2022 Instagram Birthday Captions for Yourself (Myself)

Birthdays only come once every year, and you don’t always have to wait for people to celebrate you, because no one loves you, or knows your story and journey like you do.

Do you find it difficult to give yourself credit (Instagram Birthday Captions, this time around)? Your birthday is a legitimate opportunity to praise yourself and celebrate your achievements as an individual. So feel free to put up any of these praiseworthy messages to yourself on your social media platforms.

If you love yourself, are grateful for the gift of life and for the chance to experience yet another brand new year, select any of the Instagram Birthday Captions below to celebrate the awesome opportunity to be a superstar once every year.

Here are top  Instagram Birthday Captions for Yourself (Myself). Make your Birthday memorable with these Instagram Birthday Captions for Myself.

1. It’s amazing how far I’ve come in this journey called life… Not because I’m perfect, nor am I the best, but because the giver of life has been faithful. For the gift of life, for family, for love, I say thank you, Lord, I’m grateful. Happy birthday to me.

2. Another 365 days cycle has been completed, and I’m super excited for the opportunity to go round another one. I look forward to all this new year has to offer, and I’m just gonna enjoy all I’ve been blessed with. Happy birthday (Insert your name), I called you blessed.

3. I can’t keep calm, it’s my birthday. My life has simply been a testimony of God’s grace, and I just want to say big thanks to God, my parents, siblings, and friends for standing by me through thick and thin. I pray this year takes me closer to the fulfilment of destiny, and may all I do prosper. Cheers to me.

4. Today is a special day because this day, many years ago, a very special baby was born into the world. Today is even more special because that baby is now grown to become a beautiful young lady doing great exploits. Happy birthday to me, I’m super proud of myself.

5. Happy birthday to this amazing young lady of inestimable worth. Oh yes, it’s my birthday, and I’m super excited and love the woman I’m becoming.

6. The older I get, the more I realise how beautiful and precious life is, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of its beauty, year in year out. Happy birthday and new year to my lovely self.

7. We only live but once, so this one life that I’ve been gifted with shall be lived to the fullest. A happy new year to me, can’t wait to have all the fun possible, living each day like it’s my last. Cheers!

8. My beauty grows every year as I become older, and this new year, I pray for more beauty and splendour, and grace to be all that I’m made to be. Happy birthday to me.

9. I’m grateful for life and for growth. I wish myself a happy birthday filled with love, joy and blessings.

10. My birthday is special because I get to share it with the most amazing family and friends ever. A happy birthday to me, let’s go have all the fun there is today.

11. I just have a feeling this is gonna be my best birthday yet. I pray me an increase in beauty, wisdom, blessings and success. Expecting my birthday gifts from you all.

12. It’s just a few hours into my birthday and I’m overwhelmed by the number of wishes I already got. You guys are the best, now I wish every day was my birthday.

13. Thirty hearty cheers to this fine young man, thirty never looked this good on anyone.

14. Cheers to the one day of our lives, when we actually celebrate getting old. Happy birthday to me.

15. I’ve been here for quite a while now and done this over and over every year, so I know those of you who simply send wishes on my birthdays. This year, why not surprise me by sending gifts instead? Thank you. Happy birthday to me.

16. It’s amazing how we all are superstars on our birthdays and all get that 24hours of honour and fame. Before this special day of mine ends, I want to specially say thank you to all who have been a part of my life. God bless you all as he blesses me today, let’s do this again next year.

17. Trying to imagine what it was like the day I was born. I’m sure the earth stood still in awe of such a rare beauty born into it. It’s a brand new year for me, Happy birthday to my very beautiful self.

18. Like fine wine, I only get better and finer with age. Happy birthday to me.

Birthday Captions for Myself

19. Blessed is the day I was gifted to the world. As I increase in age today, I pray an increase in every area of my life, especially in beauty, impact, and wisdom. Time to have the fun I deserve.

20. Life isn’t a right, but a privilege and every birthday celebration is an opportunity to be grateful for this beautiful gift. I indeed have a lot to be grateful for and wish myself many more years in life and love, happy birthday to me.

21. I’m not where I want to be yet, but I don’t take my journey thus far for granted. May this year be crowned with all things bright and beautiful, happy birthday to me.

22. Join me in celebrating the most amazing man ever: “Me”. May this be a very happy birthday, and may all my wishes and dreams come true this new year and beyond.

23. I wanted to be the first to wish myself a happy birthday today. More wisdom, more money, greater achievements, I wish myself today and always.

24. Dear self, as you become a year older today, I hope you know you’re now an adult and must think and live as such? I pray you wisdom and knowledge to make the best of decisions, and strength to bear all life brings. Happy birthday to me.

25. Happy birthday to me. Not only am I a year older today, I’m also a year stronger, wiser, more beautiful and amazing. This is gonna be my best year yet.

