2022 Sweet Romantic Goodnight Quotes for Him or Her

Sweetest of Romantic Goodnight Quotes to Send to Him or Her for the Night? Well, be ready to get more than the Cutest of Goodnight Quotes for Your Girlfriend, Boyfriend, Husband, Wife and even some for your Cute friend.

Ready for the Treat? Follow the table of contents below.

I know it. You know it too.

Love is a world of wonders on its own. Love is life, love is magic.

Love is music, its lyrics are beyond fantastic.

And then, falling in love is as wonderful as love itself is.

And when you fall in love with the right person, there is no limit to how you want to express it. I can bet my dinner on it – your shadow knows it’s true.

So two eyes meet, hearts cling in love…
Someone calls the shot and the other sets the tune.
A union is formed. The love appears sacred.
You check the lasting factor of the relationship and it says “perpetual“.
He/she was once like every other friend but now the centre of your merriment and your shadow knows the feelings.

You told yourself, “This is what I’ve been waiting for.”
To some people it’s one of those relationships – here today and gone tomorrow.
But to you it’s boundless – Yes boundless!
Now every moment is awesome,
Every conversation hits the bulls eye…
No matter what anyone says,
The love is bound to last!

So who cares what happens in-between…
who cares whether there’ll be ups and downs…
Who cares – as long as you two are set to love forever.

If your relationship is likened to the one described above…
allow me to write a free “customized love letter for you
You want it? Click the link below.

Let Us Talk About Love Quotes?

Without doubt, you already know that Quotes have come to stay and form a part of our day to day conversations. You’ll hardly see a book without some numbers of Good Quotes. Neither will you see a speech without a handful use of lovely Quotes.

Whether in pains, agony, bereaved, or in joyous moods, quotes can help our hearts through.

Bring that into Romance and you will see how unlimited you can be in the use of quotes.

It’s not funny how people want to search online for Copy and Paste Quotes. Who doesn’t want a freebie?

And like a friend will say, Quotes are Bae!

Romantic Goodnight Quotes , Inspirational Goodnight Quotes, Motivational Goodnight Quotes, Sweet or Cute Goodnight Quotes? You’re just a click away from the best.

These Goodnight Quotes Can also be used as Good Morning Quotes or I Love You Quotes.
To use any as Good Morning Quotes, just change “good night”  to “good morning”. The same is true for I love you Quotes.

Did I hear you say you want the Beautiful Love Quotes to Say Goodnight?

Enjoy the Best!

1. My Heart Beats for You

Sleep beckons, my eye are heavy. I checked my heart and it wouldn’t stop beating for you.
You’re the best. Goodnight.

2. I Wish We Were Never Apart

Here or there, Night or day, in this life or hereafter, being with you is my destiny, but the night wouldn’t stop keeping us apart.
Goodnight anyways.

3. I Care to See Your Face

Do I care where the sun sets and when the stars fill the sky! I only care to see your face before you sleep tonight.
Goodnight is all I can say.

4. I Don’t Want to Say Goodbye

I will wait all my lifetime to see the day we’ll never have to say goodbye but goodnight.
Goodnight still.

5. Your Absence is Breaking Me Apart

They said absence makes the heart grow fonder but it’s breaking mine heart apart.
I’m missing you but I’ll manage to say Goodnight.

6. I Can’t Wait to See Another Day with You

I don’t like seeing the nights, because it’s when I have to be without you for hours.
Can’t wait to see another day with you.
Goodnight dearie.

7. My Heart Beats to the Rhythms of Your Love

The parting hour comes,
My eyelids eager to close,
But my heart is ever beating,
Forever beating to the rhythms of your love.
Goodnight to you my heart.

8. Dreaming of You Forever

When you find the love of your life, sweet dreams evolve and an end comes to nightmares.
I want to dream of you all my life. Goodnight.

9. You Are Irreplaceable

I’ll dream of you again tonight but the feelings will only stay in the dreamland.
Your presence is irreplaceable.
Goodnight until the morning comes.

10. I Am Missing You Still

I do think about you all the time, and I see you in my dreams. But what’s the point when the virtual word isn’t realistic!
I’m missing you, Goodnight.

11. I Wish You Were Here with Me

Good night. Sweet dreams. Lovely night… How I wish I could whisper this into your ears tonight.
Goodnight still.

12. On Angel’s Wings

I’ll put my love for you on Angel’ s wings tonight and it’ll take you wherever you wish in your dreams.
Goodnight my angel.

