2022 Trending Forgiveness Message for Apology

You want to be forgiven and you are looking for some I’m Sorry Quotes and Messages to send?

Here are the Best Sorry Quotes, Sweet Sorry Text Messages For Loved Ones, Forgive Me Messages, Amazing Forgive Me Messages To Loved Ones, Sweet I’m Sorry Messages and Apology Messages For Boyfriend.

Forgiveness Messages for Boyfriend

Do you have a boyfriend that you have just offended? It is good that you identify your fault in the matter. Do well by sending him these Forgiveness Text Messages for Boyfriend.

1. No word in my diction can ever be enough to describe how Sorry I am for hurting you, my sweetheart. I’m truly sorry, Boyfriend.

2. I never meant to displease nor see you unhappy. My boyfriend, I’m sorry for not being there for you. Please Forgive Me, Sweet Friend.

3. I miss you so much and I’m so sorry for not feeling the pain you’re passing through right now. Please Forgive Me, Boyfriend.

4. For being so insensitive and careless about your feelings and emotions these days, Please, Forgive Me, my Boyfriend.

5. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt you or your feelings. I’m sorry for everything, please forgive me.

6. From the depth of my heart, I want you to know that I’m really sorry, my Boyfriend. Please, would you mind Forgiving me? I Am So Sorry for making you sad.

7. I wish I can take all the throes and grief away with a short message like; “I’m Sorry.” Can you forgive me, my Boyfriend, please?

8. Here am I apologizing for the inappropriate words I said to you recently. I’m really sorry, my Boyfriend. Please Forgive Me.

9. I just hope you have mercy and forgive me for every bad thing I ever did or said against you. please, Forgive me, My Boyfriend.

10. I really lack the courage and boldness I need to start apologizing for my wrong deeds, I want you to know that I’m deeply sorry and I hope we can still be best of friends once more.

11. Tell me what I can do to mend this gap between us; caused by being insensitive to your well-being. Please, My lovely Boyfriend, Forgive Me.

12. Dear Boyfriend, I have been acting childish and selfish and I have hurt our friendship so much and I want you to know that I’m sorry. Can you Please Forgive Me?

13. Whenever I’m angry, I often say things that I never meant. Please tell me how I can fix things between us right now because I miss being with you, my Boyfriend. I’m sorry. Please, forgive me.

14. When things didn’t go as I wish, you’re always checking on me.Despite that, I am still selfish. Please Forgive Me, My Sweet Boyfriend.

15. There’s a huge gap that separates us; which seems we are no more in love due to our wrong deeds. I’m so sorry My Sweet Boyfriend, can you Please Forgive Me?

16. There’s a wide gap between us. All because of how I took you for granted and a cheap person. I’m so sorry, My Sweet Boyfriend.

17. Please let’s pick up from where we parted and let’s amend ours errs. I miss you so much and I’m sorry for everything. Please Forgive Me, my Boyfriend.

18. My life and world without excitement and happiness without you. Because you add beauty to my life with your companionship. I’m sorry for hurting you, My Boyfriend. Please Forgive Me.

19. My heart is broken; Please help me fix the pieces together by letting go of my past misdeeds. I’m so sorry, my good Boyfriend.

20. I really miss being with you and I want you to know that I’m sincerely apologizing for yelling at you last night.

21. I miss every single minute with you, but most especially I miss all of you, My Sweet Boyfriend, Please Forgive Me.

22. I have been blindfolded by revenge and I did it, I that I didn’t notice the pains it has caused you, my boyfriend. I am so sorry for hurting you.

23. I have been insensitive and immature. I only want you to know that I have seen my flaws and I’m so sorry and ready to amend my ways.

24. All I’m asking is another chance to make it up to you, my handsome Boyfriend. Can you Please Forgive Me?

25. For making you feel bitter and for hurting your emotions and causing you so many heartaches; I say – “I’m truly sorry”

26. I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you, my good friend. I’m so sorry for all I said in an aggressive manner. Please, Forgive me, my Boyfriend.

