2022 Happy Anniversary Sweetheart Wishes

Most times, what leads to fights, misunderstanding and relationships break-ups is not really because of lack of money or due to long distance. It’s due to one particular thing that a lot of partners ignore, thinking it is not that important.

It’s why you may see a lovely relationship that you admire today having issues tomorrow. Those newly married couples who recently uploaded their pictures and got hundreds of likes on facebook end up having quarrels a few weeks after walking down the aisle.

The reason is due to “lack of showing that you care”. For example, by sending a “happy anniversary wish to your sweetheart” can do magic to your lover’s affection for you. Yes, just that alone can spice-up your relationship.

Especially when your lover feels like you are now eyeing someone else outside or cheating on him/her when you don’t send such messages reminding, appreciating and wishing them good things on your love/wedding anniversary day to show that you still want to keep the relationship going.

To avoid such misunderstandings in your relationship, below is a list of some trending anniversary sweetheart wishes you can use.

Apart from the feelings of love that energises your heart this season, words are worth it to celebrate your love anniversary with your sweetheart. And here are the best of Happy wedding

anniversary wishes for your sweetheart – your husband or wife. You can also use them for relationship anniversary wishes quotes for girlfriend or boyfriend.

1. As we mark another year to celebrate our holy matrimony since the day we got married. May we continue to love each other than we used to do, before. Happy anniversary, sweetheart.

2. Happy anniversary to you, sweetheart. You have been a good head to the very house I call my home. You have indeed, Bering a source of genuine affection to me dear. I’m using this celebration to also wish to a long life full of happiness.

3. There might be too many life stories either real or fairy tales. But, the story about me and you is the one I love and cherish the most. Because you are the only woman who understands me more than everyone else. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my sweetheart.

4. It has been a long journey of about a decade with you my sweet husband down the path of love. Facing a lot of challenges, struggles, joy, pains and wins too. And I still appreciate and love the ride. I’m wishing us a blissful ride all the way. Happy love anniversary, my sweetheart.

5. Happy love anniversary, my sweetheart. Besides you, my relatives and family. I have no other human I love and cherish like you. May our marital union continue to thrive despite any difficulty we may face.

6. From the very day I said yes to your proposal, you’ve been a close pal. Not just a pal, but a close companion with whom I share my most innate concerns with. Wifey, if I say I can use words to describe how hall I feel to know that I’m still this very hour then I’m lying. Happy love anniversary, my sweetheart.

7. Happy anniversary, sweetheart. Today is the very day that our conjugal vows added another year to the blissful years we’ve spent together. I’m using this day to say thank you for asking me out, I’m the first place. And I’m wishing a fun-filled celebration, my sweet husband.

8. Although, we are not really as shining and rich as we thought or hoped to be through those years we’ve spent together. But, we have at least, increased in our progress and I’m so happy that we have. Happy anniversary to you, my wife.

9. You are the only star that gleams in my own little world. The flower that blossoms in the garden of my heart. Wifey, If I say I just appreciate every moment I’ve spent with you for the years we’ve been together in this marriage then I’m just understating your essence in my life. Happy anniversary, sweetheart.

10. Happy anniversary, sweetheart. With you, five years in this matrimonial journey seems like it’s just five days that we’ve spent. To be honest, I sometimes wonder if it’s kind of untrue that weddings get old. Because every single morning you make it look anew.

11. I know that years might pass by, but our love will still stay for a long time. And even when we die someday, our love story will be admired by others we left here on earth. Happy love anniversary, my sweetheart.

12. You are the one who made me realize that relationships are not all scams after being jilted by my ex-boyfriends. Your presence in my life since, has made me see love and relationships from a different perspective. I now adore you more than I need to because our wedding anniversary has reminded of how you changed me in a positive way than thought. Happy love anniversary, my sweetheart.

13. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my sweetheart. I’m so happy that we still care and show true affection to each other despite the bad impression I used to get about marriage and of how “love wanes” as couples get old.

14. May the angels in heaven be happy that we are about to celebrate another wedding anniversary. May this day bring about joy on those aspects that tend to make us unhappy about our love life. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my sweetheart.

15. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my sweetheart. I’m wishing you more strength and wisdom to provide for the family as I play my own part too. I’m also wishing you sound health and fitness as we continue to tread this path together.

16. Happy anniversary to us. May we get to spend more years of prosperous matrimony. May we get to parent good and well-behaved children in our house who will one day become who we will all be proud of. I’m wishing us a blissful marital life.

