2022 Cute Goodnight Paragraphs for Him or Her

Cute Goodnight Paragraphs for Him or Her? Cutest of Goodnight Phrases for your lover? be ready for the best treat.

Now, I’m so sure you know love is the most beautiful thing ever. Nothing soothes the body and soul than true love. And nothing makes your lover happy than professing your love to them, by telling them how much you love them, and what they mean to you.

This way, the love grows stronger and deeper without any hindrance or interruption. I’m sure you can’t resist sending great love paragraphs to your lover. Here are some beautiful love paragraphs written for you to send to your lover before they retire to the bed.

If I say that “Love is sure the most wonderful gift you can ever give to a living soul or is sure the best of experiences one can have throughout their days upon the earth”, would you believe?

As far as I know, your experience with love and people generally in life is pivotal to your reaction towards that question; the more of ecstasy you receive from love, the more of its awesome belief you want to embrace.

That being said, the concept of love to you is largely determined by what has happened to you in the name of love.

Agreed? I know you will… But that’s not all I’ll rather tell you on this page!

And yes, there is no limit to how love can change a life… but the last time I checked, with the so-called love that many people profess come untold grief, pains, agonies and heartbreaks…

For some, Love is the peak of their merriment in a moment and the lowest ebb of their joy in yet another moment.

With a critical thought about the rhythmical nature of love to a person and an untellable menace for yet another person, I’m left to wonder why love seems to be a defeat for some whereas it puts some other persons on a pedestal of unbeatable affection.

And here you’re with any of these preoccupied thoughts about love:

  • I’m so glad I have the the best partner I ever wished for!
  • How I wish I can have a relationship that will last a lifetime!
  • Can my heartbreak be healed again?
  • Can I even have a wholesome relationship for once?
  • How do I make my partner love me more?
  • How can I make my lover be committed to only me?
  • Why is love this hard? Is there still a real love?

No matter what category you belong in up there, I’m glad to tell you that love is a race!

And remember, anybody can win in a race, one’s confidence and hope for a win towards a particular runner can be dashed.

Thinking about what comes with the aftermath of such…, I am here to tell you that your present state in life, love and relationship isn’t the final destination.

Ideally, you can have the best of a relationship today and in be in a total horridness in the next few years! And, of course, your experience of love might be whacked today and you’ll wake up one day to see that your past awful experiences about relationship and Life as a whole is a bygone.

Does that tell you something? Here’s it: the only constant thing in life is change!

So it’s not enough to totally depend on what happens in your life today as a yardstick for your joy in the future: if it’s bad, it can be made great and if it’s lovely don’t relent; whichever state you are, just know that the best is possible…

And yes, you too are possible!
So here’s the charge:

Don’t stop working your life to attain a better condition for love.

Don’t ever settle for a status quo in your relationship.

Never allow your past experiences of love to cage the bliss that’s inherent in your future relationship.

What more can I say?
Okay, smile if you see love working for you!

Collection of  Cute Goodnight Paragraphs for Him or Her.

1. I Will Love You Forever Paragraphs

It’s true that we get the best out of love and out of life when we care for someone else than we want to be cared for.

This type of gesture comes with much appreciation when it’s done for the one we love and care for always.

Loving me has been the best thing ever to me and I’m willing to love you forever, with the whole of my being.

I hope you enjoyed every part of your day. Good night from me to you. Have a good night rest my love.

2. Good Night Love Paragraphs to Say Sweet Dreams

Hearing from you before every night sleep is a free VIP ticket to the dreamland.
I see it as part of your unending commitment to loving me.

Thank you so much for your daily sacrifices to keep us going great.
They won’t go unappreciated. I love you so much.

I wish you Sweet dreams. Have a good night rest and expect the joy that comes with tomorrow.

3. Loving Paragraphs from a Heart that is Cherished

The joy of every human being is to sleep and wake up with such an experience that’s worth sharing, whether it came in a form of a dream or a night that’s really well spent.

Since we met, you haven’t stopped amusing me with your love and care. You’re the reason my dreams are always Sweet and void of nightmares.

Experience the Sweetest of all nights as you sleep tonight. Good night my love. Mwah.

4. Thank You Love Paragraphs to say Good Night

I have rightly learnt that so much fun is needed in a relationship to drive the available romance towards perpetual streaks.

With the fun then comes some out-of-the-world expressions that demand more than a grin from the other person’s face.

Your love for me has given all that, and more! Thank you so much for it all.

And I pray, may heaven bless this union. I love you so much. Good night.

5. Cute Loving Paragraphs for Appreciation

Now I know how it feels when you want to give or feels like giving all of you to make your lover happy.

It’s obvious that there is so much emotional and mental satisfaction that such act of benevolence gives.

All your selfless deeds and acts of love towards me won’t go unappreciated. You’ve really been my joy.

