2022 Heartfelt Love Promises Messages for Your Lover

Loving someone is not something that’s easy and the hardest part is making that person love you back. There are so many things you should do or say to make that special person fall in love with you or keep being in love with you. Make a promise to someone, and never fail to fulfil that promise. Here is a list of love promises messages for your lover.

The best of romantic love messages of promise to someone you love. Romantic promises messages for him, promises messages for her. Promise love messages for boyfriend or girlfriend.

1. I promise to stand by you and love you unconditionally.

2. I promise never to break this heart of yours.

3. Till the day I will turn to dust, I will always love and cherish your imperfections.

4. I promise to care for you and never neglect you. You’re life to me.

5. Whatever you do, I will always have your back; come rain, come shine.

6. Whoever tries to harm you will have me to contend with. It’s a promise that I will protect you with the last drop of my blood.

7. I promise to never make you cry, my love. I will dry your every tear.

8. If I hurt you, I hurt myself because you’re me and I am you.

9. I swear to you on everything: I’m giving you my life.

10. I dedicate to you all that I have, and I promise you that I’ll stand right by your side forever and always until the day I die.

Do you need love messages to reassure your lover that the love you have for him or she is unending? Then feel free to make a selection from the following Touching I Promise to You with All of My Heart Messages and Quotes.

11. If at any time life becomes like a candle in the wind, I’ll put my hands around you so that all burns will be mine, and all light, yours. It’s a promise.

12. I can’t promise to solve all your problems. I can only promise that I’ll never let you face them alone. The closer I get to you, the more I fall in love with you.

13. I promise to continue doing the things I did to win your heart, well after you’re mine.

14. I promise to treat our relationship like it’s our relationship, that it’s private, that it’s between you and I. I won’t let the world spoil it or dictate it. I’ll understand that it’s you and I together.

15. Love is the happiness of today and promise of tomorrow. So this warm note comes to you to say that you should live life with a heart full of love.

16. I promise not to bring up that thing from six months ago that is totally irrelevant to our current argument.

17. I promise to listen when you speak to me, even if I’ve heard it before, disagree with what is being said or find it hard to listen.

18. My promise and commitment to you are to be your sweetest lover when it’s easy and when it’s hard too. Our one plus one will never become two. No cheating, no lying; I will forever be true. I love you!

19. I promise I will fight for you and when I say I’m committed, you won’t have to worry about whether or not I mean it. I will make it important to earn and keep your trust.

20. Speaking without egos, loving without intentions, caring without expectations, I promise you that you’ll be mine always.

Here are to make a standing love promises to your lover just by sending him or her the following romantic love promises quotes from the heart.

21. My promise of love always stands. I will never to lie to you.

22. I promise I will never treat you like a cliche. I will never expect you to do anything you don’t want to do.

23. I promise to have fun with you and ensure that I’m fun with you.

24. I’ll never spoil anything for you. I’ll paint your world beautiful.

25. I don’t promise you the moon, I don’t promise you the stars. But if you promise to remember me, I promise to be there always. Thinking of you, sweetheart!

26. I promise I will not just tolerate your family, but I will make an effort to know your parents, your siblings, your cousins, because anyone that is important to you has to be amazing and I want to know them, too.

27. I promise we won’t fall into tired old routines and that I will look for new and interesting ways to keep our relationship fun.

28. I promise to always love you, I promise you, my love, I promise you my life, I promise to always trust you.

29. I promise to always show you courtesy: to open doors and introduce you as my wife.

30. I promise you: I’ll always love you, I’ll care for you and when you won’t be with me, I’ll miss you.

The following love promises will give you an opportunity to make an effectual love promises to your lover if you send it to him or her. All you need to is to make your choice and send to him or her and be glad you did.

31. I promise that even when you fall out with your friends, I will not bad-mouth them because we both know it’s probably temporary, as they were here before me. But in all, I promise to never leave you.

32. I promise to let the past be the past. I will not ask about your ex and I will not talk about mine unless you ask.

33. Someday, even if the Sun forgets to rise or the flowers forget to bloom, I’ll be there for you.

34. I promise to show you off, whether it means bringing you around my friends and co-workers or posting our pictures on Instagram.

35. I promise that if you’re sick, I’ll go to that Italian restaurant you like and pick up some soup for you and I won’t even be annoyed when you tell me you feel awful hundred times a day. I know you feel awful. I’ve been sick, too.

36. I promise that I won’t stop caring about you when you’re at your worst, and I’ll always work to bring out your best. Everybody needs to be cared for.

37. Some try to hide, some try to cheat, but time will how, we will always meet.

38. I will treat you right and give you things money can’t buy. Morning, afternoon and night, I will cling to you and wouldn’t say goodbye. When you need me, I’ll be there for you. My love will reign forever and will never die.

39. I promise to keep my phone screen face up and without a password because I don’t have anything to hide.

Here are well-constructed I promise to love you forever quotes that your lover will appreciate if you send it to him or her.

