2022 Romantic Good Night Poems for Her: Goodnight Girlfriend Poems

The night may be fragile to someone in love. It is a romantic moment where the heart thinks about people who care. If she happens to be a lover of words, then goodnight poems will go a long way of putting stability to her heart and helping her have a good rest in the night knowing fully well she is loved and cared for.

A gesture of such is appreciated with the heart as it makes you the last thought on her mind before sleep finds her. Every girl wants to be in a romantic relationship and words like this give an environment for such to happen. Here are 50 good night poems to put her to sleep.

Awesome collection of Romantic Good Night Love Poems to send to Your Girlfriend and make her merry.

1. Just like the Moon

Just like the moon is bright
You become what is of light.
You came to show me to love right
These are moments I will always write.

Just like the moon you rule with ease
Bringing me freedom, love and peace
And a heart with emotions that never cease.
I love how we love and also tease.

Just like the moon the white ruler and Queen
I will love you and be your King
I swear by the finger with the ring
My love has just my heart for you to sing.

2. When the Whole World Sleeps

During the dark time of the day
I know it is night for me to find alone
To think of the kisses of the day
To wish to be held by this time.
When the world sleeps
You come in my dreams
Always showing the deep part of your heart
Telling of love
Whispering of laughter.
I want our shadows to feel each other
Let their weight be felt like you’re here.
Come to me so we make magic happen
As I call you my girl
The light of my world.

3. A Million Smiles

I hear myself with the shelling of the night
Break into a million smile
Thinking and sinking into ocean thoughts
You as a life jacket, you as a thought.

Whenever the wind breaks on my roof
It brings your scent and kisses like rain
It blows whispers of your name as my sweetness
So I find a reason to live above the clouds

No matter what thick blackness covers my room
My heart is full of light for you
Showing me moons and stars of you.
Know in tonight’s, you will be the sun.

4. You are a Startled Star

I want to be your blanket
Covering the troubles from you
Touching your fears like the bed
Gossiping with the sheets
Echoes of your heart.
I want to be your light
Guiding you through the night
Telling you I exist to chase your fears away
To right your wrong turns
To open your heart and let the love into mine.
I want to be your sound
Whispering past your ears
Fixing words into your soul
Saying love, love, love.
I want to be your sweet night love.

5. When Night Finds Us

In the midst of all we sought
In love or sweetness.
I didn’t think twice about you
You became a wonderful story
That the night aches to tell
With sweet candles or fun
Love notes dispersed
I like the water that holds us tight
So we flow in this love
Emotions outpoured and fears found
We imperfect to live but flawlessly in love.
When night finds us
Let us be wrapped tight in each other’s arms.
Let us love willingly.

6. To the Glowing Moon

I have given my whispers to the wind
To wish you a good night with love.
I miss the beginning of today
When our lips talked with one another.

To the glowing moon
I see a reflection of your beauty
A soft teary eyes hosts your image
And wish my hands would touch you.

To the glowing moon
I say it how my heart prays for it
For your arms to envelope into mine.
For our hearts to beat and lie side by side.

7. This is not the End

We started with fresh mornings
Streaming through our lips
We touched forth our hearts
And laid our words with the sun.

We may have called today by its name
When goodbye found our ways
Know it is not the end
For my heart still beats for you.

Starlight hold these skies
But not my goodbyes, at least until rain comes.
So while the night covers this day
Know, this is not the end. I love you all night.

8. The Warmness of the Night

I have tried to express my feelings
In the waking of the day.
I have caressed your face in the heat of today,
Most times at night I feel the flutter of my heart.
I have always shone you how I feel
It is like how proud the moon sits for the skies
And the stars are in the splendor of my emotions
Tickling the skies
And showering light to those finding the dark.

I always made a beautiful decision
Of making a life with you,
No stutters find my heart
No matter the blackness of the night.
Just so this night
Know it is not different from what I have always said
I will love you in morning or night.
I will let your emotions show me the light.

9. Dusk

As the night skies keep the stars in sight
My soul has become with yours a romantic light
To think of you is a curtain in my wind
When on my mind is you I find.
To be with you is always a desire
So I love and feel as I try to retire.
The moon is just a phase to rid me your face
I know its radiance will heal this solace.
The easiness of this feeling makes me smile
And how I want this to last longer than a while.
This cool breeze brings thoughts so lovely
Knitted in my mind to look beautiful.
To this night that homes my silent night
Know that I want you to have a goodnight.

10. Reminiscent Nights

It is that time again
Where the cricket wakes to its morning
And the butterflies slowly disappear.
It is that time again
Where the clouds become same with darkness
And the waters warm with my love.
It is that time again
When my arms longs for you
My lips are hungry to feed into yours
It is that time again
When my love grows deeper
To break boundaries
It is that time again
When my memories remember only you
When my thoughts are with a sun of you
It is that time again
When I say what I always say
But from the heart.
I love you baby even tonight.

Make her feel specially loved with these sweet dreams poems for her. They are the best of love poems for sweet dreams for girlfriend or wife.

11. How it is Sometimes

Whenever the night comes
My heart feels alone
The darkness engulfs me
My fingers itch to be held
My ears wish to hear you
My lips longs for a taste of love.

How I feel sometimes
Is like a tickling of the cloud.
It exists in my heart.
Shall I describe what I do not understand?
Hardly will you touch love
But you are my love
So when the night comes, I feel same
I feel my heart missing drops of you
I grow thirsty.

12. Shine Bright like Stars

Those shimmering stars have nothing on you
Nothing can replicate your aura
Not the night can define your beauty.
This night only defines my loneliness
Like the radiance revolving the moon.
I pray morning knocks soon
So we see to break the silence of the night.
The cool morning breeze
The soft falling dew
The stream of sun
All these are reminders of you
Especially at night.
I love how we always love with no template
Like the moon does with the night.

13. A Growing Excitement

My journal holds stories of these feeling
Hallucinating my mind to deep love
I swim under the ocean of your timidity
To watch the moon, drown in oceans.
Your absence stir more unheard words
The wits cannot bring me to term with night
To understand the uprising in my heart
To dig in shallow tears that come real.
I want you to be here
Through the absence of the sun
And the presence of loneliness
Shake it off my blanket
And wrap myself in you.
In this night I have a story
And it begins like this
I love you baby
Good night my love.

14. Coming Closer

So in this world
Nothing comes closer to my heart
Like you o sweet angel.
You have a way with words around me
They stir me up at night
And put me to wake to dreams
I see you all night
Closer to my heart
Touching my dreams
And clouding my thoughts
My Sweet Nightingale.
I love every moment with you
Even to times where you are absent
Like night.
Come closer each night
Bring along with you your heart
Let me feel the rhythm
Let me dance to this love
As I wish you goodnight.

15. Home at Night

Where do I sleep if you’re not there?
The moon is high up in the sky
It is far from my reach
The stars are travelling across the sky
While I blow wishes that you should be close.

Where do I sleep if you are far?
My night has begun to ache with sadness
The darkness becomes a misery
I wish my tears would not find alone.
If you do read these words my baby
Then know it is no good night without you.

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