2022 Romantic Good Morning Sms for Your Lover to Wake Up To

A romantic good morning message to your lover might not just lift their spirit, but also make your bond stronger. So, you can scroll down into our juicy and romantic messages and bring a smile on your lover’s lips. Reach straight to their heart through these messages.

Putting a smile on your lovers face in the morning is an act most lovers dream of and is one of the most romantic moves you can make. It keeps you on their mind all day long. You can also use something you know they love a lot like a simple text message. As far as it is romantic and sweet, that would love it.

So, below are 200+ Romantic Good Morning messages you can send to your lover.

Sweet and romantic good morning sms messages for him or her to wake up to. Cute and beautiful good morning text messages to send to your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife.

1. Waking up daily beside you and to your lovely face is all I want for the rest of my life. Do have a good morning dear.

2. Good morning handsome, your cute and charming smile is all I need to keep me going all day for it is stronger than any other recipe I can have in the morning. I love you, dear.

3. It is that time again to show the world the real you because you are my shining light and I want you to radiate the light you are to the world today and beyond. Do have a great day and remember I love you.

4. Top of the morning to you my darling. I just want you to know that you are the only one for me no matter the challenging of the world around us. You are the best.

5. Though I may not be with you right now, I want you to know how beautiful and special you are to me and I’m sure this message will bring a lovely smile to your face and launch you into a day filled with joy and love. Good morning dear.

6. I can’t start my day without a kiss and hug from you, I will be waiting for you to come outside. Good morning dear.

7. Today is a gift. You are the present. We can’t go back to yesterday and have a perfect day, but we can start today and make it as perfect as either of us could have dreamed. Good morning dear.

8. Though we may not be together this morning, your thought filled my head and that is all I need to keep me going for the day. Do have a great day dear.

9. We all know that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, but as long as you’re sleeping in my bed, I will never realize because my life revolves around you. I love you and do have a splendid day.

10. Daily the beautiful and shining early morning sun always remind me that true love and beauty can only be found in you. Good morning my sunshine.

11. I still get butterflies every time I see you, even though I have seen you so many times before. Have great morning honey.


12. You make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the whole planet earth, I am very grateful for that and remember I love you and do have a lovely day my love.

13. It’s a new day my love, the sun is shining so bright in the beautiful blue sky, open your eyes my darling there is a gift for you from my heart. I love you my Queen and do have a good morning.

14. Good morning dear, I would rather feel your breath on the back of my neck than having all the riches in the world. I love you.

15. Baby, you are perfect just the way you are please don’t change and I will love you till the end of time. Good morning dear.

16. My charming prince it is because of you that I now understand all of those quotes about love. Good morning and have a great day.

17. I love the sunrise because each morning its a reminder that I have another day to spend with the man of my dreams. Good morning.

18. My dear all I need daily in the morning is your love to give me that extra boost I need to make it through the day. Do have a good day.

19. As you read these words, there is someone who is thinking about you and cares about you. Good morning my love.

20. Waking up daily by your side is a dream come true and there is nobody else who I would want by my side except you, my love. Good morning dear.

21. You’ve replaced all of my worries with happiness; all of my nightmares with beautiful dreams; and all of my fears with nothing but pure love. Good morning my love from above.

22. Mornings are so lonely without you. My first thought when I wake up is how much I wish you were here to give me warm hugs and cuddles. I miss you

23. It was cold this morning until your thought filled my head. The mere mention of your name and the thought of your embrace warmed me right up. Do have a nice day.

romantic Good Morning gifs

24. The morning sun is slowly creeping through the blinds, but the only thing on my mind is being with you. Good morning my jewel.

25. My baby, I would much rather be with you night and day so that I can love you in every way than sending you a text message but the distance won’t allow. As a new day starts, I wanted to tell you that I love you with all of my heart.

26. I love the sun. Each time it rises, it gives me yet another chance to spend the day with you. And you are the one and only guy I dream about at night. Good morning and do have a wonderful day dear.

27. The best part of my morning is that I’m thinking of you. The worst part of my morning is that I’m far away from you but I want you to know that you are always in my thoughts. Good morning dear.

28. I can make your morning recipe perfect. Just add a pinch of my hugs and a heaping teaspoon of my kiss and love. Good morning dear.

29. Most ladies put on makeup every morning just to look beautiful but all I need is to think about you and my day will be a beautiful one. Do have a wonderful day handsome.