How I wish I could wrap myself in your arms tonight.

I love you and love you and love you. Good night to you and sweet dreams.

6. Good Night and Sweet Dreams Paragraphs of Love

Whether I have the voice that can turn you off or not, I just feel like singing a love song for you. And even if I sing out of tune, I won’t sing out of love.

Let’s go….

The joy I feel for you is beyond rhythmical
The feelings of your love for me is beyond magical
I love you in words, now I’ll make it practical
By your side my love, which I’ve a lifetime sabbatical.

Sweet? Oh, my bad.

Anyways, just came to appreciate you for all your deeds of love – they are unquantifiable and I owe you a lifetime of thanks for it.

Please rock yourself to sleep on my behalf. Good night and sweet dreams my love.

7. Good Night my Dear Paragraphs

I’ve learnt that when there’s an outlandish expression of love in someone’s relationship, the best of all sights can’t give close to what the sight of their lover can mean to them.

If I am not in a relationship with you, by now I know what I would have missed.

Every moment with you takes me to cloud nine. Every thought of you keeps me wondering what love and relationship would have mean without you.

When I see the stars in the sky, they perfectly remind me of how your face gleams at my sight. It’s beyond Mystical to have met you.

Thanks for choosing me.
I love you so much more than words can say.
Good night my dear.

8. Good Night Paragraphs for my Joy

I’ve once asked how it’ll feel to be in a relationship with someone that deserves sweetest of sweet accolades in the world, and now my eyes can see the wish coming true.

It’s just amazing how every moment remind me of how caring and loving you’ve ever been!

It’s beyond splendor to see that I have you as mine, envisaging a lifetime of merriment with you.

Just for you to know, your love shines brighter than the Galaxy of stars in me and your display of love is satisfying than my 3-square meal.

I’m appreciative of all your kind gestures. Thank you so much for loving me. Good night and sweet dreams my love.

9. Thanks for Being There for Me Paragraphs for Goodnight

Even if the day was hectic beyond what words can describe, the realization that you were there for me to make it worth a day well spent is more than magical.

Your care throughout the day actually sent enough relief down my spine.

And now I know they’re right, who say, that “when there is love, and you know it’s real, wonders can’t end in your life.”

I see me being celebrated with you. I see myself making a home and building an empire with you.

Have a good night rest and open yourself to the awesomeness that tomorrow will bring for you again. Good night. Kisses.

10. Good Night Love Poems for my Dearie

With the assurance of the love that we share…
With the thoughts of magnificent bond that keeps us together.
With an ecstatic display of affection from me to you…
With an outpouring of the undiluted joy that stems from our relationship, and…
With an expansion of outlandish care from me to you…
I usher you into the most beautiful of all nights as you lay to sleep tonight.
Goodnight to you dearie. I love you.

11. Cute Paragraphs of Love to My Lover

Hey, love! How was your day? Mine was as splendid as it’s been since you took a hold of my heart.

Let me tell you a secret? Bring your ears…

See, these days… I dream every day… Sweet dreams like that. I just didn’t want to tell you. Sometimes, I can’t remember the dream but I know it’s sweet because I would even wake up smiling when I remember you.

Keep that secret to yourself.

Good night and have a sweet dream yourself. I love you. Mwah.

12. It Was Nice Hanging out with You Today

Going on a date is one of the elements of a romantic relationship, for those that have a taste of it.

And I once read that if you have a lover that helps meet the desire of outing in your heart, the feelings that come out of it is close unspeakable.

Sincerely, I so much enjoyed the moment we shared together today.

Thank you for your time. Thank you for your love and selfless service. I am so grateful and I owe you a whole lot for appreciation. Thanks once again and sweet dreams.

13. Good Night Paragraphs to Say Thank You for Today

Words can’t describe the feelings that come from the situation of worries creeping into a well-planned day or moment.

For someone who’s on a mission to accomplish a great feat, the experience is heartbreaking, especially when some elements of stress set in.

Little hell was what I saw today but your caring heart was the saving strength that gave the winning edge. It’s magical still, how I went through all those and my happiness is unaltered.

I’m grateful that you made me forget all my worries. I’m blessed having you as mine. Thank you so much my dear. Good night and sweet dreams.

14. I Wish You a Nice Rest Good Night Paragraphs

Now I believe the saying that “When you are in a relationship with an exceptional partner, such that you can boast of come rain come shine, there’s avalanche of reasons to lose a thought of the description to give to the feelings that stem from such affection.”

For someone like me, that experience comes as constant as the air I breathe…. And I owe it to no one but this lovely you.

Thinking about it all, trying to find a way to express how awesome it makes me feel deep within, I’m forever short of words!

I remembered all that tonight and I wished I could wrap myself around you forever or at least know a way to pay, back at least, one percent.

