2022 Happy Birthday Blessing Messages for Someone You Cherish

A birthday is very important in everybody’s life. And it is even more special for our loved ones when we extend prayers their way to mark the day. If you want to mark the birthdays of your loved ones with prayers, we have got you covered.

Celebrate someone you cherish with these Happy Birthday Blessing SMS and make Him/Her feel cherished.

1. Happy birthday to you, dear friend. I wish you God’s blessings all around you in Jesus name. Amen.

2. I pray that the heavens will smile at you even as you celebrate your day today, mum, in Jesus name. Amen.

3. Happy birthday, dad. I pray that today marks the beginning of greatness in your life in Jesus name. Amen.

4. Happy birthday, sweetie. I pray that the Lord shines His light on your path wherever you go in Jesus name. Amen.

5. Happy birthday to a great person. May you experience God’s unconditional love this day in Jesus name. Amen.

6. As you clock another year today, I pray that the lines will fall in pleasant places for you. Happy birthday, dear friend.

7. Happy birthday to my sweetest wife. I pray that your life will never lack any good thing in Jesus name. Amen.

8. Happy birthday, sis. I pray that God will accompany you with His presence to comfort you anytime you are burdened in Jesus name. Amen.

9. Happy birthday, bro. I pray that your efforts will never be in vain and they will yield results in Jesus name. Amen.

10. Lord, keep my love for me because he/she is special to me. Happy birthday, love of my life.

Celebrate your loved ones with these Happy Birthday Blessings Quotes.

11. Happy birthday, dad. I pray that the story of your life will be full of happy tales in Jesus name. Amen.

12. Lord, I ask that your love finds expression in the life of my mum as she adds another year today in Jesus name. Amen.

13. Because you are the best friend there is, that is why I’m praying for you that you have the best life there is in Jesus name. Amen.

14. I pray that your life is full of testimonies in Jesus name. Happy birthday, lovely hubby.

15. You are a wonderful wife. That is why I am asking the Lord to breath life into all your endeavours as you celebrate another year today.

16. This beautiful day that the Lord has made is your birthday. I pray that your life will always be a cause for joy and celebration in Jesus name. Amen.

17. As you clock another year today, the Lord will shield you from all evil eyes in Jesus name. Happy birthday, mum.

18. You are God’s beautiful masterpiece, created for every good work. Have a wonderful birthday, love.

19. I am so thankful to God for adding another year to you on this great day. Your life shall attract thanksgiving at all times in Jesus name. Amen.

20. As you increase in age, I pray that you will also increase in faith in your God. Happy birthday, dearest.

Happy Birthday Blessings to You wishes for Loved ones.

21. Dad, you have been a selfless dad, providing for us at the expense of yourself. I pray, on this day of your birthday, that all your heart desires be met in Jesus name. Amen.

22. A mum is as precious as gold. So we pray for you that your life will always be precious to God in Jesus name. Happy birthday, mum.

23. Happy birthday, bro. I pray that all sorrows and sadness in your life will go with last year in Jesus name. Amen.

24. May the Lord shower you with His blessings bountifully in Jesus name. Happy birthday, love.

25. I pray that the Lord will continually be your shield and the lifter of your head in Jesus name. Enjoy your birthday, sis.

26. May all the blessings that are in this new year not elude you in Jesus name. Happy birthday, friend.

27. Happy birthday, dad. I pray that your life will forever remain relevant to the kingdom in Jesus name. Amen.

28. Happy birthday, mum. I pray that the Lord will build a hedge of fire around you to protect you always in Jesus name. Amen.

29. Happy birthday, friend. I am so excited about your future because I know it is great and hidden in God.

30. I pray that as you enter into a new year today, you will enter refreshed without any baggage of the past in Jesus name. Happy birthday, dear friend.

God Bless You on Your Birthday Quotes you can send your loved ones.

31. Welcome to your new year. I wish you 365 days of joy in Jesus name. Amen.

32. May you always feel God’s presence so you know you are alone. Happy birthday, love.

33. To the best hubby in the world, I wish you greatness all the days of your life in Jesus name. Happy birthday.

34. May you be blessed with all spiritual blessing from above, wifey. Happy birthday.

35. I pray that God will continually cause His face to shine upon you and all you hold dear in Jesus name. Happy birthday, friend.

36. I ask, Lord, that you reign indeed in the life of my wife in Jesus name. Happy birthday, sweetie.

150 Christian Birthday Prayers and Blessings for Someone Special

37. May your life always be fresh as the morning dew, mum, in Jesus name. Happy birthday.

38. Happy birthday, dad. I pray the Almighty will take your hands and guide throughout your life in Jesus name. Amen.

39. Happy birthday, sis. I pray that your life will always express God’s grace in Jesus name. Amen.

40. Happy birthday, bro. I pray that you will continually be the head everywhere you go in Jesus name. Amen.

God Bless You Birthday Wishes you should send to Loved ones.

41. I pray that the Lord grants you all your heart desires and expectations in Jesus name. Happy birthday.

42. Your life will be a testimony of God’s blessings in Jesus name. Happy birthday, friend.

43. Happy birthday, my love. I want to use this opportunity to tell you God loves you and you are continually in His thoughts.

44. As you celebrate your birthday today, I pray that God will grant you victory in all your battles in Jesus name.

45. I pray that beyond the gifts that you receive today that you receive the gift of God’s presence and favour today. Happy birthday, hubby.

46. Happy birthday, mum. I pray that all the creations of God will work together to favour you in Jesus name. Amen.

47. I pray that the Lord will counter every activity of the enemy in your life in Jesus name. Happy birthday, dad.

48. I wish you a wonderful birthday, sis. I pray the purpose of God will be fulfilled in your life in Jesus name. Amen.

49. You bring so much joy to the life of others. So you deserve to be happy. I pray that you be genuinely happy, bro. Happy birthday.

