2022 Trending Appreciation Messages to My Love

There is nothing as comforting as the realization that you are being appreciated. It is a catalyst to do more and to put more effort into the said thing. Appreciation to both God and man are necessities and they should be encouraged.

In spite of the familiarity between lovers, gratitude could serve as a bridge to ensure freshness of importance to each other. My daily appreciation messages to my love helps me to see my other half as not important but special. It goes for everyone.

There is always an internal relieve after appreciating someone, and not taking simple acts for kindness is requisite to having a better life. It should not end at a one-off; rather it should be a lifestyle

For that special lover who wouldn’t stop giving you the best of love, these appreciation text messages and quotes are the best. Send them to your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband, wife and make them feel especially awesome.

1. At every point in my life, I see your footprints and the riches of your presence. Thank you for being the best man in my life.

2. To love is one thing, to care is another thing, but to build up a person is on another level entirely. Thank you dear for your encouragement to me.

3. The only reason to know that love is real is when the lovers are ready to support and encourage one another. You have shown me this without withholding any. Thank you, dear.

4. My storehouse is filled with your gifts. I can’t count how many times I have had more than enough because of your generosity. Thanks a million, my dear wife.

5. Better is an open rebuke to a hidden love. Your love is clearly spelt out aS S-U-P-P-O-R-T. I AM GRATEFUL.

6. You are the type of friend with an open mind. Thank you for making teaching easier. You are a fast learner and I appreciate that in you, my dear girlfriend

7. One thing is to be ready to give out knowledge, another thing is for the recipient to be fit. Thanks for being a fit and competent learner.

8. I cannot wait for a face-to-face meeting before I tell you how grateful I am for your surprise package timely delivered, so I’m sending this text to prepare the way. I am really grateful, my wife.

9. To the best husband in the entire universe. Thanks for being a good example to the children.

10. You always got my back. Thank you for it all.

11. When you are rejected at home, every other place becomes a war zone. Thanks for my acceptance in your home, my lovely boyfriend.

12. We are grateful to God for being our merciful Father. I am so also grateful to you for being my lovely husband. Thanks a bunch.

13. T-H-A-N-K-S; the word you have earned the right to receive by your continuous acts of generosity. Once again, thanks.

14. Husbands are said to always hide their gratitude in lovely simulation, but as for me I’ll combine the two: Thank you, honey. Expect more from me when I come home.

15. To the girlfriend that excels over all other girlfriends, I say thank you for having such a gentle spirit.

16. Tolerance is a virtue gradually eroding from our world but you seem to have it all inside of you. I want to appreciate you for your extreme tolerance in spite of my tantrums. Thanks, my dear husbands.

17. The joy I derive from seeing you is another surety of my comfort being with you. I appreciate you for giving me this kind of ambience.

18. For as long as the earth endures, I will always appreciate and thank God for bringing you into my life. Thanks a million, my dear wife

19. The succulent cake you presented to me today came as I surprise. I thank you so much for this kind gesture, dear girlfriend.

20. I can boldly say to whoever cares to listen that with you, there is no room for depression. Thanks, sweetheart.

21. I can sum up my text in a few words: Thank you for being so good to me, my dear wife.

22. A good companion is a delight to the soul. Thank you for being one to me, my boyfriend

23. No matter tasty a meal is, if the cook is not lovely, the heart will not merry. Thank you for getting everything combined in the right proportions.

24. Your support should be rated super horsepower because, with you, there is enough strength to carry on. Thanks, honey.

25. I prayed for a helper, God gave me a pillar. I prayed for a lover, He gave me a supporter. I appreciate you, dear husband.

26. The force of your love and support in my life is evident to all my friends. I have become many people’s prayer point. Thank you for this, my lovely wife.

27. Every day is like an appointment with a counselor. You are the perfect one for me. Thanks a lot.

28. I am recharged by your daily advice. I appreciate them all.

29. Your commitment to the family project is something unrivalled. Thanks, honey.

30. No one can give me the attention, support and commitment you do. It’s so far above what is common. Thanks for everything.

31. Any time my soul melts, it gels back with your comforting presence. Thanks to you, boyfriend.

32. Thank you for not looking at the calendar or the clock before attending to me, instead, you adjust the calendar and clock that I may have my time with you. Thanks.

33. In spite of your busy schedules, you always find out the space to call me. I won’t take that for granted. Thanks a lot.

