2022 Good Morning Prayer for a Friend

Friends are priceless jewels we have and we ought to treat them like one.
Special prayer messages is a beautiful way of telling them they are special and deserve to be treated as such every day.

If you have a friend then this post is for you, because below are 70 beautiful prayer messages you can make your friends wake up to, categorized under 17 subtopics.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Mercy

Effective Good Morning Prayers to seek Mercy for a Friend.

1. Dear Jesus,
I pray that as my friend arises this morning, she shall gain access to the sure mercies of David to guide her through this day, and everyday else.

2. May the never-ending mercy of God find you today in all of your endeavours. May it cause you to find favour with God and man and Grant you success.

3. I pray that the God of mercy will find you a worthy beneficiary of His mercy, as He has said that He will shew mercy to those He will.
May the mercy be enough to pull you through today and beyond.
Good morning, dear.

4. Good morning my friend.
May God daily shower you with an abundance of His everlasting mercy. Amen.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Protection

Good Morning Prayers to seek protection for a friend.

5. As you arise and step into this day, I pray that your ministering Angels will be on duty to watch over you and guide and protect in all your ways today and beyond.

6. I pray that the Almighty God shall bless you and protect your going out and coming in. As you step out today, may He protect you till you return in safety.
A blessed morning to you.

7. I pray that the Lord shall ride you on His wings of safety and keep His hands of protection on you always. Amen.

8. May the Lord make a hedge against your adversaries round about you to keep them from coming near you.
May He give you a shield that will protect you from their darts.
May He give you victory over them all.
Good morning, darling.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Success

Effective Good Morning Prayers to ask God for Success for a friend.

9. Waking up this morning, may the word of God be made alive in your heart, teaching you obedience and submission to God, and granting you all round success.

10. I pray for you today, whatsoever you touch to do shall prosper, and whatsoever you set your mind on shall succeed.
Have a successful day, dear.

11. Good morning, beloved!
As you place your total trust in God to guide and direct you in all your doings may you experience a net-breaking success, in Jesus name, Amen.

12. May you record such success as you’ve never had throughout your lifetime as you embark on today’s task. May you break bounds and walls on the way to your success.
Good morning, dearest.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Healing

Powerful Good Morning Prayers to ask for healing form God for a sick friend.

13. Good morning my dear.
Let’s arise and bless God because He is the Lord our Healer and He has offered you healing as bread.
Halleluyah! You are healed.

14. As you arise this morning, may you arise to a totally perfect healing that will usher you to your years of divine health, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

15. I pray that the healing stripes of Jesus Christ be made available for your healing today. May God visit you as the Sun of righteousness with healing in His wings and soothe your pains as the balm of Gilead.

16. As you get exposed to God’s word today may it become an agent of healing for you. Receive healing for all diseases and deliverance for all your afflictions, in the name of Jesus, Amen.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Grace

Good Morning Prayers to receive grace from God for a friend.

17. May the grace of God that is able to save be sufficient for you today and every other day.
I wish you a grace-filled morning.

18. Good morning, beloved friend.
I pray that God’s grace be supplied unto you in abundance to help you walk with Him till eternity. I pray that you shall not fall or fail by the way in the name of Jesus. Amen.

19. Good morning, friend.
I bless you with the blessings of the Lord this morning, and I pray that you shall continue to grow in the Lord from glory to glory and grace to grace.

20. Rise up to receive grace instead of all your disgrace and reproach, and glory for all your shame and embarrassment.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Provision

Good Morning Prayers to ask God to provide for a friend  in need.

21. This morning, because God has esteemed you higher than the lilies of the field, and the birds of the sky may He take care of you, supplying all your need today and every other day.
Good morning, dear.

22. As you arise to seek God today, I pray that He shall provide for you spiritually, physically, financially, maritally, academically, mentally and socially. May you abound in the abundance of His supplies. Amen.

23. I thank our God because He has given you the privilege to be a sheep in His flock and because He’s the great Sherperd I trust that all your needs are met and all your wants are taken care of. May His name be praised forever. Amen
Good morning.

24. May you be connected to the God of all things and may He provide you with all you will ever need in life. Amen. Good morning.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Favour

Effective Good Morning prayers to receive favour from God for a friend.

25. Rise up to favour with God and man, so much so that where doors have been closed they’ll be opened to you and whatever you touch to do shall prosper.
Good morning!

26. And Jesus grew in wisdom, in stature and in favour with God and man.
May you experience such favourable growth as you wake. Amen.
Good morning, dear.

27. May divine favour be your portion as you wake up today, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

28. I wish you a favoured day.
Where men have been rejected may you be received with honour. Amen.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Guidance

Powerful Good Morning prayers for guidance for a friend.

29. I pray that God bless you abundantly today.
May He keep you away from things and places that can endanger you.
May this day be a better day than you’ve ever had.
Good morning.

30. May the Spirit of God guide you through your plans for today. May you not do things that you’re not supposed to do. Amen.

31. I pray for God guidance over your life as you make decisions. May you not take decisions that will lead to regret later in life.
Have a blissful morning.

32. May the word of God be your manual guide throughout your days on earth. May you not fall and may your feet not fail.
Good morning.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Direction

Good  Morning prayers for direction for a friend.

33. Today,
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all you do and watch Him direct your path.

34. I pray that the word of God shall be a lamp to your feet and a light directing your path today and always.
Happy morning to you.

