2022 Trending Love Letters for Her from the Heart

Whether you want to shake things up a bit or you want to just make her feel good or you want to make up for something, if you need love letters that can express what’s in your heart, then this page is where you should start searching from.

You could become a trending topic in her heart, with these beautiful letters created for your use. The days of lack of words are over.

Enjoy reading through the list, take your favourite and fire away!

It’s another opportunity to make your girlfriend feel special and smile because your love is sure. Use these love letters for her from the heart to express your undying love to your girlfriend (or wife). They are a sweet collection of I love you letters and I cherish you love paragraphs for her.

1. Hey dearie,
It’s been an amazing journey these past couple of months with you. Being with you has shown me things about myself that I never knew were there. You’ve taught me to be free, to enjoy life. You’ve taught me to trust, not just people but trust myself also. You’ve taught me to believe in myself despite what the circumstances and surround situation says. You’ve taught me to love.
You taught my heart to love you. I’ll die a thousand deaths before I stop loving you. I love you.

2. My love,
What would I do without you? How would I survive if you’re not with me? You’ve become my necessary food, my nutrition. My essence, the very supplement I thrive on.
Without you, life won’t make meaning.
You’re my heart. My one and only. The very and only one I love. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.
Obi mo. You have taken permanent residence in my heart.
I love you for real.

3. Hey you,
You brought smiles to my face the moment you entered my life. Okay, more than smiles. You totally took over me. You moved in and made my space your own. You’ve claimed my heart, my love.
When I think of love, I think of you.
When I reminisce on beauty, all I see is you.
And when I see you, all I see is perfection.
Now you’re here, please don’t go. I love and cherish you.
Together and forever.

4. My lover,
If loving you is wrong, then I never want to be right.
If loving you is a crime, then I want to be hunted.
If choosing you is bad, then I never want to be good.
If having you with me is just a dream, then I’d rather sleep for a thousand more years.
You’re my heartbeat. The one I want, the one I love. The only one I love.
I look forward to many more happy moments with you.
I love you.

5. My Sugar,
I look forward to when we walk down the aisle. I look forward to when you say I do. I look forward to waking up next to you each and every morning, for no day is complete without you in it. Your beauty is second to none.
You’ve become second nature to me. My love, I deeply appreciate your presence in my life and I won’t let you go.
You’re the love of my life. I love you for real.

6. My beauty,
You moved into my hunted castle with audacity and made it your own, your home. You left your touch on every part of me till I became your signature. You showered me with love even though I didn’t deserve it. You loved me consistently even though I was to blind to see it.
You never gave up on me, you’ve stood by me all this time. You fought for our love till you sent the beast in me packing.
I’ll forever love you.

7. Hey Darling,
How can I forget your shower of love on me? How can I forget your jokes and how they cracked me up? Your smile lights up my day, my world. I’m not lucky to have you. I’m blessed to have you. You’re my Christmas present from God. I deeply love and appreciate you. You mean so much to me. I might have limited words, as words have failed me already but please know that this is from my heart and I love you

8. My woman,
Words would fail me to properly articulate how I feel. If I were to paint a picture of how you’ve colored my life, I’d probably do a bad job. The best of artists won’t fare any better. You’re unique. You’re rare. You’re a gemstone. You’re priceless.
You graced my life with your presence. You touched wounded parts of me and healed them. You entered the hollow parts of me and filled them with your love.
I love you for life.

9. Hey babe,
How’s your day been? I’m sure you’re great.
It’s been quite a while I wrote you a letter, so I decided to quickly piece together this short one.
Sincerely, all I want to say is that I love you. I’ll shout it on the mountains and on the rooftops. I’ll tell it to whoever cares to listen and even those who don’t. I appreciate you and I trust you.
Like I said, all I want to say is I love you.

10. My Omalicha,
My beauty. My heartbeat. My heartthrob. My one and only. My do re mi. The music in my heart. The song I sing. My charming beauty.
The one I love. The only one I see. The one I know. The only one I crave.
I’d be like a dictionary that’s missing a page if you were taken out of my life. I’d be incomplete.
Thank you for all you do. For your love and care, even when loving me was hard.
I cherish you and please note that no one would ever take your place in my life.
PS. I love you.