13. I Wish I Wouldn’t Say Goodnight

Saying goodnight is an admixture of love and pain – pain because you’re not here and love because you’ll still be mine in the morning.

14. Goodnight and Sweet Dreams

Sweet memories, Sweet dreams, and the best of morning sunshine…
Even if you’re not here, are what I’ll wish you my love.

15. My Every Night Lullaby to You

Goodnight my dearest. Sleep well my love. Wake up refreshed but I wish you’ll wake up in my arms. I am missing you.

16. From a Heart that Cares

I’m giving my heart to keep you through this journey of sleep, and I hope that would do.
Goodnight to you. I care.

17. Can I Still Kiss You Goodnight?

Missing you is killing. Missing you is like my other half is missing. But can I still kiss you goodnight?

18. It’s Painful to Say Goodnight

What’s sweet in a dream when I can’t hug you to sleep, what’s good in a night when you’re not here with me!
It’s painful but goodnight still.

19. I Wish You Were by My Side

I keep telling you my love for you is real but how do I show you when you’re never here with me! I wish I have you by my side.
It hurts but goodnight.

20. I’m Missing You Like It Will Be Forever

You know I love how fabulous I feel whenever I’m with you? I’m feeling the opposite right now.
I’m missing you like the night will be forever.
Goodnight anyways.

21. Nothing Can Replace Your Presence

If I’ll get a cent for every time I think about you, I’ll be a rich lover with a short lifespan.
Nothing replaces your presence.
I love you and miss you so much.
Goodnight my honey.

22. Sad to Know You Are not Here

If I could get a star from the sky for every time I think about you, I’ll have a glittering abode but will be in darkness inwardly.
It’s sad to know you’re not here, but goodnight anyways.

23. I Am not Sleeping Tonight

What’s the point in sleeping every time and you’re not with me in the dreamland? So I’m keeping a night watch.
Goodnight to you and Good vigil to me.

24. My Dream Should Make It Count

The night is too long to be spent without you by my side, but my dream will make it count. I’ll dream of you.
Goodnight to you love.

25. I Will Miss You Tonight

I love to sleep. I love to have dreams. But what good do they have when there are nothing close to reality.
I will miss you tonight but Goodnight.

26. I Can’t Wait for the Dawn Again

The night is in the business of keeping my heart away from your thoughts but I’ll wait for the attractive experience of the dawn.
I’ll miss you tonight, so sweet dreams.

27. There is Nothing Like a Sweet Dream Without You

A good night with one’s lover by one’s side, the head as a pillow, is sure the prescription for sweet dreams.
Now you know how much I’m going to miss you tonight.
But I’ll still say my goodnight.

28. I Doubt a Good Night Today

It’s good to sleep and dream but could come with so much agony when not being spent with your lover.
Now you know how I’m feeling.
I will miss you like it’ll take forever to see you. Goodnight.

29. I Find It Difficult to Sleep

Sleeping is no small job especially when it comes with flying thoughts of someone you can’t afford to spend the night without.
It feels terrible for you not being here, but I’ll manage to wish you sweet dreams.

30. I Am Missing You but I Will Cope

The night is here and I’ve made up my mind to make it sweet, knowing fully well that I’ll be all yours in the morning.
I miss you but I’ll be fine.
Goodnight to you my lover and best friend.

31. Saying Goodnight to My Heartbeat

Duty calls. It’s time to rest, time to visit the dreamland. Off I go but I won’t wander around. My wish: no matter where you are, there I want to be.
Missing you so much my heartbeat.
Good night still.

32. If Only You Were Here

The night would have been good, the dream would have been sweet, if only you were here to share it with me.
I’m really missing you, but wouldn’t fail to say my goodnight.

33. I’m Terribly Missing You

From the rising of the sun to the setting of the same, from the gaze of the stars to the rising of the sun… No matter where you are in-between, I’ll terribly miss you.
Goodnight and sweet dreams.

34. I’m Missing My Sleep Mate

The wind blows gently, the atmosphere is cool. My bed is made ready with a pillow or two.
I picked one of the pillows but no one to pick the second.
I’m miss you, my sleep mate.

35. Off to the Dreamland, Without You

My eyes are closing against my wish. Dreamland is inviting me without a ticket. I guess they don’t know how it will hurt without you tonight.
I miss you. Goodnight. Kisses.

36. Your Are Most Treasured

I used to think that the most beautiful and wonderful things in the world can’t be seen or even touched until I met you. You’re most treasured. Goodnight.