My love, I just have to say thank you, thank you and thank you. Have the cutest night rest ever. Good night, I love you.

15. I’m Proud of You and Glad to Say I Love You Good Night Paragraphs

I am proud of you and I’m not afraid to tell it to the world. As far as I know, there’s still no word that can perfectly help to express how fortunate it’s been to have you in my life.

Meeting you has changed my lifestyle, changed my thoughts, puts me on pedestal and gave me a permanent track on the path to a blossoming future.

If all I have is made into box of gratitude, I’ll still owe you so much more than money can buy. Indeed, you’ve given me so much more to be grateful and thankful for.

May God bless the day I met you. I love you so much. Good night from me to you my heart.

16. True Love Paragraphs for Good Night

With our love comes this distinct feeling of happiness cum joy. With every thought of you comes this indubitable aura of bliss.

I looked around today and everywhere appeared golden, every where I turned looked beautiful and reasoning within me, there’s this groovy feeling that set me on my spine.

Every thought of you is ever like a visit to paradise. Every sound of your name is like a rhythmical tune from the world’s best Orchestra.

With you I found joy and lasting happiness. In you I found a perfect description of a love that’s true, dear and undying!

To crown it all, your expressions of love that are more than monumental… and I asked, what else do I need that I haven’t found in you?

17. I Miss You Good Night Paragraphs

I wish you’re not far away from me… Because the more I think of you the farther from me you appear.

My spine quakes at your thoughts, my body fidgets at the feeling of your absence. My heart trembles knowing how distant you are from me and my eyes lingers just to see you.

It’s just few days and it’s already like forever. I missed your all. I missed your warmth. I missed your lovely embrace. I missed y, I mused o, I missed u. But I love you still!

18. A Good Night from me to You

A good night from me to you I give
Most realistic of all, not a make-believe
Keep your minds at rest, just sleep
For angels are right there, you to keep.
Good night my love.

19. Good Night to the One I Adore

I wish a sweet dream to the one I love and adore,
Sweeter one to the one who loves me more
My commitment to you forever I assure.
And I’m yours forever, that’s true and sure.

20. Sweet Dreams Paragraphs for Him or Her

May the cool atmosphere of the night refresh you,
The breaking of the day bring good tidings to you.
Sweet dreams from me I wish you
Sealed with love that’s pure and true.
Good night my love.

21. May the Night Bring You Sweet Dreams

May the cool breeze of the night bring you sound sleep
May the night itself bring you sweet dreams
May the dawn of the day usher in untold merriment
And may the day end wonderfully well for you.
Good night to you my love.

22. Sleep and Wake Up Feeling Better 

As we sleep tonight may we wake up feeling better.
As we wake up daily, may our Love get better.
No matter what, loving you will always get better
Sticking with you I’ll do, under any kind of weather.
Good night, my love.

1. Many times in life, we end up taking the people who are so close to our hearts for granted. I am so used to all of the wonderful things that you do for me and I never want you to feel that I do not appreciate everything you do for me and our relationship. Every minute of every day, I am always so grateful to have you in my life and in my heart. Have a good night, darling.

2. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your presence in my life. For helping me through thick and thin. I cherish all the moments that we share together. There aren’t enough words in the whole wide world for me to tell you how fulfilled I am to have you in my life. I am so lucky to have you by my side every time. Everything you do for me never goes unnoticed. I don’t know what I have done to deserve someone as wonderful as you, but I am forever grateful to have your love, support, and affection. Thank you for being you, and for having me by your side. Good night, my love.

3. Never in my life have I felt more dedicated to anything, not even anybody. I pledge my life and my love to you, and also, I promise to keep investing my time and energy into the wonderful relationship that we have together. May God help me! Good night, dearie.

4. Every day I learn something new about you and I am always reminded of how amazing you are. Together, we can have the greatest adventure of all time. I love you so much and never wanna lose you. Have a good night, dear.

5. When I try to think of the most loving memory that I share with you, it is hard to pick just one. There are just too many wonderful memories to choose from. I love looking back at our relationship and remembering some of the memories that we share together. From the very first time we met, to our first date, I can’t imagine myself being with anyone else in the world but you. I can’t wait to see what memories we go on to create together so we can look back on them happily. Good night, dear.

6. Sometimes, when I think about our relationship, I wonder, what the future hold in store for us. What are surprises right around the corner? We have already had so many wonderful, colourful, exciting adventures. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us. With you by my side, I know life will always be interesting. You are the only person in the world I can imagine building a life with. No one else, but you. Good morning, sweetie.