17. Happy matrimonial journey to you my wife, I really can’t tame the kind of joy that I am feeling right now. I know that you want to be happy(which is what we all crave for). I’m wishing you a happier celebration, my dear.

18. There are just a few things that are really memorable in my life and one of the few ones is my marriage to you. I mean, I will continually be grateful for the very moment o said yes to your proposal. And as we celebrate today, may you be blessed, my dear. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my sweetheart.

19. They said that “Love is sweet” and ours didn’t just stop at that, it blossomed into a relationship and ended up into a blissful marriage. Sweetheart, as we celebrate this anniversary may you experience true joy and happiness from the very depths of your heart. Kisses. Happy anniversary to you, sweetheart.

20. Happy anniversary to you, sweetheart. For the moments of grief that we spend together while you kept encouraging and comforting me with your words. And for the good times you made possible with your sincere and undiluted affection I’m wishing you a payback for those my sweet wife.

21. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my sweetheart. May we get to live and flex many more years of matrimony in love and prosperity. Whatever has been making us not enjoy our marriage to the fullest, may it be put asunder as we begin to count down another year in our marriage.

22. May we live longer than we’ve ever imagined to celebrate many more years of having a prosperous marriage. I’m so happy that I wake up to a caring person like you every single day of my life. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my sweetheart.

23. It was really a memorable day as far as I can recall when we celebrated our wedding. I can still remember when the pastor asked us to say the “I dos”. But, the happy moments I spent with you now, in this marriage is what I really hold very dear to my heart. I’m wishing you a happy anniversary, sweetheart.

24. Happy anniversary, sweetheart. It’s because of you that the bad impressions I used to have about marriage changed. It’s because of you that I also feel optimistic anytime a bad thing happens to me. Hubby, as you celebrate this additional age to may continue to soar higher in your career and business than before.

25. One of the many reasons why I don’t just like but love you is because you are a good listener. You take your time to listen to my problems and needs. You fake your time to understand why I behave the way I do and ensure that I’m always happy around(even in your absence). I’m wishing you a happy anniversary, sweetheart.

26. Happy anniversary, sweetheart. May this day bring forth the blessings you have been raining on me to you too. Through gifts, good wishes, prayers and all kinds of support. In fact, if I had the ability to make you wings to fly then I will, just to make you realize how special you make me feel too.

27. I’m so happy that I’m celebrating another reset of matrimony with you my one and only lover. Both at home Ana abroad. I just can’t contain or tame the ecstatic feeling I’m currently experiencing that’s why I’m sending you this message to show how I appreciate you in my life. Happy love anniversary, my sweetheart.

28. They say that if someone loves you they will do everything possible to create a room in their heart to accommodate you or at least, create time out of their busy schedule to spend a good time with you. I’ve seen how you used to squeeze-out time just to be around me. May God bless you throughout your lifetime hubby. I’m wishing you a Happy love anniversary, my sweetheart.

29. For the moments we shared together; the good, the bad, the ugly and happy moments too. In using this opportunity to say thank you to you my wifey. And we live to celebrate our remaining days on earth in holy matrimony, may you be the best you wish to be.

30. If there was nothing like marriage, I will not mind leaving where I stay to consistently visit you just to make sure our friendship is still strong. Wifey, you have been more than a wife to me. You are just like a friend anyone wishes to have. May you grow bigger in your business more than you used to my dear.

31. It’s been almost a decade of enduring pains of childbirth, parenting and enjoying moments of laughter together. I’m so grateful for standing but me too whenever I need a chest to lean on. Happy anniversary to us, my dear.

32. Life comes in phases. And it’s been a journey of both pains and triumph, ups and downs, happiness and sadness, health and sickness with you. Baby, as you go to your workplace today, may you have the strength to easily crush your goals and come back to share the joy of our wedding anniversary with me. Cheers!

33. Times keep changing, people too are almost always changing and we keep getting old too. But, my love for you will keep waxing stronger as days roll by. Happy love anniversary to us.

34. Happy love anniversary to us. I’m wishing you a prosperous life from now on. It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through. It doesn’t matter what you are scared might make you fail in your quest to crush your life goals.

35. Happy wedding anniversary to my sweetheart, the one who is always making me smile when I’m down. The one who cares for me even when I don’t feel loved. I’m wishing you a life full of sweet experiences and an undeserved favour.

36. Without the kind of sincere and helpful advice you keep giving me. I wouldn’t have reached where I’m at like I would if I never crossed paths with you. As we celebrate our wedding baby, I’m wishing you all the good things you mind craves for. Happy wedding anniversary my dear.

37. The kind of love I have for you is not measurable by visible things. But by the depths of feelings Ana affection that I have for you, dear. Happy love anniversary my boyfriend.