27. I’m sorry for the errs I did, So very sorry for what I said harshly, Please Forgive Me, My Boyfriend.

28. You’re my lovely friend and I want you to know that I’m really sorry for making you sad. Please forgive me, my handsome Boyfriend.

29. It makes me also feel sad and in pains, most especially when I was the reason behind it. I’m truly sorry, my sweet Boyfriend.

30. My boyfriend, all I want to say in this Apology letter that I’m So Sorry for what I did and said, please, Forgive Me.

Forgiveness Messages For Girlfriend

Here is the Best collection of Sweet Sorry Messages, Apology Letter To Girlfriend For being Mean, Sorry Messages For Hurting Your Girlfriend, Apology Messages For Girlfriend,

1. I am even stuck about what to send to you as a Sorry Message For Hurting You, my Girlfriend. Please, Forgive me.

2. You always look gorgeous but I made you look so miserable by causing you heartbreak. I’m really sorry my beautiful girlfriend.

3. Being Lone for sometimes, made me realize my flaws and I want you to know also that I regretted my actions and inactions completely. I Am Sorry Messages my Girlfriend for breaking your heart.

4. I’m so sorry for lying to you and pretending all this while that it’s the truth. Can you please forgive me, my girl?

5. I made one of the biggest flaws in life today, by taking you and your feelings for granted. I Am Sorry my Girlfriend.

6. Girlfriend, for even the petty things I overlooked. I’m Really Sorry and willing to make amend.

7. I vow to never lie to you again. But always say the truth, no matter the tempting situation. I’m Sorry My Girlfriend.

8. I am not going to make any promises like I did before. I just want to say that I’m truly and really sorry my sweetheart. I am sorry.

9. I hope by hugging and telling you how much you mean to me will create a cleft in your heart let go of my misdeeds. I’m so Sorry My Sweet Girlfriend.

10. No diction is perfect enough to tell you how bad I personally feel for hurting you. I’m truly sorry my girlfriend.

11. If I’m to start apologizing for the bad things we did to you, it will possibly reach months. All I can say is that I’m Sorry To You, My Girlfriend.

12. I want you to know that I still love and care about everything about you, even though I hurt you most times, I’m Sorry my Girlfriend.

13. I only want you to look into my eyes and see how sorry I am for making you feel sad. Can you Forgive Me, my Girlfriend, please?

14. I’m so sorry that I lied to you, my girlfriend. I promise not to do that ever again, in my life. I’m Sorry My Girlfriend.

15. I have been too deceptive in dealing with you, but I have come to realize that it has hurt you badly. I’m Sorry For Hurting You, my girlfriend.

16. A day like this, I wish I had the power to cleanse all the terrible things I did to hurt you. I’m really Sorry My Girlfriend.

17. Saying that I’m sorry doesn’t really mean – I’m Sincerely Sorry my Girlfriend.

18. Didn’t know that being too jealous and envious will bring you heartache and throes. But now, I have realised my flaws and I’m so sorry my dear girlfriend.

19. My mistakes and shortcomings are always before me, but I promise to be a good person next time. I’m Sorry My Girlfriend.

20. How about we have some dinner for two so that I can express
and admit my sincere apology? Because I am really Sorry My Girlfriend.

21. It’s has been a while since we talked or call each other due to the quarrel we had. Please, can you please forgive me, my girl? I am sorry.

22. They say; “an apology is a good way to have the last words”. My girlfriend, I am so sorry and I want you to forgive me for my misdeeds.

23. I am so sorry for making you feel uncared for all through our being in a relationship. Please, Forgive Me, Sweetheart.

24. I know that asking for forgiveness will not make you completely forget about the misdeeds I have done. But, I Am Sorry My Girlfriend.

25. Nothing really makes me feel so down; I am so sorry for making you feel sad. Please, Forgive Me.

26. I Am So Sorry My Girlfriend, for doing things that made you look like a fool. Forgive me.

27. I am so Sorry My Girlfriend. I am not saying this to flatter you because I really mean my words.

28. How u wish our love was a computer that can be rebooted. Because my flaws have made it faulty. I am sorry my girlfriend.

