2022 Love Missing Message for Wife

There is a tendency that we become too familiar with people who are close to us or even bored with them until we no longer have them around for some reason then we can truly understand how much we love and miss them.

Below are a few ways that you can tell your wife how much you love and miss her.

I Miss You Love Message for Wife

Romantic love words to say I miss you to your Wife. Best of all Love Missing Messages for Wife.

1. When I realize that I’m lonely is when I’m in a crowd and I still feel alone. I miss you.

2. When I lay in bed and I can’t sleep, I know I’m missing you.

3. I can even think straight when you are not by my side. I miss you.

I Miss You Love Message for Wife
I Miss You Love Message for Wife

4. I know I’m missing you when I see my favourite sports and yet I can’t concentrate.

5. I miss you more than I miss premier league matches when the subscription expires.

6. I am missing you so much, I cannot even express it.


7. Without you by my side, the day refuses to break. I miss you, my baby.

8. You are BAE (before anyone/anything else) and AAE(after anyone/anything else). Missing you.

9. I miss you like a woman misses her period.

10. If each time I miss you were a drop of water, I would be in an ocean without you.

I Miss You Messages for My Wife

Sweet I Miss You Messages for Wife.

11. I know I have a mind but I don’t know what it is made of because it is you that it is made of.

12. I know my mind is made of you because you are part of my heart

13. I’m terrible at everything when you are not around. I’m missing you.

14. How do I ever manage without you around? I feel so incomplete without you. I miss you, my heartbeat.

I Miss You Messages for My Wife
I Miss You Messages for My Wife

15. All I can think of now is you kissing me passionately and me missing you helplessly.

16. I sit down to work and I can’t concentrate: what is the problem I can’t comprehend: then I realise I’m missing you.

17. At other times, I pick up my phone and hear your voice, I finish my job before the deadline and then I realise that missing you is all the motivation I need to speed up my work so I can come home to you my love. I miss you.

18. When I say I miss love when you are not around, it is you that I miss because you are love. I’m missing you.

19. My world refuses to rock when you are not around. I miss you because you rock my world.

20. When you left my heart stopped beating then I realized you are my heartbeat. Come home soon my heart, for I miss you.

Miss U Wife

Miss U Wife Quotes.

21. How can I not have my friend, my wife, my sister and my mother around? I miss you because you are all these and more to me.

22. If you called me now, our conversation will go thus:
You: good morning
Me: I miss you.
You: how are you?
Me: I miss you. I can’t wait to have you around, baby; I miss you.

23. I have a cold and think like I’m going to die even though I know I will not die: then I think again and realise that I’m missing you.

Miss U Wife
Miss U Wife

24. I just read your post and it reminded me of how much I need you. I’m missing you.

25. You touch my deepest parts leaving me wanting you more that’s why I feel so empty without you now. I miss you my wifey.

26. I miss your nagging to always flush the toilet and I miss you more my wife.

27. Goodbye is the hardest thing to say because I miss you already, my inspiration.

28. Like the due of the morning, you water my soul. I feel dry and thirsty when you are not around. I miss you.

29. The sun refuses to shine when you are not around. You are my sunshine baby and I miss you.

30. When I remember everything you taught me when you are not around and forget them all when you are around. I miss you.

Missing You Text Messages for My Wife

Most romantic Missing You Text Messages for My Wife.

31.I’m prepared to pay another dowry on you just to have you back. I miss my wife.

32. You travel and I’m getting thin because your presence makes me fat. I can’t wait for you to come back. I miss you.

33. I miss you so much I can’t sleep, baby.

34. Without you around, I feel myself burning under the scourging sun. You are my shade, baby, and I miss you.

Missing You Text Messages for My Wife
Missing You Text Messages for My Wife

35. I’m more than grateful for all the times that we spent together. I wish I can get you back. Missing you dearly.

36. I miss the inspiration that your presence gives me every morning when you are around. Please come back soon.

37. When I hear footsteps, I get excited that you are coming home to me. I check and realise you are not the one then I understand how much I miss you.

38. I miss you so much I have to get a loan from MTN just to hear your voice.

39. I can’t wait to have you on this weekend baby. I miss you.

40. I stole this time to talk to you because I miss you that much.

I Miss You Sms for Wife

Most touching words to say I Miss You to your Wife.

41. There is an emptiness inside of me that only you can fill. I miss you, baby.

42. You are the light of my success. My success is meaningless without you. I miss you, my wife.

43. Even though I have to let go, I just want to let you know that you are worth keeping around and I miss you already.

44. I only realise how much I love you when you are not around and I miss you.

I Miss You Sms for Wife
I Miss You Sms for Wife

45. You always reset my brain and save me from myself. That is why I miss you so much.

46. I get into trouble when you are not there to guide me. I miss you now more than I can ever think of.

47. You press my ‘mumu’ button and I smile even in a very serious situation. I miss you.

48. I remember how we used to share happy times together. I miss you.

49. The thought of you overtakes my whole being. I miss you.

50. Part of me is missing and I know that part is you.

I Miss You Love Messages for My Wife

Best I Miss You Love Messages for My Wife.