35. May the spirit of God speak to your heart today.
May the light of God’s word overcome every darkness of confusion in your heart. May you hear His voice saying “this is the way, walk in it”.
May you receive direction for all of your confusions today. Amen.

36. Whatever it is you want to do and wherever you want to go may the spirit of the Lord be with you to direct all of your ways.
I wish you the best day ever.

37. I pray for you this morning, may you never walk or work in confusion. May you always find direction. Amen.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Peace

Good  Morning prayers for peace for a fri

38. I pray that the peace of God shall continually abound in your heart to calm every raging storm forever. Amen.

39. May the Lord bless you out of Zion.
May He cause the light of His countenance to shine upon you.
May He give you peace. Amen
Good morning, darling.

40. For thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.
I pray that as you fix your eyes and stay your mind on God He will grant you perfect peace. Amen
Good morning, beloved.

41. The peace that Jesus leaves and gives be all yours today and always. Amen
Have a peaceful morning.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Wisdom

Good  Morning prayers of wisdom  for a friend.

42. Good morning, dear.
Indeed, there is little or nothing a man can achieve without wisdom so I’m taking this second to pray that God baptizes you with divine wisdom that will help you achieve all you need to achieve in life. Amen.

43. As you connect constantly with Jesus may your life be loaded with wisdom because the Bible makes us understand that Jesus is the wisdom of God.

44. May the Lord bless you and make you wiser than your adversaries.
Good morning.

45. I wish you wisdom, knowledge and understanding in your academic endeavours.
Have a blessed day.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Wealth

Good  Morning prayers of wealth for a friend.

46. I pray for you this morning that you will abound in lack and abound in abundance.
May your store of goodness never be empty.
May you experience contentment and satisfaction all your days. Amen.

47. For we know the grace of our Lord Jesus, that though He was rich yet He became poor, that we through His poverty might be rich.
May that grace be all yours today in the name of Jesus. Amen.

48. Because the cattle on a thousand hills are your God’s and He has promised you the wealth of the heathen and the treasures in secret places, I declare that you shall have an insurmountable wealth that will shake the world. Amen.
Good morning, darling.

49. May the Lord bless you with all of heaven’s riches today and always.
Good morning to you.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Strength

Good  Morning prayers to receive strength from God for a friend.

50. May the Lord give you strength in your weakness.
May that strength cover you in the day of adversity and help you stand. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

51. Good morning, dear.
Today, where men have been cast down you shall be lifted up.
Where men fail you will succeed.
Where men lose strength yours will increase.

52. Good morning, my friend.
As you wait on the Lord this morning, may He renew your strength abundantly. Amen.

53. All the strength you need to go through this day successfully, receive in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Gratitude

Good  Morning prayers of Gratitude for a friend.

54. I thank God for your life, for your health and for your finances.
I bless because it is Him that has helped you wake up this morning. May His name be praised forever, in Jesus name. Amen.

55. All thanks be to God and our Lord Jesus Christ that divinely brought us together to be friends.
I thank Him because it’s in His hands to preserve our friendship till eternity and I know He will.
Good morning, dearest.

56. I’m eternally grateful to God for your life.
I thank Him because He’s watched over you jealously all these years and has kept you in faith. May He be exalted forever in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Good morning.

57. I celebrate God, our Father for His faithfulness and goodness in Your life.
I enjoin you to rise up this morning and join me to return glory to Him, for He deserves all of it and more. Amen.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Faith

Good  Morning prayers of Faith  for a friend.

58. I pray that your faith shall continuously increase and never decrease.
As you wake up today May doubt and fear find no dwelling in your heart.
Good morning, dear.

59. I pray that God shall take you from the level of mustard seed faith, to little faith and to great faith.
Good morning, friend.

60. Rise up this morning and resist fear, doubt, distrust and discouragement with an unshaken faith in the God that’s able to do all things.
Good morning, dear.

61. Whatever thing you want from God today, just believe and watch it come to manifestation.
Have a faith-filled day.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Restoration

Good  Morning prayers of restoration  for a friend.

62. I pray that you shall receive strength to pursue, overtake and recover all that you’ve lost to the enemy in the name of Jesus. Amen
God bless your today.

63. May God restore to everything you had lost either by carelessness, disobedience or fear, by His mercy. Amen.
Rise up to a restored day.

64. For all your seeds you lost to the earth may you receive a hundredfold restoration in form of a harvest of fruits in the name of Jesus.
Good morning to you.

65. Good morning, dear.
For your shame may you receive double.
For your losses may you receive restoration.

Good Morning Prayers for a Friend on Employment

Good  Morning prayers to receive employment  for a friend.

66. Our God will only bless the works of your hands.
May He provide your hands with works He would bless.
Good morning.

67. I pray that you shall be blessed and favoured today.
As you step out for that job may it be given to you on a platter of gold.
May people be rejected, and protocols broken, for you.
God bless you. Good morning.

68. Good morning, beloved.
May the Almighty God sufficiently grant your heart desire as you seek employment today. May He give you the best of them all.

69. I pray that God’s favour shall follow you this morning as you go for that interview.
May you be perfect in the eyes of your interviewers and employers.
May He help you answer questions with wisdom, and above all, may you get the job. Amen.

70. As we saw in the life of Joseph, may positions and offices be created just so that you’ll be given the job, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Happy morning to you.

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