2022 Best Thank You for Being in My Life Quotes

You’ve just read 5 bonus quotes to say thank you for being in my life. It’s time to enjoy the complete collection!

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Would you love to say thank you for being in my life Boyfriend, or thank you for being in my life Girlfriend? No matter who you want to send it to, be ready to get the best. See them below.

1. You came right on time at the moment when I decided to call it quit with life and love.

2. When I thought they was nothing more out of life, you came and proved me wrong.

3. I just wanted to say, thanks for being in my life. You’re a rare gem.

4. You’ve sacrificed so much to make me yours and all I can say is “Thank You.”

5. Thanks for being that special someone in my life, I love you tenderly.

6. Thanks for not giving up on me even when you had every reason to.

7. You mean the world to me and I’m blessed you’re mine.

8. My world without you is incomplete, thanks for being in my life.

9. You rejuvenated me when I’m pressed down to earth with your affection and attention. Thanks, my love.

10. You kept me from shame and spittle, thanks for being with me.

11. You make my everyday brighter and beautiful with your presence. Thank you so much.

12. For keeping from the feeling of being lonely and bored, thank you very much.

13. You lighten the yoke of life’s burden on me with your undivided attention. Thanks for being in my life.

14. Thanks for being my one true love, I’m honoured to have you.

15. Thanks for making my world a better and safer place to live in.

16. Thanks for everything you do to make me feel better and stronger.

17. You’re always there to ease the pain of the uncertainties of life with your affection. Thanks, my love.

18. You always lighten the load on my shoulders by giving me your listening ears when I needed one.

19. You’re there to raise me up whenever I’m weigh down. Thanks for being in my life.

20. Thank you for being the man of my dream and I love you with every breath in me.

21. Thanks for being my woman, my everything. I love you beyond the stars.

22. You’re my dream come true as you turned out to be everything I ever wanted.

23. I’m glad to have you in my life, because you love me for who i am.

24. You always seek out the best in me and also want what’s best for me. Thank you so much.

25. When nobody else wanted me, you choose me and love me like I never had been loved before.

You’ve been enjoying everything that your lover brought to the table of love? It’s time to appreciate him or her through these thank you for being the love of my life quotes and messages.

26. You loved me like you have never been hurt before and I’m really grateful.

27. My forever with you started the moment when our path crossed. Thanks for being in my life.

28. Thanks for being the perfect gentleman I always wanted and needed.

29. Thanks for being the virtuous woman my body, mind, soul and heart longs for.

30. Thanks for being a real and true lover to me, your kind is indeed very rare.

31. You always squeeze out time to be there for me and I’m blessed to have you in my life.

32. Thank you for being a caring, honest, supportive and loving man. I’m blessed to have you.

33. Thanks for being my strength and courage in the face of unpleasant circumstances.

34. You rescued me from every dart of dejection, you’re indeed my warrior in shining armour.

35. You believe in my dreams even though others scoffed at it. Thanks for being in my life.

36. You inspired me to never give up, not settled down for less in life. Thanks for standing by me.

37. You encouraged me to never tap out of life when depression seems to hold me fast. Thank you so much.

38. No matter how far away you are, you’re always close to me.

39. Amidst the confusion of life, you understood all of my pains. Thank you for your understanding.

40. I know that I can be so annoying, yet you never gave up on me. Thanks for being patient with me.

41. Thanks for being caring, kind, loving and naughty too. I love all of you.

42. You’re never irritated with my mood swings and I’m glad to have someone as understanding as you are.

43. You alone loves me like no one else. Thanks for being real.

44. When I need someone to talk to, you’re always there for me. Thanks for being in my life.

45. You stood by me through thick and thin, I’m glad that you’re mine.

46. You supported my goals and dreams even when they don’t make any sense to you. Thanks, my love.

47. During my down times, you’re my strength. Thanks for being in my life.

48. You’re always there for me at the hour I needed you the most. Thanks so much, my one and only.

49. You alone treated me like a princess and the queen you saw in me. Thank you so much, my prince charming.

50. If you had to, you would traveled a thousand miles just to put a smile on my face. Thanks for being in my life.

Want More? See these:

So you need to tell your friend “Thank You for Being in My Life?” If so, the quotes below would perfectly fit. Thank me later!