30. Every morning is like a work of art; to move ahead you need some inspiration, the beautiful smile on your face and a lovely message from your love to make the day colourful. Good morning dear.

31. Your love, light up my world, the only music my heart dance to is your love, the very first thought in my mind every morning. Good morning handsome.

32. Each time the sun rises, we have hope that we can hold each other again because every morning is a blessing. Do have a great day dear.

33. My charming prince, with you by my side, I know that every single day will be filled with joy and love. With your heart in mine, I know we can conquer the world together. Do have a good day dear.

34. My love, did you feel extra warm this morning? That’s because I sent you hugs, kisses and lots of love from my dreams. Good morning.

35. Hey beautiful, I hope that your morning is as bright as your beautiful smile. I hope that the rest of your day is as sweet as our love. Good morning my love.

36. Baby, did you know that? The sun would be darkness without your light. The coolness of the day would be sweltering hot without the gentle breeze of your love. My sleeping and waking would cease to be if it were not for your love. Do have a good day dear.

37. Sweetheart, daily my love for you grows and as the days pass by all I’m feeling is I’m closer to you. You are all I need in the morning and every blessed day. Do have a good day.

38. The lion may be the king of the jungle, but you are the king of my heart. Long live the king! I love you now and forever. Good morning dear.

39. The sun and the sky are shining, but I’m shining, too. Why? Because I woke up dreaming about us. Thanks for being such an integral part of my life. I hope your day is as wonderful as you. Good morning my sunshine.

40. Sending you a big hug so that you can start off your day with enthusiasm. I love being your girl because you make me feel so special. Good morning my king.

41. The warmth of your cuddles and the tickling of your kiss help me greet the day with confidence and joy. Even when you are not here, the thought of you reminds me that I have nothing to fear. I cannot love you less and do enjoy your day.

42. Today is going to be a beautiful day. Keep smiling because its good on you dear. Do have a good morning.

43. Good morning! If I were with you right now, Id shower you with kisses. Wishing you all the best this morning and the rest of the day.

44. If I were beside you this morning, I would look into your eyes and wake you up with a sweet morning kiss. Do enjoy your day dear.

45. Isn’t it amazing how the thought of you brightens up my entire morning? Your love is what carries me through the day. Knowing Ill see your handsome face when I get home makes each day worthwhile. Good morning my king.

46. Honey, saying good morning is not just important for me but it is essential for me. Because my time depends on your day. Good morning.

47. Good morning time to greet the dawn. I hope you have a perfect day and know that I love you in every way, my love.

48. I can’t wait for the day when I can finally wake up right next to you. All I want is to fall asleep in your arms and to wake up next to your handsome face each morning.

49. If I were with you this morning, I would make you a big plate of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Id top if off with a kiss from me. Good morning dear.

50. Good morning, love! Did you sleep well, or were you too busy dreaming about us? I know I was. Enjoy your day.

51. What’s the difference between like and love? A masterpiece: When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily. Good morning dear.

52. Though the sky may be cloudy, I don’t care in as much we together, it’s going to be a lovely day. Good morning dear.

53. My love, I try to live in the present, but I can’t help but dream about our past and future; the beautiful memories we’ve created, and the happy times that have yet to come. Good morning to you.

54. Life is like a book and every morning is a new page. Let the very first words in your new chapter be Good morning to you, my handsome man.

55. How is the most handsome guy in the world doing this morning? Come downstairs and get some breakfast and a kiss. Top of the morning to you dear.

56. My life is sweet, but it’s even sweeter with you. My heart is lovely, but it’s even lovelier with you. I feel great, but I feel even greater when I am with you. We are meant to be forever. Good morning, my sweetheart.

57. We all need a little jolt in the morning to get our day started. Come downstairs, and I’ll give you that jolt you need. Oh, and I made coffee, too. Good morning dear.

58. Hey, beautiful, Its time to get up, drink your coffee, eat some breakfast and brush your teeth. Your reward? A big kiss and hug from me

59. Sweetheart, I don’t think you know how great it is to wake up each morning knowing that you are mine, and I am yours. Good morning dear.

60. You are the only person in front of whom I can be ME because you are the only person who loves me for what I am and not what I can BE. Good morning.

61. Happiness is just one part of our journey, as husband and wife. Unconditional love and undying commitment is what makes ours a perfect married life. Good morning my soul mate.