34. Let the night roll in, and day come along. With you by side, I look forward to the next challenge. Thanks to you, my husband.

35. In sincere comfort, everything blissful. You proved that to me. Thanks for this atmosphere.

36. Your love is real, so is your concern for my well-being. I appreciate your concern. Thank you so much.

37. Every day has its own challenges but when you have a good back up, challenges become a pleasurable examination. Thanks for making this happen in my life.

38. I couldn’t have passed my professional examination without your support and encouragement. Thank you for making this a reality.

39. Where would I be without you? Thanks for being my pillar, my own husband.

40. The way you renew your commitment to me every day has had its effect on my confidence. Thanks for this assurance

41. When I a cold, you provide warm. When sad, you brighten me up. Thanks for your love, my dear husband.

42. You are the glucose in my bloodstream and whenever you are by my side, I see every mountain as surmountable. Thank for all your support, my dear wife.

43. Sweetness is not just tasted by the tongue, it is seen in people. Thanks for having sweetness written all over you.

44. Every hour, every day and all the times, I will forever be grateful to you. Thanks to you, my boyfriend.

45. I will always appreciate the day you came all out in the rain to rescue me from the horrible scene of the night. Thanks a million, honey

46. I couldn’t appreciate you less. You are my opium. Thanks a lot, my wonderful boyfriend.

47. Life is a gift, but your support in my life is worth more than just a giveaway. Thank you so much.

48. After God, you are the next in my life. I want to appreciate you for your enduring love and advice. Thanks so much.

49. Thank you for everything you have done to make me a better person. Thanks for your love and care. Thank you, my dear husband.

50. You pamper like a baby and comfort me in all seasons. Thanks, dear for all you have been to me.

51. I know this may sound weird and unusual yet it is necessary to thank you for your tasty foods which always meet my needs in times of severe hunger. You are the best wife a man can have.

52. In your presence, I feel strong. In your absence, I am encouraged to do more. Thanks for your leadership and inspirational lifestyle in our home, dear husband.

53. I could sing it in a song, I could say it words, I could write it out as an essay to you that I am grateful for all you have done for me since the beginning of our journey as a couple. Thanks love.

54. Thanks for the days you kept vigils for me, for the moments you shared in my pains, for the times you went hungry to feed me. I appreciate you, darling husband.

55. I have every reason to be thankful for all you have done for me. Thanks a million for being the best husband in the world.

56. First thing this morning I thank God for giving you to me. The second thing, I picked up my phone to send you this: THANK YOU, DEARIE.

57. Loving you is a pleasurable routine exercise I am delighted to do, but appreciating you today is top on my to-do-list. Thanks for being a pillar, my dear boyfriend.

58. My great days are your great days, my sad days are also shared with you. I want to sincerely appreciate you for your companionship with me. Thanks, my lovely wife.

59. You have made me the most cherished man in the world. I’ll continue to love you, girlfriend.

60. Just as the sky waters the earth when it is parched and dry, so you water my life with your words of encouragement. Thank you for everything, my dear husband.

61. For all the world can see and admonish that to be a better person, you need to be surrounded by better people. You are my better half. I’m grateful for all you have done for me.

62. My best motivation to face a new day is waking up to see your beautiful day. Thanks for not abandoning me, boyfriend.

63. I thank God for the man I am becoming today, and I appreciated you for the role you played in that process. Thank you, dear wife,

64. That I can face the multitude today to speak up and deliver speeches is because of your never-tiring grooming. Thanks for bringing out the greatness in me, dear husband.

65. You are a cushion to my disappointments and you a pillow for my weakness. I thank God for giving you to me, my dear wife.

66. I am grateful for all your inspiring texts every morning to cheer me up. You are a lovely boyfriend

67. Words cannot express how happy I am to write this to you. You are the most supportive of women in the world, girlfriend.

68. Behind every successful man, there is a woman. Thanks for being my woman.

69. When I heard the news that I was promoted at work, joy filled my heart but when I saw you at my workplace with a bouquet, I knew I am on top of the world. Thanks a lot, my husband.

70. It’s simply amazing to have an amazing person like you. Thank you.

71. This is specially for you, my sweetheart: Thank you for your love and care towards me.

72. Everything exists for something, definitely, you are not just existing in my life, you are living in my life and I can both feel and know it. Thanks for your love.