7. Being in a long distance relationship is not easy at all, but I would not take this relationship for granted. Nothing in my life is worth more than you, even when you are far away from me. Even though we are separated by uncountable miles, my heart has never felt closer to anyone else’s heart but yours. Even when we are so far apart, I feel closer to you now more than ever. I can’t wait to see you, but no matter how far apart we are from one another, I always cherish having you in my life, no matter what the distance between us is. I constantly look forward to the moment when we have reunited once again. Good morning, babe.

8. I can only use so many words in the dictionary to show you how much I love you. I love you so much that you are always on my mind, putting a smile on my face and making my heart skip a beat. There are so many ways for me to express my love and I plan on showing you just how much love I have for you for the rest of my life. I hope that my actions let you know the extent of my affection, adoration, and commitment to you. Good night, sweet.

9. I hope you know how much you mean to me. You are such an important part of my life. In fact, you are the centre of my life. Everything I do is for us and I hope you know that I am always trying to do the right thing that will make our relationship the best one. You have inspired me to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be and I hope that I can someday, I will repay you for everything that you have done for me. Without you, I would be a completely messed up person. You have taught me so much about life and because of you, I truly know what love is.

10. You are such a special person. When I think about the fact that you are in my life, I truly cannot believe how lucky I am to have found someone as loving as you. You are so caring, loving, and thoughtful. I know that I couldn’t have found a better person than you to live my life with. You are truly one of a kind. I am so lucky and so grateful that you chose me. Good night, sweets.

11. There are so many people out there in the world, but you are the only one person in the entire universe that I can imagine happily growing old with. No matter how much time passes by or how old we get, no matter how many grey hairs and wrinkles we both end up getting, I know that you are the one person in the world that I am truly meant to grow old with. I love you so much for who you are and I could never get tired of you, even on the days where we have our disagreements. As long as we are side by side and hand in hand, I can grow old knowing that I am the luckiest person in the world because I will have you right next to me. Good night, love.

12. Our love is something that is truly special and there is no other love like ours in the world. You are someone who is so special and magical, who makes my life and my world a thousand times better just by being there. When I look at you, I know truly, that I am fulfilled. All you have to do in order to warm my heart is continue being the loving and caring person that you are. Together, we can do so much and help each other realize our dreams because we truly have something that is special.

13. While I cannot give you a magnificent palace or all of the jewels in the world, there are some things that I can promise to give to you. I promise that I will love you until the end of my days on this Earth. I promise you that I will never stop appreciating everything that you do for me. I promise to never stop cherishing the relationship and life that we have built together. I promise to do my part in keeping our relationship alive, happy and strong. I will always do my best to fill your life with happiness and laughter and when times are bad, I will be there to hold your hand to kiss and embrace you. I will never give up on you and I will never give up on us because I promise to always love you no matter what happens. Good night, dear.

14. Whether it is mere fate or coincidence that brought us together, it does not matter at all. All I know is that we were meant to be together forever! I am made for you and you are made for me. We are a perfect match and we complement each other so well. We always bring out the best in each other and I know that even though there are so many people in the world, I know without a doubt in my mind that you are the only one person in the world for me. We are a match made in heaven and a perfect match here on Earth.

15. When I look at you, I always feel so much stronger and surer of myself. When I think about you, I feel so happy knowing that there is someone out there in the world who loves me as much as I love them. You always make me feel like anything in this world is possible. Thanks for having my back. Good night, love.

16. With your love, it really feels like I can do anything that I set my mind to. Your love is a miracle that I am so happy to have received. Being with you is a special feeling that I never want to lose. Knowing you and having you in my life has filled me with so much hope and a deeper sense of appreciation for everything that I have in my life. Because of you, I feel special and I know that what we have together is special. Good night, love.

17. What we have together is so unique. It is a special bond that is strong and unbreakable. We can make it through anything we encounter and we only grow stronger from the trials we face together. Together, we are strong. Being with you has made me a better person and I can’t believe that I found you. Ever since I met you, I never want to let you go. The attraction that you and I share is one that is so intense and I never want to be separated from you. Good night.

18. I hope that you know that I will always be here for you. Not just for the good times when we are celebrating and enjoying life, but for the bad times as well. When you are sad, stressed out, or angry, just know that I will be by your side to see you through the tough times. I will hold your hand and lead you through the storm. And when things are going great, I will be there to cheer you on and laugh with you. Good night, darling.

19. You are such a great gift to me. Having you in my life is such a blessing. Every day, I thank God that you are in my life and that you are by my side. I am so blessed to be able to call you mine and to be called yours. I pray that I will always be able to give you what you need in life and that you will always be there to hold my hand and that you will continue to walk with me on this journey that we call life. Good night, baby.

20. Knowing you has been such an amazing experience. Ever since I met you, I knew that my life would never ever be the same again. Since I have known you, life has ever been sweeter. Thanks to you, my life is more exciting and full of happiness. You have helped me open so many doors that I would have left closed and undiscovered if it were not for you. Thank you for everything. Good night, love.

