2022 Cute Love Poems for Him – Poems for Boyfriend or Husband

Best of Cute Love Poems for Him – Cute Poems for Boyfriend, Cute Poems for Husband.



Whenever you care to say I Love you to him with poems, these love poems will sure help you.

My love for you is real and true
So visible to pass through the lens of the blind
And loud to the hearing of the deaf
Even the lame ran to witness it
And the mouth of the dump can testify of it
An exceptional affection with no limitation
Is what I have for you, my man.

I built a special house in my heart
In this special house, there is a special room
In this special room, there, there is a special cabinet
In this special cabinet, there is a special box
In this special box, there is a special book
In this special book, there is a special page
On this special page, there is a special name
This special is for a special person
This special person I s nobody but you.

Anytime I hear the bell of the love
That jingles in my heart every day
And the melodious lyrics of affection
That drains my brain every hour
I can’t but make a trace back to you
You are the source of the true love and affection
That whirls my emotion
I really love you, my heart.

Permit me to speak some lies
Just now and not all the time
“My heart doesn’t desire you anymore
Nor my soul admires you any longer”
Don’t worry
I’ve just asked for a permission to lie
Those words above
Are actually the irony of my thought.

Your love is like the morning dew
That makes the flowers bloom
Your smile like the drizzling rain that gladdens the heart of the meadows
Your sight like the ray of the sun
Which radiates to scare away darkness
Your lips like that of the angels
Which will never speak a lie
Forever, your love will never cease to make me smile
I so much love you my world.

The sky sometimes turns gray when it’s about to rain
Grasses wither when the season is dry
Morning dew ceases when the sun begins to shine
And the stars hide their faces in the bright clouds
The moon vacated when the sun resumes it post
Even the rivers dry up when rain refuses to fall
The weather changes in response to the seasons
But in all weathers and seasons
My love for you is forever green.

The radiance of your smiles draws me from the miles
I can’t but run to witness the dawn
Nearer to you I caught the flame
From the fire of love that burns in your heart
Suddenly, I found myself burning in love
Now I’m totally in love with you.

When you pronounce the word “love”
It’s sound so cute than it really is
Cause your mouth gives it an unusual freak
And spices, that everyone will long for it
I am not left out in this scene
The day you mentioned the word to me
I fell totally in love with you
Since then I’ve not been able
And yet unwilling to recover from it.

Pandemonium enforced into my brain
The moment you held my hands
And looked straight into my eyes
Releasing the
waves of your emotion
I observed a magnetic move
Gathering up irons in my veins
I felt a friction between two hearts
Which got my mind on acceleration
Making it hard to pretend anymore
I love you so much.

To speak of a remarkable day
It’s the day you took up the mantle
And determined to win the battle
Waging war against distractions
That have drawn my attention
Planted in me the seed of your intention
When I refuse to acknowledge the affection
You constantly kicked reminders without deflection
I tagged it “disturbances” without considering you will feel the rejection
Yet you patiently watered it without dejection
Now the seed has finally grown
And rooted deeply in my heart
I’m Seizing this second to tell you that
I’m deeply in love with you.

I feel on top of the world
Anytime I remember a prince is my love
Soaring on the wings of an eagle
And flying above the clouds
That is how I feel around you
I love you, my prince.

He isn’t an angel but superb than an Angel
He isn’t a microscope but sees wider than a microscope
He isn’t a sunlight but shines brighter than one
He isn’t a crystal but transparent than the crystals
He isn’t a star but twinkles than the stars
He isn’t this
He isn’t that
Then what is he?
He is a human
But an extraordinary one
I love and appreciate who you are.

I’m now on the place where I longed for
In the home of the one I was made for
Home of comfort and of valor
Where my man remains the sailor
Sailing my heart in the oceans of love
Where I dived in and wouldn’t want to float again
Let me remain here forever
Resting in your arms till infinity
I so much love you, my king.

I am so high and intoxicated
Staggering and wriggling all around
After drinking to stupor
The wine of your love
Being drunk with affections
Filled me with enthusiasm and strength
My tummy is so filled up
Creating no vacancy for any meal
I don’t want to recover from this
Cause your love is enough for me to grow
Let me love you now and forever.

My friends made fun of me
That I can never be in love
The day I heard those words of yours
My heart skipped a beat
Those words were magical
Making me high and radical
Setting my mind in motion
And rolling down my emotion
Now forcing itself out of my mouth
I so much love you, my man.

Let me jingle it around
Let me sound it at every corner
Let it be known to the world
Let’s blow the whistle everywhere
That my soul delights in you
I found the man of my dreams
The hope of very woman
You are one in a million
I’m so happy among all ladies
To have the heart of a real man
Beating simultaneously with mine
I love you so Much, My Heart.

You’ve got those eyes that drive away my anxiety
You’ve got that face
So cute to the admiration of very lady
You’ve got that heart
That can accommodate my feelings
You’ve got those muscles
That can cuddle me all night
You’ve got that body
That deserves a cool
And so, you’ve got a structure
That will always whirl my emotion
I love you so much, my cute.