11. You are all that I want. You are all that I’d ever want. What I feel for you overwhelms even me. I do not want what they say is trending. I do not want what they say is in vogue. All I want and would ever want in life is you.

12. My love, my world. You’re the only one my heart will ever beat for. I’m glad my year has you in it because if there’s one thing I’ve realized through the years, it is that I can’t live without you.

13. When the worst happens, you are the one I think of talking to. When the best things happen, you are the first person I think of celebrating with. Whenever I think of you, everything in the world seems to be alright. I love you more than life itself.

14. I write these letters from my heart, my beloved. I wish I could bare myself to you, so you would never doubt what I feel for you. I promise you that come rain come sunshine, I would always be with you. I would always love you. I would always protect you. I would always stand by you. I would never leave you. Because I love you.

15. I can’t be without you. Believe me, I have tried. I can’t breathe without you. It’s the worst thing I have tried doing this year. Your existence proves the worth of mine to me. It makes my purpose clear. I know the reason I’m here on earth is to love and to cherish you all the days of my life. I love you.

16. The more they say to me, ‘Leave her alone.’, the more I find myself wanting to be with you. The more they tell me, ‘stay away from her!’, the more I want to prove to you that I’m worth your time. Even if you were the only girl on earth, I’d still want you and only you. For you, I’d do anything. For you, I’d do the impossible. I love you.

17. You’ve bewitched me surely! I don’t understand myself anymore. I talk to my heart but it doesn’t listen. I try to control my thoughts but they go wayward. Your scent keeps me awake at night. Your eyes leave me wondering if I’m sane. I can’t stop thinking about you. I can’t get you out of my head. And to be honest, I don’t want to.

18. Love is blind, that’s what they say. But I don’t mind being blind if it explains being with you. You are life and breath to my very existence. I love you.

19. One thing I ask of you is that you give me your heart. I promise to love it, I promise to cherish it, I promise to take care of it and make it mine and mine alone. You are my strength in my weakest moments. You are my light in the darkest of life’s tunnels. You mean everything to me.

20. Touch me. Kiss me. Hold me. Be mine. That’s all I ask from you, my love. Words would definitely fail me when I want to prove my love to you but one thing that’d never fail is my actions. This year, I’d show you what it means to be loved by me.

21. Dance with me, oh my love. Celebrate with me that I’ve finally found you. You bring meaning into my life. I will do absolutely anything for you. You’re my queen. You’re my light. If there is no you, I find nothing in this life. Everything suddenly loses its sweet decadence and taunting positive expectations. I can’t afford to lose you.

22. To write letters to you would never be enough to quantify what I feel for you. You’re amazing. You’re special. You’re trending. You’re my world. I would give anything to be with you.

23. This year has officially been marked my best year all because I discovered you in it. My heart can’t stay still when it thinks about you. My soul quivers whenever I want to express my love to you. What can I say? You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.

24. All hell broke loose when I lost you. My heart literally stopped beating. Life began to make no sense. I have sworn to never lose you again to my foolishness. If the world says loving you is wrong then I don’t want to be right.

25. Your love is kind. It is patient. It does not envy. Neither does it boast. Your love is selfless, your love keeps its word. Your love doesn’t make me feel insecure. Your love is pure. Your love is everything the Bible qualifies it to be. I’m glad that my heart belongs to you and only you.

26. I would wipe all of your tears away. When we’re apart my love, I will always think of you. When my heart feels troubled, your lovely face comes to mind. When all seems like it’s crashing down, you are the one my heart seeks for. We were called to each other, like moth called to a flame. We were destined to be together, from the very foundation of the universe. My soul mate. My love. My second skin. I love you.

27. I pledge my allegiance to you. I pledge my soul and my body to you. I pledge all of the breath left in me to your well being. You are my purpose. They say he who finds a wife finds a good thing. I say he who has found you has found the greatest of all things.

28. Take my hand. Hold it tight, let me lead you to a wonderful light. Allow me reach forth into your soul and deposit my love in it. Let my love fill you with the best of emotions. Let my love caress you when you feel lonely. Let it cascade down your soul when you feel wanton. My beautiful flower, let me love you.

