2022 Happy Early Birthday to Me Quotes and Wishes

You are the only one with the key to make your birthday a special one, as much as you have your family and friends to celebrate you, you also need to celebrate yourself. Your birthday is your day, a day to appreciate love and adore yourself more than ever because life becomes more meaningful when you learn to appreciate, love and adore yourself more than anyone else.

Worrying yourself over how to make your day a special one, you need not to, just pick from below the few happy birthday to me quotes and be the happiest celebrant on your birthday.

Set the pace before everyone else. Use these happy early birthday to me Quotes and wishes to wish yourself an early birthday. Wishing myself an early birthday, with best messages, wishes and quotes.

1. Hey, something special is happening today! Guess what?? It’s my birthday, please wish me well and pray for me. Thanks.

2. Allow me to bell the cat and tell the world it’s my birthday today… happy birthday to the best of me. Hurray!!!

3. Birthdays are special and that makes today a very special day for me! Happy birthday to me long life and prosperity I wish myself.

4. What more can I say than ‘thank you Lord for a new year’ Happy birthday to me!

5. The dawning of each day tells me my big day is drawing closer very fast, so you’ll know, my birthday is in three days. Happy birthday in advance to me!

6. Today is the day of the Lord not because it’s like every other day but because it’s my birthday. Happy birthday sweet girl!

7. Carefully, patiently but not quietly, I’m waiting for the dawning of another new day because the new day marks a new year for me. Happy birthday in advance to me!

8. If the Mountains were near, I’ll climb so I can scream on it to tell the world it’s my birthday! Happy birthday to the best person I’ve ever known.

9. It’s my birthday, I can scream all I want but all I wish myself is abundant grace and happiness. Happy birthday to me!

10. I’m plus one today.. I’m glad I made it into the boat of adulthood. I shall not be swept by it waves
Happy birthday to me!

Short happy early birthday to me quotes

11. 364 days of unending grace, peace, joy, and love for me, Happy birthday in advance to a star!

12. In advance to my birthday tomorrow, I wish myself a long life and prosperity. Amen!

13. Today marks the day a rare diamond was birth, the diamond grew and became gold… happy born day to the diamond, Happy birthday to me!

14. Cakes, drinks, music, gifts, prayers, and wishes everywhere around me today! So you’ll know it’s my birthday and a happy new year to me.

15. Hurray!! With gladness in my heart, I announce to you that I’m plus one today. Happy birthday to me!

16. Get ready, the gifts, the cakes and the wishes. My birthday is in a few days time. I also don’t mind your prayers. In addy to me!

17. Birthday, they say, is cake day, so I’ll say happy cake day to me. God’s blessings upon me.

18. May the next 365 days be better than my previous 365 days. Happy birthday to my cute and happy self.

19. It’s my day you know, my most anticipated day of the year. Happy birthday to the sweetest person I’ve known, happy birthday to me.

20. I am special, I am great, I am sweet, I am kind, it’s my birthday call me sweet names for the rest of the day if you don’t mind. Happy 21st birthday to me.

21. It’s my new year, I’m plus one today, I’m not just adding to my height and weight, I’m adding to my sweetness and kindness. Happy birthday to me!

22. Don’t just walk away, take a turn, and say me a prayer from your heart because it’s my birthday.

23. Birthday loading …98% happy birthday in advance to me.

24. Every day is a good day but today is the best day because it’s my birthday today, and it marks the beginning of the best year ever!

25. In a few days, I’ll have a new age, It’s my wish that I continue to grow in grace, peace, love, and joy. Happy birthday in advance to moi!

26. Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow!!! I’m going to be plus one. Thank you Lord for keeping me, thank you lord for a year well spent in your presence!

27. For me, myself and I, I wish us all a Happy birthday in advance, bigger, smarter, greater and sweeter me I pray for my new age!

28. The sound of my cry this day, few years ago brought happiness into the world. May my sweetness not be sorrowful as I celebrate another new year. Happy birthday to me.

29. Hurray, your favorite person is plus one today. Share in her happiness and gladness and give glory to God. Happy birthday to me, many happy returns.

30. New year, new age, new grace and abundant peace I wish myself for the next 365 days of my life. Happy birthday to me!

No doubt with these happy early birthday to me quotes and wishes, your birthday shall be filled with so much joy that’ll flow from you to your family and friends thus making your birthday the most special one ever.

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