21. With you, I am bolder, less afraid, and ready to conquer my next adventure. Knowing you, loving you, and being loved by you in return has been the best adventure of my life and I never want our adventure to come to an end. Good night.

22. Until I met you, I always thought I knew who the man/woman of my dreams was. Any thoughts I could have of the perfect person went out the window when you came into my life. You have exceeded all of my expectations. Even with your flaws, you are perfect because you are the perfect person for me. I could not have dreamed of a better person. Being with you is like being in a dream that one can never wake up from.

23. Nobody has ever contributed such a great amount of bliss to my life as you have. With you and you only, I discover a true love that I have never known. I find myself longing to spend the remaining moment of my life on with you. I can’t envision a single day when you’re not by my side. Thank you for the love. Good night, love.

24. You are my match made in heaven. There is never a second where you are not there to lift me up when I need you to. I am so very much fortunate to have crossed paths with you in the beginning. It has brought us to this beautiful point in our lives. A point where I find out that I cannot wait to build with you, grow with you and face the future with you. You are everything I could ever want in a woman. I will never want anything or anyone else. That, I promise! Good night, my baby.

25. Before you came along, life was so much harder. Life was darker. Before you came by my side, I felt so cold and alone. I never knew what warmth and love truly felt like until you were here. You are the one thing that has helped me change myself for the better. Without you, I would still feel lost, cold and alone. Thank you for being the map that guided me home. God bless you for me. Good night, candy.

26. Being in love is like falling into a blissful sleep. It happens slowly, then very suddenly you find yourself asleep. You then find yourself never wanting to wake up again. Falling in love with you was just like that. I still don’t want to wake up and I hope that I never have to. I hope with all my heart that this is reality. I hope that you are not a dream, but that you are the girl of my dreams in real life. I hope that you do not fade away, but that you stay with me forever. I cherish you a lot. Good night, my dear.

27. You are my strength. Without you, I would cease to have a backbone, as you are the entire foundation holding me up. I could never think of a day when you are not with me. I imagine if that day came, I would become weak. I would crumble into a coward. But together we are strong. We are unstoppable. That is why I love you. Thank you for being there. Good night, baby.

28. Have I ever told you the thing I love about you the most? Well, the first thing that drew me to you was your captivating eyes. Yes, your eyes. Those beautiful eyes called to me. Those eyes are full of so much strength, beauty and depth. I could never imagine looking into another one’s eyes and feeling the way I felt when I looked into yours. I fell in love with you entirely, but I fell in love with your eyes first. Good night, babe.

29. Being away from you is the hardest feat I have endured to this day. Every second, minute and hour without you is always spent heartbroken. Though I know we belong to each other, having you so far from me gives me great pain. I will not feel whole again until I see your beautiful face. I will feel a piece is missing from me until I hear that voice of silk once again. Until then, I will keep missing you more than I have ever missed anyone before. Come back soon. Good night, love.

30. You shine brighter than the stars in the country sky. You are more alluring than any song that was ever sung. I never saw what the real meaning of beauty was until I found you. Now I know that you are the definition itself. Good night, beautiful.

31. Being around you makes me feel elated in every way possible. Even just your smile has a power greater than you know. You have a way of captivating my soul with your sweet words. I love you more than words can describe, and I won’t stop flaunting you to the world. Good night, my darling.

32. When I see you shed a single tear, I have no choice, than to join you, cos I always feel what you feel. I cannot stand to see you in despair, not even for a fleeting moment. I will be here to bring you joy in your times of doubt. I will hold your hand through any time of need. What I’m trying to say is that I’ll make you happy, no matter what. You can always count on me to be here. Good night, love.

33. I absolutely cannot wait until we are old and grey I can’t wait to see our grandchildren running around the house. I can’t wait to grow hold in your hands and stay with you through all life’s hurdles. Oh, how I cannot wait for that spectacular day. I love you, my love. Good night, baby.

34. I promise you to care for you forever. I give you my word that I will move mountains for you if need be. I will keep you out of life’s worry. I will be anything you need at any given time. I will be by your side always. No matter what you ask of me, I will do it, because you are the love of my life. You are my dream come true. Good night, baby.

35. The love we share is greater than any of the fairy tales we hear. I am your knight in shining armour and you are my fairytale princess. We couldn’t have asked for a perfect tale of love to tell. Our story is filled with adventure, passion and trust. We will never give up on each other. No matter what hardship comes our way. I will ensure that we will always live happily ever after. Just an assurance of my love for you, babe. Good night.

36. Your voice is the sweetest thing I have ever heard in my entire time alive. It’s lovely and brings me every ounce of comfort I could ask for. Without your voice to guide me, I would go astray. Your voice is the first one I want to hear in the morning and the last one I want to hear before bed. Good night, babe.