62. Baby, we didn’t have just intertwined fates; we are entangled at the core like soul mates. We are not just husband and wife; we are also best friends for life. Good morning.

63. If I had the chance to live my life again, I wouldn’t want to change a single thing. Even rough times have left sweet memories because I’ve gone through them with you. Good morning my pillar and do have a great day ahead.

64. Sweetheart, I was never a morning person until I started waking up next to the love of my life and my king. Good morning your highness.

65. Your hugs and kisses are the keys to the secret safe where I stored all my happy memories. Good morning this morning.

66. I can do without a morning cup of tea or coffee, but not without cuddling with my handsome baby boy. Good morning.

67. Hi handsome, on this beautiful and shining morning, I want to let you know that I am thinking about you. You were my first thought the moment I opened my eyes. You are one amazing guy. I hope that your day is just as amazing.

68. You are charming, handsome and hot, but those are not the only reason I love you a lot. You make me laugh and smile, which makes everything in life feel worthwhile. Good morning.

69. I pledge to protect you from sorrow; I promise to give you a better tomorrow. I promise to love you always; I promise to help you through life’s puzzles. I promise to hold your hand till the end of time; I promise to be your wife, friend, and lover. Good morning my king, do have a better day ahead.

70. In the morning, some people like to indulge in their coffee, while others like their tea. I like to indulge in my hubby, who is the most handsome thing my eyes can see. Good morning.

71. You must have been a coffee bean in your past life because I just can’t start my day without you. Good morning, my love.

72. Every day in my life is perfect because it begins with wishing you good morning. Have an amazing day honey.

73. I am always excited to wake up each day because I know there is someone worth waking up for. Good morning to the sweetest person I’ve ever known. I love you to the marrow.

74. It doesn’t matter what day of the week it is. As long as we are together, it will always be a beautiful day. Good morning, handsome.

75. I wish a good morning to the person whose kisses are the reason for my happiness and whose hugs make my life priceless. Enjoy your day dear.

76. Wake up, sunshine! It’s time to have coffee with me. But first, can I have my morning kiss and hug? I love you more than you could ever imagine.

77. You have a cute yawn on your face, a cup of coffee in your hands. All that remains is a good morning message from me. Have a great morning dear.

78. You envelop me with your warmth, everything was made right due to your affection, everything was fine because of your presence, your light shines to my path and your heart beat guides me day and light. Do have a good morning dear.

79. My pillow is angry with you just because it realizes that I would trade it for your warm shoulder any day without looking back. Do have a good day dear.

80. To the girl whose hugs make my days sweeter and kisses make my life brighter, I say good morning and do have a splendid day.

81. When I begin my day, I wish to see your sunny and lovely face. I want to hear your sun-kissed voice and see you brush your silky hair. Good morning beautiful and have a good day.

82. All of the stars in the galaxy could never outshine my love for you. A lifetime of sunrises could never compare to the light you bring into my life.

83. Mornings are the loneliest part of the day because that is when I need you the most to give me warm hugs and cute cuddles. I Miss You, Good Morning.

84. Every morning reminds me of all the wrong dreams I had been chasing all my life until I found the right one you. Good morning dear.

85. I hope that all of your wishes come true today. Sending you positive vibes and a big hug to let you know how much I love you. Good morning dear.

86. I might disrupt your peaceful slumber, but what can I do? You’re the first thing that comes into my mind as I wake up. Could you stop complaining and just give my morning kiss? Good morning handsome.

87. Because of you, every morning my joy knows no bound. Much of the happiness in the moments of the day is because of you. My life wouldn’t be so great without you in it. Good morning and always remember I love to the moon and back.

88. Wow! I must be the luckiest guy alive because every day I see the same girl who I saw in my dreams the previous night. Top of the morning to you honey.

89. All thanks to God for giving me the vision to behold the beautiful sunrise, a nose to smell the aura of the flourishing flowers and a heart to love the most wonderful girl in the world. Good morning dear.

90. Right now, my love, I’m thinking of you and wish you a great day I want the best for you and hope things go your way. Have a good morning dear.

91. Baby, your beautiful face is the first thought that comes to my mind when I wake up. I love you and do have a good morning.

92. Baby, without you the light of my world is incomplete, you are the only music in my heart and the first thought of my day. Good morning dear.

93. You are the reason I can be happy even when I am sad and smile even when I cry. Good morning, I love you beyond words.