37. You Are More than the World’s Seven Wonders

I duff my cap when I learned about the seven wonders of the world… Then you came and they seem like nothing. I cherish you. Good night.

38. I Cherish Your Angelic Nature

Since I was younger and now I’m getting old, I’ve never seen an angelic stature as lovely as you have.
You’re. I love you. Goodnight.

39. I Will not Stop Loving You

Let the world Squeeze me, Break me, crush me and grind me and I will not stop loving the one from whom I get happiness Unabashed. I love you. Goodnight.

40. You Make Me the Best

I am good by myself, I am better by a friend but I’m best by a Lover as you. You’re all I’ve got to merry all my life. Goodnight, I love you and I’ll forever do.

Beware of Warning Signs of a Wrong Relationship

Are you reading this piece? Are you on this paragraph right now? Can you see what I wrote here…? Can you see the words I underlined, the words that are written in blue color and bold
(You are lovely. And I’m proud of you.)

You know why I’m proud of you and I know you’re lovely?

It’s because of your desire to make your relationship work.

You’re among the few thousands that seek ways to make their relationships work. I know this because you’re reading this piece!

But I want to help you more. I want you to Sign Up so you enjoy exclusive updates on love and relationship and get the chance to have a one-on-one chat with me on anything relating to LIFE AND RELATIONSHIP.
Sign Up below.

41. Your Love Illuminates Me

I watch the sun denying its brightness in the night, watch the stars denying theirs in the morning then I look at my heart and behold, a place full of the brightness of your love.
Your love illuminates me. I love you. Goodnight.

42. When I started Thinking About You

I began to become better because I have started thinking about you. Remember the quote, “What we think, we become? ”
I love me with you, Goodnight.

43. My Happiness Has an Inbuilt Mechanism of Your Love

I learned that happiness isn’t what one postpone for the future but what one design for the present. I checked my own design of happiness and it’s a system build with your joy in it.

44. I Am Touring the World with You

The best of sailors don’t care about the direction of the wind, they only learn to adjust their sails to reach the desired destination. With you by my side, we can tour the world!
I love you, goodnight.

45. Things I just Can’t Understand

Three things I just can’t understand:
the ways of the birds in the air,
the ways of the fish in the sea, and the way you’ve come to love me endlessly.
I love you so much. Goodnight.

Take a Break and Read This

Wait… Stop struggling with your life and relationship! Stop doing the wrong things to keep your relationship going. You need more than words and sweet accolades.

Get Top Secrets to Making Relationships Work and See How Awesome your relationship will be in few days.

I reiterate, don’t waste your time on the wrong information online. Sign Up and enjoy a lifetime benefit of a winning love.

46. I Am Loving You All Along

The best chance I have for a better tomorrow is to keep loving you as each day passes by. I am loving it all along. Goodnight Sweetie.

47. With Us, Nothing is Impossible

I started by doing what’s possible and you joined when I needed to do what’s impossible. Together, we’re telling the world that nothing is impossible.
I love you. Goodnight.

48. I See My Future in You

The more focused on you I do, the better I am in keeping my past in the past. I see my future in you. I love you, and Goodnight.

49. You Helped Me

Just when my strength wanted to fail, you came and helped me forward. Who am I without your love?
I really love you. And better still, goodnight.

50. You Have Been the Answer to My Prayers

You’ve always been a rainbow in my cloud.
By being my shinny stars, You’ve always kept me out of all night’s darkness.
By being inside my heart, you’ve been the answer to all my prayers.
I love you and permit me to wish you a lovely goodnight rest.

Did You Read the News?

Just for you to know, research shows how relationships are breaking in recent years and how you can keep yours from the radar of heartbreak.

Do you care to see how to make your relationship last? Do you really want to see the simple strategies to making relationships lead to marriage?
Then you’re just a click away.

Type in your First name and email address.. Sign Up below and get the *all-time* secrets of a successful relationship.
You will be Amazed.

51. You Are the Key to My Merriment

I have tried never to shift my gaze away from your love, and it’s always been working like a magic.
You’ve been the key to the door of my lasting merriment.
Goodnight my love.

52. You Are My Limitless Satisfaction

I’ve learned that the way to satisfaction is to do what one believes is a great work. Loving you was once a great work and now comes as easy as the breath I take.
Goodnight to you, my limitless satisfaction.