29. My darling, my sweet sweet love. My heart succeeds on beating for you and you alone. It’s secured in its love for you. Without consent, it lurches at the sound of your voice. It dances and squirms whenever your sedative, heartwarming laughter is heard. It jumps to your aid whenever you’re in need. I have given my self to you on a platter. I have given up myself for you and only you.

30. You have kept me bound at the mercy of your feelings for me. You have the key to my heart and you know it. I am forever indebted to it. I’m subscribed to your every need and every want. I am submitted to being your love slave. You have succeeded in owning my body and my soul. My love, my sweet, sweet love.

31. You are my only heart desire. At the sound of your name, I cry out from my need of you. I’m addicted to you. Your smell. Your body. Your half smiles. Your witty personality. I’m addicted to the entirety of you and nothing has ever felt so good.

32. I see you in my dreams every night and I welcome you. You are what I need. I have never doubted you being the only one for me. And I love you. I have promised to love you up until the day that I die. I want to be the shoulder you lean on. I want my lips to be the only ones you mold yours to. I want all of you, my baby.

33. Baby girl, Since I met you I have learned to not joke with jokes. Because it was through a joke I got to love you, and it’s deep from my heart. I love you, my Princess, and also from my heart.

34. Honey, I wouldn’t be the man I am now if I didn’t love you. And I am inspired every moment to love you more. Because when I feel that way, I feel nearer to you and I fall deeper in my heart. Much love, honey.

35. Hello, Sweetheart! I didn’t want to wait another day to let you know what you mean to me, and you surely merit all the thanks there is to offer. I love you from my heart and can’t live without you!

36. Baby! I saw the world in a new light from the day I first saw you and fell in love with you! You are part of me now. I am happy you are mine. I love you from my heart.

37. My love, when I met you I knew for a fact that I have found what I have been missing all along. Your love brought me to the knowledge of that. My life became complete when I loved you from my heart. Much love, honey.

38. Dearie, I want to be the man that holds your hand. I want to be the man that loves you right. I want to be the man who knows you well. I want to feel the love that flows from your heart. I love you so much.

39. Baby girl, the feelings you give me I can’t explain, but I love them. It’s like walking in a field filled with summer breeze. Loving you is perfect, missing you the hardest part of my life. I love you from my heart.

40. Darling, you are the girl every boy wants and could ever ask for. The love you give is unconditional and your heart is pure as gold. I love you from my heart.

41. Baby girl, you are the rainbow in my life; without you, life would be just black and white. You are the letters of my biography; without you, I can forget posterity. You are the beauty in these words, without you these letters make no sense. I love you.

42. My love, you are a pacesetter, the only trending thing I want around. And the only news I’d like to hear all day is the sound of your voice. I heart you.

43. Dearie, you transform everything your hand is laid on. You’ve literally made life worth living and fighting for, for me. You’ve made this life a river of happiness for me. And yes, you sieve boredom off me. I can’t wait for you to come and make my house a home. I love you more than you can imagine.

44. Love, beauty never knew more than the proceeds of your heart. Beauty becomes more in each passing moment spent with you. And if I were to suddenly go blind, the memory of your smiles would be enough light. I love you.

45. Hey, darling, every morning I want my heart to focus on you because, girl, there’s a lot of beauty in you that I’m yet to discover. I love you madly.

46. Girl, there will be hard days, there will be hot days, there will be sad days. But I don’t expect it to be all bliss. I’d still love you and follow you. Enjoy love.

47. My love, this letter is to the one whom my heart longs to flame her joy, to cuddle her soul and show the bone-crushing sea who’s boss. I love you!

48. Hey, love, tell my beloved that before her, I was ignorant of love so I never bothered to analyze my feelings. I didn’t have the strength to love but she came around and inspired me to love her from my heart. Girl, I love you more than these letters could ever say.

49. Girl, if God recruited you into his army, I’d be the first demon at heaven’s gate.
I would leave my master for yours and add to the population of heaven, all for love.

50. Baby girl, not having you in my life would most definitely kill me.
I want to grow old with you my love, so never leave me. I love you.