94. You are the pulse that throbs in my veins; you are the antidote that frees me of all pains. You are the rhythm of my heartbeat, without you my life would be incomplete. Good morning.

95. Every other morning that you are not around it is always cold and I’ve come to the understanding that the only remedy for that is warm cuddly hugs and kisses. Good morning dear.

96. I don’t care whether the sun rises or not, my morning starts only after I say that I love you a lot. Good morning sunshine.

97. Every sunrise gives me a new day to love you! Good morning, sweetheart. Hope you have an amazing day

98. Each morning provides you with endless opportunities to be glad, especially when your first thought of the day is me.

99. A beautiful morning is incomplete without the suns yellow hue. My morning is incomplete without seeing you.

100. Good morning, love! Thank you for always being there. Thank you for being my only dear. Thank you for being near. Ever grateful am I, my dear. Enjoy your day.

101. It makes me so happy; this is what I’m going do; Send a good morning message right back to you. Good morning my love.

102. I’m so happy doing this right now sending a lovely kiss and hug to you to start your day with. Do have a wonderful day dear.

103. Sweetheart, every morning that I wake up, all the bad memories fade away. That’s because I only need one reason to make me happy, and that reason is YOU. Good morning dear.

104. I love the sunrise because each morning, it’s a reminder that I have another day to spend with the woman of my dreams. Good morning.

105. To my princess, my priceless treasure and the one who makes me feel like a royal highness I say have a good morning day. I love you yesterday, today and every other day.

106. Forever is a long time, make sure you spend it with someone who makes you giggle. Good morning, love.

107. Your smile is an inspiration that propels my day forward; filled with creativity, I am able to accomplish everything that comes my way.

108. I might not be a perfect person, but that’s okay because I found the perfect partner in you. Good morning, Honey

109. The light of the world is something that starts with you. The moment your eyes waken, it’s like a dark cloud has lifted and the world is right again.

110. Baby, you always make me feel like I’m the best and luckiest guy in the world. Thanks for being there for me and do have a good morning dear.

111. I think that it is time to move in together. Texting you good morning aren’t going to work forever, I start missing you, even more when you respond. Good morning dear.

112. Your sweet smile is intoxicating; your warm caress is calming, your beauty is breathtaking, you are simply amazing. Have a great morning; I love you.

113. Good morning honey. When I am with you I am happy; I am loved, I am complete, I am me. Enjoy your day.

114. Good morning beautiful, good morning sunshine, good morning my angel, good morning my love.

115. Always remember that your flaws are perfect for the heart that is meant to love you. Please don’t change from who you are to me. Good morning dear.

116. I’ll treat you like a princess, I’ll treat you like a queen, we will have the greatest love story that anyone has ever seen. I love you and top of the morning to you.

117. A beautiful and special person like you are rare to find though you can’t have them with you always, you can be sure they’ll be around when you wake up today, tomorrow and forever. Good morning dear.

118. Calling me cute is nice, calling me hot is great, but calling me yours is what I really want. Good morning.

119. Good morning honey. The greatest gift I ever received is when I first saw you smile, it took me to a whole new world.

120. Something you should always remember. Be with a guy who ruins your lipstick, not your mascara. Good morning.

121. I love you so much sweetheart, I just don’t know where to start. Maybe because my love for you is like the sunrise, every day it is a new prize. Good morning.

122. Happiness, excitement and being speechless are not things I am used to. I still am so unsure of what to say when I go to wake you up because I don’t want this dream of perfection to ever go away.

123. It’s time to wake up sleeping beauty. The world needs your warmth, and I need your touch. Good morning honey.

124. Every morning that I wake up madly in love with you is a day that I want to keep living. Good morning dear.

125. Most people pray to God at night, thanking him for the day that has passed. I pray to God in the morning, thanking him for making you mine and letting me live one more day in paradise. Top of the morning to you dear.

126. I wake up smiling thinking of you; I smell the flowers and you come to my mind; I feel the breeze and think of your breath on my skin; I am so happy I can call you mine. Good morning dear.

127. It’s time to rise and shine sleepy head. It’s time to face the day. Remember, our love will help you overcome any of the day’s obstacles.

128. Rise and shine. Its time to get up, put on some clothes (or take them off) and come downstairs to give me a hug and kiss.