53. You Are the Door to My Opportunity

I searched all my life for the opportunity to the best I would have loved to… The result of the search came when I found you. Indeed, you’re the door to my opportunity.
I love you, goodnight.

54. You Changed My World Forever

My world of love began change when I started thinking about the wonders of your love. Reminds me of the quotes, “To change your world, change your thought.”
You’ve really changed me. I love you forever for that. Goodnight.

55. I will Call You My Vitality

They are right who say, the proof of vitality is not in the ability to persist but in the ability to start all over again. Looking at my life, and how you’ve made me start all over again without regrets, I am proud to call you my vitality. Goodnight. I love you still.

Do You Really Want a Successful Relationship?

You see, nothing kills one’s future than to give one’s heart to the one who has a doctorate degree in heartbreak. If you doubt me, ask anyone that’s been jilted before now.

I know your heart tells you there’s more to making a relationship work than using mere words and tactics that doesn’t pass the roof of successful relationship.

If you want a relationship that will actually lead to marriage and beyond, you need some vital skills… Sign Up to get all the benefits and be glad you did.

56. You Are Always There When I Need You

Like a coat in winter times,
Like the sunshine in the morning,
Like a dose of strength in time of weakness…
You’ve always been there when I need you.
I love you. A sweet Goodnight from me to you.

57. You Are My Very Best

I was told to keep looking for the best and will know once I found it. Just for you to know, you’re the best that I found. I cherish you and will love you forever. Goodnight to you.

58. Your Words W Wonder

Your words always work wonders, your acts do the same. And I just remember that the highest appreciation isn’t in the words we utter but to live by them.
Thank you for keeping to your words. I love you. Nice Night.

59. With You, Nothing is Impossible

With the presence of sunshine, daylight is possible,
With the presence of oxygen, life is possible,
With you, I believe that nothing is impossible.
I love you for all you’ve bright into my life. Thanks. Goodnight.

60. I See More of Me with You

I have known who I am for long but not what I may be. Because I’ve come to love you, through you have I seen more of who I am and with you I see what I will be.
It’s great knowing you. I love you, Goodnight.

Did You Know This?

Sweet, Cute and Romantic Quotes can sure do wonders in a Relationship but there is little that words can do. Yes or Yes?

In the real sense, Successful Relationships are not attained by proper use of romantic words only; a lot of things help in keeping the spark in relationships and marriages also.

And I want you to know that you’ll need more than you will ever imagine, more than you’ve learned or read to keep your relationship going and growing. You want to know the perfect tools? Sign Up below.

61. With You, I Am Thriving

When I put passion, compassion, empathy and humour together, the result is this lovely you.
With you, I’ve not only been able to survive, I’ve thrived and am thriving!
Wishing you a good night and sweetest rest.

62. My Days Are Worth Living Around You

Like a cloud adds colors to a sunset sky,
You’ve personality has added color to my world.
Every day is worth living around you because you’re the centre of my joy.
You’re more than amazing. I love you, plus a Goodnight.

63. You Are Mine Forever and Ever

I believed I can be your best and now I think I’m halfway there.
No matter what it takes to be your best, the fight, the act, the desire and the work are all worth it.
Ask me a million times, and I’ll say You’re Mine Forever.
I love you. Goodnight.

64. I Give all of Me to You

I chose to put my mind, body, spirit and soul into every single acts from me to you and the choice became the secret of my success.
If I don’t give all of me to you, who else will?
I just came to say goodnight to the best partner in the world.
I LOVE you. I really do.

65. You Are My Best Gift, Ever

I leaned that health is the greatest gift, as contentment the greatest wealth, while faithfulness is the best relationship.
You’re my health, my contentment and the result of my faithfulness.
I love you for who you are. Good, better and best night to you.

Hold on for a Second!

Do you care to know why some relationships crumble without remedy, some of which are the ones people see as perfect?

Here is it: successful relationships are not a product of wishful thinking plus few doses of fun here and there.

To have a successful relationship, you need more than the romantic goodnight quotes on this page. You just Sign Up below and get the top secrets of a successful relationship, guaranteed.

66. Our Future Holds More in Love

I passionately did let go of the life I’ve once planned, when I discovered the one that waits for me in the future with you.
No matter what today holds, I’m eager to see what is in the morrow with you and me.
Goodnight to you my dearie.

67. You Are the Reward of My Passion

Meeting you and being yours has taught me that the price of love is high and so are its reward.
I believed in love, was dedicated to having the best of Lovers and you’re the result of the task.
I love me with you. Good nite.