51. To the only woman that I have truly loved with my whole being. I miss you.

52. I want to let you be and forget about you but I don’t have the capacity to. I miss you.

53. Just thinking of you takes my breath away and I could die from missing you because you are my breath.

I Miss You Love Messages for My Wife
I Miss You Love Messages for My Wife

54. Words fail me but whatever I do, I will always pray for you. I miss you so.

55. No accomplished task is done without you, my baby. I miss you.

56. Every second of the day, you remain in my thoughts and I miss you so.

57. The more I think of you, the more I miss you.

58. I woke up this morning and you were the first thing on my mind. Then, I remember that you were the last thing on my mind when I went to sleep. I miss you.

59. Alone in the dark cold night, my soul craves for you. I miss you, my Angel.

60. Every night when I go to sleep I dream of you and I don’t want to wake up because I’m afraid of your absence when I wake up. I miss you, my Queen.

Miss U Sms for Wife

Romantic Miss U Sms to express your feelings to your wife.

61. When I left for the journey without you I never realized I left my heart behind. I miss you, my baby.

62. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. I miss you, baby, please come back to me.

63. The thought of you quenches my thirst just like cold water on a sunny afternoon. I miss you.

64. Baby! I’m missing the touch of your naked body. Thank God the conference is finally over. I can’t wait to have you back. I miss you. Good night.

Miss U Sms for Wife
Miss U Sms for Wife

65. Morning Baby. How are you? As soon as possible let me hear your voice. I love you, baby. I miss you.

66. Thank you for accepting me as your husband, you are the most loving wife a man can ever have. Miss you very badly.

67. My dear wife, please forgive me. I feel so imbalance and incomplete without you. I miss your presence.

68. Without you here, it feels like the end of the road for me. I am missing you.

69. I’m counting the seconds and minutes till you come back and we are together again. I miss you.

70. Your absence feels like I just had a limb removed and I cannot be complete without you. I miss you.

I Miss You SMS Messages for Wife

Sweet I Miss You Sms Messages for Wife.

71. I close my eyes and I’m lost in your arms. I don’t wanna wake up because you are not here with me. I miss you.

72. I always feel alone when I’m not with you. No matter who is around. I miss us.

73. The more time I spend without you, the more unbearable it is for me. I miss you, my babe.

74. You took an essential part of me when you left. Please come back for I miss you greatly.

75. You left such a hole, please come back. I miss you.

I Miss You SMS Messages for Wife
I Miss You SMS Messages for Wife

76. Absence they say makes the heart fonder. It is in your absence that I get to understand this. I miss you.

77. Everywhere is empty without you. I miss you.

78. You fill the whole place with your presence and love that I become lost in your absence. I miss you.

79. I woke up feeling sick and horny. I wish you were here to give me one dose of injection. I miss you like mad.

80. I miss your smile, I miss your smell, I miss your skin.

Miss You Sms for Wife

Most touching Miss You Sms for Wife Messages.

81. The night is cold and harsh and only your presence can provide the warmth I need. I miss you my blanket.

82. Our son gives me a tough time taking him to school whenever you are not around.

83. Please come back baby, I want to sit back with you while Santos does his homework and tell us what happened in school. I’m missing you.

Miss You Sms for Wife
Miss You Sms for Wife

84. I always sneak out of the office in the name of lunch just to see your angelic face. That’s how much I miss you.

85. I get back to the office and I can’t wait to get back home to you. I miss you

86. An individual is made up of spirit, soul and body. When you are away, you take my spirit and soul with you and I’m left with only my body. I miss you my spirit and soul.

87. I am addicted to you. I can’t stay one second without you. I miss you my addiction.

88. You left and I don’t want anything or anyone else. I miss you.

89. Even when I’m in trouble, I hear your voice in my head telling me that everything will be fine. I miss you.

90. My life comes to a standstill whenever you are away. I know you have to go but it is so sad because there is nothing I can do.

Missing You My Lovely Wife Messages

Romantic Missing You My Lovely Wife Messages.

91. It is a shame that we are not together now. Please come back to me. I miss you.

92. I miss the feel of your breath when you sleep peacefully on my chest.

93. I miss being a daddy to you, my baby. It gives me the greatest joy and highest sense of fulfilment. Please come back to me let me continue my greatest job.

94. I hate myself for it sometimes but I can’t help it. I miss you.

Missing You My Lovely Wife Messages
Missing You My Lovely Wife Messages

95. I was never one to fall in love so deeply because of my past experiences but that changed when I met you and I can’t stay one day without you. I miss you.

96. I’m banished from my self because you are not around and only your coming back can bring me back. I miss you.

97. “You are suffering from happiness deprivation,” says the doctor. “I prescribe a full dose of love 24/7”. Come back and cure me, my love. I miss you.

98. I get frustrated when I see other couples having a good time together because it reminds me of your absence. I miss you.

99. I eat and don’t feel full
I bath and don’t feel clean
I sleep and don’t feel rested
I work and don’t feel fulfilled
I miss you.

100. Even one second is too long not to have you in my arms and you have left me for a fortnight and I’m dying to have you back in my arms.
I miss you.

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