2022 Cute Love Paragraphs to Send to Your Girlfriend or Boyfriend

The Cutest Love Paragraphs to Send to Your Girlfriend and The Sweetest Love Paragraphs to Send to Your Boyfriend

Every little thing we do together is a pointer to the longevity of this relationship.
Without doubt, we were made for each other and for a tomorrow of incessant joy.
I love you.

You were the missing piece of my life’s puzzle.
You were the completeness that my life waited for all these while.
And with everything you do, a better me emerges.
So I’ve got to let myself know that you’re my complement.

Events have brought us together, moments have made us stick together and love has bound us together.
So there is no gainsaying the truth that we are made to last in love.
I love you and me – I love us.

Your love did call the rhythmical shots, and I found my heart beating to yours.
With every decision I make, in every of my thoughts, you come in so strong.
Now is the right time to tell myself that I have no regrets letting you into my heart.

Every moment with you opens up another opportunity to know how limitless love thrills can be.
And whenever I seem to be less of myself, your love proves to be the fuel I need to carry on.
Can’t you see that you’ve more than enough?
Yes, I love you for it all.

I love you deeds, love you ways,
I love your charisma and every thing that makes the best of men.
It energizes my spine to see that I can vouch for you in all ways.
I love you.

I blew up all the chances I had to be a better me.
It got so bad that I lost the hope of a greater future.
And when I had, by reason of fate, subscribed to the status quo, you came and saved the day.
So if there’s any level of joy I operate from, you made it happen! I love you.

Each moment with you answers to endless gaiety.
With every thought of you comes the knowledge that there’s no fear in love – especially when it’s true and undying.
Morning, night and noon, you make me feel alright. I love you.

I never cared how much love worth,
I never ever imagined the ecstasy that comes with love
Never did I ever try to boast of a heart unbreakable…
Until you came and shined your light in every dark area of my life.
You made it happen!

I tested your love and it’s true and real
I tested your commitment and it’s unwavering
I tested your loyalty and I was Amazed.
In all that I know of you, excellence is rife.
So why won’t I love you!

My heart was empty and dry
Until you came and put a loving royal touch
Like a watered plant, it sprouted
Like the hibiscus flower, blossomed
It grew into a big Palace and I became a queen mother
But who else is worth to be crowned the King of this palace if not the only guy who resides there?
You are the reason I’m a queen
The crown on your head is designed with love
Your royal clothes embroidered with honour
You sit on the throne of my heart and forever you’ll be the king of my life.
I love you so much, my King.

You are not only Charming in the physical, you also have an attractive heart
A kind of heart that many ladies desire to be theirs
That’s why I count myself favoured to have you, my love
You are handsome inside out
And this has remained a charm that makes me love you more by the day
I am my Prince’s and he is mine
We belong together forever.

Love, they say resides in the heart
But I keep wondering if this is true
How can it be in the heart, when I see it all over you
I see it when I look into your eyes
I feel it anytime you give me that warm hug
In your voice, it is so audible
And reading your heartbeat, the realness of your love is obvious
I feel every part of you conveying lovely words to me
Now I know that, though love originates from the heart, it doesn’t stay there.
Sometimes it rests on your lips
And when it opens to say “I love You”
My heart confirms it is real.

I know of a beauty that fades
I have seen people lose their attractiveness over time
Even colourfully painted houses ware off with time
But months have rolled into years and your beauty has only become more appealing
Day after day, it remains pleasing to my heart and soul
And has kept me in amazement all this while
Only now do I realized the reason behind your sparkling cuteness
That your exquisiteness is from within
That your heart is the seat of gorgeousness
And that to this flow of beauty, there shall be no end.
That I may forever be thrilled by your exceptionally astonishing.

You always make me feel like I am in heaven
Because you have the exact likeness and form of an angel
And to me, that is just what you are
Your kindness can only be found among angels
Your character is that of an angel
And to crown it all
You have an angelic beauty
That makes you my angel now and in the world to come.
I love you, my Angel.

When you walk, I fear that your feet might hurt
When you sleep, I care that you have a sweet dream
When you smile, I hope that it is from within
When I pray, I ask that you would always be happy
When I say I love you, I wish that you would understand the depth and height of how much I do
More than I can express, I care about you, my love.

For so long a time, I craved for a friend
I yearned for a soul mate
I desired a person of like mind
Someone whose heart will beat together with mine
Someone I can call My Own
But it seemed I was asking for too much
I was losing hope
And just then, you showed up
Bearing more than I asked for
What else can I say… You are my dream come true and I love you.

When life was rough, I went in search of peace
It became gloomy and I went in search of Joy
Then it emitted harshness
And that set me on a course to finding Love
My heart hunted and came back with your love
Then I discovered you are the treasure that I seek
For in you, I found Joy, Peace, Love and lots more
I love you, my treasure.

I gave you my feelings
You gave me love in return
I gave you my heart
And you gave to me all of you
Now, all of me belongs to you
Everything I do, I do for you
All I want to become is for you
For you have amazed me with your astounding love
And what to give to you in return, I don’t know
All of me is not enough to love you, my Love.
I love you more than I understand.

60 Seconds have given many minutes
60 Minutes have made many hours
24 hours have made days over days
Weeks have rolled into months, too
And our hearts have clung together in love.
Our relationship has stood strong and sure.
I looked back and sighed in awe
Yea, we’ve been here for so long…
We’ve made a union so sacred,
We’ve launched a future of bliss.
In ecstasy, I can now envisage.
In assurance, I see it playing out.
Then thinking about this every day,
I see no reason to leave you.
I’ve got no reason to call this off
So I’m sticking with you forever.
Yes, you, you and you alone.
I love you.

I thought all I needed was happiness
Until you brought Joy into my life
An acquaintance was what I expected
But you came to be a friend
One who lies in my bosom
What more could I have wished for in a darling
You don’t only complete me
You also compliment me
You fill me with so much love… Much more than I can contain
In your love I am fulfilled
You are my satisfaction

The moment you stepped into my life
What used to matter stopped to matter no more
Because you became all that matter
Nothing more interests me than being with you
No sound appeals to my soul other than your voice, my Love
And the feeling your touch gives me is second to none
You’re important to me
You’re the oil that lubricates my heart and keeps it beating
I love you, my heart.

Every moment spent with you opens me to a fresh experience of love
You’re of a truth an embodiment of love
You have given me a new definition of love and made me see the whole concept from a different view
Now, I realize that Love is you and I
You’re most adored in my heart
You’re the apple of my eyes
More than I can express, I cherish you, my love.

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