38. It has been 2 years of constant kisses, hugs, gifts and heartfelt wishes from a concerned girlfriend like you. I’m wishing you all the best things in life as we celebrate another year in love. Happy anniversary my dear.

39. It has been a complete decade of loving someone who cares about oneself. I’m so happy that I chose to accept you as my boyfriend. Sometimes I wish everyone has the kind of companion that I have because love will be given a new outlook. I’m wishing you better opportunities in life my dear.

40. As each day goes by, my love for you tends to grow bigger and bigger like a planted seed beside a fountain. I feel sad when you lose in your business, at times. And also feel more happy than you do when it goes smoothly. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my husband.

41. You made my life so beautiful than some sweet and nice marriage-based fairy tales I’ve read. You have been more like a backbone to me who helps me whenever I’m in need. I’m so grateful for your support and I’m wishing a tenfold of all you’ve done to me. Happy anniversary my hubby.

42. My only wish today is that; as we celebrate our wedding anniversary is to have a fun-filled marriage, one that is free from long pain and misery. I’m wishing you a sweet and lovely anniversary celebration, my wife.

43. You are the only closest chum I have, the only one who must have used a magic wand on me. Lol. Because, every time I think of you, I smile especially when I look at you in the eye. I’m so happy to have gotten married to you dear. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my husband.

44. You have been a great supporter, a protector a helper and a provider. I’m so happy to have married someone like you. Today, I’m wishing you a happy and blissful life ahead as we continue growing together in this marriage. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my loving husband.

45. Just line I’ve made a promise on the altar never to let you go away. So will I keep to my words. I know that it’s hard to be faithful in one’s marriage these days but, for the kind of affection you show me I will make sure I keep myself for you and only you alone. Happy wedding anniversary to us, my dear.

46. I’m so happy to know that I’m still your man and you are my woman for life too. May you continue to reach greater heights than you used to. Happy wedding anniversary to us.

47. Some people used to laugh at us during our relationship and courtship days. I used to feel low and unhappy because we were broke then. But, as God will work it, I can’t remember the last time I felt broke or helpless. I’m so grateful for God’s faithfulness in our marriage and for having a man like you too. Happy wedding anniversary to you my lovely husband.

48. May we get to cross the limits we used to feel we can’t pass. And may our goals become crushable than we ever thought it would. I’m wishing us the greater heights and success than before. Happy wedding anniversary to us.

49. I’m very happy for the kind of love that we’ve found and have been sharing for the past decade. I’m wishing you a new and fresh perspective on the project that you are currently working on. So you can be able to crush it easily. Happy wedding anniversary to you, my sweet husband.

50. Happy wedding anniversary to my hubby. The man who has been beside me all this while. I sometimes wonder the kind of luck I have to have gotten married a caring man like you. May you soar high and higher sweetie.

51. So far, so good. A lot has changed in many aspects of this life we are living. Some friends have become strangers and things have become so different from what they used to be. But, you are still like the lover I used to know during our early relationship days. I’m wishing you all the best as we celebrate our wedding anniversary, hubby.

52. As we continue to be together, may our love bond becomes more and more stronger than it used to be. May our companionship be filled and spiced-up with fun than ever before. Happy love anniversary to girlfriend.

53. Our love is like the sun. Yes, it may dim or fade out as the night falls whenever we have a misunderstanding. But, it will surely rise up again Ana shine it’s light, casting away the darkness. As we celebrate our wedding anniversary today, my sweet husband, may we get better in all that we do from now on.

54. It’s exactly a year ago when you first talked to me, I can still remember low you approached, the fear and doubts were vividly written all over your face. I saw how you felt a bit happy when I said “okay, let me think about it” in a polite way. It’s really funny how we started out like a child’s play and today, we are even talking about getting married. Happy love anniversary to you my boyfriend.

55. As each and every single day passes by, I pray to the Lord for his blessings on our lives to thank him and also wish us more progress in all our endeavours. May we continue to become more caring and concerned about each other. Happy love anniversary to us my dear.

56. One major thing about our love is how we still reconcile and resolve any issue we tend to have in the course of our relationship. I know that as you rest this message, thoughts of having a more happy family will begin to race on your mind. And as you do that, may you be able to achieve that goal dearie, happy wedding anniversary my dear.

57. Happy 5th wedding anniversary to us. For being the sugar that spice-up my tea and the butter that sweetens my bread. I will love you till I breathe no more hubby. May you never know lack again.