29. The reason why I know you will accept my earnest apology is that I have seen you vouch for me several times. I’m really Sorry My Girlfriend.

30. Dear girlfriend, Please forgive me because now is the time to show me what true love is. I’m So Sorry my Girlfriend.

Forgiveness Messages For Husband

Here are the Best Sorry Quotes, Sweet Sorry Text Messages For Husband, Forgive Me Messages, Amazing Forgive Me Messages For Husband, Sweet I’m Sorry Messages and Apology Messages For Husband

1. Before you utter even a single word or something, I want to say something first; my Husband, I need you to Forgive me, I am sorry for what I did.

2. Can you please, let go of my misdeeds against you? I’m Sorry my sweet Husband. Have mercy.

3. “I Am Sorry” is all I could come up with after realizing my mistakes and shortcomings. Forgive Me Please, my Sweet Husband.

4. I never for once thought that I will one day hurt you so badly like I did yesterday. I’m sincerely sorry my king. Please, Forgive Me, my Husband.

5. I don’t expect you to Forgive Me considering the way I hurt you. Now, all I need is your trust to let me love you again. Please, Forgive Me, My dear Husband.

6. Please accept my sincere apologies and let us become true lovers again. Sweet Husband, Forgive Me.

7. A relationship without forgiveness cannot endure forever. I am not saying this out of pride. But out of how I’ve realised my mistakes. Please, Forgive Me, my dear husband.

8. Please, I need you to let go of my misdeeds and so as to clear the tears from my eyes by forgiving me. I’m so sorry my husband.

9. All I ask for is that you put an end to my ever flowing tears and make me feel loved once again by creating a space in your heart for me. Because I’m sincerely sorry my husband.

10. If you don’t let go of my wrong deeds, my tears won’t stop flowing. Please, my sweet husband, I need you to forgive me.

11. I’m sorry for making a beautiful and sweet moment turn bitter by my mischievousness. Please forgive me, my husband. I won’t repeat that again.

12. Please forgive me, I never meant to make you feel depressed. I made a mistake and I’m so sorry my dear husband.

13. I’m not asking for anything other than your forgiveness. Because I have realised my mistake and I’m really sorry my husband. Please forgive me.

14. You once vowed to go any mile for me. Now, can you please forgive me? I am sorry my husband.

15. I know that it’s my actions and inactions that brought you these heartaches. Please, Forgive Me, My Husband.

16. My dear, it really pains me too to see you become so sad. Please, Forgive Me, My Husband.

17. Can you please forgive me for making you feel sad? I really need you to forgive my husband.

18. I know it hurts you when you try to correct me but, I act like you don’t know what you are doing. Now, I’ve realised my mistakes and I need you to forgive me, husband.

19. Just tell me what to do to make this piteous moment pass by and I promise never to repeat my mistakes again. I’m truly sorry, I need you to forgive me, my sweet husband.

20. I will always do all I can to see that I make you happy. I am really sorry. I need you to forgive me, husband.

21. Dear husband, you always look so handsome but I made you look ugly the other day by causing you pain. Please, forgive me. I am so sorry.

22. Being always lonely has made me realize my mistakes and I want you to know that I am regretting my actions. I’m in need of your forgiveness.

23. I’m so sorry for deceiving you all this while. Can you please forgive me, my husband? I am sorry.

24. I made one of the biggest mistakes in life by taking you for granted. I need your forgiveness, my husband.

25. For those times that I allowed my pride to get in the way of apologizing to you – tonight, I sincerely ask for forgiveness. I’m so sorry my husband.

26. If I ask you for forgiveness and you do. I promise never to displease you again. I am sorry.

27. No, I am not vowing. I just want to say that I’m really sorry my husband from the depth of my heart.

28. I hope by hugging and telling you how much you mean to me will create a place in your heart. I need you to forgive me, my husband.

29. No explanation would be enough to tell you how terrible I feel for hurting you. I’m truly sorry my baby.

30. If I’m to start apologizing for what I did to you wrongly, it will run into weeks if not months or years even. All I can ask, for now, I forgiveness my husband.

