2022 Happy Birthday Letter to Mom from Daughter or Son

Happy Birthday Letter to Mom

“From the start, your heart has been nothing less of a rich fountain of love, an enthusiasm that springs from within and fills my life with so much fragrance of hope. To me its a priceless gift seeing my heroine cloak another year. May it grace your life with so much cheer to multiply and replicate even more of your goodness. Happy Birthday to You, Mom.”

1. To the Dearest Mom

When every person is busy calculating out their survival, you choose to live every single day for us. What a mother. As I wish you an abundance of cheerful and more returns mum. Happy birthday.

2. What More Will I Ask For?

What more can I ask for, than the brightest of an assuring smile on your face that neither time nor age can outgrow! A wordless assurance of courage and latent energy that just pushes you a little above the impossible. Happy birthday and sweet returns mother.

3. Happier Birthday to You

Happy birthday, mother. I wish to say your role in my life will forever remain invisible and undefined because you mean more than one single thing to me. To be sincere, every occasion, fierce or humble, presents you with a new opportunity to represent true greatness that neither malls nor beautiful catalogues can perfectly supply a description.

4. My Chorus of Love

As I chorus along in wishing you a marvellous birthday. I want you to know this one thing. That there are times when my world so utterly had to hit rock bottom, rests its weight on my shoulder and every friend and foe joins in silence to cast their lot against me because no one dares not pick a side. Then, mother in the face of hopelessness, I have witnessed you taking a stand right by my side and despite the delicate ice beneath my feet, stretch forth your hand and urge me on. My heart just goes out to you every time I realize such grace radiates from the depth of your love-filled heart.

5. ‘How Odd Life Can Be…’

I only sigh for a sense of puzzle always seems to tell the whole story- which I hurry to bury right in my heart where it all begins and ends. You are an indispensable friend as far as my heart is concerned. Am afraid to tell you, how many times you have been my saving grace whenever life and it’s trouble has dragged and tossed me about. My passion when I have lost my inspiration and motivation. I can’t claim to know about LOVE but no matter what it might be, I think I have witnessed it and beheld it in your eyes, words and embraces whenever I have ended up on your shoulder when all is but gone. Thank you MOTHER, my Queen. Happy Birthday to You.

6. A Birthday Letter to My Queen

On your birthday, my Queen. I wish and earnestly pray that God builds and surround your heart with walls, forged out of your innocent faith and unfailing endurance in belief and promise to strengthen and brighten your being whenever cares and perplexities intrude.

7. My Endless Love for You

I will always love you, not because you are there whenever I need you, but yours is the beautiful soul whose presence over and over again proves present and unfailing.

8. Your Love Is Inestimable

The pain and the guts of your courage with which you put up with so much. I cannot ever understand and neither can I feel it. But this one thing I do know, you always have and always will do it for my gain. Seeing you on such a happy birthday like this, makes me pray that God returns it to you a thousand fold.

9. I Can’t Thank You Enough

Whenever I sit to reflect on the virtue with which you imparted and forged out a man I am today, my heart longs for a sweeter occasion to thank you and here on your birthday is no otherwise such. Congratulations on your happy and defining moment mother.

10. Thanks for Believing in Me

Every time you have fallen on opposite side of my arrogance. I realize now that you still believe there is a better man in me. Celebrating another year with you, mum goes beyond the pride and confidence I have in you for my blessing, but an everlasting assurance of order and direction in my life.

11. There is no sweeter feeling than to feel accomplished on any goal in life, Then at the peak of it all, you look around and realize your mother has been that spring of your inspiration and zeal that manifests in the serenity of your excellence. I owe it to you, mum. Congrats on your birthday and most beautiful heart.

12. Ultimately although the world sees me in the spotlight, your love is the fire that set me to the challenge of becoming and changing my station in life. I extremely feel I owe you the credit mother. Happy birthday.

13. Dear mum,
Even when am broken I still feel great every time you come around, shout out and reach out your gentle hand, knowing that even if it were true am a pile of beaten down pieces, in your heart, I will never cease to remain a precious and most valuable a treasure. Love you so much on your birthday.

14. I know that some broken things stay broken, but I have learnt to get through bad times and keep looking with so much hope to better ones just like I never witnessed you giving up on me despite my flaws. On your birthday, I wish you the cheeriest of moments.

15. If the superb goodness and love your cheerful heart represents were to be replicated, the world would be so beautiful and a better place in a second. Happy birthday my cheerleader.

16. Seeing you radiating like that on your birthday, I imagine there absolutely could be no more magical a time for everyone, where we all gather together and invade your quiet warm space just to get some of that cheerful and colourful hospitality with which you paint our world, making it a daring atmosphere for everyone. Happy birthday my Queen.

17. When life gets really ugly for sure, challenging and frustrating. There is no better place to look than your welcoming face and no better place to retire, take a moment and refocus than your warm heart

18. Dear mum,
Somehow the future still remains unpredictable. Time so finite and fleeting. But there is no better occasion on which I feel like a complete being than whenever it comes around and add to your circle another year.

19. There is this instant comfort I get at the thought of you. Like all the ‘so great’ and ‘trivial’ anxieties simply varnish, rendered powerlessly. I do think and believe it’s probably from the overdose of your love from whence I have always drawn my strength. I thank God for gracing you with yet another beautiful year. Happy birthday, mother.

20. It floods my heart with super joy every time I wake up to the precious thought that its yet another birthday of my Queen. Today is no different and I can’t afford to waste a second of it. Happy birthday, mum.

21. Happy birthday, mother. Truly if I ever live long enough to tell of your pleasant personality and legend of goodness at that. My favourite part will always be as much as it is now, how you constantly ever saw past and beyond my faults and saw my need.

Happy Birthday Letter to Mom

22. I personally find in your love and care a musical soul that always seeks to quench the chaos in me, I can’t thank you enough. But here is to just let you know that all you are and all you never cease to do, never go unnoticed in my heart. Happy birthday, mum.

23. Seeing how far we have come, I feel so proud of you and that if nothing else one day I can look straight in the eyes of someone and say. “l have lived through life and passed through the told and told and your love was but all I hoped on,” those eyes I would prefer be yours, mother. Happy birthday, ma.

24. I can only imagine how much of a task it is to be responsible for the inexperienced, clumsy and naive. I have witnessed you angry but never for once did I ever saw and witness you break under the rage and called it quits on me. You always flick back on the light of your smiling cheer and shine even brighter. And that has given me more than a reason to fall so deeply in love with your rare enduring passion for my life. Just wishing you more happy returns ahead, mother. Happy birthday.

25. On your birthday, mother, I wish you nothing less but the warmth of the same sun and cheer with which you reach out and touch hearts. Happy birthday.

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