valentine’s Day.

133. Love is perfect in it itself but it is more perfect with you in it. Your thoughts alone make my heart race faster. I thank God that I found true love and happiness in you. You are my prince charming.

134. You are just the summary of my perfect man, whoops!! I am lucky to have everything I have always wished for in a man, I bless the day our paths crossed each other. You are my dream come true. I love you completely.

135. You are my superman, you are always laying good examples for me to follow and emulate at every point in time. I have no fear that our kids will be raised well and well mannered. I am proud to be your protege.

136. You are constantly on my mind, I can’t stand a moment without thinking about you. My life revolves around you, I can’t wait to wrap my arms around you and feel your body warmth. You are my fantasy.

137. You love me not because of what I have, you love and embrace who I am without judging me and castigating me. You are my gentle push and I am lucky you are in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day.

138. Whenever the wind blows on your face, just know that I am the one sending kisses across to you. It is a foretaste of the real thing. I can’t wait to see your face again, my whole being screams your name. I am crazy about you.

139. I love who you are, who you are becoming. You are the spark of my life and you are the song that plays in my heart. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, sweetheart. I love you to the moon and back.

140. I am so lucky and blessed to have a caring and understanding man in my life. You filled my life with peace and joy, you are the music in me. I love you, dear.

Valentine’s Love Messages For Someone Special

People come into our lives on different occasions and for different reasons either it was by coincidence or pre-planned. However, there are some people who are special and dear to our heart every time of the year either we still keep in touch with them or not, they have gained their way into our hearts.

Valentine’s Day is one of the best days to let that special someone in your life come to full awareness of it. We have drafted for you the best valentine’s love messages for someone special that will help you add flavor to their day.

141. Happy Valentine’s Day my dear, I love the way you are. You are different, and you do things differently and in an amazing way. You have infected my heart with excellence and brilliance. I am so glad our paths crossed.

142. I have been thinking of what perfect gift to give to you on this special day that will describe how special you are to me but I found none. No gift is enough to quantify how special you are to me and how favored I am. Happy Valentine’s Day.

143. Thanks to God who in His infinite mercy allowed our paths to cross, there is nothing equivalent to the sacrifices and pains you bear for me. You are a source of joy and strength, my joy knows no bound when I am with you.

144. You walked into my life has a total stranger and now you have become a pivotal part of my life. I find peace and joy in your bosom always. You are very special to me, and you make my life complete. Happy Valentine’s Day.

145. I pray someday I will find the right words to describe how special you are to me, there is no way I will count my blessings and not count you. I celebrate you every day and always. You are very important to me. Happy Valentine’s Day.

146. You walked into my life and raise the standard, you showed me a new and better approach to life, you understand my silence and deepest sigh. You know me in and out. I don’t know how to appreciate your presence in my life on this special day.

147. Every moment spent with you is special and treasured. It brings joy, love, and enlightenment to me. You are my sunshine and my warmth. Life would have been extremely boring and cold if you were not in it. I love you.

148. You are my chemistry, stronger than any force on earth. Thank you for all you do and represent in my life. I found satisfaction in your eyes, your touch eases me off my pains and worries. You own me completely.

149. Sometimes, I wonder if you an angel that just decides to stay with humans on earth. You are stunning. Amazing is an understatement and I lack a better word to describe you. You are the center of my joy.

150. I am eager to wake up to each day because I know I will get to see your pretty face and hear your angelic voice again. Sometimes, I ask myself what exactly did you do to me that makes me crave for your presence intensively, I found out that my heart united with yours at first sight.

151. I love the way you make me look, your presence in my life makes me glow and shine, you are my secret charm, I love the way you call my name it makes me special unique, I love the way you look at me, it makes me melt and vibrate for joy.

152. I celebrate you every day, every day with you is special. I love you on all days and not just on special days like today, you make everything special, your presence turns the ordinary to spectacular. You are a game-changer.

153. As each year valentine passes, I love and cherish you more. There is no better yesterday for us, I love you more every day and my bond for you goes deeper every. I don’t know what you have done to me, whatever it is don’t stop doing it.

154. Every time spent with you is magical, even when we fight and argue over things I still love to be with you. My heart has chosen you and I agree with the choice that my heart made, I couldn’t have made a better choice. You are my safe haven.

155. There is a way I blush with excitement and pride whenever I tell people about you. I am always excited to talk to people about you, I wear you on my chest like a badge. I am full of love. Happy Valentine’s Day.