51. My love, I think of you daily, and my heart rings and rings because you are one of a kind. I love you so much, my baby; you know this. Please, take these words, in addition to the other things, as a token of my love for you. My heart beats for you all day long, baby.

52. You are everything I have ever wished for and more, my love. I want to share my whole existence with you. I dream of the life we would have, and I squeeze my pillow tight, hoping it comes through. I want to be with you forever, my dear. I want to be yours and yours alone. Please, let me love you just right.

53. Baby, this year is for us. It’s for us to show ourselves how much love can endure just for our sakes. I want to be lost and found in you. If I drown from being in our boat and I get washed up the shore, I want to wake up to loving you again, because loving you is all I live for…is all I ever want to do daily.

54. Dearest, taste me and see that I am real. Push me and see that I won’t fall from this pedestal of love on which I stand. I want my heart to consume your beauty daily so that it will live on and on, long enough so that I can live you how you should be loved, and then start all over again when all is said and done.

55. I love you, angel. I will never deny that fact, even if I am slayed for it. My heart sings for you nightly, and I am assured that you hear my blood drum to the melody of your breathing even from far away. Distance doesn’t matter, because I melt into the air of love and come to you wherever you are.

56. Breathe me in, baby. Feel, through the air, what you may want to doubt through my words. I am for real, and I am just as honest as your splendour is. Let me keep being you air, baby, just as you give me life, so we can both live on and on, loving and laughing all day long. Do not deny us this, my love.

57. This year did me good by bringing you into my life. You are a blessing, and I love you from now till eternity, and even on borrowed time. Your love is all that matters to me. You are life, baby—the entirety of my existence, and so it is death without your heart…without your soul. God bless the day you found me.

58. I wish the stars would herald our love, so we can be “Late Night News” in the heavens, trending by virtue of the joy, peace and happiness we share just by loving. Heaven looks at us and smiles because you are everything to me, and I love you with my whole heart and mind. I will never stop.

59. I don’t care what they say; I love you, and I will never stop. When nothing is working, I will gaze into your beautiful soul and receive strength. When all is well, I will smile into your electrifying eyes and thank the stars you are mine. In all ways, whatever the situation, you are glorious. What more—you are my love.

60. I will remember this year for a long time coming because it has changed my whole life. It made you mine, and mine forever. I will never take this year for granted because you’re worth more than all the gold found in all the mountains in the world. I will proclaim your love from the mountain tops, my darling.

61. I seek what to compare you with, and I find none. I seek what to use to express how I feel for you, and nothing matches up. Nothing can ever match up, because you are beyond words and feelings and anything I have ever experienced before. You are a gift to me, baby, and as I daily unwrap you, I marvel.

62. Smile to me and melt my heart, sweetheart. When your face beams at me, I see heaven and I never want to stop gazing. My heart will keep on looking at you because you hold it with you. My heart is yours, baby, and there can never be a restraining order. Nothing can restrain a love made in heaven just for us.

63. My mother loves you like you are the daughter that slipped out of her when she wasn’t looking. You’ve charmed her like you did to me. You do it without stress, baby because you were born perfect. Yes, there might be flaws, but you are perfect for me and all of mine. I love you with everything.

64. My heart aches when I think of all the years before this year you weren’t here on a high stool, occupying the position created by God for you. How on Earth did I survive those times without you? How on Earth was I alive without you, love? Because now that I have you, I see you are oxygen. You are my life.

65. I knew I would find love, but not like I did when you agreed to love me. Now, I walk on solid ground because I know you are secure in my heart. You give me confidence and the will to live. You make me forget the pains of the past and move on with hope for the future. You are my healing balm, love. I cherish you.

66. I love you with every bone, every fibre, and every drop of blood. You are one in a million, and nothing can ever take your place. I hold on to your love when the waters of life frighten me. With you by my side, I don’t need a million others. Many may laugh, but what I feel for you is real love. There’s none else.

67. Mother said I should be patient, for what was for me would come to me. She didn’t tell me, though, that it would come in so splendid a package, and so beautiful a bow. Having you, my gift, makes me want to recall every word she’s ever said and hold it dear to my heart. I love her more now because she helped me wait for my queen.