26. I’ve made decisions I’m not proud of, I’ve had a few failures, made a few mistakes, but I have no regrets, kos life has equally been awesome, full of successes and victories. Happy birthday to me. May this year be crowned with more success and blessings.

27. I thank God for the conclusion of an amazing year, and the beginning of a new one filled with an abundance of blessings. Happy birthday to me.

28. Yippie, my favourite day of every year is here again. Permit me to flood your timeline with pictures of my amazing self. Cheers to a new year of love, joy, peace and happiness. Happy birthday to me.

29. Today is the birthday of one of the most handsome men ever created. Don’t search too far, I’m talking about myself. I remain ever grateful for life.

30. On this special day, I want to give thanks to God for the gift of life, health, family and friends. Though I might not have the kind of money I desire, having such amazing people in my life enriches me in many ways than one. A happy birthday to me.

31. If asked to make a birthday wish this morning, it would be to get more opportunities to bless many more lives around me this year. Happy birthday to me.

32. I believe this is the beginning of the best years of my life. Happy birthday to my super self.

33. The most interesting part of my birthdays are the free cakes I get to eat all alone. Lol, just kidding. Having to spend such a special day with such wonderful family and friends makes life worth living.

34. Here’s another opportunity for all of you that offended me last year to make it up to me by sending cool gifts my way. It’s my birthday and I’ve started receiving gifts, so let them roll in.

Instagram Birthday Captions for Yourself

35. Every new year is always better than the last because the glory of the latter is always far better than the former. May this continually be my testimony. Happy birthday to me.

36. Can you all see how brightly the sun is shining today? That’s simply because it’s the birthday of a very special being. Happy birthday to me.

37. It’s the beginning of new things, new opportunities for me, and the beginning of a new year, happy birthday to me.

38. I just got my ticket signed to live another full year, can’t wait to share it with you all and enjoy all it has to offer. A happy birthday to me.

39. I’m proud of how far I’ve come. I look forward to the greater years ahead. Cheers to a very happy birthday, and a prosperous new year for me.

40. One special thing about birthdays is that everyone says only good things about the celebrant, so allow me to enjoy this one day of perfection we all get once every year. Happy birthday to an awesome me.

41. Cheers to better days, better opportunities, better decisions, and to a better me entering my birthday and this year new with style.

42. Even if no one sends me birthday wishes today, it won’t change the fact that I’m glad and filled with joy and gratitude for my life lived thus far. A very happy birthday to me.

43. Happy birthday to my super self. It’s definitely gonna be a super new year for me.

44. The enemy’s plan was to prevent me from seeing this day, but the Lord keeps being faithful to me. I’m grateful for being alive to see another new year, it tells me there’s still hope. Happy birthday to me.

45. To all who have contributed to my growth and where I am today, I say thanks, especially to all who never stopped believing in me. Happy birthday to me.

46. Age is actually just a number and my birthday is a day of renewing my strength, youth and awesomeness. Happy birthday to me, many more years in health and wealth.

Instagram Birthday Captions for Myself

47. This new year, I declare that I shall work in power, miracles and unusual favour. It’s my birthday and the beginning of best things to come.

48. Hip hip hip, hurray! It’s that special day of the year once again when I get to celebrate myself and be celebrated openly. Cheers to a great new year, happy birthday to me.

49. I’m not a fan of parties, but this year, I’m definitely throwing myself one. You all are invited to celebrate my birthday with me today, here on social media though, lol.

50. Long live (Insert your name), a very happy birthday celebration to me.

51. I woke up this morning and decided to count my blessings, it’s past noon and I’m still counting. Happy blessed birthday to me.

52. It doesn’t matter how many people say good things about me, or how many people celebrate me. I know how far I’ve come, been behind the scenes of my life and on this birthday of mine, I choose to celebrate, cos I deserve it, oh yes I do. But most importantly, God deserves all the glory in my life. Happy birthday to me.

53. Despite all the odds, the ups and downs, I’m here, still standing strong and able to say happy birthday to my lovely self, today. God bless and increase me on all sides.

54. Today is worth celebrating kos I’m not who, what or where I was yesterday. It’s been a progressive journey, and I want to say thank you to all that has been a part of my life. Happy birthday to me.

55. Don’t be deceived by what the calendar says, I’m still very much young at heart and mind, it’s just my body that’s ageing. Happy birthday to an adorable me, many more years in love and joy.

56. It’s not about the number of years that we live, but about the life in the years, and how many lives we touched. Happy birthday to me, all I want to do this year is to make more impact.

57. I have decided to dedicate the rest of my life to making sure every single day from today, counts. Happy birthday to me.

58. If I don’t celebrate myself today, who will? Happy birthday to my humble self. It’s a brand new year, and brand new season of joy and laughter.

59. I’m proud of what I’ve made of my life, of what I’ve become, and I’m becoming. Happy birthday to me as I keep soaring higher.

60. I’m proud of the future I see taking shape, and on my birthday today, I just want to celebrate myself and pray all things continually work for my good.