68. When I Chose You

So much came with choosing you. So much came with loving you and so much is coming with loving you forever; when I chose you, I chose happiness, joy and abundance of life. Choosing you, my life is devoid of agonies and pain…
Thanks for being my lifetime choice.
I love you, Goodnight.

69. Loving You is all that Matters

Everything I do for you is a building block to creating my future. I love you to have unspeakable measures of love and life myself.
Loving you is all that matters for a life of significance.
Goodnight my dear.

70. Your Love is the Architect of My Belief

I believe in love, loving a lot. I believe in life, abundant life. I believe in joy, unlimited joy. I believe in dreams, gazillions of them coming true. I believe in the future, a future so bright and with unlimited merriment.
And I believe that loving you is the architect of all my beliefs, the centre of all my desires.;
I love you and will always do. Goodnight.

Wouldn’t You Want to Have a Successful Relationship?

Without any iota of doubt, you want to have a successful relationship. And my heart tells me you have the desire to make your love stand the test of time.

Yes or Yes? Then I am glad to tell you that I’m here to help. I am here to help you through as you watch your relationship bask in endless bliss.

Sign Up below and get materials that will help you make your relationship last forever.
Well, the ball is in your court.

71. I will Love You Until the End of Time

I’ve known the two ways of spreading love: to be the one to whom it’s given and be the one that gives it.
Be the one who receives it and I’ll be the one who would give it until the end of time.
I choose to love you until death do us part.
I really love you, I do. Goodnight.

72. Your Love is Incredibly Awesome

My heart tells me you’re the best for me. In acts and deeds have you proven that it is true. My heart is yours, and I give the whole of me too. And if I don’t give all, tell me who else should! You deserve the best because your love for me is incredibly awesome.
Goodnight to you my love.

73. You Are My Lifeline and Breath

For all I care, the birds might choose to be driven by their own life and inspiration.. But I see myself being driven by nothing but your love. You’re my lifeline. You’re my breath. You are my strength and forever you are mine.
Goodnight, I love you so much.

74. You Have Proven Your Love to Me

My days are not powered by how much I own but by every words that comes from my love to me. Your words work wonders and so are your acts. You say You love me in words and you’ve proven it through your acts. I just love you for you. Goodnight and Sweet Dreams.

75. With Your Love, I Can Do Beyond Wonders

As long as your love is sure for me, there’s no limit to the wonders I can do. There won’t be no mountain too high, no challenges too difficult to overcome and no hope is ever lost.
Your love is my fuel and strength. Goodnight to you my heart.
Did You Know this Fact?

According to a research, more than 60% of romantic relationships break. And over 50% of marriages in the United States alone ends in divorce.

Imagine a country with world renowned philosophers, writers, counsellors and the likes having that high rate of divorce!

What’s then the problem and how exactly should you get your own relationship away from the region of heartbreak?

It’s simple: Sign Up to my email updates and you’ve the chance to have the best of tips and resources to save your relationship from the pangs of heartbreak.
Sign Up below to enjoy all the benefits.

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76. I Owe It to You

I watch in awe as my life gorgeously dances on the heart of time like the morning dew on the tips of leaves.
No matter what my life witnesses, I owe a bigger part of it to your love.
Sincerely, I am proud of you and I love you. Goodnight.

77. You Are all I Need

Help in time of trouble,
My stay in times of need
My strength when I’m weak,
Your love is all I’ve ever needed
Your love will be all I’ll ever need.
Before the night ends, let me say I love and really love you.
Goodnight my bae.

78. You Are My Hero

I was crude and so unlovable. I was dejected and had a degree in despair and gloom. And when I thought I had signed a deal with loneliness forever, you came and there you saved the day.
Without doubt, my shadow even knows that you’re my hero.
Goodnight to you my love.

79. Choosing You Made all the Difference

I followed my heart to love, not leaving my senses behind. I got all I needed in love by choosing you, and that has made all the difference.
Goodnight my choice.

80. You Are all I Ever Wanted

I searched all my life for the best of gifts and I found nothing worthwhile until I stretched my search toward you and then I knew all I ever wanted was close to me.
To you, I say wonderful night.
Here is a Piece for You

Are you in a Romantic Relationship? Have you been enjoying all the benefits attached to the relationship? Do you see the relationship leading to marriage? And if you’re married, do you have the assurance that you won’t experience divorce?

If your answer is Yes, then you don’t need any advice from me; just continue to enjoy the romantic streaks – forever. And teach others to follow your footsteps.