Forgiveness Messages For Wife

Here are the Best Sorry Quotes, Sweet Sorry Text Messages For Wife, Forgive Me Messages, Amazing Forgive Me Messages For Wife, Sweet I’m Sorry Messages and Apology Messages For Wife

1. I want you to know that I still cherish and care about you. Even though I hurt you so much. I’m on my knees pleading, for forgiveness.

2. I only want you to look straight into my eyes and see how sorry I am making you feel so bad. I’m so sorry my wife. Can you please forgive me and let go?

3. I need you to forgive me, I had lied to you, my sweet wife. I promise not to do it again. I.need your forgiveness my wife.

4. Deception and lies have never been sweet as it may seem. I am sincerely asking for your Forgiveness My Sweet Wife.

5. On days like this, I wish I have the magical ability to erase all the bad things I have ever done. All I ask for is forgiveness.

6. Saying that I’m sorry doesn’t really matter much as showing you how much I mean those three words – I need your Forgiveness, my Sweet Wife.

7. Didn’t know that being too jealous will bring about this throes and heartache to you. That’s why I am sincerely asking for forgiveness right now.

8. My mistakes and shortcomings are always before me, but I vow to be a better husband henceforth, I need you to forgive me, my sweet wife.

9. How about dinner for two to show you my earnest apology? I’m really sorry my sweet wife.

10. It’s more than a week since last I received a call or text from you, my wife. I’m truly sorry for breaking our marital vow. Please, Forgive Me My Sweet Wife.

11. The feeling of being without you, I can’t help nor stand it anymore. I’m very sorry my princess.

12. I’m sincerely sorry for making you look like a fool. Can you please let go of that? I’m IN need of your forgiveness, please.

13. I know now it’s not nice to hurt you or take you for granted and even cheat on you. I’m really sorry my sweet wife. Forgive me.

14. Forgive me please, I promise to turn a new leaf
again. I’m very sorry, damsel.

15. It pains me to know that I’m the reason behind why you feel so depressed. I’m so sorry my wife, forgive me.

16. I know that you are truly bitter about what I did to you. But, I hope that you will Forgive Me, My Wife, Please.

17. For all the times you’ve wondered where I have been when I keep late nights. I am sincerely asking for forgiveness because I cheated on you.

18. All that matters right now is that I still love you beyond description. please accept my honest apology. I’m So Sorry My Lovely Wife.

19. I should have defended you when I had the opportunity, and now my inaction has caused your sorrows. I’m truly sorry my sweet wife, please.

20. It was all my fault; you’re right and I’m wrong. Please forgive me. I’m really sorry my dearest.

21. Please accept my apology, I promise to cherish and love you more than ever before. I’m sorry for everything.

22. From now on, I will always be realistic to you. I’m so sorry my for being fake all these while. Please Forgive Me, My Lovely Wife.

23. Hope you know that I’m really sorry? I need you to let go, I am sincerely asking for forgiveness my love I am so sorry.

24. You can blame it all on me because it’s always been my fault. I need you to forgive me, my wife.

100 Romantic Apology Sms to Girlfriend or Boyfriend

25. It was wrong of me to take advantage of your kindness. I’m sincerely asking for forgiveness from you my wife.

26. I hope you can forgive and give me another chance once more to prove my genuine love for you, my wife. Forgive me, please.

27. I vow to be your Mr right to you today and always. I’m so sorry my dear, Please Forgive Me, my Sweet Wife.

28. I feel personally bad for hurting you. I hope you can find a place in your heart to forgive me once more. I need you to forgive me, my sweet wife.

29. It was you despite your meekness that I hurt. You have the right to be angry for a while, but please don’t hold your grievance forever. I need your forgiveness, my wife.

30. I’m sincerely sorry for what happened between us today. Please forgive me, my dear wife.

Forgiveness Messages For Friends

Cute collection of I am sorry Messages, I Am Sorry Quotes, Sweet Sorry Text and Forgiveness Messages for your friend.

