2022 Best Happy Married Life Wishes Messages

Is it a close family member, a friend, or a colleague at work? Perhaps it’s an acquaintance or a church member who’s getting married, and you’re in a fix as to what to wish them as they consummate their love in holy matrimony?

We’re here with a truckload of wishes, blessings and prayers you can always choose from for that purpose. We hope you get to pick the one that suits you, and the one that’ll best convey your feelings of love and support to the couple.

Wish the newest couple in town with the following Happy Married Life Wishes and Quotes for Him or Her.

1. It’s a new time, a new season and a new life with your partner. I present to you a hearty congratulations. May you keep loving each other till death do you part.

2. Happy married life to you two. May your love be as strong as a rope forever. May nothing pull you apart.

3. I pray for love, peace and joy, for you both, as you’ve decided to live together forever. May nothing pull you asunder.

4. May your days as husband and wife be long, with happiness and contentment crowning your heads. My heartfelt congratulations!

5. May your days be long, and your love strong. May children come, in due time and season. Enjoy the rest of your married days together.

6. Now you’re no longer two separate individuals, but one family tied together with a strong chord of love. May your love know no end. Happy married life.

7. Now that you’re husband and wife, enjoy the rest of your days in outstanding fellowship as one. May the joy, peace and love of being married never elude you.

8. I congratulate you two today as you make the solemn vow to be husband and wife. Stay true to that path bound in love, in the presence of God and men.

9. Now we all know you were made for each other. See yourselves henceforth as one and the same. Congratulations on your marriage.

10. As you walked down the aisle and made the solemn vow to be together forever, I could feel the presence of angels singing for joy. May the divine be present always in your journey as husband and wife. Congratulations!

11. And the priest tied the knot between two imperfect humans to make a perfect home. Congratulations, and best of luck in your marriage.

12. It takes a sense of courage and responsibility to decide to be committed to a spouse for the rest of one’s life. As you go on this journey, may God help you, and may his angels guide you.

13. May your marriage never hit the rocks. May it be a heaven-on-earth type. I wish you well.

14. May your marriage be God’s instrument useful to replenish and dominate the earth. Congratulations to you.

15. I pray that your marriage is filled with bliss and joy plus all the other good things of life to nurture it to maturity. Have a great lifetime together.

16. May you both ever grow tired of each other. Congratulations on your becoming one

17. May laughter and love and huge moral support for each other never lack in your newly created family. Congrats!

18. When the storms of this life come calling to rock your marriage to pieces, may the strength to stand strong be bestowed on you two. Have a lifetime filled with joy.

19. Even as you grow in love, learn to mind your manners toward each other. Never take each other for granted. Let love lead. Happy married life!

20. May the beauty and grace that drew you both together never wane. Enjoy a blessed life together as one.

21. May the laughter of children reverberate around all corners of your home. Have a blessed home full of kids.

22. Bliss, bliss, bliss again! This I wish you all the days of your married life together. Shine on in love.

23. Most love stories end with the clause “And they lived happily ever after.” May this be your portion by the grace of God.

24. Happiness abounds much in loving one’s partner with the whole of one’s body, soul and spirit. May true happiness encompass your union, all the days of your life. Happy married life!

25. Through the ups and downs of life, you stayed glued in love. Here we are now, celebrating your union as husband and wife. May the situations of life never wrench you apart. Keep staying in love. Congratulations!

26. I pray your union be fruitful and blessed with all the good things of life. Happy married life.

27. May all human conditions favour you as you take on the journey together today. May grace find you, and may you never suffer.

28. This is the beginning of your future together. May God’s presence go with you and may true love keep you fired up.

29. May God help your resolve as you promise to be together under the sun and in the rain; when times are hard and when things go smoothly. Blessings on your new home!

30. May your joy be full, and may you never lack any good thing in life. Have a blessed marriage.

31. Happy married life, lovebirds. May you keep chirping in love forever! Last in love!

32. May your love, union and marriage be a source of inspiration to we the unmarried ones. Keep inspiring us.

33. Congratulations to you and your partner on your successful wedding. May God bless your union beyond borders.

34. May the future of this blessed union be bright, and may it stand strong even in harsh weather. Congratulations.

35. May your new home be forever amazing, and may the joys of a holy union be yours and your partners in God’s name. Congratulations!

36. Your love story is a unique one that has set the mind of every one of is aflame. We’re proud of you and glad you finally got to marry. God bless your new home and make joy abound in your home.

37. God surely made you two for each other and made you especially for yourselves. May his hand lead you through life without stress. Have a fun filled life together.

38. Congratulations on your marriage rites. May your marriage be full of amazing opportunities and experiences. Much grace to you.

39. I hope you remember your wedding day always for good. May the heavens support you and may God himself watch over your new home.

40. May happiness that spread over your faces as you consummated your wedding with a kiss never leave you forever. Amen

41. May the journey together – as husband and wife be filled with positive energy to keep you both going. May your marriage never lack adventures. Congratulations on your wedding ceremony.

42. May the grace needed for you both to stay together in love as a couple be bestowed upon you. Happy married life.

43. I pray from the bottom of my heart that either of you will not have cause to get married again. May you stay married even until old age. God bless your new home.

44. May you find grace to live out God’s purpose of dominating and replicating your kind on earth. May your marriage never lack the happiness of childbirth and raising children.

45. May the rewards of getting married be yours for the receiving. Receive God’s blessings forever. Amen

46. May your marriage be a blessing to other marriages, and may it be a model for others to emulate from. Congratulations on your matrimony.

47. As two have become one, make it a duty to watch your spouse’s back. That’s now a lifelong responsibility. May you find things easy.