37. I doubt if one paragraph is enough to express how amazing you are. It would definitely take millions of pages to make it truly clear. Your magnificence is much greater than a measly few sentences. But if I did have to keep it short, I would just say that you are the epitome of what true excellence is, in every way. Good night, Sunshine.

38. Everything you do… Your eating style, the way you smile, the way my name rolls off of your tongue… All of these are what keep me going. It gives me so much joy to just watch you be you. I would never give my attention to anyone else because I love giving it to you. Good night, baby girl.

39. I will love you eternally. Even when every hair on my head has turned an ash grey, I will love you. When the corners of your mouth grow tired from smiling so many smiles, when there are specks of wisdom in your eyes from knowing too much, when each tear you have ever cried has left its stamp on your beautiful
face, I will adore you still. Because I will have been there with you through it all. And I will love you until the final gasp leaves my body. This is a promise! Good night, love.

40. When I think of perfection, you immediately come to mind. I wanted to thank you for being as perfect as you are. For being the light to lead me through darkness. Picturing life without you at this point is impossible and I just wanted to let you know that. Sleep well, dearie.

41. I was thinking about you earlier today like I do every day. But today, it came from a prior thought. I was thinking of all the things I wanted most in the world. I thought very long and hard. You were the only one thing that came to mind. I cherish you a lot. Good night.

42. I feel as if I could speak to you forever. I feel as if we would never run out of happenings to talk about. I will never grow tired of your voice. I will never grow weary of your stories. I will always be here to listen to you and to keep you company. You’re my love forever. Good night, babes.

43. You’re my best friend, my life, and my most prized treasure. We have known each other for such a long time now, but I never thought you would pick me. You are deserving of more than any man can give you, even me, even though I will try my hardest every day. You are like a beautiful goddess who rules my heart. I wanted to thank you for being all of those amazing things to me. I also wanted to let you know I love you. Good night, dear.

44. Have I made it clear that you make me go numb every time you enter a room? Have I mentioned that your smile blows me away each and every time I see it? How about that my heart drops into my stomach when you speak to me? You are everything I could have ever imagined. You came straight from my wildest dreams. Because of that, I can only hope to never again face a moment where without you. Good night, sweetie.

45. If I had until the end of time to tell you all the things I love about you, it still wouldn’t be enough. I promise to always hold you close when you are feeling down. I promise to take care of you when you are feeling ill. I also promise to brush away every tear you shed and to never be the cause of them. These are my promises to you, my dear. I will honour them til the end of time. Good night, darling.

46. I remember before I met you I was very skeptical about love. I had been burned too many times, by too many people. The thought of love once made me sick to my stomach. But when you came, all that changed. Thank you for giving me the courage to love again. Good night, my love.

47. I have always caught myself wondering if you are an angel sent down from above to guide me. Only an angel possesses such grace, beauty and wisdom. You are full of light and understanding that no one can compete with. I love you, my guardian angel. Good night.

48. Coming home to you at the end of every day is the only thing that makes life worth living. Without you here I would have no motivation to go on in life. I am grateful for the sacrifices you have made, just to be my inspiration every day. I hope we can continue to be there for each other and never feel uninspired again. Good night, baby.

49. No one else brings so much happiness to my life as you. In your company, I find love that I have never known before. I can’t imagine what my life would be without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Good night, sweetheart.

50. You have given me so much love and encouragement that I don’t think I will be able to return all that to you or rather thank you enough. You have been lighting up the dark and bringing joy to my heart. When I am with you I feel alive and strong. Good night, baby.

51. I am truly blessed to have you as a part of my life and I cannot wait for the day when we will start a new life together. When I will say ‘I love you’, I mean every word of it. Good night, darling.

52. Not a day goes by when my mind does not think of you, you are the reason behind every joy that has ever been a part of my life. You are the one who makes me see the beauty of things. Before you came into my life, I was sad, alone and broken. Then you came in and turned my world around and changed everything for the best. I cannot thank you enough, all I can do to repay you is to love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly. You are every dream of mine come true and I love you with all my heart and soul. Good night, love.

53. You’ve contributed immensely to this great bliss I feel in my life today. I want to spend every moment of my life by your side, both your happy and sad moments. I want to keep being yours till the end of time, cos the love you shower on me is so rare. I want to love you with all of me until the very end. Good night, dear.

54. With you, I discovered true love. I now enjoy the goodness of life that I never saw coming. The beauty of your love has impacted my life like the sea washes the shores. I want to love you with all I am and all I have in till the end of my days on earth. Loving you gives me great joy. Good night, my darling.

55. Without you by my side, I am not complete. You have given me the best of love and I want to be by your side forever. Thank you for giving my life that direction it has always needed. Thank you for loving me so much. Thank you for being you and keeping everything real. I love you, honey. Good night.