40. I will forever take care of you during the day and repeat the two processes at night because you’re my Angel.

41. I promise to treat you right, without doubts or regrets.

42. I promise to love you forever without looking back.

43. I promise to share my life with you, forever and always.

44. You mean more than the world to me. I promise to be there whenever you need me.

45. I’ll fight your wars and love you like no other.

46. I will be the best man you ever want in this whole world. This is my promise to you because you mean the world to me.

47. You’re that part of me I cherish every day. You’re that soft part that turns my world on.

48. I promise to be the best you’ll ever have.

49. You have been my desire every day; the treasure that has shaped my life.

50. I love you with my whole heart, and I have this promise to make to you: I will love you forever.

Sending these romantic love confession text messages from the heart will definitely mark the beginning of a new era in your relationship.

51. I promise you sweet love every day because you are the one my soul longs for.

52. How I feel for you cannot be explained, but I know it’s real.

53. Everyone can make promises but when you look into my eyes, everything you wish to know is written there.

54. When you look into your heart, you will know that I am the one for you.

55. I’m not claiming to be your Mr Right but I know I’m the one for you anytime, anyway.

56. I don’t want to miss you because I promise to love you forever.

57. Remember the first time we met, the sweet memories we shared. They were the best I’ve ever had with anyone.

58. I promise to give you my love every day.

59. I don’t want to leave this spot I hold in your heart. I don’t want this love to die. I don’t want to stop looking into your eyes, and I don’t want to stop loving you.

60. Henceforth, I promise to love you unconditionally.

Here are lovely text messages you can use to promise your lover an endless love. You will be glad you did if you send it to him or her.

61. I promise to give you a listening ear when you talk, an arm when you’re cold and a heart that will love you forever unconditionally.

62. I promised to love you but I will give you beyond that, I promised to care for you but you will get more than care.

63. I promised you my world, here it is. Be my Queen, I promise to be your King.

64. Be my girl, I promise to give you true love that you have never felt before.

65. I will give you all I have because you deserve more.

66. I will love you unconditionally because nobody on earth deserves it more than you.

67. I love you so much. So, I give you my word to love you forever till the end of time.

68. My promise to you this morning is not to give you everything you ask for, but to cherish this love we share forever.

69. I promise to give you my best. Sometimes I don’t keep to it, but my best will I give you forever as you remain my better half.

70. I long for your love every day. This makes the feeling I have for you grow stronger.

Let your lover know that the kind of love you have for him or she is rare and you do anything to make it work with the following Love Promising Quotes from the Heart.

71. From the depth of my heart, I promise to keep you forever.

72. It’s never easy to be happy, but I promise to make every happy moment we share memorable.

73. We may be far apart now, but I promise that we’ll be together someday, my princess.

74. I promise to genuinely try to understand your point of view when we disagree, before counteracting it with my own.

75 I promise to not keep scores in our relationship, no matter how badly one of us screws up.

76. I promise to keep striving to be a better version of myself every day, no matter how happy I am in our relationship.

77. I promise to always know your coffee order, and exactly how it changes with the seasons.

78. I promise to forgive you for the times when you are not yourself and it affects the way we interact with each other.

79. I promise to remind you that I love you, even on the days when I don’t like you.

80. I promise to be honest about what’s not working for me in this relationship, even when it’s uncomfortable to bring up.

Promise your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend and endless love with the following I will love you infinitely quotes from the heart.

81. I promise to never make you guess at my feelings, even if it means giving up a bit of control.

82. I promise to make a genuine effort with your friends and family, no matter how different we are from one another.

83. I promise to be open and inspired by our differences, rather than solely frustrated by them.

84. I promise not to hold onto bitterness or resentment after agreeing to make a compromise for the sake of our relationship.

85. I promise to be big enough to admit when I’m wrong.

86. I promise to like a solid 80% of what you post on social media, even if most of it is selfies.

87. I promise not to judge you on the choices you have made in the past, even if they still affect your present.

88. I promise to understand your needs and how they differ from my own so that I can love you in the ways that don’t come naturally to me.

89. I promise to consciously, deliberately choose you when temptations come my way.

90. I promise to talk openly with you about boundaries and lines so that we don’t venture into grey areas that hurt each other.

Promise your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend an endless love with the following I will love you infinitely quotes from the heart.

91. I promise to kiss you even when you have bad breath sometimes.

92. I promise to respect that you will sometimes have projects or commitments that you have to put ahead of our relationship.

93. I promise to maintain my own set of projects and commitments that allow me to thrive outside of our relationship.

94. I promise to agree on that stupid movie that you want to watch, at least 50% of the time.

95. I promise to take an interest in the activities you enjoy, even if they terrify or bore me.

96. I promise to constantly think of new ways to make you happy, no matter how long we have been together and how comfortable we become.

97. I promise not to take you for granted.

98. I promise to let you lean on me during the times when you’re not at your best.

99. I promise to laugh at almost all the horrible jokes you would make, even if they are not funny.

100. I promise to remain mute about the embarrassing secrets I know about you.

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