1. No words could be sufficient to really describe how sorry I am for hurting you, my dearest friend. Please, Forgive Me, my Cute Friend.

2. I never meant to hurt you or make you feel sad. Please, forgive me for not being able to be there for you. I am so sorry, my sweet friend.

3. I miss you so much and I’m very sorry for not seeing the pain you had to pass through all because of me. Can you please forgive me? I am sorry my sweet friend.

4. For being so nonchalant about your feelings and emotions lately, Please, forgive me, my beautiful friend.

5. Dear friend, I’m sorry for everything bad I did against you, please forgive me.

6. From the deepest part of my heart, I need you to know that I’m sorry, my special friend. Forgive me, please.

7. How I wish, I can take all your pain away with this message. As in, “I’m Sorry Can you please forgive me, my cute friend?”

8. Here’s to me apologizing for the wrong words I said to you yesterday. Please, Forgive Me my best friend.

9. I just hope you find mercy and accept my apology to forgive me for all the bad things I ever did. I’m so sorry, my cute friend.

10. I really don’t know where to start asking for forgiveness, but I want you to know that I’m deeply sorry for all I have done.

11. Tell me what I need to do to mend this gap between us caused by my insensitivity to your grief. Please, I need you to forgive me.

12. I have been acting so childish in our friendship. But lately, I have realised that I have been so wrong. My beautiful friend, Can you please forgive me?

13. Almost anytime I am angry, I use words that are not appropriate to say. Please, I need you to forgive me because, I never meant to say such bitter words, my sweet friend. Please, Forgive me.

14. When things don’t fall in place, you’re still always there for me. As you go through this message, I need you to please forgive me, my good friend.

15. There’s a big gap between us that looks endless. I’m so sorry, can you please forgive me so that we can bridge the gap?

16. There is a long distance between us just because of how I took you for granted. I’m really sorry, my sweet friend.

17. Friend, did you know that I miss you so much and I’m sorry for everything? I mean my words. Please, forgive me.

18. My world has been awful without you. I’m sorry for hurting you, buddy. Can you please forgive me, for all the bad things I’ve done?

19. My heart is shattered completely for making you feel sad. Please, I need you to forgive me so that I will mend the broken pieces once more. I’m so sorry, my cute friend.

20. I really miss being with you, my sweet friend. I really want you to know that I’m sincerely sorry for snapping at you in the public.

21. I miss every single moment with you, especially those moments we spend together in the garden. Please, I need you to let go of my misdeeds by being naughty.

22. I have been blindfolded by pride that I didn’t care about how much it’s hurting you. I’m really sorry because I never meant to make you feel so sad. I am so sorry friend.

23. Lately, I’ve been so childish, insensitive and immature. I send this apology message to let you know that I am sorry for all the bad things I’ve done. Please, forgive me, my sweet friend.

24. All I’m asking is one more chance to make it up to you, my handsome friend. Can you please forgive me? I am sorry.

25. For making you feel sad, for hurting your emotions and causing you so much pain and sorrows; I write this apology text from my heart; “I’m so sorry”

26. I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you, my good friend. I’m so sorry for what I said right in a wrong way.

27. I’m very sorry for all that I had said in a disrespectful way. Please, forgive me.

28. My special friend, I want you to know that I’m sincerely sorry for making you feel uncared for. Please forgive me, my handsome friend.

29. It’s hurt me so much to see you grieving especially when I thought I was only trying to crack a joke. I’m really sorry, my sweet friend.

30. My best friend, I want to say that I’m sorry for what I did yesterday. Please, I need you to find a place in your heart to forgive me even as you go through my apology message.

31. All you did was to care for me despite the way that no one else does. I’m sincerely sorry for taking you for granted. Please, forgive me, my sweet friend.

32. Can you add fun to my life again by forgiving all my misdeeds? I missed your companionship and I’m so sorry for making you feel uncared for. Please, forgive me, my sweet friend.

33. I know we both said things we never meant because we’re both angry yesterday. But I want you to know that I’m sincerely sorry for what I said the previous day. Please forgive me.

