2022 Powerful Prayer for Wisdom

The bible teaches us that wisdom is more profitable than gold and more precious than jewels. According to Proverbs 3, with wisdom, man can get riches, honour, pleasantness and peace. Therefore, it is essential for us to continually request for God’s wisdom in other to live a well balanced and successful life. I pray as you say the prayers below, may you be filled with heavenly wisdom that would make your life right in Jesus’ name.

Awesome Prayer for Wisdom

Below are Awesome Prayers for Wisdom. Don’t hesitate to use them daily.

1. You, Lord, are the giver of all wisdom and an infinite source of sound wisdom. I pray you continually fill me with your wisdom so that I take the right decisions at all times in Jesus’ name.

2. Father, give me the grace to continually fear and revere you so I can have wisdom as the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

3. Help me Lord to continually number my days so my heart will blossom with your wisdom in Jesus name.

4. Father, I pray you give me the wisdom to be humble at all times so that pride will find no place in me in Jesus’ name.

5. Lord, I pray all my endeavours will always be marked by your wisdom so that I succeed in whatsoever I lay my hands upon in Jesus’ name.

6. I pray that I am blessed with heavenly wisdom, the type that would make man marvel at the awesomeness of God in Jesus’ name.

7. Father, give me the wisdom to always remember you are there through the storms, trials and tribulations so I can trust you completely in Jesus’ name.

8. I receive the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God to stand out amidst my peers and show forth the glory of God in Jesus’ name.

9. Lord Jesus, in your mercy, flood my life with your wisdom so much that I become an extension of your personality and a representation of your majesty in Jesus’ name.

10. I receive the wisdom to live a life of Christ, a life saturated with peace and sanctity in Jesus’ name.

Spiritual Prayer for Wisdom

Here are Effective Spiritual Prayers for Wisdom.

11. By the wisdom of God, I stand against the devil and all his agents. I nullify his plans and truncate his agendas over me in Jesus’ name.

12. May the wisdom of God order my steps, lead me through life and guide every decision I take in Jesus’ name.

13. As the day breaks and daylight spreads his wings over the skies, so shall the wisdom of God circulate daily around me and my family in Jesus’ name.

14. Lord Jesus, give me the grace to trust you fully and rely on your guidance and wisdom  even as I live through life in Jesus’ name.

15. God, I desire your divine strength and wisdom to inspire me throughout my existence. May your wisdom never depart from me in Jesus’ name.

16. Thank you, Lord, because I know you will bless me with the wisdom to live a life pleasing and acceptable to you in Jesus’ name.

17. Lord Jesus, bless me with wisdom so I give good counsel to all around me and be a source of blessing to all I come across in Jesus’ name.

18. By the grace of God, I will listen more, learn fast, have a quick and sound understanding and grow in wisdom in Jesus’ name.

19. I will live like the wise, live a calm life devoid of violence. I will live peacefully with all men in Jesus’ name.

20. Your wisdom is magnificent and your understanding no one can fathom. I pray you God will bless me with your wisdom and understanding in Jesus’ name.

Amazing Prayer for Wisdom

Top Amazing Prayers for Wisdom.

21. As a man’s wisdom makes his face shine and the hardness of his face is changed, so Lord will your wisdom make my life beautiful in Jesus’ name.

22. Father, according to your word, give me a mouth and a wisdom which none of my adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict in Jesus’ name.

23. Lord, open the floodgates of Heaven and flood my life with your refreshing and fulfilling wisdom in Jesus name.

24. Equip me Lord with wisdom from your throne so I can fulfil my purpose for creation in Jesus’ name.

25. Lord, give me wisdom after the order of Solomon to live an exceptional and exemplary life in Jesus’ name.

26. May my life continue to reflect the personality of Christ so that I can experience the wisdom that comes with knowing him.

27. Lord, give me exceptional wisdom to prevail in times of trials and tribulations in Jesus’ name.

28. Father, I pray you give me the wisdom to rightfully use the knowledge you have granted me in Christ Jesus.

29. Father, give me the wisdom I need to be an ambassador for you and your kingdom in this world in Jesus’ name.

30. Lord, give me the understanding to delight in your wisdom, the ear of the wise to seek for your knowledge and an intelligent heart to acquire your knowledge in Jesus’ name.

Prayers for Divine Wisdom

Here are effective Prayers for Divine Wisdom you can use daily.

31. Lord Jesus, give me the wisdom to know your ways, walk in them and successfully lead others through.

32. The spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you is what I pray for Lord, enlighten the eyes of my understanding in Jesus’ name.

33. I receive the wisdom to make good choices and take the right decisions in every area of my life in Jesus’ name.

34. Father, give unto me your wisdom so I live an extraordinary life under your guidance and tutelage.

35. Lord, give me the wisdom necessary to guide and comfort those around me appropriately, let me be like a spring of refreshing water to all that I meet.

36. I receive the wisdom to prosper in my career and all my life endeavours in Jesus’ name.

37. Father bless me with the wisdom necessary to have a fulfilling marriage and raise children that would be a blessing to this world.

38. By the grace of God, I will not make foolish mistakes that would hunt me, I will not fall into unnecessary errors or take bad decisions in Jesus’ name.

39. Lord, in my daily living, give me the wisdom to be outstanding and live above mediocrity in Jesus’ name.

40. Father, I receive wisdom to be a solution provider for my household, my generation and the world at large.

Inspirational Prayer for Wisdom

Best of all Inspirational Prayer for Wisdom.

41. By the wisdom of God, I will victoriously overcome every hurdle, obstacle, setback and pitfalls the world throws at me in Jesus’ name.

42. Lord Jesus, imbue my life with the wisdom to make a success out of all I set out to do in Jesus’ name.

43. Father, make me wise not in my own conceit, but according to your will so I can know what to do at all times.

44. Father, give me wisdom beyond human comprehension, wisdom that supersedes human knowledge in Jesus’ name.

45. Lord, I need a deep, broad and balanced wisdom beyond human capacity in Jesus’ name.

46. Lord, shed your light upon my soul that I might receive the fullness of your wisdom in Jesus’ name.

47. Lord, quicken my inner man to receive expressly, the wisdom from above in Jesus’ name.

48. Lord Jesus, uphold me by your wisdom that I might stand surely and firmly in times of trials and tribulations in Jesus’ name.

49. Lord, I receive wisdom to be a highflyer in all my endeavours, to soar like an eagle and attain heights unimaginable by man.

50. Father, uplift me up by your grace, uphold and sustain me by your wisdom in Jesus’ name.

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