58. For all the bad things you’ve passed through just because you wanted to see a smile on my face. And for all that you wish to see me enjoy in this life. May you get them in ten folds too. Happy anniversary to you my lovely husband.

59. I knew the kind of pain and mockery you faced when you used your money to pay my tuition feeding the university. I know a lot of “bullets” you took for my sake. Hubby, as we both celebrate another year in this marriage may you grow bigger and better in your business. I’m wishing you a happy anniversary celebration, my love.

60. Happy love anniversary to you my lovely birthday. For all the good things you’ve been doing for me and the ones you’ve made up your mind to do for me. I’m wishing you a basket full of love and blessings too.

61. In all that you aspire to be, I pray that you will never be the last. May you grow bigger and better than you’ve ever imagined. Happy love anniversary to you, my sweetheart.

62. People talk about looking for and finding their “missing rib” before they will finally settle down and get married. But, I’ve already found you and every day I send praises to God for been lucky enough to have found you. Happy wedding anniversary my sweet wife.

63. You are the sweetest and special kind of woman that I’ve ever known. Your type is very rare and different from your peers. I sometimes wonder if you grew up in the same hood as your friends. Because your thoughts and lifestyle is completely different from others. I’m really happy to have you as a wife. Happy wedding anniversary to us, my sweet wife.

64. You are the most caring, discerning and best woman I have ever come across since when I first met my mom. I still appreciate the very day we got married to each other. I’m wishing you a blissful wedding anniversary celebration to you, my love.

65. 3 years ago, we walked down the aisle together before the congregation. It has been a long series of months in this relationship and hardly, have we had much disagreements. I really appreciate you, my dear. Happy wedding anniversary to us.

66. Honey, anywhere I find myself, I don’t hesitate or feel shy to let people know that you are my husband because of the kind of love you keep showing is lovely. I am wishing you better days ahead as you and I celebrate another year in holy matrimony. Happy wedding anniversary my sweet wife.

67. Happy love anniversary to you my sweet boyfriend. May you continue to soar into greater heights than you used to, both in academics, business and life too.

68. Every time I think of you my heart skips a throb and whenever I stare into your eyes to see you clearly, my minds feels okay and happy to have asked you out to be my girlfriend. Happy love anniversary to you my sweet girlfriend.

69. It’s been barely one year into this relationship, but I already hope to get married to you. I somehow feel already addicted to you. To say I don’t feel empty when you are absent is a lie. Happy love anniversary to you my lovely boyfriend.

70. Happy wedding anniversary to my sweetheart. This message is meant to just tell you how happy u feel to have added another year into our marriage in harmony with you. It has been hard at times, but I still appreciate the care and attention I get from you. May you go places than you’ve ever imagined dear.

71. It has been more than a decade. Thirteen years of marriage to be precise. But, I kind of feel like its only thirteen weeks that we have spent in this marriage. Yet, it’s been over a decade of God’s faithfulness and genuine love from you. I’m wishing you a happy wedding anniversary my sweet husband.

72. You make me so proud and confident to call you my sweetheart. And every day I wake up with a smile on my face that I have a loving spouse like you. I’m wishing you more strength to crush any goal you’ve set for yourself to accomplish this year. Happy wedding anniversary to you my lovely husband.

73. Of all the boyfriends I’ve had, you are the only one that has ever made me feel confident and proud. I adore and appreciate every moment o shade with you. And as we celebrate our first love anniversary may we all become better versions of ourselves.

74. Happy wedding anniversary to my eve. You are the one who makes me feel like a real Adam. Because, if you rise then I rise and if you fall then I fall too. I’m wishing you more success in all you do dear.

75. I sometimes wish I can take the hands of time backwards, so we can erase and correct the wrong things we did before and do more of what made our relationship stronger. It has been a year of genuine love and affection dear, I’m wishing you a blissful life ahead, my sweetheart.

76. Happy love anniversary to my one and only boo. May this day be the start of a new dawn in your life. And it doesn’t matter the kind of bad things you used to face, may you triumph over every single obstacle you may face in the future.

77. Happy love anniversary to my other love bird. The one who makes me wish there is romance and marriage in afterlife. And as we celebrate another year in love, may you soar higher than you can imagine.

78. The journey of our relationship has just began. We’ve spent about one year together and it feels like it’s just a week in the journey. Happy love anniversary my lovely boyfriend, I’m really enjoying every bit of the time we share.

79. My sweet wifey, you have been the one who makes me smile right from the very day you asked me out, we walked down the aisle after saying the “I dos” and now, it’s exactly one year since we did that. I’m so happy to be celebrating my first wedding anniversary with someone like you.