34. I haven’t heard from you again since the last time we had a quarrel. I really missed your presence in my life. I’m sorry, best friend, please forgive me.

35. I promise to be a better person from now on. But all I’m asking you is one more chance to prove my affection. I’m really sorry for hurting you, my friend.

36. Without you in my life, I feel like I’m just a failure going from place to place without a specific destination. I’m sorry, my sweet friend, please forgive me.

37. Dear friend, I really miss having you around me since the last time we fought. I miss you so much and I’m sorry for causing you pain.

38. You’re
always there for me whenever I feel lonely without anyone around me. I’m so sorry for hurting you, my sweet friend.

39. You’re my one and only friend and I don’t mean to cause you any harm nor bring you any cause to worry. I’m really sorry, my sweet friend.

40. You’re my best friend and I’m sure I will never forget about you. I’m truly sorry for making you feel dejected. Please forgive me.

41. I feel really unhappy myself for causing you so much more grief, lately. I’m sincerely sorry, my cute friend. Please forgive me.

42. I’m so sorry, my lovely friend, please forgive me and let’s forget about the past so as to become the best of friends.

43. To bridge the distance between us that I have caused by making you feel uncared for. Let me start by saying that I’m really sorry, my handsome friend.

44. I really don’t even know where and how to start apologizing. Let me start by saying I’m sorry for all I’ve done.

45. Without you, my days are so unlikely. I really miss the joy that you bring. Please forgive me, my cute friend.

46. If I could undo all that I did, just to see your beautiful glowing smiling face again, I will do that instantly. I’m deeply sorry, my sweet friend.

47. I never meant to cause you pain, neither do I mean to hurt you even for a second. I want you to know that I’m sorry for the depth of my life. Can you please forgive me?

48. I wish there’s more I could say other than “I’m Sorry,” to ease off the throes of what I had caused you to pass through. Please, I need you to forgive me, my sweet friend.

49. I made you cry to the point that you feel depressed. I’m really sorry, my sweet friend, can you please forgive me?

50. Am really sorry for being the cause of your depression. I don’t really mean to cause you depression in any way and I’m so sorry for doing that my sweet friend.

Forgiveness Messages For Family Members

Forgiveness Messages For Family Members (Sister, brother, father, mother, son, daughter)

Here are the Best Collection of Sorry Quotes, Sweet Sorry Text Messages For Family Members, Forgive Me Messages, Amazing Forgive Me Messages For Family Members, Sweet I’m Sorry Messages and Apology Messages For Family Members.

1. One of the big mistakes I’ve ever made is hurting you and making you feel bad without any remorse. I’m so sorry, my best friend.

2. I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness after all I’ve done. Now, All I’m asking for is a chance to show you that I’m willing to give you my all. I’m so sorry my best friend.

3. Please forgive me. How I wish, I can take back all I’ve said out of anger yesterday. I am sorry my best friend.

4. I never meant to look down upon you. I’m truly sorry for that. Can you please forgive me?

5. I’m sorry for making you feel sad. My sweet friend, please forgive my wrongdoings.

6. I want you to know that I’m really sorry for all the bad things that I’ve done. Please, forgive me.

7. I miss you so much ever since you left me, I’m really sorry for causing you all the sorrows you have to pass through. Please forgive me.

8. I know everything happens for a reason, just as I’m the reason behind your sorrows. Please forgive me. I’m so sorry about all I’ve done.

9. Please forgive me, my sweet friend. I can’t feel okay without your love again. I’m sorry.

10. Can you please forgive me, my dearest friend? I know that I’ve made you feel so sad. I’m sorry.

11. Our relationship means a lot to me and I’m really sorry for making you feel sad. Please forgive me my best friend.

12. I’m so sorry for what I said last night. Please, can you give me another opportunity to make amends? I’m sorry.

13. I’m truly sorry for all I’ve done. I also want to remind you in this apology letter that I’m so sorry for making you sad. Please forgive me.