68. You are mine, baby…oh, what joy. I wake up each morning to melodious tunes in my soul because you have turned my life around. You have given me a cause to smile sheepishly all day till sheep start envying my peace. I won’t ever toy with your heart, because that would be stupid. One doesn’t toy with life

69. You come to me in my dreams daily and make them so beautiful that I don’t ever want to wake up. But then I wake up to the thought that I have the most precious woman on earth, and then it’s all bliss again. It’s been from one joy to the other ever since I met you, and I don’t ever want this to end. I love you.

70. Words may fail; even actions may become silent, but you know what I feel is everlasting and true. Do not listen to talkers and mockers, honey; they’ve got nothing on you. The stars come to take lessons from you on how to shine because you brighten up the whole world and not just my life. I love you.

71. I love you, baby, and it’s a fact. Nothing will come in between us ever because we were made for each other. God made your eyes just for me; He made my heart just for you. Our clay was special; it had a vital addition—love just for us. I will always love and respect you; it’s the only way to be thankful.

72. It’s not all rosy; sometimes I want to be mad, but it can’t last. My temper wanted at the thought of who you are to me. One can’t be sour with one’s heart. You are my heart, baby, and I cherish you. So when I’m down, I will clutch my chest, knowing you are in there. My love for you will swim us through oceans.

73. I know you are real. Love like this cannot be false, and so I don’t mind the jealousy and spites. They’ve got nothing on you, my lady, and I want to spend the rest of my life proving that to you and everyone. Our love will never go down like a descending escalator. I’ll love you forever and always.

74. I know you’ve been hurt in the past, but I’m here not to take it all away. Please, let me. Lean on me and let me carry stuff like I carry your heart. I was made to love and cherish you. We are together so a man like me can show you were designed with “love” in mind. I will never stop my ordained assignment.

75. Lover of my soul. I had to send this letter as soon as I thought of you. When my eyes are open, I see you; when they are closed, I feel you. You surround me in a good way, and I drink in your essence. I drink you, because I need you daily, in more beautiful ways. Let our love always be a testament of beautiful things.

76. Angel, I woke up this morning with the dying urge to tell you again that I love you. I don’t think I’ll ever stop. The love burns so deep in my heart that my chest gets hot sometimes. Loving you is my medicine; I want to keep on taking you so I’ll be ever healthy. You and me together is eternal bliss and joy unspeakable.

77. We fit perfectly like bread and butter. This is how I know that you are mine and mine for keeps. Your love adds glow to my skin; I feel like the greatest cosmetic ambassador of all times. I owe you my heart and life. Please, take it all, without reservation or fear of slacking. I am for real, darling.

78. When I see you, something comes alive in me and gives me fire for the rest of my day. You are an angel, and I don’t just mean that metaphorically. You are sent from heaven, and I will spend my whole life keeping you and your heart safe. You are more than rubies, my queen. You are for more than everything.

79. I used to long for something before you came. I didn’t quite know what it was, but it was always there all the same. It used to hold my neck and put on pressure. It was saddening and depressing. You changed it with your arrival. Now, I have nothing but joy in my heart. I love you, baby.

80. I can never devalue you because you appreciate before my eyes every day. I love you with everything. I can never deny it, even though your insecurities make you keep asking and asking. The answer will always be the same. I am yours and you are mine, and the air we breathe is called “love”. I love you, girl.

81. I love you. I can’t say it enough; so I will keep on ringing it out till your heart understands the entirety of what I feel for you. I know you love me too, and it’s the realization of this that keeps my head up all day…it’s the fact that an angel from heaven has my heart like I have hers.

82. Call me every day, baby, and let me hear your sweet voice. Stay with me through thick and thin and let me walk forever on white and pink clouds. My heart thumps when you call my name. And when you assure me that you will ever be mine, I forget whatever else and have a good dance.

83. The love I have for you can never go down. It is like the ocean, without boundaries or end. My love for your eyes make me stare at them till my knees wobble; my love for your voice makes me call you up every morning. You give me grace for each day, babe. I owe my life to you forever and always.

84. I have been showered with love from the wells of your heart; now, my whole being is changed. My whole life used to be on a standstill. I cried most days and nights. I needed something…someone…. you came, and you became everything at once. So I will never stop declaring my love for you. I love you, bae.