61. At the end of it all, what will count is what I did with the life I was given. Heavenly father, as I become a year older today, please help me to only commit to causes with eternal values this year and beyond. Happy birthday to me.

62. Many times, we forget to give thanks for the things we have, cos we are occupied with desire for what we’re yet to get. Only if we realised it’s the little things that lead to big ones. On my birthday today, I want to take out time to give thanks for my life, for my health, my family and friends. I’m not ungrateful Lord.

63. I’m simply grateful for another chance at life. I see this new year as an opportunity to right all the wrongs of the past ones. To a new me, happy happy birthday.

64. Happy birthday to a stronger, wiser, healthier and better me. It’s my year of exponential increase, Amen.

65. I can’t change my past, but what becomes of my future is dependent on the steps I take henceforth. As I step into my new age, I choose to live circumspectly and make the best of decisions. Happy birthday to a wiser me.

66. My growth game has been so strong, and today, I’m saying cheers to a new age and year of growth and greater achievements.

67. Today is all about me. So, if you’ve not wished me a happy birthday yet, you’re wrong.

68. As my birthday comes and goes every year, it dawns on me more and more that I’m no longer a child, and the future I dreamt of as a kid is already here. May this year be full of great choices and experiences for me.

69. Keep calm and come eat cake, it’s my birthday.

70. I pray all my wishes and deepest desires be granted today, this year, and beyond. Happy birthday to my amazing self.

71. I deserve the best, and on this birthday of mine, I’m gonna give myself nothing less.

72. Today ought to be celebrated as a national holiday kos it’s the birthday of a very special and rare being: “ME”. I look forward to having a super celebration, and a prosperous new year.

73. I know many of you are wishing me a happy birthday today, but for me, it’s actually a happy independence day. I’m officially an adult, and can’t wait to enjoy this new phase of my life. Cheers.

74. It’s my birthday today and I’m grateful for how far I’ve come. Cheers to a prosperous new year and many more years in health and wealth. A very happy birthday to me.

75. I’m thankful for another opportunity to share and enjoy life with you all. God bless me today and always with joy, peace, long life and prosperity. Happy birthday to me.

76. Thanks for the love and birthday wishes awesome family and friends, I appreciate you all.

77. Happy birthday to me, my path shines brighter this year, and all I do prospers.

78. Happy birthday to this superwoman. I’m definitely not where I want to be yet, and I pray this year takes me closer to my dreams. Let the gifts start rolling in.

79. Contrary to the norm, I’m a year younger today. Happy birthday to my dearest self.

80. God has indeed been faithful to me and I’m most grateful for the gift of life and health. Happy birthday to me.

81. Cheers to a new year of possibilities and making myself and family proud. Happy birthday to me.

82. I can do as I like today and get away with it, simply because it’s my birthday. Happy birthday to me.

83. A million thanks won’t be enough to show my gratitude to my maker for keeping me alive until this moment. Happy golden jubilee to me.

84. May joy and peace be bestowed on me in million folds today and forever. Happy birthday to me.

85. The Lord that has brought me this far is able to help me live to see many more years. Happy birthday to me.

86. It’s another birthday and words fail me to express how glad I am. I’m a blessed man, and my heartfelt gratitude goes to God, family and friends. Cheers to greater years ahead.

87. It’s been a privilege watching myself grow from a lil girl into a fine young lady. Cheers to another year of watching me bloom, happy birthday to me.

88. Life won’t always go the way we planned it, but as long as one is still breathing, there’s still hope for victory. Happy victorious birthday to me, I triumph always.

89. There’s no stopping me from reaching the heights I was made to reach. Happy birthday to me, forward ever, backward never.

90. Showers of blessings are released upon me today, the windows and doors of heaven are open over me. It’s my special day, happy birthday to me.

91. I thank God specially today because I know my best is not in my past. This is just the beginning of great things to come in my life. Happy birthday to my dear self.

92. As you all have joined me in celebrating my birthday today, may things of joy and happiness never cease in your lives. God bless me and you all.

93. Fabulous people are born on the (Insert birth date and month). I know this because I’m one of them. Happy birthday to me.

94. Get your wine glasses, it’s time to toast to long life, perfect health, continuous joy and happiness for me in the land of the living. A blessed birthday to me.

95. Cheers to that one special day I can actually have my cake and eat it also. Happy birthday to me.

96. Happy birthday to me. I’m not growing old, I’m simply growing up. May all I do prosper this new year and beyond.

97. No one is permitted to be sad or moody today. It’s the birthday of the happiest man alive, come join me in celebrating great years past, and greater years to come.

98. My desire is that this new year takes me closer to the fulfilment of purpose. Happy birthday to me.

99. May goodness and mercy follow me for the remaining days and years of my life. Cheers to a hundred years more of life and health. Happy birthday to me.

100. With growth comes more responsibility. As I become a year older today, I pray for strength and grace to bear all that maturity brings. Happy birthday to my amazing self.

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