73. I can’t tell how happy I am to have you. When I thought I was going to be very hungry for the rest of the week, you showed up right at my door with foodstuffs. Life is beautiful with you. I am so grateful. Thanks, honey.

74. For every water that drops from the sky, for every sun that shines from above, you will remain my most valued asset. Thanks for being so supportive throughout all my school days, lovely girlfriend.

75. I had always believed in making the best out of every opportunity. All that became something I do with ease because you are always there when I need a lift in my soul. Thank you, dear husband.

76. The moment I mount any stage for presentation, I imagine you as the audience, then my confidence overwhelms my fears. Thanks for being very supportive of my ministry, dear wife.

77. The best of my speech today was seeing your beautiful smile from among thousands of audience. You brought out the best in me. Thanks so much, my lovely girl.

78. Your accountability and prudence has saved me a lot of money I would have wasted. You are really the manager of the home. Thanks for having my back and saving me for extravagant spending, sweetheart

79. I was so confused about the attire to appear in for the show until your suggestion fitted rightly. All the encomiums poured on me today, I dedicate to you. Thanks a lot, girlfriend.

80. Families are the fortress we run to when out of steam but a supportive surpasses them all. I am proud and thankful to have you as a wife. Thanks for all your support.

81. I do not know where I have been without your support but I am sure that God didn’t intend I be unhappy in life, that’s why He brought you to me. I appreciate you for being my helper and friend.

82. Love definitely cost a thing. Your love is spelt in sacrifice, support, encouragement and advice. I will never take them for granted. Thank you very much, darling.

83. Depression is so real and its effects are known throughout the universe but with your soothing and comforting presence, I think about everything that makes me survive through the raging storm with you. You are specially appreciated.

84. You are the radiance that makes me shine every day. My confidence level skyrockets with your support daily. Thank you, sweetheart.

85. Realizing that everything you do, you do it also for me and that you have me in mind gives me a big confidence that I am important to you. Thanks for being there for me, dear wife.

86. My week was fascinating. I want to live in it over and over again but not without you. You made my week with your surprise package to me. Thanks a lot, my boyfriend.

87. I want to sincerely appreciate you for everything you did for me on my birthday, you gave me a sense of belonging, a show of worth and love. God bless you.

88. Your words soothe from every pain. A word from you is like the cool breeze like that blows stress away. Thanks for being there when needed, my dear wife.

89. The more I try to see how much you are to me, the more the value keeps increasing to you are constantly appreciating in value to me. Thank for your kindness and for all your words of encouragement, girlfriend.

90. I had always thought of the world as a lonely place until I met you. With you, my perception changed for you have been my encouragement to move ahead in life. Thanks for all your support through the years.

91. The love you reaffirm to me daily gives me the courage I need daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and I know forever is part of it. Thank you so much dear wife.

92. My sincere gratitude for your commitment to this relationship for these periods. I know how weird this message is but I want to deeply say, you are awesome. Thank you, boyfriend.

93. As soon as I opened the package, I knew it was the handiwork of my dear husband because no one knows how to give better gifts than you. Thanks, dear.

94. You are the garnishing that I need in my recipe for happiness. Thanks for being my backbone, my dear husband

95. Your true nature of love to me all these years has been what I used as a lift when I am sad. You are one in a million. Thanks for your showers of love that never cease, my cute boyfriend.

96. When tears welled up in my eyes, you gave me a shoulder to weep on and soothe me by wiping away my tears. Thank for being there for me, my wife.

97. I desire to live again and again but with you around me as a source of encouragement. I need your encouragement as a new baby craves milk. Thank you for always giving me, my dear boyfriend.

98. Without a deep tap root, the mightiest of trees fall off and wither in parched lands, without a girlfriend like you, great men become lily-livered in the face of trouble. Thank for your support.

99. Every man is shaken to his marrow when he faces opposition bigger than him, but with adequate support, his courage is restored and victory is assured. Thank you for being that adequate support to me, my wife.

100. The more I gaze upon you, the more I see that you are the support I need to keep moving in life. For being there for me all these years, I want to say thank, sweet husband.

101. You are the encouragement that many people lack in their lives. Thank God I found you. My special appreciation to my very lovely girlfriend.

Congratulations! Yes, congrats to you that you have decided to appreciate your love today. Do not forget to do it again tomorrow, and the next until you become a master at appreciating people. Share with your friends and circles.

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