56. When I need you, I get the best attention. Just like an angel, you stood by me till now. Loving me like nobody else did. Your presence motivates me. You ginger my soul every day. You make me feel there’s an afterlife aside this world we are in. I love you more than words can say. Thanks for loving me too. Good night, love.

57. Every day is a celebration of having you in my life. I thank God for making it possible for us to cross path right from the beginning because that was where my life gained so much impact on your love. I can’t love you enough because you are my dream come true. Good night, sweet.

58. I am incredibly the most fortunate person to share my world with a special person like you. I wonder how the future would look like without your love and companion. I am ready to build and face every day because your love is enough motivation for me. Good night, love.

59. You are everything I needed from a lover. You are not less than what I’d always desired for my life. I love you with my whole heart because there is no other person that has earned half of the love I show you. I will give you my unconditional love forever. Good night, baby.

60. I promise never to replace you because nobody can fit into your place, no one can love me like you do. I promise never to doubt you because all you have for me are the trust of good intentions and true love that the heavens can attest to. I promise to love you forever because my love simply cannot be for anyone else than you. Love you, baby. Good night.

61. My world was darker, but you gave me lightly just like an angel. My heart was shattered, but you gathered and mended it together into one piece with your sweet love and real self. My purpose was undefined but you gave me something to live for. You gave my life a purpose. You loved me till I can stand to live another day without you. I love you and I will always love you forever. Good night, dear.

62. I never knew how warmth and love felt like till you came my way. Your love has changed me from zero to hero. Your love has been the best thing in my life because, without you, I will be lost and all alone in my world. Your love came slowly like the summer, now my whole world is filled with the goodness that your love brings. I love you, baby. Good night.

63. Without any direction, your love tiptoes gently, slowly and straight to my heart. I never prepared for its forceful grip on my heart. Now I’m helplessly under your control. You must be a magician because I don’t want to get your love off my heart. Good night, my love.

64. I love the love you give to me, I love the joy your love brings. I love everything you do, darling. That’s why I’m never leaving you. May the sweetest fragrance of love, joy, friendship and harmony continue to trail us wherever we go.
I love you so much. Good night, dear.

65. You mean more than you see to me.
You have proven to be my friend indeed, the only one I can depend on. My darling who would cry when I cry and make me laugh when I’m down. I love you, baby, not just because you are special, but because you are always there when I need you. Thanks for everything, dear. Good night.

66. Our love was sweet when we started off. So pure and invigorating. It has never lost its essence because my feelings for you remain like we just met. Only the best kind of feeling have you given to me.
With my whole heart, I say love you. Thank you, honey. Have a good night.

67. You have always been one of the amazing things that happened to me.
Every day, I thank God for giving you a lovely heart and making us be a pair. I won’t stop celebrating and loving you as long as I live, because you are the best. Good night dear.

68. I find solace in you. Knowing that you love me keeps me alive, and keeps our love burning. Knowing that I have you to live with, makes me so eager to live another day. You have been the only person that won’t give up on me and I love you so much for that. You remain the best! Good night.

69. This message is just to let you know important you’re in my life. I love everything about you. You are the bright side that gives me hope every day. One thing you gave to me that will never be forgotten is purpose. You are the miracle that fulfilled all my dreams. I love you forever. Let’s keep winning! Good night.

70. The biggest gifts I appreciate are not the most expensive but the little ones I wasn’t expecting. Your love hit me like a car and shook my whole body. It is the best gift I’ve ever received. Please, do not turn your back against me, for any reason. I appreciate and I love you much more. Good night, boo.

71. Your love attacked my body and melts my soul. If ever two were one, then I plus you will be one. Your love gives me delight than whole mines of gold. You capture my heart like there’s no tomorrow. You make me see reasons to fall in love with you every time. I will love you forever, it’s a promise. Good night, sweet.

72. I find myself back in love with you every moment. Your love has gradually become a strong reason to live another day on earth. You make me feel like you live for me. And I appreciate all your words of encouragement and kind gestures every time. I love you. Good night, darling.

73. Good love is all I want, good love from you is the reason I will live another second. I want to live my whole life with you because without you, I am empty. God is my witness, I can’t stop thinking about you. You give me reasons to smile and stay positive every day. All I want is you, and no other. Good night, my sweetheart.

74. I want to love you with my all. My heart, soul and body yearn for your love. Since you arrive into my life, all you’ve shown me is true love. You make everything about me your priority. You find solutions to every problem that has to do with me. You’re just a perfect person with a positive mind. Just know I’m so lucky to have you, and I’m super proud of you. Good night, love.

75. My love for you will be constant. It will come back over and over again because we suit no other person than ourselves. Let’s keep the fire burning. Good night.