129. I hope your day is filled with love and happiness. You don’t know how much you mean to me. I love you beyond imagination. Good morning.

130. I have learned that it is not what I have in my life but who I have in my life that counts. Good morning and have a good day, my love.

131. Being in love with you makes every morning worth getting up for. Good morning, sweetheart.

132. Feeling sad? Tears in your eyes? Things going wrong? Don’t forget I am always with you. Good morning, dear.

133. I’m thinking of you and wish you a great day I want the best for you and hope things go your way. Good morning, love.

134. 5 Steps to a Lovely Morning: Open your eyes. Take a deep breath. Throw aside the covers. Get up from the bed. And read my message. Good morning my love.

135. I am so totally, completely, overwhelmingly, eye-popping, life-changing, spectacularly, passionately, deliriously in love with you. Good morning.

136. Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side. Good morning, handsome.

137. My angel, my life, my entire world, you’re the one that I want, the one that I need, let me be with you always, my love, my everything. Good morning.

138. And then my soul saw you and it kind of went, Oh, there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you. Good morning, honey.

139. My sweetest girl, every new day is a new chapter of life, bringing new topics, new moments for life, I wish today all the good moments approach way to make your day joyful. Have a good day dear.

140. When I looked up at the sun, it reminded me of you. It is always so bright and hot. When the cold air breezes, I remember how lonely and cold the world would be without you.

141. It is in the morning that I miss you the most. Before your eyes open up and a smile gleams across your face, this is when I miss you the most. Do have a wonderful day.

142. Sweetheart I am right behind you, I support you and I want all your dreams to come true. Good morning, I love you.

143. I will never find out which is more my love for your hugs or my lust for your kisses. But this is one confusion I am ready to live with as long as I get lots of both. Good morning dear.

144. Good morning to the beat of my heart, the life of my soul, the vision in my eyes and the life in my breath.

145. Do you know what I like best about mornings? It is the time when I fall in love with you all over again. Good morning.

146. I could say that you complete me but that would be a lie because every morning when I awake, I long for you more than the day before. Good morning.

147. Being in love with you makes every morning worth getting up for. Good morning sweetheart.

148. Good morning, my love! Do you know how wonderful it is for me to wake up in your arms? I look forward to seeing you this evening.

149. When I wake up and see you lying next to me, I can’t help but smile. It will be a good day simply because I started it with you.

150. Being in love with you makes every morning worth getting up for. Good morning my charming prince.

151. I feel like you are the reward for everything I did right in my life. Good morning dear and do have a wonderful day.

152. I couldn’t let this morning pass me by without sending you a big kiss and hug. Good morning my jewel.

153. A lot of people dream about being in heaven. But I must be the only man in the whole world to wake up to heaven the sight of a face as beautiful as yours. Good morning.

154. Good morning my love. Here is my morning tip: you need no makeup. You will be messing with perfection. I love you to the marrow.
155. Colourful just like the flowers of the garden so is my wish for your day this morning. Cheerful like the giggle of a baby, so will today go. I love you in the night and in the morning. To you my heartbeat, I say good morning.

156. Life is never perfect. It is full of twists and turns which throw up challenges and problems. But it is all worth it because the first thing I see when I wake up is the romantic look in your beautiful eyes. Good morning.

157. Even the most romantic sunset can’t match the beauty of the sight of the suns first rays bouncing off the silky skin of my sweethearts face.

158. I love gazing at my baby in the morning. Because I know that her eyes hold the keys to my future. Good morning.

159. Saying yes to your proposal was the best decision I have made in my life and your love is the biggest gift of my life. Good morning.

160. Every morning I wake up to the thought of having a beautiful wife and a loving family. I feel thankful for getting more than I could have asked for. Good morning dear.

161. Every morning I am reminded of my life’s best decision marrying the most beautiful woman in the world. Good morning sweetheart.

162. I always thought that our wedding would be the most beautiful memory of my life but I was wrong. Each and every day of our relationship is becoming a memory more beautiful than the previous one. Good morning.

163. Every morning I wake up to realize that my life is not ordinary because I have a boyfriend who is extraordinary. Good morning.
164. I love the fact that I get to wake up every morning to the sight of a woman as beautiful as you and the thought of being the husband of a wife as loving as you. Good morning dear.

165. My love is not blind but it is blinded by the sheer beauty of my bae. Good morning.

166. Our love is the best proof that true love exists. You are the best proof that perfect bae is not a myth. Good morning dear.