What if you’re not even sure of your relationship or marriage? You don’t know whether he or she is the best of you? You’re not getting the best out of the relationship? Then Sign up and have the chance to discuss with me. You won’t be disappointed.
81. I Found Peace in Loving You

To love someone was something I thought I couldn’t do until I found peace and tranquillity in loving you.
Thanks for your love. Goodnight from the heart that cares.

82. I Don’t Want to Leave You Forever

If I’ll have to fight a battle, I’ll rather choose the one to make sure I never leave you all my life. I can’t do without you.
Goodnight my love.

83. I Will Give You More

The more I give to your love, the more I get myself. Now I know that they are right who say, “Givers never Lack”.
Thanks so much. I love you, Goodnight.

84. I Almost Gave Up

I waited all my life for what love would have for me and when I was about giving up on love, you showed up and gave me all.
Thanks for your love my dear.
Goodnight and Sweet Dreams.

85. You Are My Other Half

I would argue that crying is not worth anyone’s time until I wept when I found my other half in you. It was tears of joy.
Goodnight to You my dearest.

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86. Let’s Keep It Real Still

Two lovers, two hearts, million thoughts, one goal, one love… That’s what keep relationships going and growing.
I’m celebrating ours, even though I’m missing you tonight.
Goodnight to my Jewel.

87. To Whom My Heart Belong

It was but a choice. I knew it would lead me this far. I made the move and you signed the deal. Love is what makes the difference.
So permit me to say goodnight in grand style, to the one to whom my heart belong.

88. To the World’s best Lover

I knew how pains and agonies feel. I have had my share of gloom and sorrow. Meeting you brought the turning point. Being your lover makes the difference.
Shout out and goodnight to the best lover in the world.

89. I will Celebrate Us Forever

I knew it but wish I knew it earlier. I knew I chose unlimited joy, unrestricted happiness and boundless merriment when I chose you.
The decision was worth it and I’ll celebrate it for life!
Good night from me to you my bestie.

90. To the One I Cherish

It was but a choice and now it’s leading me on the path to my destiny.
Now I know what would have awaited me had I not made the decision to have you as mine.
Just so you know, our love rocks.
I cherish you so much.
Goodnight. Mwah.

91. Your Love is More than Sumptuous

This is so sweet like I’ve never had before
This is so real like I’ve never seen before
Your love is sumptuous, let me ask for more
I’ve found my other half, am searching no more.
Just wanted you to know that you’re awesome.
Goodnight my love.

92. You Are all I Ever Wanted

I’m loving my life, this is all I ever wanted
The signs are obvious, I’m more than elated
There may be millions, it’s you I ever wanted
I cross my heart, won’t take this for granted!
Can I now say Goodnight? Mwah!

93. I See Love in Your Eyes

Looking into your eyes I saw love’s reality,
I saw it in your face like never before…
I know you got me, I’m going nowhere
Our love is so sweet, I’m loving it all!
Kudos to you for everything.
Nice night.

94. I’m Staying with You Forever

They asked what love is
I told my heart it’s you
I know when it’s real
From your face I can tell
You’ve got me, oh got me,
Now I’m going no where
Leaving you? No way!
Have a great night…

95. I Am Loving You Until Death Do Us Part

I bask in cherishing moments
I thought it was one-off,
You kept pushing it more
I asked when it will end
You say, until death do us part!
Isn’t that awesome? Goodnight.

96. I’m in Love with You Only

This is the moment,
I’ve been waiting for.
Your love Beckons,
No waiting no more
In love with you, you…
No one else would do!
You rock, Goodnight!

97. My Heart will Beat for You Alone

I’ve never been lonely
Since I’ve got you as mine
Whether it’s in the night hour
Or through sunshine of the day
My heart is beating, beating…
Beating for you, you only.
Can I kiss you goodnight?

98. This is Beyond Miracle

This is more than my wishes
More than my agelong plans
To have you is beyond fate
To have you is but a miracle.
I celebrate you tonight…
Goodnight my dearest.

99. To a Lifelong Relationship

I think about you and me
And I know love is so real
My heart clinging in yours
A pointer to a lifelong love!
Just came to say goodnight.

100. Isn’t It Lovely and Beautiful?

Isn’t this so lovely,
To have you as mine?
One love, one goal,
So real, no fantasies!
Isn’t it so wonderful,
To have you as mine?
Wishing you goodnight,
Sleep well, my love.

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