50. Happy birthday, hubby. I pray that God blesses you and all that pertains to you in Jesus name. Amen.

Pray for showers of blessings for your loved ones on their Birthdays.

51. As God made the King remember Mordecai, so will your helpers remember you to favour you in Jesus name. Happy birthday, bro.

52. Happy birthday, dear. You are a blessed friend. I pray that your life will continually be a blessing in Jesus name. Amen.

53. Today is another day to celebrate God’s wonderful creature, meaning you. You are special, love. Enjoy your day.

54. Happy birthday, dad. The Lord will turn your story around and turn your sorrow into joy in Jesus name. Amen.

55. Happy birthday, mum. Make sure you make big wishes because I have requested to the Almighty that all your wishes come true.

56. The Lord has given you another year to fulfil purpose. May you fulfil them in Jesus name. Happy birthday, bro.

57. I pray, mum, that every sad episode and negativity be finished by the blood of the Lamb in Jesus name. Happy birthday.

58. Happy birthday, sis. May your life be full of light in Jesus name. Amen.

59. I’m so excited about today because you were born on this date. I wish you a wonderful day and a greater year in Jesus name. Amen.

60. I pray that every dead situation in your life receives life even as you celebrate another year today in Jesus name. Happy birthday, hubby.

Happy Birthday Wishes With God’s Blessing for your cherished ones.

61. Happy birthday to my lovely wife. May the Lord give His angels charge over you in Jesus name. Amen.

62. I pray that the Lord fills your heart with so much love. Happy birthday, dearest.

63. Happy birthday, dear friend. You were made in God’s image, so you have nothing to worry about. Enjoy your day.

64. Your year is blessed already. Go into your new year rest assured God is taking care of everything. Happy birthday, hubby.

65. I pray that your life will keep marvelling others in Jesus name. Happy birthday, wifey.

66. Happy birthday, bro. I want you to know that if the going gets tough, you have a God, who is always with you.

67. Happy birthday, dad. The work of your hands will continually be favoured in Jesus name. Amen.

68. I pray that the Lord will be your provision and provide all your needs in Jesus name. Happy birthday, mum.

69. Even as you are growing older, I pray that you continue to look and feel younger in Jesus name. Happy birthday, love.

70. Happy birthday, hubby. I pray that whoever comes against you will see that the Lord is for you in Jesus name. Amen.

Christian Birthday Blessings you can send to your loved ones.

71. The Lord will arise for you and all your enemies will scatter in Jesus name. Happy birthday, wifey.

72. Happy birthday, love. As the Lord rains down gifts from heaven, it will not elude you in Jesus name. Amen.

73. Every day of your life has been a blessing. God has indeed blessed you in many ways. Have a wonderful birthday, love.

74. I pray that you experience prosperity in your body, soul and spirit even as you celebrate another birthday. Happy birthday, sis.

75. Lord, please, I ask that you guide my mum with your protective hands even as she starts another year today in Jesus name. Happy birthday.

76. Today is another great day in your life. The year will always be filled with great days in Jesus name. Enjoy your day, bro.

77. Dad, I prayed for you on this day that you will always have cause to celebrate in Jesus name. Amen.

78. Happy birthday, friend. I wish you success in all your endeavours this year and even beyond in Jesus name. Amen.

79. The peace of God, which passes all human understanding will be with you everywhere you go in Jesus name. Happy birthday, sis.

80. I am so happy to celebrate the day you were born with you. I pray that the favour of the Lord will speak for you everywhere you go in Jesus name. Happy birthday, the best husband in the world.

Birthday Blessings for a Friend on His or Her Birthday.

81. Hi, wifey. I sent prayers up above for you that your life is filled with love, joy and happiness all the days of your life in Jesus name. Have a wonderful birthday.

82. I ask that the Lord plants you by the riverside, so you be like a tree that cannot wither in Jesus name. Happy birthday, dad.

83. Happy birthday to you, bro. I pray that your life is full of light and colour in Jesus name. Amen.

84. Happy birthday, dear. I pray that all those who persecute shall be disgraced in Jesus name. Amen.

85. I wish you a great life ahead in Jesus name. Happy birthday, friend.

86. Happy birthday, sis. I pray that the Lord makes a way for you when there seems to be no way in Jesus name. Amen.

87. I ask that the Lord strengthens you as you celebrate your birthday today. Happy birthday, dad.

88. Happy birthday, mum. I pray that the Lord will increase you on all sides in Jesus name. Amen.

89. May the Lord cover you with his banner in Jesus name. Happy birthday, dear.

90. Your testimony will be from impossibilities to possibilities from today henceforth. Happy birthday, dad.

Happy Birthday God Bless Quotes.

91. I pray that no weapon fashioned against you shall prosper in Jesus name. Happy birthday.

92. Happy birthday, love. May you live long and may God bless you abundantly now and always.

93. Happy birthday, mum. Thanksgiving shall not leave your life in Jesus name. Amen.

94. I am so happy God kept and protected you all these years. Happy birthday, sis.

95. Happy birthday, dad. You are a blessing from God, the best dad in the world.

96. I pray that the heavens will open and rain down blessings upon you in Jesus name. Happy birthday, bro.

97. For being the best wife in the world, I wish you a wonderful birthday celebration. God bless you mightily.

98. I want to wish the best husband in the world a blessed birthday because you are worth celebrating.

99. Happy birthday, love. I pray that the Lord will preserve you and always keep you safe.

100. Happy birthday. The Lord will always be in your corner and your side in Jesus name. Amen.

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