48. As you’ve decided to start a family by being wedded today, may your plans fall into place and come to pass. Go reproduce!

49. Hearty congratulations to the newlyweds. Live together forever!

50. I hope that as you begin this journey of love together, that neither of you grows tired. May your love never end. Happy married life.

51. Marriage is work – work hard. It’s about happiness – think happy. Sorry comes along the way – worry little. Have a blessed marriage forever!

52. The school of marriage teaches you patience, perseverance and dedication. Pass all the exams, and your life will be better for it. Have a happiness filled life together.

53. When you hurt each other, make it a duty to apologise and have a change of behaviour. You’ll be building your marriage on a strong foundation with that. Have a blessed marriage.

54. Both of you should learn that controlling one’s anger is a virtue and that not all provocative words deserve a reaction. May your marriage never be rocked to crash.

55. Strive together to make your marriage work. That’s the least thing you both can do. God bless your marriage, newlyweds!

56. Congratulations on tying the knot. However, don’t get tired of living each other.

57. Let trust be your compass, and love your lifeblood. Congratulations on your wedding!

58. Strive to never seek warmth from another outside your marriage. Find love, peace and rest in the arms of each other. May God bless your new home.

59. Congratulations on your big day. Have an amazing life together!

60. May your faces be happy ever after. May sorrow never find a way into your hearts. Have a fun time helping each other grow.

61. May the colourful moments of your wedding be forever etched in your memories positively. Congratulations you both.

62. I wish you tons of good luck to make your marriage a successful one. Hearty congratulations.

63. Let Jesus be the head of your family. With him by your side, you’ll find it easy to lead your home. Happy married life.

64. “Husbands, love your wives,” “wives, respect your husbands,” so says the scriptures. Let not your love die. Keep the family growing with respect too. Happy married life.

65. As you’re legally bound together as one today, may you find true happiness, and may your love blossom like trees planted by the riverside.

66. May the rest of your lives together be blessed by God and may the strong chord that binds your home together never loose. Congratulations!

67. May all the happiness and joy and peace you need to get going as planned by you both be bestowed upon you. Enjoy God’s presence in your marriage.

68. As you spend the rest of your days together, I pray God rewards you with quality wealth, health and safety. Have a fulfilling marriage.

69. Do have a great lifetime with your spouse, and enjoy every minute of it. Happy married life.

70. To the newest married couple in town, I hope that you’ll keep the romance fired up and that the love for each other won’t wane. Happy married life.

71. I pray you have an incredible and amazing married life together!

72. Two good heads are better than one goes the saying. Always make sure to come together to make decisions. I wish you well in this journey of a lifetime.

73. United we stand, divided we fall goes another saying. May the strength required to stand together always and forever be given to you. Enjoy a married life wrapped with wholesome unity.

74. When there are two people, in case one falls, the other is to help the fallen one to rise. Be there always for each other, and support yourselves from falling. Happy married life.

75. Getting married is a big risk but with the one you cherish and adore, with the one that’s the bone of your bones, it becomes a blessing. I wish you the best together!

76. Getting married is one thing, staying married is another. Be intentional about staying married and remaining in love. A hearty congratulations!

77. May the God of love himself lead you in love till death. May you be a blessing to each other always. Blessings to you in your marriage!

78. I hope that in this journey of Iove, you learn to sacrifice for each other and that you learn to give without expecting anything in return. Happy married life.

79. We all present today celebrate you as you tie the knot in holy solemnisation. May God bless and prosper you.

80. Cheers to you both as you go ahead in sharing wonderful moments as husband and wife. Congratulations.

81. To the most beautiful couple in the world, I wish you the best in life as you marry. May showers of blessings pour on you.

82. With your minds and souls bonded together, you’ll go a long way to stay that way forever. I’m indeed happy for you.

83. Best wishes to you both as you agree to stay together forever. Happy married life.

84. I’m indeed happy to be a witness to this holy matrimony of you lovebirds. May the God of heaven protect and lead you in wisdom. Congratulations!

85. May you be fruitful and multiply. May the heavens bless your marriage. Congratulations on your wedding.

86. I use this avenue to congratulate you on your wedding. I do hope in marriage you can still keep on inspiring us the younger ones. Congratulations again!

87. I take on this moment to wish you a very long and happy marriage together. I love you both.

88. I’m so happy to celebrate this special day with you both. Best wishes for a blessed home filled with lots of love.

89. A very big thanks to you two turned one for allowing us to share in your special moment. Cheers to a long and fulfilling life together!

90. I congratulate you both on finding one another. You’ve taken it a step further by getting married. May your home be sweet, and joy never cease in your stead.

91. Of all the memorable events in life, weddings top the list. I hope today and forever is filled with memorable moments you’ll always make positive reference to.

92. By getting married to your spouse, may your dreams come true, and your life super good. Enjoy your marriage till eternity.

93. May God’s vision for a perfect home be reflected in your family. Cheers to the future together!

94. May the trials and temptations you face in this marriage make you stronger, and never pull you asunder. This I pray.

95. Do not allow any third party have a say in your home. You’re in charge, keep taking charge. Congratulations on your wedding.

96. Congratulations friends as you get married. I’m so glad you guys stayed together, even when we, your friends thought things won’t work. Thanks for proving to us what love can do!

97. We felicitate with the newest couple in town – prosper together!

98. May the love you share today last forever. May you never recover of the mark from cupid’s arrow.

99. One characteristic of love is that it never fails. May your love never fail, and may it stand the test of time.

100. Rule your world in love. Glow with pride. Let love lead you everywhere you go and remember to stay in love forever. Wishing you a sweet lifetime together!

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