156. Happy Valentine’s Day my special one, you have brought goodness, peace, and happiness to my life. You brought stability to my emotions. My life took a new look when I met you. You are my dream come true.

157. From the first day I set my eyes on
you, I knew there was something different and special about you, you blew my heart away and make my heart race faster. I didn’t need to visit the doctor for a heart check-up, I just knew at once that I am finally in love. I found love in you.

158. We were made for each other from heaven, our minds are carefully knitted together that is why we could think alike. Whenever I look at you my body screams with excitement. I love you better every day. Happy Valentine’s Day.

159. When I think of you, I forget to do any other thing and I lose appetite for food. Your thoughts alone fill me with satisfaction. I love you, dearly.

160. I found love in you, you are my inspiration, strength, and joy. I can’t have enough of you, the more I love you the more I still want to love you more. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Funny Valentine’s Day Messages For Him

Valentine’s Day is about showing love and making the people we love happy, the air on this day should not be filled with romantic and mushy texts alone, sometimes you can try something different and send him a funny text or wish that will make him laugh and ease up a bit.

Remember “laughter is the best medicine” it doesn’t cost a fortune but its positive effects can not be under-emphasized. Don’t panic if you are not too good with humor, we already packed some funny Valentine’s Day messages for him to lighten up the day. So, feel free to pick from these lists of Valentine’s love messages to share with him.

161. I am spending this Valentine’s Day with my first love and support, who has been with me through thick and thin, very succulent and sweet. I hope to be filled with his love till I can no longer ask for more. I love you, my first love. Happy Valentine’s Day.

162. I will go anywhere with you, I will scream your name at night and giggle, I will climb the rooftop with you, I will do the counting and you will do the jumping. If I jump with you who will do the documentary?

163. Hurray!!! I finally found my true love, I cry on him when I am in pains and he doesn’t complain and push me away, he is always willing to let me have a hug when I am in trouble, and throw him up when I am extremely happy. The love and the faithfulness of a pillow are incomparable.

164. I love everything about you and your personality, your look is a bonus but there is something I love more it is your last name, can I adopt it.

165. It is Valentine’s Day today, a day to celebrate love and newness. I have turned a new leaf, I”ll pay all my debts, trust me. Please, borrow me a kiss and I promise to return it. Winks.

166. I know I can be a pain in the ass and sometimes I get on your nerves that you want to shoot me, well, I don’t have any excuse to justify my actions. I just want you to grant me my last wish, don’t shoot me in the heart because that’s where I placed you.

167. Do you know why I love to talk all day long non stop? Because you won’t have a choice than to kiss me so I can stop talking and I love the taste of your lip and the warmth of your hands. Winks.

168. There are no words to describe how I feel about you, the feeling is indescribable and I can’t contain it just like the way I can’t hold back a fart. You are my one in a million.

169. It will be unfair for me to keep secrets from you, this valentine I don’t want chocolate, ice cream or candy, I am working on being fit so I am on diet, you can buy me a skyscraper instead, so you won’t feel bad that you couldn’t get me anything.

170. I have been looking for the perfect word to describe my love for you, I love you as a stripper loves the pole, I love you as the fat girl loves food filled with calories. We are inseparable like thunder and lighting.

171. I hate it when you are sad and angry as a civilian hates battle. I love it when you smile because I know your wallet would be at reach. Tada!! Happy Valentine’s Day.

172. I love the fact that I am a slow learner because when you kiss me I will ask you to do it several times before I get it.

173. Let me give you candid advice because I love you, don’t smile whenever you are with me or else I won’t have a choice than to always hug you and smooch you.

174. You walked into my life and showed me, love, in different ways, leaving indelible marks on my heart, now your love has spread widely and has eaten my heart up like cancer. I love you with every hole of my heart.

175. Sometimes I get mad at myself that I fell in love with you, I ask myself if my brain was suspended when I said yes to you, you are more than what I wanted and you beat my imagination.

176. They say love is blind but your love opened my eyes and my legs. I can’t get over it, you are my eye-opener.

177. Let me sound the last warning to you, the next time you take me out on a shopping spree and post my pictures on your social media platforms without informing me, I will hug you tight and scream I love you into your ears.

178. Never go out to a party without me, never stop saying I love you, never stop touching me because I don’t like what I hate.

179. You must be related to cancer because you have eaten me up, not leaving out any part, you are so cruel and determined and I love it, eat me more I am your patient. Happy Valentine’s Day.

