2022 Cute Messages to Send to Your Boyfriend While He’s Sleeping

Imagine if your lover woke up feeling a bit off and while in that sober moment, your sweet message of love popped up in his eyes. That could be the nudge he needs to get out of his emotions. He’ll have you to thank later on.

What if he had a good sleep and then the icing on the cake was the love text he woke up to from you? He’ll definitely long to see the person behind his smile. That sure goes without saying.

Be it as it may, it’s a win, win situation for you. Thus, seize this golden opportunity while you read through this collection of classic cute messages to send to your boyfriend while he’s sleeping in 2022 and make the best choice as though your life depends on it.

If I’m communicating, then without further ado, take the bull by the horn.

Plan the surprise! Send him some sweet romantic love text messages while he’s sleeping and let him wake up to them. What are you waiting for? Use these cute messages to send to your boyfriend while he’s sleeping.

1. For your sake, the stars were awake all night, whilst the angels got eye bags for doing the same. Good morning, my love.

2. The morning is more beautiful when I see it through your eyes. How was your night, my love?

3. I love to be in the dark with you, for in such a moment is our love more illuminating. How was your dream, sweety?

4. I know your head is still well rested on your cushion. Nevertheless, let my words caress you into a deeper rest.

5. The sun looks just like you this morning. Wake up to see just how ravishing you are.

6. I want you to wake up to my kisses just as the oceans does to the moon.

7. Life is complete when you’re awake. Thus, open your tender eyes and my day shall begin with you.

8. Love is how innocent you look while your eyes are well covered with your lids and your heart gently beating against your chest.

9. When you’re awake, my stars become brighter than the ones in the sky. Do me well to open your eyes again.

10. I love your first gaze at me the very moment you open your eyes. It makes me feel alive.

11. Love, I hope the angels sent you my message even through your dreams. I can’t wait any longer. Be awake for my sake.

12. Keep breathing on me, it gives me joy just as it gives me life.

13. Enough of the slumber, my love, it’s time you gave me my longing desire; a morning kiss.

14. Until you’re awake, I’ll keep reading my love poem to you. Wake up into perfect bliss of love, darling.

15. In your eyes, the world is perfectly made for there lies absolute warmth void of coldness.

16. You’re the gifted blacksmith who forged me into a perfect diamond. I’ll always love you for that.

17. Sweety, every step I take will lead me to you for the rest of our lives. Thus, there will be no escaping from you.

18. I love the gentility in your steps, the charm in your eyes and the energy in your voice. It makes me doze off in love.

19. I’ll love you as though my life would cease to exist without you. Let me love you, my baby.

20. You’ll be my man till forevermore. You’ll be the one to protect me and love me unconditionally.

21. When you’re with me, every challenge becomes surmountable without an iota of doubt.

22. I fall asleep on daily basis because the thought of you carries me away into a land of pure bliss.

23. We look so perfect together. May the sun never split us up and may the moon never give up on us.

24. Make it up to me when you’re awake, cause my heart breaks when you leave me to go to bed.

25. If you desire anything of me, ask me without hesitation, for I’ll do the impossible for you, my love.

26. Stay with me all day just as you kept me waiting all night for you, my baby boo.

27. I love your smell more than the scents of the most powerful man, for it pulls me closer to you than anything else.

28. You’re the light of my world. There’s no other truth besides this, my love.

29. You’re my better half and the only one for me. I live because you live for me too.

30. When you wake up, you’ll have my love to satisfy your soul.

31. Your sweet tears are more precious to me than a heavy rain that has come to make a dry land wet.

32. You’re the first whom my heart will beat for and you’ll be the last, come what may.

33. Loving you has made me whole again. You fixed my broken heart like a gifted sculptor.

34. I’m worth so much because you’ve made me worthy of your love.

35. You painted the true picture of love to me when you rescued me from the arms of loneliness.

36. You’ve comforted my soul like the showers of rain falling down on my heavy heart. I love you, my love.

37. I love the shape of your smile, for it strikes a resemblance with the shape of our love.

38. With you by my side, I’ll never fall by the wayside, my love.

39. As you sleep, I’m here longing for you. You make every ounce of me desire for you.

40. You brought me peace like a river and joy like a child when you expressed your true feelings for me.

41. My striving ceased when I found true love in you, baby.

42. My love for you is ever true. Thus, do not take it for granted. I’ll be here standing true to my word.

43. My trust is anchored on you. My love is bestowed on you. I am all yours till eternity and beyond.

44. I’ll never leave you alone. My heart will always be with you, for nothing can stand in the way of my feelings for you.

45. Nothing else will do than your lovely arms around my body to hold me from falling.

46. What will take your place in my heart is unknown and unseen to me. You’re my only one.

47. I want to feel the warmth of your embrace and make the most of it. Wake up to give me what I desire, my love.

48. One more night with you will bind me everlastingly to you, baby.

49. Let’s stay up all day and night. Let not slumber take us away from each other, baby.

50. Let’s enjoy the moment and leave our worries to the world.

51. I want to follow you till the end of life. Let me be your lady for life, my love.

52. I swear to hold you and never to let you fall even when gravity tries to pull you.

53. I’ll be here to walk with you through your high and low moments. I’ll never make you feel less than a king.

54. Love looks good on you than a prince. It clothes you better than a king.

55. You control my heart the way no one else can. I love what you do to me, baby.

56. I hope to grace your dream in the middle of the night with the splendor of beauty and peace. Kisses to you, my darling.