85. I used to be so lonely. There was a hole, but no one was there to fill it. I walked around with a bag over my head and a sad hand over my heart. I didn’t think it was love when we first met. I mean, was love that lucky? But it’s been a while now, and love keeps proving itself to be what I have for you.

86. My future wife and mother of our kids, I hurried from a dream-laced sleep to let you know how much I love you. My love will never expire; so there’s no need to check the side of the container for side chicks. No other girl is your match. They can’t even come close; the fire of love that burns in me will scorch them all.

87. Thank you for coming into my life and turning my universe around. Now I see clearly. I see you and the plans you have for my heart. I see my heart beating in a way it hasn’t all my life. Life is sweeter and happier all because you love me. In return, I promise you all my love. It is yours.

88. Your love is sweeter than having money and face and peace; it’s the combination of it all—the full package, and I cherish what we share so much. From the depths of my marrow, I love you. I love you more than you love anything you’ve ever loved (this is just so I love you the way you would be loved).

89. I want to be the jewellery on your neck, so I can be close to you all day. I want to be your perfume, so I can mix with your body’s scent and become one with you. I want to be your clothes so I can drink in your smell all day. Above all, I want to be your heart so I can whisper words of love to you daily.

90. Everything about you sends shivers to my soul. My soul would be old and wrinkled without you. Your words and smile oil me daily, and so I never get tired or hopeless. I love you with all that I have, even though it wouldn’t be much without you. You and I together is a balanced equation forever.

91. I can’t wait to make you my wife; to wake up to your scent and presence every day. Before you wake up, I will drink in your face, till I know ever acne, every inch of skin, and every pore. I will watch you slowly till you awake, and then I will tell you these words: “I love you!”

92. I love you, dearie. I realize this more and more as I keep falling deeper and deeper in love with you. You are the fire in my bones. This is not just a storybook; it is a documentary of what I feel for you. I can’t settle for anyone else than you. Our love will always be the best novel on earth.

93. Lover of my soul, I will live my every breath cherishing you, because you are a rare gift. I love you forever, my baby. The children might even get tired of our confessions to each other, but we still won’t stop. Nothing will quench our love for each other. It will grow old and run deep like Hughes’ Ancient Rivers.

94. I feel like running away with you sometimes, so it will be just both of us together, staring into each other’s eyes and making every second count. I wish it is just your face alone I can see all day. No…I am not a selfish baby, my love, I am just a man whose heart has been stolen by you.

95. I will tell our kids about how we met and you worked a miracle on me; about how you changed everything; and, about how it would be you all over again. I imagine their wide eyes as they take in my sincere words and wish to have a love like ours when they are old enough. I will tell them to help me tell you of my love daily.

96. I love you, baby. I want to comb your hair and cream you and clothe you and just pamper you all the days of your life. I want to sit and watch you do all the things you do with all the grace you use in doing them. I love you enough to be more than “your man ‘Friday’”. Kisses…

97. You are the best song I ever sang, and the best Melody I ever heard. You are smooth and blessed like a delicious symphony that sounds like food getting ready on a hungry Sunday afternoon. You remind me of things pleasant and sweet. But you still surpass them all. I love you, my dearest

98. I can be a stupid baby sometimes, but you are always patient and sweet and kind. That touches my soul more than any punishment I ever got. I love you, my life. I can’t imagine what I would be without you listening and guiding all the way. It will never be sour between us, love.

99. You are the sweet voice in my heart, ever helping me to be better, to be stronger, and to be happier. I found joy unspeakable from loving you, and so I can never stop. Everything may crumble, but my heart will stand firm in this one thing I know: “I love you!”

100. The best human I know, what more can I say or do? I think I have talked too much and shown too much, but I still can’t stop. My heart wouldn’t let me be silent about what it feels and knows. I love you, and that’s no slip of tongue. I can’t wait for it to be me and you on a bedsheet every day. Till then, my love for you is our glue. Kisses…

There you have it. Our list. Trending Love Letters for Her from the Heart. So you’re going to share it with your friends so they could rock too, right?

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