167. Good morning to my darling who is the bounce in my step and the twinkle in my eyes.

168. I don’t care whether it is day or night, as long as I have my beautiful baby in sight. Good morning.

169. I always wanted you as my wife but my heart always needed you as its life. Good morning.

170. Every morning I feel thankful for two beautiful things my life and my girlfriend. Good morning.

171. Life is a puzzle and relationship is a maze but it is one hell of a fun ride with a partner like you. Good morning.

172. I took everyone to the store with me so that you can relax. We will be back in an hour or so. Please sleep in and relax. I will bring home brunch. Good morning dear.

173. It’s a beautiful morning! No, I am not talking about the song. I am talking about every morning that I am able to call you mine. Good morning dear.

174. Your smile is radiant as the sun. I hope that you wake up with a smile on your face and brighten up the worlds day half as much as you do mine. Good morning.

175. I am missing you more today than I did yesterday when I text you good morning and more than the day before that. I love you dear and do have a good morning.

176. Waking up in the morning knowing I am yours and you are mine is all a guy could ask for. Good morning dear.

177. It is 8:00 am. I forgot to wake you up for work today. Just kidding, I am downstairs and made you breakfast so that you could sleep in today.

178. Start listening to your heart, and shut off your mind. I love you, my cute boyfriend. Good morning dear.

179. I am waking you up because I realized that once you wake up, our future together will start. I hope that today is filled with the same love and passion as every other day we’ve spent together. Good morning dear.

180. Happiness is starting the day with a message of how important and special you are to the one person in the world that matters the most to you. For me, you are most important, so wake up fast and respond. Do have a wonderful day.

181. Yesterday I made mistakes, and today I will make more, but the one mistake that I will never make is taking you for granted. I love you beyond imagination dear. Good morning.

182. Mornings are reminder that God loves you. You’re not just given another day to enjoy, but a chance to right the wrong of yesterday. Good morning dear.

183. I am feeling a little sad that I didn’t get to say hello to you this morning before work. I hope you have a great day. Wear something nice well be going out to dinner later. Do have a fun filled day dear.

184. The first thing I think about in the morning is you. The second thing I think about is coffee. The third thing is you, again. Good morning dear.

185. Love is the language of the heart that no man knows until he finds the one teacher that is kind, patient and understanding. You are my teacher of love. Good morning.

186. Waking up is my favorite and most hated part of the day. I can talk to you when I am awake, but my dreams with you at night are always cut short. Good morning dear.

187. The morning breeze on my face makes me think of you. The sun on my skin makes me think of you. Even the birds singing their beautiful songs make me think of you. Good morning my sweetie.

188. Hey baby. I know that you had a long night, so I sent you a picture of the sunrise, so you could see how beautiful it looked today.

189. It’s time to open your eyes beautiful and greet the world with the love and happiness you have shown me.

190. I am sitting here on a park bench drinking coffee and watching the birds fly around as they sing their pretty songs. The only problem is that you are not here by my side. Good morning dear.

191. I used to be the type of person that would stay in bed for an hour and not want to get up. Now, I can’t wait to jump out of bed and see your beautiful face as fast as possible.

192. I always want to be the first voice you hear in the morning and the last voice you hear at night. This is your warning. I will be calling you in 2 minutes. Good morning sunshine.

193. Morning is not just the time of day when you wake up. Morning is the beginning of another day that you can help make perfect for me and all the people’s lives that you will touch.

194. I am so cold this morning. I think that its time you wake up from your slumber and we cuddle. Good morning dear.

195. The worries of the day seem to disappear the moment that you wake up. It’s like you control the wind and the sun while keeping out all of the darkness that makes the world an unbearable place to live.

196. You’re probably wondering why I just sent you a good morning text after we already hugged and kissed this morning, but I was thinking about you and had to say hi. I love you.

197. Whenever I close my eyes at night, I think of you. When I wake in the morning, I think of you again. There is nothing I can do without always thinking of you.

198. Since I spent the whole night dreaming of you, I thought it was only appropriate to message you this morning and wake you up. I love you to the moon and back.

199. When I woke up this morning, I was hoping that it was still night time, and I could hold you in my arms a little longer. Good morning dear.

200. Sometimes, I wake up so tired. I dream of you at night, and I dream of you during the day. Even when I am with you, I have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming. You’re my dream girl.

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