There is a reaction
Taking place in my innermost
Between the radicals of your words
And that of my heart
Thus creating a friction
Getting my heart vibrating
Like waves passing through a string
Your word is a mechanical force
That drives me into motion
Getting my mind on acceleration
It is a vector quantity
That releases in my heart, the rays of activity
Reacting like the Radioactivity
All these are just the understatement of how I feel about you
I really love you.

My man is a like rare Gold
Whose glittering is incomparable
Too expensive and priceless
To be sorted among staple or impulse commodities
Specially manufactured and packaged
With an exceptional raw material and branding
Targeted towards a prospect like me
Without much advertisement nor “cold canvas”
After a thorough marketing research
I recognise the speciality good
Glittering to gain my attention
I wouldn’t want to remain a prospect forever
So I took the step of being the final consumer
And I’ve never regretted doing so
I love you so much, my Gold.

My love is incomparable
My love is incomprehensible
My love is unquestionable
My love is unexplainable
My love is unimaginable
My love is indescribable
My love for you is forever able
To keep us ever Stable
I love you so much, My World.

Cute Good Morning Poems you can send to your Boyfriend.

Draw me closer to yourself
Hold me tightly with your arm
Place a hand round my waist
Let your lens meet with mine
Place your lips closer to my ears
And repeat those 3 magical words
Which I heard from you in my dream last night
Let them pass into my ears in reality
It will be so good to start the day with
Good morning, my Love.

A pleasant night
A pleasant hour
A pleasant time spent with you
Folding your hands round my body
With your muscle, my pillow
Gave the night an ovation
I desire every night like this
Cause it’s the source of a good day
Good morning to you, my Man.

What makes the morning beautiful
Is not the appearance of the luminous Sky
What makes it a dawn
Is not the resumption of the radiant sun
The presence of my love
Illuminates every corner of the world
Making the day gleaming with excitement
And a day to remember for good
Good morning, my Love.

Every blessed morning
As I rise up in my chamber
I can’t but praise the author of new dawn
Who blessed me with a real man
Whose heart glitters than that of gold
While his eyes glitters than the stars
A man adorned with magnificent virtue
Whose transparency supersedes the crystal’s
It’s beautiful starting each day
With the consciousness of your love
A splendid morning to you sweetheart.

It’s the beginning of a new dawn
Glorious morning stars intruded my window
The luminous sky peeped and illuminated my room
Reciting to me the lyrics of your love
And singing to my ears
The hymns of your affection
They made me remember each day
That my man is a morning star
Whose radiance suppresses the whole galaxy
I will forever love and cherish you
Good morning, my Star.


Are you missing your lover? These I Miss you poems will help express exactly how it feels for them to be far away from you.

I’m right in the kitchen
Enthusiastically making the dishes
With hope basking on my heartbeat
That the one who drives me crazy
Will be driven by the affection spiced in my delicacy
Seductively, I placed it on the table
Picked the spoon to feed my man who is able
Rudely, the air took it and spat it on the floor
Then the rod of disappointment struck my heart
When I realize an imagination truck my heart
Mockingly, the atmosphere whispered to me
Oh baby! Its another lonely day to eat.
I love you, but I miss you so much.

The night is cold and lonely
So silent that I can hear
Chirps of the crickets filled the air
Whispering and whisking all around me
But none is fit to climb my bed
My prince charming is not near
To quench the cold with his warmth
Oh, darling! I miss you.

Will anything be meaningful to me
As the rain of love you showered on me
When the days were embodied in a gloom
And the world seems like it’s doomed
All you did was to groom me
And made sure I keep blooming
Even there where you are
Far away from my reach
My mind still speaks
About the dew of your love showered on me
Oh, my one and only!
I so much miss you.

Sting of miles bit my smiles
When the clock sounded the call
Then you responded to the correspondence
Making your throne vacant in your home
My smiles lie in your site
Just that the sound of the whistle has to be honoured
Even then, remember a heart
Waiting with hope to receive you home
My love, without you…

Just a day seeming like a century
Just a break giving me an heart ache
Oh dear! Don’t let my heart’s brake
Fail when you are still in place
Cut short the day
And come back to stay.

Since the day broke
I’ve been staring at your pix
Now it’s noon
So I need an ease
Please Love, make my heart at peace
By making yourself a reality to my view
Let me see the real you instead of a sheet.

My emotions are in motion
Running towards the notion
That a very gigantic portion
Of the woman’s heart don’t deserve a torture
My Love kept me in this posture
Where I have to nurture
A lonely and deserted mind
My Love, I need you around me.

My heart speaks of your might
Anytime I drive into the night
With the door of my golden wall
Totally a porch to disregard a touch
I slumped into the chilling dark
Slouching and drooping
On a bed where two should lie
Alone with my pillow, a companion
Will my love still stay out there?
And will not come to the one missing him so dearly?

Stream of love flows across my mind
As I dreamt optimistically for the day
When my love walk in through the gate
Look into my eyes in a calling way
And promise never to be far away
That day will be remarkable
Cause I will make it notable
Forever in the history of my life.

Let me remind you of something
In case you have forgotten
That a home vacant of her lord
Is like a ship without a sailor
Which is bound to drown in the oceans of failure
Thus making it a home without Valor
Come back my love
Cause your home misses you.

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