76. The love you give to me is superb.
The way you make me feel is so intoxicating. You are my guild, the torch I need in this dead tunnel. You are just too wonderful. Good night, wonderful man.

77. You came into my life like the wind but never left. You shone on me like the morning sun on the flowers and made my world glow. You came into my world and I was never alone. For this reason, I love you like no other. Good night.

78. This night, I want to let you know that you are more than a friend. You’re special because I call you the wonderful gift of nature. The feeling I have for you is divine. I feel blessed having to meet you. Good night, love.

79. Your love is never seasonal, your care is never ending, the feeling you build inside of me is unexplainable. What I have for you is nothing but true love. Hope you know that… Good night, my love.

80. For everything you have done for me, I say thank you. For the sweetest love you shower on me, I am appreciative. Words are not enough to show my gratitude. You have made everything possible and easier by putting a smile on my face and joy in my heart. I love you. Good night, babe.

81. With your love, I have had a glimpse of heaven on earth. I call your love a rare gift of nature that doesn’t occur to every one every time. It’s rare to find. My love will forever be with you because we have bonded to be one in this game of love. Thank you. Good night.

82. Life without you is the worst punishment I will ever serve. You have given my life a new meaning that can never be misinterpreted. You are the jewel that makes my world a destination to be. I love you my baby boo. Good night.

83. I only want to be close to you because I’ve not seen love this way. Your touch of love will be enough for me today, the way you make me feel is unexplainable. When you look at me, I feel my temperature goes high. There is this sweet sensation you create in me that I can’t explain. Good night, dear.

84. I love you in so many ways. My heart and soul are all yours because they have been soaked in your love. You are one major thing I don’t wish to lose in life.
Every moment is better shared with you than any other person. I cherish the moments with you, dear. They will never be taken for granted. Good night, sweet.

85. I want to hold you in my arms an sit next to you during my boring days. You are the only thing I think of when I’m down. I love you my prince and I don’t want to stop loving you, because that’s the only thing I can give your unique world. Good night, love.

86. I love you with all of my heart, darling. I hope you will love me forever too. That will keep my mind at rest because you have been my biggest achievement, ever since. I promise to give you distinct love and care till death do us part. Good night, dear.

87. My heart cherishes and beats you always. I will be there for you at all times you’d need me, because you are my one and only, my best friend forever, my confidant always. I promise to always care for you and never take you for granted. Good night, my love.

88. I will do anything for you. Including going to the end of the world. I desire to wake up next to you every morning. I am happy to be sharing the most loving relationship with you. You give me the warmth and safety my world needs. Thank you, darling. Good night.

89. Everything you do makes our love grow. Every second with you is great and memorable. The sense of direction you have given to my life can never be repaid. With you, life is worth living over and over again. I love you so much, darling. Good night.

90. Your heart, the superb thing to share. Your body, the home of warmth.
Your love, the only thing I don’t get tired of receiving every day. You keep surprising me with your love and care every day. Know that, I appreciate everything. I love you, my king.

91. I won’t let go of our love, because without it, I will be hopeless and helpless.
You mean the world to me and will forever be my king. I love you, and I won’t get tired of letting you and the world know. Good night, love.

92. You remain the sweetest thing I’ve ever had. The sweetest thing I don’t ever pray to lose. You’re my king. So intelligent and loving. I love you, my king. You will rule my heart forever. Good night.

93. You remain the joy I have. Your smile makes my day bright and I pray you keep smiling all through the day. For as long as my day is bright, my undivided love remains yours alone. Good night, dear.

94. Your love makes my world glow. It makes the sunrise, the winds to blow and the rain to fall. This is beautiful because even when the sun rises, the wind blows and the rain falls on me, my love will forever be yours. I promise you that! Good night, dear.

95. I wish to appreciate you for shaping me into a wonderful person I am today.
Thanks for your enhancement. More thanks for loving me unconditionally. You’re the bomb! See you in the morning. Good night.

96. You are my dream come true. I refer to you as the definition of love because as soon as you stepped into my life, you made all my dreams come true.
What another way can I show my appreciation to you, than loving you completely? Good night, love.

97. You have clouded my thought, morning, afternoon and night. With everything in me, I am in love with you. My love for you will exist till eternity. Good night, dear.

98. You became my everything the moment you told me “I Love You”. This is true because I felt an unexplainable feeling and great assurance that I haven’t felt in my life. You make me smile and you make my world glow. I love you. Good night.

99. As long as I get the daily dose of your love, I will love you for the rest of my life.
A lover like you deserves every good thing in life. Including my love. Good night, my love.

100. I promise you my wonderful and perfect love forever. It’s yours on your command. My love for you will grow strong in the morning, stronger in the afternoon and at night, it will shine brighter than the stars. Good night, love.

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