80. Happy wedding anniversary to the man who will not mind crossing boundaries just to provide and that’s not to talk of how he makes sure I’m always happy, loved and protected. Indeed, you are a true epitome of genuine love. I pray that the Lord will strengthen your arms to do more.

81. Sweetheart, almost every time that I hear someone call your name, even if it’s just your namesake, I get to realize how close I am to what “True Love and Affection” really is. To be honest, if there is something like marriage in afterlife, then it’s you that I will get married to. Happy love anniversary to us, dearie.

82. After walking down the aisle with you, you chose to keep to your words by walking more than a million miles with me down the parts of life. It’s been an amazing and exciting journey with you dear. I’m wishing us more years of blissful marital life ahead.

83. Every moment spent with you is like an added explanation of what marriage means. Because you almost always make sure that I’m wearing a smile on my face whenever we are together. And you ensure that I resolve and let go of any grudges I’m having on my mind against anyone. Happy wedding anniversary my love.

84. Hubby, it’s because of you that I’ve learned how to be at peace with my neighbours and be “a brother and my sister’s keeper”. Sometimes, I wonder if without you I would have learned all these universal principles and values that bring peace to humanity. I appreciate your fatherly advice and all. I’m wishing you a fun-filled wedding anniversary celebration.

85. My lost but found rib. You are indeed a perfect example of an ideal woman that any man will want to have as a wife, you make my life go round. Happy wedding anniversary to us.

86. By just staring at you for hours, I get to realize the true meaning of what “unending love” means. And that, it’s now just an overused and over-hyped wedding slogan that people use. Happy love anniversary to my sweetheart.

87. My forever and ever-loving partner, I am still happy to say that “yes, I do” and I will always bear it at the back of my mind that you are my only lover. Happy Birthday to you my lovely husband.

88. You are an amazing spouse, it’s why I will continue to refer to the very day I got married to you as “my most fun-filled day”. And as we celebrate and remember the day we got married, may you get to discover new goldmines in your business pursuits.

89. Happy love anniversary to the “shy-shy bobo” who was once pushed by his friends to man-up and talk to me. Lol. I can still recall how your body shivered as you talked to me. It’s really funny how it all started and today, we are marking the exact I accepted you as my boyfriend. I’m wishing you more progress in your endeavours.

90. Happy wedding anniversary to my sweetheart. I’m wishing you more money in your bank account. May you continue to outsell your previous months in your business dear.

91. I sometimes wish that time’s swift hands cab be shifted backwards so we can start all over again. I mean, restarting and enjoying every bit of what we shared from the beginning. It’s been three years of love and bliss. Happy love anniversary my lovely wife.

92. Happy wedding anniversary. May you get back all the good things that you’ve done to me, in ten folds. I’m so happy that our love keeps getting sweeter and more lovely as days roll by.

93. Some men begin to treat their spouses like trash the moment they get married to her. But no, your ways are different from most men and it’s why I appreciate you and every time you tell me “I love you” I know that you mean it. Happy wedding anniversary to us, my dear.

94. As the sun keeps rotating to meet its orbit, so does my love for you. Yes, we may be apart for a while but I still care about you every day of my life. Happy wedding anniversary to us, sweetie.

95. You are a gem that I’ve always and will continue to hold onto because of your type of sincere love. I’m wishing you a merry wedding anniversary celebration, my lover.

96. Only you know my “mumu buttons” and can use them into making me act like a fool. You know my deepest fears and weaknesses and it’s all because we’ve been in a marriage is based on honesty and sincerity. I really appreciate your love and I’m wishing you a happy wedding anniversary celebration, my wife.

97. Sometimes, I wonder if it’s true or just a made-up story that I am your wife because it still feels like it’s unreal. I’m so happy that you are my lover up till now. I appreciate your support, your sincerity, your honesty and all. Happy wedding anniversary hubby.

98. I’ve now been able to completely take my thoughts off you. You have always been on my mind. I really appreciate your kind of love baby. Happy wedding anniversary to you my sweetheart.

99. For the love, the support, kisses, the hugs and the petty quarrels that get settled before we sleep. I’m wishing us a strong and a more loving and prosperous family. Happy wedding anniversary my sweet husband.

100. Happy wedding anniversary my dear, it’s because of you that I still call myself a “happy wife”. Life has been great and fulfilling since the day we walked down the aisle together.

Does any of these happy anniversary wishes make sense to you? Do you think it’s going to be helpful to your friend?

If yes, then you add free to tap any of the social media icons below and share it with them to show that you care about their happiness and love life too. Thanks.

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