51. Your friendship was all that I ever needed after all. Thank you for being in my life.

52. For being the true and surest thing in my life, thank you so much, my dearest friend.

53. Even when I pushed you away with all my flaws, you still choose to stay with me. Thanks for being in my life.

54. You always provide me a listening ear whenever I need someone to talk to. Thanks, my sweet friend.

55. Thank you so much for being the one person I could always confide in.

56. You’ve proven to me that friendship is all that really matters after all. Thanks for being real.

57. Thanks for not leaving me even though I sometimes pushed you away with my attitude.

58. You never leave me to my ruins even when I drive you crazy with my flaws.

59. Thank you so much is all I can come up with for accepting me for who I am.

60. You looked beyond my imperfections and accepted to be my friend, I’m indeed grateful.

61. You assist me through all those difficult moments in life. Thank you, my darling friend.

62. No matter the ills I have done to you, you still remain a great friend. Thank you so much.

63. Thank you for being you, I’m glad to have an awesome friend like you.

64. Thanks for being there for me today as always. I cherish you, my lovely friend.

65. Your friendship means so much more than words could express. Thanks for being in my life.

66. “Thank You” is an amazing eight words, but you my friend mean so much more than that.

67. Your presence means so much in my life just as much as your friendship. I’m glad that we have each other.

68. If God require of me one wish, your friendship is everything I could ever have asked for.

69. I meant every word when I said “Thanks For Being In My Life”

70. I now stand tall, better and stronger in the face of tribulations, and that’s all thanks to you, my sweet friend.

71. Thanks for always making me feel better after having a bad day.

72. I don’t know how you do it, but you always make me laugh so hard and I’m glad to have a great friend like you.

73. You’re my best amongst the rest as you always bring out the best in me.

74. You saw the best in me even when I was blind to see it. Thanks for being in my life.

75. My days are awesome and beautiful, because I have you in my life. Thanks for being real.

Well, I won’t be surprised if you search for quotes to say thank you for being in my life to your father or mother. Yes, I have seen the firsthand gaiety that anyone with the best of parents would enjoy!

Yours is not an exception? Then pick one of the quotes below to send to your dad or mom as a token of your appreciation to them.

76. Thanks for being the rock on which my future is built on. Your love rocks, dad/mum!

77. My future is so bright because you got my back. Thanks for being the most wonderful parents in the world.

78. All that I am today is all because of your never give up spirit. Thanks for everything.

79. I have all that it takes to face the world and all thanks to you, sir and ma.

80. Whenever I’m falling, you’re always there to pick me up. Thank you so much.

81. You’re always supportive of my dreams even when you don’t understand. I’m glad to have you.

82. After one setback or another, you’re always there to uplift my soul, body and mind.

83. You’re indeed my super hero and I’m blessed to have you in my life.

84. When other cast me down, you are ever ready to lift me up again and again. Thank you so much.

85. You never get tired of my nagging when things are not going the way I planned.

86. Thank you so much for always entertaining my thoughts and views too.

87. I never for once felt deserted, because you’re always here for me.

88. At the thought of you, the feelings of depression and loneliness disappears.

89. Thanks for being there for me always, you’re my all in all.

90. Thank you for showing me that there is more to life than just living.

91. Thank you for teaching me how to become a real man and a better father.

92. Thank you so much for grooming me into the woman whom you’re proud of today.

93. Your words of wisdom and encouragement keeps me going. Thanks for being in my life.

94. Thanks for all the pains you endured all because of me. I’m grateful to have you.

95. You always go the extra mile to make me happy each time I am sad. Thank you so much.

96. I’m grateful to God for blessing me with a rare gem like you.

97. For your patience, understanding, compassion and kindness, I’m very grateful.

98. “Thank You” is the mother of all words I could come up with to the best mom in the universe.

99. Your words of wisdom and knowledge are hard to come by. I’m glad to have you.

100. All I can say is thank you for being the best parents in the whole world.

101. I’ve tried enough and I’m now short of words! All I can say is thank you for being in my life.

102. Every day reminds me of the sacrifice of love you paid to make me yours. Sweetheart, thanks for being in my life.

103. Just when I tried to call it quit with love, you came and saved the day. Thank you for being in my life!

104. You’ve proven that friendship is all that I ever needed. Thanks so much for being in my life.

105. The farther away I went from you, the closer to me you came! Thanks for not leaving me to my ruins.

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