57. When your tender eyes are closed as you fall deeply asleep, your heart beats still of love which is my consolation when sleep denies me of your charming eyes.

58. Let the loving words of my heart caress your skin to sleep, let my kisses in your mind wake you up when it’s time.

59. The stars are awake in the sky protecting you with their shine, for your safety is dear to me, my love.

60. Let not your sleep last for long, for I miss your gentle touch than my words can explain.

61. The sun has become dark and the moon is incomplete without you by my side. I hope to have your loving arms around me. Sleep tight, my darling.

62. I’ll defend you even if war were to take place in your dreams. I love you, boo.

63. Enjoy your sleep, my darling, for you have great love to wake up to unlike the other men of the earth.

64. Like comforting droplets of rain from thick clouds above, I hope my words soothe your sleeping heart.

65. As my boyfriend sleeps, my eyes become weary, for I miss the beautiful sight of his sleepy face.

66. I’ll patiently await your sweet kisses on my forehead till it’s dawn when I can have them all to myself.

67. In your slumber state, I wouldn’t choose the stars and the moon over you, but your fragrance and your warmth would I long for, my darling.

68. I could watch you sleep all night long. Peacefully, enjoy your sleep as I long for you o’er here.

69. Taste my kisses in your dreams, that way, you don’t miss out at any time. Sleep tight, baby.

70. I can’t help but see you in the rainbow, I can’t disregard your smile in the sun, and I can feel your breath from the moon’s shine. I love you.

71. As the minutes go by, my love for you fails to diminish with the passage of time.

72. Many a times, I just want to tell you that I am in love with you like the day we first met.

73. Watching you sleep makes earth the safest place to be, my darling.

74. Sleep as I make my wishes; to be your wifey someday, my love.

75. I’m alive when you hold me, come hold me one more time.

76. Kisses are like the flowers in the field, they do not last forever. So, come plant a new one on my lips.

77. My eyes give me away, hence, I can’t deny my love for you, and I love the feeling when those words pass through my throat, my darling.

78. Even as you sleep and the time ticks, my love runs to you hoping to exhaust all her days with you only.

79. Nothing else matters but the smile you give, the words you say and the kisses you place on my craving lips.

80. Being loved by you makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. I love you.

81. I’ll shower you with all my love, cause your presence in my heart is irresistible like the warm rays of the sun by winter.

82. I miss you greatly, my love. How about you send me some kisses.

83. Shower me with love when the sun shines, bless me with your warmth when the clouds are low, endow me with your hugs when rain falls, make love to me when I want you.

84. Sharing a bed with you in our castle of love remains my wildest dream. Make it true, my darling.

85. My thirst has been quenched by the waters of your love making me desire you even more.

86. I love you, my darling. It’s what I’ve come to do.

87. You’ve spread the grassy carpet of love and gleefully I lay on it with you, my darling.

88. Nothing more do I desire than your love in my heart. Nothing else do I seek than our longevity together.

89. Sleep like a king, cause in my heart, you wear a crown upon the throne where you sit.

90. You offered me your heart, now I’m willing to give you my whole life.

91. Nothing in life offends me after realising how much you love me and I, you.

92. Day by day, I’ll make my heart pant for you. Morning by morning, I’ll seek your kisses first.

93. When you stare into my eyes, I just want to live even longer and when you hold my hands, I feel like no power can harm me.

94. My vows will I make to you in the congregation of our loved ones. How was your sleep, my darling?

95. A multitude of trees cannot hide the rays of our love. A gathering of foes cannot fight what I feel for you, my darling.

96. There’s a girl loving you so deeply now even as you slumber into dreamland.

97. Love is the greatest, this I know from the things you do.

98. When you arise, come quickly into the tent of our love where we’d dwell forever.

99. The scent of your kisses fills me now. Greatly, do I yearn for it even now.

100. Nothing else matter than this path we have chosen, so, let’s walk it together till eternity.

101. You make loving the easiest thing to do like you make kisses the sweetest thing to taste.

102. Your smiles have enchanted me, I await it as you sleep, my love.

103. I know not what to do when you’re not around than to dream all day long of our love.

104. The sweetness of your kisses is what I long for the most when you’re asleep.

105. I’ll share my heart with you, and a home with you till eternity comes to stay, my love.

106. Wake up to these sweet words; I can’t love you lesser than I do now, my darling.

107. We’ve given love a chance, let eternity be our witness.

108. Till all the waters on earth dry up, my love for you will never cease to be.

109. I can’t promise you tomorrow, but I can promise you my love till tomorrow comes to pass.

110. Sleep like a baby and give out a smile when you see me in your dreams, my darling.

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