180. My dad asked me if you have any skeleton in your cupboard, I wanted to say no then I remembered that I am the secret of your life which cannot be hidden. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Valentine Messages For Friends

Over time, we have associated romance and relationships with Valentine’s Day so much that we feel it is meant for those who are married and those who are in a relationship while the rest of us just withdraw into our shell while waiting for the day to pass. It should not be so, we should celebrate love in different forms and ways.

Friends are people who loved us in our worst and will give us their best without anything in return. They are siblings from another parent and they should not be left out. Valentine messages for friends help you to appreciate your friends for their constant and unwavering support in your life. Find below, valentine’s love messages for your friends.

181. Life is incomplete without some people, someone like you. You have been my friend in thick and thin, always there before I call on you, you show me love and selflessness with every one of your actions and sacrifices. I am privileged to be your friend.

182. You are my backbone and my standby, I can bear myself before you without fears of condemnation. I can afford to be vulnerable when I am with you. There is no secret I can keep from you, you are a part of me already.

183. Sometimes, I wonder if my siblings can love me more than you do. You see the best in me and you always want me to succeed in all things. You are a friend that sticks closer than
a sibling. I love you.

184. I am glad you were born when you were born, I am gladder that you are full of understanding, compassion, and love for human but I am most glad that you are my friend. Happy Valentine’s Day.

185. It is Valentine’s Day today, let’s toast and cheers to love, happiness and joy. Thanks for being a part of my memories, I cherish all the memories we have created together and I look forward to creating more memories with you.

186. You are special to me and you mean a lot to me. I thank God you came into my life when you did, you brought sunshine, warmth, and comfort to me. Thanks for seeing the best in me even when I was stuck in my mess.

187. On this special day, I pray you will find love and compassion as you give to people. May you not lack resources, help, and strength. You h
ave added color to my life, I am very grateful. Happy Valentine’s Day.

188. Sometimes, I marvel at how you give yourself to people without fears of being trampled upon and hurt. You have a brave heart and I commend your concern for people. You are one in a million, dear.

189. I am so thankful you are a part of my life, the Lord loves me so much that He orchestrated our paths to meet. I love our friendship. You showed me someone can be concerned about me with no expectations in return. I am grateful for all you do.

190. If I am granted a wish, I will wish that you will have the chance to see yourself as I see you and know how much I esteem you. I pray that one day you will catch the glimpse of my heart and know how special you are to my heart.

191. People come and go, I am happy and glad to have such an amazing person like you in my life. Thank you for not leaving me in my lowest, you stood by me and gave me your shoulder to lean on. I love you, dear.

192. Words alone are not sufficient to express my gratitude to God and my appreciation to you, for all you have done and sacrificed for me. You are the definition of a true friend.

193. Today is a special day for us, just as every day is special with you. You are a sibling from another mother. I love you every day and always.

194. You are not just my friend, you are also my guide and my teacher. Sometimes, I wonder if there is anything in this life that you don’t have a knowledge of. Thanks for being my solution provider, I can run to you anytime with assurance in my heart.

195. You are not just my friend anymore, you are now my brother. It doesn’t matter if our last name is different it is your heart that matters. Friendship is fun with you. You are simply the best.

196. You are a friend who sticks with people at all times. You stayed with me when things were fine and glowing, you didn’t turn your back on me or discuss behind my back when things are bad. Your life is a challenge for me.

197. Some people are just sent from God in the form of a human to make our lives better and easy, you are one of such people and I am glad I didn’t lose sight of you when life was at it’s busiest. My life is better with you.

198. You invest in me without any expectation, you labored over me consistently without getting tired and exhausted. You are my superhero and not just a friend. I love you. Happy Valentine’s Day.

199. Your type is rare, you are one of your kind. Anyone who finds you find something more than gold and I am lucky I found you and you are my best friend forever. You are my favorite.

200. I care for you all the time, even when you are far away my heart is with you and our bonds are intact. I celebrate you every passing day. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, you are the best. Enjoy the day.

201. No matter how seemly unfavorable and exhausting a day could be, I always have a constant assurance that it will end up pretty cool and beautiful because you are always there waiting for me at the end of the day. You are my game changer, you are simply the best. I love you more than you can ever fathom.

I hope you found these valentine’s love messages useful and helpful. Go ahead and share it with your loved ones and friends on social media. And don’t forget to leave a comment here. Thank you for doing so!

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