14. I’m sincerely sorry, my dearest friend for making you feel like you don’t deserve the best in life. I even ashamed of writing you this apology message.

15. I know that there is no justification for all I’ve done. And that’s why I write this apology message to let you know that I’m sincerely sorry, my best friend.

16. I treasure our friendship so much more than the way words can paint. And I’m sorry for ignoring your calls. Please forgive me.

17. Please forgive me, my best friend. I’m so sorry for the wrong deeds I’ve done in our relationship.

18. I’m really sorry that I couldn’t be there for you all this while. I want you to know also that I really care about our relationship.

19. I’m so sorry for allowing my change of mood negatively affect our relationship. Please, forgive me?

20. Despite the goodies you’ve given me, I tend to disrespect you. I’m so sorry for deserting you lately. Please, forgive me.

21. For all that we’ve been through – the separation. I am ready to take all the blame. I miss you and I’m sorry for causing you heartache.

22. I want you to understand that I’m sincerely sorry for all I’ve done. Please forgive me, my best friend.

23. I didn’t mean to make you feel abandoned my best friend. I am deeply sorry.

24. I never meant to hurt you deliberately, please would you mind finding a place in your heart and forgive me? I’m really sorry, my sweet friend.

25. I was rude and mischievous, and I need you to forgive me. I’m sorry, best friend.

26. I haven’t been a true friend lately. Can you please forgive me my best friend?

27. A friend like you is indeed a valuable gift. I’m sorry for not always been in touch with you lately.

28. I have something very important to say in this apology message; “Best Friend, I’m Sorry For Everything bad I’ve done”

29. I have nothing to say in this apology message. But, I’m truly sorry and I hope that you let go of my misdeeds. Please forgive me, my best friend.

30. I allowed my ego and pride to come between our relationship because I ignored you lately. I’m sorry, please forgive me, my best friend.

31. I know that I did what’s wrong by causing you pain. But, I want you to know that I’m deeply sorry for my misdeeds.

32. There is no true justification why I yelled at you last night. Can you please forgive me? I’m sorry, my best friend.

33. You’ve always been my best friend, but despite that, I want you to know that I’m sorry for taking you for granted lately. I’m sorry my best friend.

34. Thank you for being such an amazing friend, and I’m sorry for being a bad friend. Please forgive me, my best friend.

35. You’ve always been a trustable person and that makes you my best friend. Friend, I want you to know that I’m sorry for everything I did that let you into so much grief.

36. For taking our relationship and the bond between us for granted. I’m sorry for not being there for you. Please, forgive me.

37. I know that you will always understand me when I explain myself to you. I’m sorry for the errs I did lately.

38. Whether we’re in a good relationship or not, you will always have a place in my heart. I also need you to forgive me my best friend.

39. Can you please forgive me? For all that I’ve done that made you stop answering my calls. I’m sorry my best friend.

40. My dearest friend, in my time of depression, you gave me comfort and I want to say that I’m sorry for making you feel sad. Please forgive me.

41. Lately, I haven’t been keeping in touch as I am supposed to, and I’m so sorry, my best friend.

42. I am deeply sorry for the bad things I did for you my best friend. Please, forgive me.

43. I didn’t mean to be nonchalant about you and I’m so sorry about what I did that made you feel unhappy. Please forgive me, my sweet friend.

44. I really appreciate you and the relationship we have. I’m really sorry for causing you so much distress.

45. I’m sure that what I did was ju
st too bad. I’m sincerely sorry my lovely friend, please forgive me, my sweet friend.

46. You have always stood by me during my piteous days. I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there for you lately.

47. I really didn’t mean to make you look like a fool. I’m sincerely sorry for what I did. Can you please forgive me?

48. I’m so sorry for hurting you, my best friend. Please forgive me for being such a bad friend.

49. You’re indeed my dearest friend and I love you more than the word itself and I want you to know that I’m truly sorry making you feel sad. Please forgive me.

50. The way I yelled at you yesterday makes me cringe myself. You don’t really deserve such a bad treatment. I’m deeply sorry, my best friend.

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